public ActionResult UploadLargeImage(FormCollection form) { try { HttpPostedFileBase file = Request.Files["file"]; string tempPath = functionHelper.GetFromConfig("TempFolder"); if (file != null && file.ContentLength > 0) { UploadView _uploadView = functionHelper.UploadFile(file, tempPath, functionHelper.GetFromConfig("CarLargeImagePrefix")); if (_uploadView.Success) { dataHelper.Car_LargeImage = _uploadView.UploadedFilePath; TempData["CarMessage"] = "Large Image Uploaded Successfully"; } else { dataHelper.Car_LargeImage = null; TempData["CarMessage"] = String.Concat("Error occured: ", _uploadView.ErrorMessage); } } } catch (Exception ex) { functionHelper.InsertErrorLog(ex, "UploadLargeImage", "CarManagement"); TempData["CarMessage"] = String.Concat("Error occured: ", ex.Message); } return(RedirectToAction("NewCar", "CarManagement")); }
public String UploadCarImages(FormCollection form) { string uploadedImages = ""; try { for (int i = 0; i < Request.Files.Count; i++) { HttpPostedFileBase file = Request.Files[i]; string tempPath = functionHelper.GetFromConfig("TempFolder"); if (file != null && file.ContentLength > 0) { UploadView _uploadView = functionHelper.UploadFile(file, tempPath); if (_uploadView.Success) { uploadedImages += String.Concat(_uploadView.UploadedFilePath, "|"); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { functionHelper.InsertErrorLog(ex, "UploadCarImages", "CarManagement"); } return(uploadedImages); }
public static ContentView AsView(this PageType type) { ContentView view = null; switch (type) { case PageType.Analysis: view = new AnalysisView(); break; case PageType.Favorites: view = new FavoritesView(); break; case PageType.Gallery: view = new GalleryView(); break; case PageType.Home: view = new UploadView(); break; case PageType.Search: view = new SearchResultsView(); break; case PageType.Timeline: view = new TimelineView(); break; } return(view); }
/// <summary> /// Command method /// </summary> public void Execute() { Validation = string.Empty; //Check Internet Availability if (System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface.GetIsNetworkAvailable() == true) { bool approved = _model.Authenticate(this.Username, this.Password); if (approved == true) { UploadView _view = new UploadView(); _view.ShowDialog(); var mainWindow = (Application.Current.MainWindow as LoginView); if (mainWindow != null) { mainWindow.Close(); } } else { Validation = "Invalid Username Password !!"; } } else { Validation = "Check Your Internet Connection !!"; } }
public ActionResult Forward(int id, UploadView coreFileUpload, FormCollection Form) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { helper.ForwardDocument(id, coreFileUpload, Form); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(coreFileUpload)); }
public FileResult DownLoad(int id) { UploadView file = helper.FindById(id); string fileName = file.FileNames; string fileType = file.CoreFileTypeId.ToString(); byte[] contents = file.FileContent; return(File(contents, System.Net.Mime.MediaTypeNames.Application.Octet, fileName)); }
public void ArchiveDocument(UploadView upload) { using (JazMax.DataAccess.JazMaxDBProdContext db = new JazMax.DataAccess.JazMaxDBProdContext()) { DataAccess.CoreFileUpload UploadDocument = new DataAccess.CoreFileUpload(); UploadDocument = db.CoreFileUploads.FirstOrDefault(x => x.FileUploadId == upload.FileUploadId); UploadDocument.IsActive = false; db.SaveChanges(); } }
public void RecievedDocuments(UploadView upload) { using (JazMax.DataAccess.JazMaxDBProdContext db = new JazMax.DataAccess.JazMaxDBProdContext()) { DataAccess.CoreFileUpload UploadDocument = new DataAccess.CoreFileUpload(); UploadDocument = db.CoreFileUploads.FirstOrDefault(x => x.FileUploadId == upload.FileUploadId); UploadDocument.IsRecieved = true; db.SaveChanges(); } }
public TabHost() { Explorar = new ExplorarView(); Upload = new UploadView(this); Perfil = new PerfilView(); Children.Add(Explorar); Children.Add(Upload); Children.Add(Perfil); }
public ActionResult CreateForUser(UploadView coreFileUpload) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { helper.UploadToUser(coreFileUpload); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(coreFileUpload)); }
private void OnUploadCommand() { try { UploadView view = container.Resolve <UploadView>(); ChangeContent(view); } catch (Exception ex) { Utility.DisplayMessage(ex.Message); } }
public int Upload(UploadView coreFileUpload) { using (DataAccess.JazMaxDBProdContext db = new DataAccess.JazMaxDBProdContext()) { var context = HttpContext.Current; for (int i = 0; i < context.Request.Files.Count; i++) { var file = context.Request.Files[i]; #region Content Length if (file != null && file.ContentLength > 0) { #region CoreFIleUpload DataAccess.CoreFileUpload fileUpload = new DataAccess.CoreFileUpload() { FileUploadId = coreFileUpload.FileUploadId, FileNames = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(file.FileName), CoreUserId = JazMaxIdentityHelper.GetCoreUserId(), CoreUserTypeId = JazMaxIdentityHelper.GetCoreUserId(), DateCreated = DateTime.Now, DeletedBy = "None", DeletedDate = DateTime.Now, BranchId = (int)JazMaxIdentityHelper.GetUserInformationNew().BranchId, ProvinceId = (int)JazMaxIdentityHelper.GetUserInformationNew().ProvinceId, CoreFileTypeId = coreFileUpload.CoreFileTypeId, FileDescription = coreFileUpload.FileDescription, CoreFileCategoryId = coreFileUpload.CoreFileCategoryId, LastUpdated = DateTime.Now, IsActive = true, IsSent = true, IsRecieved = true, FileContent = coreFileUpload.FileContent, SentFrom = JazMaxIdentityHelper.UserName, SentTo = "Document Directory" }; #endregion #region Binary Reader using (var reader = new System.IO.BinaryReader(file.InputStream)) { fileUpload.FileContent = reader.ReadBytes(file.ContentLength); } #endregion db.CoreFileUploads.Add(fileUpload); } #endregion db.SaveChanges(); } return(coreFileUpload.FileUploadId); } }
// Insert Comment public void submitComment(string _documentid, string _comment, string _studentid) { if (_documentid != string.Empty && _comment != string.Empty) { UserDetails _user = (UserDetails)HttpContext.Current.Session["User"]; model.insertComment(_documentid, _user.UserID, _comment); UserDetails _student = model.selectUserDetailsById(_studentid);, "You have received feedback from your tutor (" + _user.UserID + ").\n Please Log into the eTutor system to view it.\n- eTutor System", "eTutor:- You have received feedback!"); UploadView.resetUploadView(); displayUploads(); } else { UploadView.error = "Please ensure you have entered a comment before submitting"; } }
public int ForwardDocument(int id, UploadView coreFileUpload, FormCollection Form) { using (DataAccess.JazMaxDBProdContext db = new DataAccess.JazMaxDBProdContext()) { string[] ids = Form["SentTo"].Split(new char[] { ',' }); //Find Document Id That i Want to forward var FindContent = FindById(id); //get All contents of that particular file //Move Document to User Email Thats been Selected #region Database Upload object foreach (var item in ids) { DataAccess.CoreFileUpload upload = new DataAccess.CoreFileUpload() { FileUploadId = FindContent.FileUploadId, FileNames = FindContent.FileNames, CoreUserId = JazMaxIdentityHelper.GetCoreUserId(), CoreUserTypeId = FindContent.CoreUserTypeId, DateCreated = DateTime.Now, DeletedBy = "None", DeletedDate = DateTime.Now, BranchId = (int)JazMaxIdentityHelper.GetUserInformationNew().BranchId, ProvinceId = (int)JazMaxIdentityHelper.GetUserInformationNew().ProvinceId, CoreFileTypeId = FindContent.CoreFileTypeId, FileDescription = coreFileUpload.FileDescription, CoreFileCategoryId = FindContent.CoreFileCategoryId, LastUpdated = DateTime.Now, IsActive = true, IsSent = true, IsRecieved = false, FileContent = FindContent.FileContent, SentFrom = JazMaxIdentityHelper.UserName, SentTo = item.ToString() }; #endregion //SaveChanges To Database db.CoreFileUploads.Add(upload); db.SaveChanges(); } return(FindContent.FileUploadId); } }
// Display student uploads public void displayUploads() { UserDetails _user = (UserDetails)HttpContext.Current.Session["User"]; List <UserDocument> _uploadsList = new List <UserDocument>(); if (_user.UserType == 1) { _uploadsList = model.selectUploadFiles(_user.UserID); } else if (_user.UserType == 2) { string _studentID = UploadView.studentID; _uploadsList = model.selectUploadFiles(_studentID); } Hashtable _formattedMessageData = new Hashtable(); int _counter = 1; if (_uploadsList.Count > 0) { string _sender = string.Empty; string[] _headers = { "Date", "Time", "File", "Comment" }; _formattedMessageData.Add(0, _headers); foreach (UserDocument _doc in _uploadsList) { string[] _fileUploadSegments = _doc.UploadPath.Split('/'); string _file = _fileUploadSegments[4]; DocumentComment _comment = model.selectComment(_doc.DocumentID.ToString()); string _commentStr = (_comment == null) ? "n/a" : _comment.DocumentComments; string[] _tempArray = { _doc.DocumentID.ToString(), _doc.Date.ToShortDateString(), _doc.Time.ToShortTimeString(), _file, _commentStr }; _formattedMessageData.Add(_counter, _tempArray); _counter++; } UploadView.setUploadTable(_formattedMessageData); } else { UploadView.noMessages = "No Upload History Found."; } }
public void UploadView() { try { UploadView upload = new UploadView(); } catch { } }
public ActionResult Recover(UploadView upload) { helper.RecoverDocument(upload); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public ActionResult Archive(UploadView upload) { helper.ArchiveDocument(upload); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public ActionResult MarkAsRead(UploadView upload) { helper.RecievedDocuments(upload); return(RedirectToAction("IncomingDocuments")); }
// Process Upload public void processUpload() { FileUpload _fileUpload = UploadView.fileUpload; if (_fileUpload.HasFile) { try { if (_fileUpload.PostedFile.ContentType == "application/pdf" || _fileUpload.PostedFile.ContentType == "application/doc" || _fileUpload.PostedFile.ContentType == "application/docx" || _fileUpload.PostedFile.ContentType == "application/vnd.msword" || _fileUpload.PostedFile.ContentType == "application/" || _fileUpload.PostedFile.ContentType == "application/winword" || _fileUpload.PostedFile.ContentType == "application/word" || _fileUpload.PostedFile.ContentType == "application/msword" || _fileUpload.PostedFile.ContentType == "application/x-msw6" || _fileUpload.PostedFile.ContentType == "application/x-msword" || _fileUpload.PostedFile.ContentType == "application/pdf" || _fileUpload.PostedFile.ContentType == "application/x-pdf" || _fileUpload.PostedFile.ContentType == "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document" || _fileUpload.PostedFile.ContentType == "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template") { if (_fileUpload.PostedFile.ContentLength < 2.097e+7) { UploadView.error = string.Empty; UserDetails _user = (UserDetails)HttpContext.Current.Session["User"]; UserDetails _tutor = model.selectUserDetailsById(_user.SupervisorID); string _filename = Path.GetFileName(_fileUpload.FileName); string _appDomain = HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPath.Replace("\\", "/"); string _userUploadFolder = _appDomain + "Storage/Files/" + _user.UserID; if (!Directory.Exists(_userUploadFolder)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(_userUploadFolder); } List <string> _fileNamesRecursive = general_functions.Instance.generateFileNameRecursively(_filename, _userUploadFolder, 1, new List <string>()); string _path = "Storage/Files/" + _user.UserID + "/" + _fileNamesRecursive[(_fileNamesRecursive.Count - 1)]; string _date = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyy-MM-dd"); string _time = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss"); byte[] data = _fileUpload.FileBytes; using (WebClient client = new WebClient()) { client.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("lj048", "Garentee12"); // Jon, place your account password here model.insertUploadFileDetails(_user.UserID, _date, _time, ("~/" + _path)); client.UploadData(@"" + _path, data); // Jon, i think your ftp path might be: but double check before you use it, "Your tutee (" + _user.UserID + ") has uploaded a file.\n Please Log into the eTutor system to view it.\n- eTutor System", "eTutor:- One of your tutees has uploaded a file!"); UploadView.resetUploadView(); displayUploads(); } } else { UploadView.error = "Upload status: The file has to be less than 20MB!"; } } else { UploadView.error = "Upload status: Only PDF, DOCX & DOC files are accepted!"; } } catch (Exception ex) { UploadView.error = "Upload status: The file could not be uploaded. The following error occured:\n" + ex.Message; } } }