예제 #1
            protected override async Task <HttpResponseMessage> SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage requestMessage,
                                                                          CancellationToken cancellationToken)
                HttpResponseMessage response = null;
                int backOffInSec             = 1;
                int totalRetryTime           = 0;
                int maxDefaultBackoff        = 16;

                ServicePoint p = ServicePointManager.FindServicePoint(requestMessage.RequestUri);

                p.Expect100Continue = false; // Saves about 100 ms per request
                p.UseNagleAlgorithm = false; // Saves about 200 ms per request
                p.ConnectionLimit   = 20;    // Default value is 2, we need more connections for performing multiple parallel queries

                TimeSpan httpTimeout = (TimeSpan)requestMessage.Properties[SFRestRequest.HTTP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_KEY];
                TimeSpan restTimeout = (TimeSpan)requestMessage.Properties[SFRestRequest.REST_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_KEY];

                if (logger.IsDebugEnabled())
                    logger.Debug("Http request timeout : " + httpTimeout);
                    logger.Debug("Rest request timeout : " + restTimeout);

                CancellationTokenSource childCts = null;

                UriUpdater updater = new UriUpdater(requestMessage.RequestUri);

                while (true)
                        childCts = null;

                        if (!httpTimeout.Equals(Timeout.InfiniteTimeSpan))
                            childCts = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(cancellationToken);

                        response = await base.SendAsync(requestMessage, childCts == null?
                                                        cancellationToken : childCts.Token).ConfigureAwait(false);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                            logger.Debug("SF rest request timeout or explicit cancel called.");
                        else if (childCts != null && childCts.Token.IsCancellationRequested)
                            logger.Warn("Http request timeout. Retry the request");
                            totalRetryTime += (int)httpTimeout.TotalSeconds;
                            //TODO: Should probably check to see if the error is recoverable or transient.
                            logger.Warn("Error occurred during request, retrying...", e);

                    if (response != null)
                        if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                            logger.Debug($"Failed Response: {response.ToString()}");
                            bool isRetryable = isRetryableHTTPCode((int)response.StatusCode);
                            if (!isRetryable)
                                // No need to keep retrying, stop here
                        logger.Info("Response returned was null.");

                    requestMessage.RequestUri = updater.Update();

                    logger.Debug($"Sleep {backOffInSec} seconds and then retry the request");
                    Thread.Sleep(backOffInSec * 1000);
                    totalRetryTime += backOffInSec;
                    backOffInSec    = backOffInSec >= maxDefaultBackoff ?
                                      maxDefaultBackoff : backOffInSec * 2;

                    if (totalRetryTime + backOffInSec > restTimeout.TotalSeconds)
                        // No need to wait more than necessary if it can be avoided.
                        // If the rest timeout will be reached before the next back-off,
                        // use a smaller one to give the Rest request a chance to timeout early
                        backOffInSec = Math.Max(1, (int)restTimeout.TotalSeconds - totalRetryTime - 1);
예제 #2
            protected override async Task <HttpResponseMessage> SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage requestMessage,
                                                                          CancellationToken cancellationToken)
                HttpResponseMessage response = null;
                int backOffInSec             = 1;

                TimeSpan httpTimeout = (TimeSpan)requestMessage.Properties["TIMEOUT_PER_HTTP_REQUEST"];

                CancellationTokenSource childCts = null;

                UriUpdater updater = new UriUpdater(requestMessage.RequestUri);

                while (true)
                        childCts = null;

                        if (!httpTimeout.Equals(Timeout.InfiniteTimeSpan))
                            childCts = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(cancellationToken);

                        response = await base.SendAsync(requestMessage, childCts == null?
                                                        cancellationToken : childCts.Token).ConfigureAwait(false);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                            logger.Debug("SF rest request timeout.");
                        else if (childCts != null && childCts.Token.IsCancellationRequested)
                            logger.Warn("Http request timeout. Retry the request");
                            //TODO: Should probably check to see if the error is recoverable or transient.
                            logger.Warn("Error occurred during request, retrying...", e);

                    if (response != null)
                        if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                        logger.Debug($"Failed Response: {response.ToString()}");
                        logger.Info("Response returned was null.");

                    requestMessage.RequestUri = updater.Update();

                    logger.Debug($"Sleep {backOffInSec} seconds and then retry the request");
                    Thread.Sleep(backOffInSec * 1000);
                    backOffInSec = backOffInSec >= 16 ? 16 : backOffInSec * 2;