private void BindData() { FNA_ClientPaymentInfo m = new FNA_ClientPaymentInfoBLL((int)ViewState["ID"]).Model; UploadFile1.RelateID = (int)ViewState["ID"]; UploadFile1.BindGrid(); UC_DetailView1.BindData(m); if (m.ApproveFlag == 1) { UC_DetailView1.SetControlsEnable(false); bt_Save.Visible = false; bt_Approve.Visible = false; UploadFile1.CanDelete = false; } else { btn_CanclePass.Visible = false; } DropDownList ddl_PayType = UC_DetailView1.FindControl("FNA_ClientPaymentInfo_PayType") == null ? null : (DropDownList)UC_DetailView1.FindControl("FNA_ClientPaymentInfo_PayType"); if (ddl_PayType != null) { ddl_PayType_SelectedIndexChanged(ddl_PayType, null); } }
private void BindGrid() { UploadFile1.RelateID = int.Parse(select_Client.SelectValue); UploadFile1.BeginTime = DateTime.Parse(this.tbx_begin.Text); UploadFile1.EndTime = DateTime.Parse(this.tbx_end.Text).AddDays(1); string extcondition = ""; if (tbx_FindName.Text != "") { extcondition = " Name like '%" + tbx_FindName.Text + "%' "; } if (cb_OnlyPic.Checked) { if (extcondition != "") { extcondition += " AND "; } extcondition += "lower(ExtName) in ('bmp','jpg','gif','png')"; } UploadFile1.ExtCondition = extcondition; UploadFile1.BindGrid(); }
private void BindData() { JN_Journal m = new JN_JournalBLL((int)ViewState["ID"]).Model; pl_detail.BindData(m); if (m.InsertStaff != (int)Session["UserID"] || m.ApproveFlag == 1 || (DateTime.Today - m.InsertTime.Date).Days > 7) { pl_detail.SetControlsEnable(false); UploadFile1.CanDelete = false; UploadFile1.CanUpload = false; bt_OK.Visible = false; bt_Delete.Visible = false; } if ((DateTime.Today - m.InsertTime.Date).Days > 0) { bt_Delete.Visible = false; //只能删除当日的日志 } #region 展示附件 UploadFile1.RelateID = (int)ViewState["ID"]; UploadFile1.RelateType = 90; UploadFile1.BindGrid(); #endregion lb_CommentCounts.Text = JN_JournalCommentBLL.GetModelList("JournalID=" + ViewState["ID"].ToString()).Count.ToString(); }
public void BindData() { KB_ArticleBLL bll = new KB_ArticleBLL((int)ViewState["ID"]); UploadFile1.BindGrid(); lt_article_comment.Text = bll.Model.Content.Replace("\r", "<br/>"); lb_Title.Text = bll.Model.Title; lb_Author.Text = bll.Model.Author; lb_Keyword.Text = bll.Model.KeyWord; lb_ReadCounts.Text = bll.Model.ReadCount.ToString(); panel1.BindData(bll.Model); bt_Edit.Visible = (bll.Model.UploadStaff == (int)Session["UserID"]); if (new KB_CatalogBLL(bll.Model.Catalog).Model.CommentFlag == "N") { tb_Comment.Visible = false; } else { ud_grid_comment.ConditionString = " KB_Comment.IsDelete = 'N' and KB_Comment.Article=" + ViewState["ID"].ToString(); ud_grid_comment.BindGrid(); } }
private void BindGrid() { if (ViewState["ID"] != null) { UploadFile1.RelateID = (int)ViewState["ID"]; UploadFile1.BindGrid(); UploadFile1.Visible = true; } }
/// <summary> /// 载入已有的工作项 /// </summary> private void BindData() { cb_DisplayCheckedOnly.Checked = true; JN_WorkingPlanBLL bll = new JN_WorkingPlanBLL((int)ViewState["ID"]); tr_OrganizeCity.SelectValue = bll.Model.OrganizeCity.ToString(); tbx_begindate.Text = bll.Model.BeginDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); tbx_enddate.Text = bll.Model.EndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); select_PlanStaff.SelectValue = bll.Model.Staff.ToString(); select_PlanStaff.SelectText = new Org_StaffBLL(bll.Model.Staff).Model.RealName; pl_detail.BindData(bll.Model); InitGridView(bll.Model.BeginDate, bll.Model.EndDate); ViewState["WorkingPlanData"] = LoadWorkingPlanDetail((int)ViewState["ID"]); ViewState["BeginDate"] = bll.Model.BeginDate; ViewState["EndDate"] = bll.Model.EndDate; BindGrid(); tbx_begindate.Enabled = false; tbx_enddate.Enabled = false; select_PlanStaff.Enabled = false; tr_OrganizeCity.Enabled = false; cbx_GenarateSynergetic.Visible = false; bt_Create.Visible = false; tbx_Begin.Text = tbx_begindate.Text; tbx_End.Text = tbx_begindate.Text; if (bll.Model.BeginDate < DateTime.Today) { bt_Delete.Visible = false; } if (bll.Model.State == 2 || bll.Model.State == 3 || bll.Model.ApproveFlag == 1 || bll.Model.InsertStaff != (int)Session["UserID"]) { //提交待审批、已审批 tr_adddetail.Visible = false; pl_detail.SetControlsEnable(false); bt_Save.Visible = false; bt_Delete.Visible = false; bt_Submit.Visible = false; UploadFile1.CanUpload = false; UploadFile1.CanDelete = false; gv_List.Columns[0].Visible = false; gv_List.SetControlsEnable(false); } UploadFile1.RelateID = (int)ViewState["ID"]; UploadFile1.BindGrid(); }
public void BindData() { KB_ArticleBLL bll = new KB_ArticleBLL((int)ViewState["ID"]); panel1.BindData(bll.Model); this.txt_approve_idea.Text = bll.Model.ApproveStaffIdeas; btn_ok.Text = "修改"; ckedit_content.Text = bll.Model.Content.Replace("\r", "<br/>"); if (bll.Model.HasApproved == "Y") { //btn_ok.Visible = false; tr_Approve.Visible = false; } UploadFile1.BindGrid(); }
private void BindGrid() { UploadFile1.RelateID = int.Parse(select_Client.SelectValue); UploadFile1.BeginTime = DateTime.Parse(this.tbx_begin.Text); UploadFile1.EndTime = DateTime.Parse(this.tbx_end.Text).AddDays(1); CM_ClientBLL client = new CM_ClientBLL(UploadFile1.RelateID); if (client.Model.ClientType == 2 && client.Model["ContractProve"] != null) { string Atmts = ""; foreach (string _c in client.Model["ContractProve"].Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)) { Atmts += DictionaryBLL.GetDicCollections("CM-ContractProve")[_c].Name + ","; } if (Atmts != "") { lbl_message.Text = "该经销商必须上传以下附件," + Atmts + "并在【名称】中填相应附件名"; } } string extcondition = ""; if (tbx_FindName.Text != "") { extcondition = " Name like '%" + tbx_FindName.Text + "%' "; } if (cb_OnlyPic.Checked) { if (extcondition != "") { extcondition += " AND "; } extcondition += "lower(ExtName) in ('bmp','jpg','gif','png')"; } UploadFile1.ExtCondition = extcondition; UploadFile1.BindGrid(); }
private void BindGrid() { int approveflag; string CanComment; #region 显示公告主题内容 PN_NoticeBLL noticebll = new PN_NoticeBLL(Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["ID"])); lbl_Topic.Text = noticebll.Model.Topic.ToString(); lbl_content.Text = noticebll.Model.Content.ToString(); PN_HasReadStaffBLL hasReadStaffbll = new PN_HasReadStaffBLL(); PN_CommentBLL commentbll = new PN_CommentBLL(); lab_hasRead.Text = hasReadStaffbll.GetReadCountByNotice(Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["ID"])).ToString(); lab_comment.Text = commentbll.GetCommentCountByNotice(Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["ID"])).ToString(); insertstaff = int.Parse(noticebll.Model.InsertStaff.ToString()); lbl_InsertStaffName.Text = new Org_StaffBLL(insertstaff).Model.RealName; lbl_InsertTime.Text = noticebll.Model.InsertTime.ToString(); approveflag = noticebll.Model.ApproveFlag; //是否可以添加评论 CanComment = noticebll.Model.CanComment; //审核标志 ViewState["Catalog"] = noticebll.Model["Catalog"]; #endregion #region 展示附件 UploadFile1.RelateID = Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["ID"]); UploadFile1.BindGrid(); #endregion #region 初始化时折叠评论内容和评论板 //UpdatePanel1.Visible = false; #endregion #region 判断此公告是否可以评论 if (CanComment == "N") { btn_LookComment.Visible = false; } #endregion }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { btnCancel.Attributes.Add("onclick", "javascript:if(confirm('确定要删除吗?')){}else{return false;}"); ViewState["ID"] = Request.QueryString["ID"] == null ? 0 : int.Parse(Request.QueryString["ID"]); ViewState["Enable"] = false; select_promotor.PageUrl = "Search_SelectPromotor.aspx?ExtCondition=PM_Promotor.ID IN (SELECT Promotor FROM MCS_Promotor.dbo.PM_SalaryDetail WHERE SalaryID=" + ViewState["ID"] + ")"; if ((int)ViewState["ID"] > 0) { BindData(); UploadFile1.RelateID = (int)ViewState["ID"]; UploadFile1.BindGrid(); } else { Response.Redirect("PM_SalaryList.aspx"); } } enableflag = (bool)ViewState["Enable"]; }
private void BindData() { JN_Journal m = new JN_JournalBLL((int)ViewState["ID"]).Model; Org_StaffBLL staff = new Org_StaffBLL(m.Staff, true); select_Staff.SelectValue = m.Staff.ToString(); select_Staff.SelectText = staff.Model.RealName; select_Staff.Enabled = false; Org_PositionBLL position = new Org_PositionBLL(staff.Model.Position); lbl_Position.Text = position.Model.Name; ddl_JournalType.SelectedValue = m.JournalType.ToString(); ddl_JournalType_SelectedIndexChanged(null, null); ddl_JournalType.Enabled = false; tbx_begindate.Text = m.BeginTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); tbx_enddate.Text = m.EndTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); try { ddl_BeginHour.SelectedValue = m.BeginTime.Hour.ToString("d2"); ddl_BeginMinute.SelectedValue = m.BeginTime.Minute.ToString("d2"); ddl_EndHour.SelectedValue = m.EndTime.Hour.ToString("d2"); ddl_EndMinute.SelectedValue = m.EndTime.Minute.ToString("d2"); } catch { } ddl_WorkingClassify.SelectedValue = m.WorkingClassify.ToString(); ddl_WorkingClassify_SelectedIndexChanged(null, null); ddl_WorkingClassify.Enabled = false; pl_detail.BindData(m); rbl_HasSynergeticStaff_SelectedIndexChanged(null, null); select_RelateClient_SelectChange(null, null); if (ddl_RelateLinkMan.Items.FindByValue(m.RelateLinkMan.ToString()) != null) { ddl_RelateLinkMan.SelectedValue = m.RelateLinkMan.ToString(); } if (m.WorkingClassify == 1 && m.RelateLinkMan > 0) { //客户拜访 bt_AddNewClient.OnClientClick = "javascript:OpenClientInput(" + m.ID.ToString() + "," + m.RelateLinkMan + ",0)"; bt_AddNewClient.Enabled = true; } else if (m.WorkingClassify == 3 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(m["RelateActivity"])) { //活动举办 bt_AddNewClient.OnClientClick = "javascript:OpenClientInput(" + m.ID.ToString() + ",0," + m["RelateActivity"] + ")"; bt_AddNewClient.Enabled = true; } else { bt_AddNewClient.Enabled = false; } #region 显示日志填报时的IP地址 TextBox tbx_IPAddress = (TextBox)pl_detail.FindControl("JN_Journal_IPAddress"); if (m["IPAddress"] != "" && m["IPLocation"] == "") { TextBox tbx_IPLocation = (TextBox)pl_detail.FindControl("JN_Journal_IPLocation"); userAddress = Const_IPLocationBLL.FindByIP(Request.UserHostAddress); if (tbx_IPLocation != null) { tbx_IPLocation.Text = userAddress != null ? userAddress.Location : ""; } } #endregion Label lbl_InsertStaff = (Label)pl_detail.FindControl("JN_Journal_InsertStaff"); if (lbl_InsertStaff != null) { Org_StaffBLL _staff = new Org_StaffBLL(m.InsertStaff, true); Org_PositionBLL _position = new Org_PositionBLL(_staff.Model.Position); lbl_InsertStaff.Text = lbl_InsertStaff.Text + "(职位:" + _position.Model.Name + ")"; } if (m.InsertStaff != (int)Session["UserID"] || m.ApproveFlag == 1 || (DateTime.Today - m.InsertTime.Date).Days > 7) { ddl_JournalType.Enabled = false; tbx_begindate.Enabled = false; ddl_WorkingClassify.Enabled = false; ddl_BeginHour.Enabled = false; ddl_BeginMinute.Enabled = false; ddl_EndHour.Enabled = false; ddl_EndMinute.Enabled = false; pl_detail.SetControlsEnable(false); TextBox tbx_remark = pl_detail.FindControl("JN_Journal_Remark") != null ? (TextBox)pl_detail.FindControl("JN_Journal_Remark") : null; if (tbx_remark != null) { tbx_remark.Enabled = true; tbx_remark.ReadOnly = true; } UploadFile1.CanDelete = false; UploadFile1.CanUpload = false; bt_OK.Visible = false; bt_Delete.Visible = false; } if ((DateTime.Today - m.InsertTime.Date).Days > 0) { bt_Delete.Visible = false; //只能删除当日填写的日志 } #region 展示附件 UploadFile1.RelateID = (int)ViewState["ID"]; UploadFile1.RelateType = 90; UploadFile1.BindGrid(); #endregion int commentcounts = JN_JournalCommentBLL.GetModelList("JournalID=" + ViewState["ID"].ToString()).Count; lb_CommentCounts.Text = commentcounts.ToString(); if (commentcounts > 0) { table_comment.Visible = true; BindGridList(); btn_LookComment.Visible = false; } }
private void BindData() { Org_StaffBLL bll = new Org_StaffBLL((int)ViewState["ID"]); panel1.BindData(bll.Model); Header.Attributes["WebPageSubCode"] = "Modify"; gv_List.DataSource = bll.GetUserList(); gv_List.DataBind(); UploadFile1.RelateID = (int)ViewState["ID"]; UploadFile1.BindGrid(); Org_Staff m = bll.Model; if (m.ApproveFlag == 1) { if (m.Dimission == 1) { bt_AddApply.Visible = false; } bt_Approve.Visible = false; TextBox tbx_BeginWorkTime = (TextBox)panel1.FindControl("Org_Staff_BeginWorkTime"); // if (tbx_BeginWorkTime != null) tbx_BeginWorkTime.Enabled = false;//03-17暂停使用,便于维护资料 if (m.Dimission == 2) { TextBox tbx_EndWorkTime = (TextBox)panel1.FindControl("Org_Staff_EndWorkTime"); if (tbx_EndWorkTime != null) { tbx_EndWorkTime.Enabled = false; } } } if (m["State"] == "2") { //审批中 bt_AddApply.Visible = false; bt_OK.Visible = false; bt_CreateUser.Visible = false; bt_TaskDetail.Visible = true; bt_RevocationApply.Visible = false; } if (bll.Model.OrganizeCity > 1) { #region 绑定兼管片区 IList <Addr_OrganizeCity> staffincity = bll.StaffInOrganizeCity_GetOrganizeCitys(); Addr_OrganizeCity currentcity = new Addr_OrganizeCityBLL(bll.Model.OrganizeCity).Model; if (currentcity != null) { Addr_OrganizeCity parent = new Addr_OrganizeCityBLL(currentcity.SuperID).Model; if (parent != null) { IList <Addr_OrganizeCity> lists = Addr_OrganizeCityBLL.GetModelList("SuperID = " + parent.ID.ToString() + " AND ID <> " + bll.Model.OrganizeCity.ToString()); if (lists.Count > 0) { foreach (Addr_OrganizeCity city in lists) { if (staffincity.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ID == city.ID) == null) { ddl_StaffInOrganizeCity.Items.Add(new ListItem(parent.Name + "->" + city.Name + "(" + city.Code + ")", city.ID.ToString())); } } } Org_StaffBLL staff = new Org_StaffBLL((int)Session["UserID"]); Org_Position position = new Org_PositionBLL(staff.Model.Position).Model; if (currentcity.Level > 1 && position != null && (position.IsHeadOffice == "Y" || position.Remark == "OfficeHR")) { int grandpacityid = new Addr_OrganizeCityBLL(currentcity.SuperID).Model.SuperID; string condition = "SuperID = " + grandpacityid.ToString() + " AND ID <> " + currentcity.SuperID.ToString(); if (currentcity.Level < ConfigHelper.GetConfigInt("OrganizeCity-CityLevel")) { condition = "SuperID != " + parent.ID.ToString() + " AND Level=" + (currentcity.Level - 1).ToString() + " AND ID <> " + currentcity.SuperID.ToString(); } IList <Addr_OrganizeCity> bobos = Addr_OrganizeCityBLL.GetModelList(condition); foreach (Addr_OrganizeCity bobo in bobos) { IList <Addr_OrganizeCity> tangxongs = Addr_OrganizeCityBLL.GetModelList("SuperID = " + bobo.ID.ToString()); foreach (Addr_OrganizeCity city in tangxongs) { if (staffincity.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ID == city.ID) == null) { ddl_StaffInOrganizeCity.Items.Add(new ListItem(bobo.Name + "->" + city.Name + "(" + city.Code + ")", city.ID.ToString())); } } } } } ddl_StaffInOrganizeCity.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("请选择...", "0")); } if (ddl_StaffInOrganizeCity.Items.Count == 0) { bt_Add_StaffInOrganizeCity.Enabled = false; } #endregion gv_StaffInOrganizeCity.BindGrid <Addr_OrganizeCity>(bll.StaffInOrganizeCity_GetOrganizeCitys()); } else { tr_StaffInOrganizeCity.Visible = false; } bt_OK.Text = "保 存"; bt_OK.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; //if (new Org_StaffBLL((int)Session["UserID"]).Model.ID != 1) //{ // ((MCSTreeControl)panel1.FindControl("Org_Staff_Position")).Enabled = false; //} int budget = Org_StaffNumberLimitBLL.CheckOverBudget(m.OrganizeCity, m.Position); if (budget == 0) { lb_OverBudgetInfo.Text = "当前城市该职位人员数量已等于预定的预算人数,请注意!"; } else if (budget < 0) { lb_OverBudgetInfo.Text = "当前城市该职位人员数量已超过预定的预算人数 " + (0 - budget).ToString() + "人,请注意!"; } }
private void BindData() { PN_NoticeBLL bll = new PN_NoticeBLL((int)ViewState["ID"]); UC_Notice.BindData(bll.Model); if (bll.Model["Catalog"] != "") { ViewState["Catalog"] = int.Parse(bll.Model["Catalog"]); } if (bll.Model.ApproveFlag == 1) { bt_Approve.Visible = false; bt_OK.Visible = false; bt_Clear1.Visible = false; bt_Detele1.Visible = false; bt_Insert1.Visible = false; bt_Clear2.Visible = false; bt_Detele2.Visible = false; bt_Insert2.Visible = false; bt_PreView.Visible = false; UploadFile1.CanDelete = false; UploadFile1.CanUpload = false; } tab_PNToPosition.Visible = bll.Model.ToAllStaff == "N"; tab_PNToOrganizeCity.Visible = bll.Model.ToAllOrganizeCity == "N"; UploadFile1.RelateID = (int)ViewState["ID"]; UploadFile1.BindGrid(); #region 显示所属职位,片区 if (tab_PNToPosition.Visible) { List <int> List = new List <int>(); List = PN_ToPositionBLL.GetPositionByNoticeID((int)ViewState["ID"]); lb_PositionChild.Items.Clear(); if (List != null) { foreach (int id in List) { Org_PositionBLL positionbll = new Org_PositionBLL(id); lb_PositionChild.Items.Add(new ListItem(positionbll.Model.Name, id.ToString())); } } } if (tab_PNToOrganizeCity.Visible) { List <int> List = new List <int>(); List = PN_ToOrganizeCityBLL.GetOrganizeCityByNoticeID((int)ViewState["ID"]); lb_CityChild.Items.Clear(); if (List != null) { foreach (int id in List) { Addr_OrganizeCityBLL organizeCitybll = new Addr_OrganizeCityBLL(id); lb_CityChild.Items.Add(new ListItem(organizeCitybll.Model.Name, id.ToString())); } } } #endregion ckedit_content.Text = bll.Model.Content; }
private void BindData() { Org_StaffBLL bll = new Org_StaffBLL((int)ViewState["ID"]); if (bll.Model == null) { return; } panel1.BindData(bll.Model); gv_List.DataSource = bll.GetUserList(); gv_List.DataBind(); UploadFile1.RelateID = (int)ViewState["ID"]; UploadFile1.BindGrid(); Org_Staff m = bll.Model; if (m.ApproveFlag == 1) { if (m.Dimission == 1) { bt_AddApply.Visible = false; } bt_Approve.Visible = false; Header.Attributes["WebPageSubCode"] = "Modify"; TextBox tbx_BeginWorkTime = (TextBox)panel1.FindControl("Org_Staff_BeginWorkTime"); // if (tbx_BeginWorkTime != null) tbx_BeginWorkTime.Enabled = false;//03-17暂停使用,便于维护资料 if (m.Dimission == 2) { TextBox tbx_EndWorkTime = (TextBox)panel1.FindControl("Org_Staff_EndWorkTime"); if (tbx_EndWorkTime != null) { tbx_EndWorkTime.Enabled = false; } } } if (m["State"] == "2") { //审批中 bt_AddApply.Visible = false; bt_OK.Visible = false; bt_CreateUser.Visible = false; bt_TaskDetail.Visible = true; } if (bll.Model.OrganizeCity > 1) { #region 绑定兼管片区 IList <Addr_OrganizeCity> staffincity = bll.StaffInOrganizeCity_GetOrganizeCitys(); Addr_OrganizeCity currentcity = new Addr_OrganizeCityBLL(bll.Model.OrganizeCity).Model; if (currentcity != null) { Addr_OrganizeCity parent = new Addr_OrganizeCityBLL(currentcity.SuperID).Model; if (parent != null) { IList <Addr_OrganizeCity> lists = Addr_OrganizeCityBLL.GetModelList("SuperID = " + parent.ID.ToString() + " AND ID <> " + bll.Model.OrganizeCity.ToString()); if (lists.Count > 0) { foreach (Addr_OrganizeCity city in lists) { if (staffincity.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ID == city.ID) == null) { ddl_StaffInOrganizeCity.Items.Add(new ListItem(parent.Name + "->" + city.Name + "(" + city.Code + ")", city.ID.ToString())); } } } if (currentcity.Level > 1) { int grandpacityid = new Addr_OrganizeCityBLL(currentcity.SuperID).Model.SuperID; IList <Addr_OrganizeCity> bobos = Addr_OrganizeCityBLL.GetModelList("SuperID = " + grandpacityid.ToString() + " AND ID <> " + currentcity.SuperID.ToString()); foreach (Addr_OrganizeCity bobo in bobos) { IList <Addr_OrganizeCity> tangxongs = Addr_OrganizeCityBLL.GetModelList("SuperID = " + bobo.ID.ToString()); foreach (Addr_OrganizeCity city in tangxongs) { if (staffincity.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ID == city.ID) == null) { ddl_StaffInOrganizeCity.Items.Add(new ListItem(bobo.Name + "->" + city.Name + "(" + city.Code + ")", city.ID.ToString())); } } } } } ddl_StaffInOrganizeCity.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("请选择...", "0")); } if (ddl_StaffInOrganizeCity.Items.Count == 0) { bt_Add_StaffInOrganizeCity.Enabled = false; } #endregion gv_StaffInOrganizeCity.BindGrid <Addr_OrganizeCity>(bll.StaffInOrganizeCity_GetOrganizeCitys()); } else { tr_StaffInOrganizeCity.Visible = false; } bt_OK.Text = "保 存"; bt_OK.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; //if (new Org_StaffBLL((int)Session["UserID"]).Model.ID != 1) //{ // ((MCSTreeControl)panel1.FindControl("Org_Staff_Position")).Enabled = false; //} }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { #region 获取界面控件 tr_OfficialCity = UC_DetailView1.FindControl("PM_Promotor_OfficialCity") == null ? null : (MCSTreeControl)UC_DetailView1.FindControl("PM_Promotor_OfficialCity"); tr_OrganizeCity = UC_DetailView1.FindControl("PM_Promotor_OrganizeCity") == null ? null : (MCSTreeControl)UC_DetailView1.FindControl("PM_Promotor_OrganizeCity"); txt_IDCode = UC_DetailView1.FindControl("PM_Promotor_IDCode") == null ? null : (TextBox)UC_DetailView1.FindControl("PM_Promotor_IDCode"); txt_Name = UC_DetailView1.FindControl("PM_Promotor_Name") == null ? null : (TextBox)UC_DetailView1.FindControl("PM_Promotor_Name"); txt_AccountName = UC_DetailView1.FindControl("PM_Promotor_AccountName") == null ? null : (TextBox)UC_DetailView1.FindControl("PM_Promotor_AccountName"); ddl_BankType = UC_DetailView1.FindControl("PM_Promotor_BankType") == null ? null : (DropDownList)UC_DetailView1.FindControl("PM_Promotor_BankType"); txt_BankName = UC_DetailView1.FindControl("PM_Promotor_BankName") == null ? null : (TextBox)UC_DetailView1.FindControl("PM_Promotor_BankName"); ddl_Classify = UC_DetailView1.FindControl("PM_Promotor_Classfiy") == null ? null : (DropDownList)UC_DetailView1.FindControl("PM_Promotor_Classfiy"); if (ddl_BankType != null) { ddl_BankType.AutoPostBack = true; ddl_BankType.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(ddl_BankType_SelectedIndexChanged); } if (ddl_Classify != null) { ddl_Classify.AutoPostBack = true; ddl_Classify.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(ddl_Classify_SelectedIndexChanged); } if (tr_OrganizeCity != null) { tr_OrganizeCity.AutoPostBack = true; tr_OrganizeCity.Selected += new SelectedEventHandler(tr_OrganizeCity_Selected); } if (txt_IDCode != null) { txt_IDCode.AutoPostBack = true; txt_IDCode.TextChanged += new EventHandler(txt_IDCode_TextChanged); } if (txt_Name != null) { txt_Name.AutoPostBack = true; txt_Name.TextChanged += new EventHandler(txt_Name_TextChanged); } #endregion if (!Page.IsPostBack) { ViewState["PromotorID"] = Request.QueryString["PromotorID"] == null ? 0 : int.Parse(Request.QueryString["PromotorID"]); if ((int)ViewState["PromotorID"] > 0) { BindDropDown(); BindData(); UploadFile1.RelateID = (int)ViewState["PromotorID"]; UploadFile1.BindGrid(); } else { Org_Staff s = new Org_StaffBLL((int)Session["UserID"]).Model; if (s != null) { if (tr_OfficialCity != null) { tr_OfficialCity.SelectValue = s.OfficialCity.ToString(); } if (tr_OrganizeCity != null) { tr_OrganizeCity.SelectValue = s.OrganizeCity.ToString(); } } DropDownList ddl_SalaryFlag = (DropDownList)UC_DetailView1.FindControl("PM_Promotor_SalaryFlag"); if (ddl_SalaryFlag != null) { ddl_SalaryFlag.SelectedValue = "1"; } DropDownList ddl_Dimission = (DropDownList)UC_DetailView1.FindControl("PM_Promotor_Dimission"); if (ddl_Dimission != null) { ddl_Dimission.Enabled = false; ddl_Dimission.SelectedValue = "1"; } TextBox tbx_EndWorkDate = (TextBox)UC_DetailView1.FindControl("PM_Promotor_EndWorkDate"); if (tbx_EndWorkDate != null) { tbx_EndWorkDate.Enabled = false; } tbl_Promotor.Visible = false; UploadFile1.Visible = false; gv_list.Visible = false; bt_AddApply.Visible = false; bt_Approve.Visible = false; bt_RevocationApply.Visible = false; } //根据管理片区,获取可用的薪酬级别 tr_OrganizeCity_Selected(null, null); } #region 给账号/开户行文本框添加事件 //TextBox tbx_BankName = (TextBox)UC_DetailView1.FindControl("PM_Promotor_BankName"); //tbx_BankName.AutoPostBack = true; //tbx_BankName.TextChanged += new EventHandler(tbx_Bank_TextChanged); TextBox tbx_BankAccountNo = (TextBox)UC_DetailView1.FindControl("PM_Promotor_AccountCode"); tbx_BankAccountNo.AutoPostBack = true; tbx_BankAccountNo.TextChanged += new EventHandler(tbx_Bank_TextChanged); #endregion if ((int)ViewState["PromotorID"] == 0) { MCSTabControl1.Items[1].Visible = false; } string script = "function PopPMClassify_Approve(id){\r\n"; script += "var tempid = Math.random() * 10000; \r\n window.showModalDialog('" + Page.ResolveClientUrl("~/SubModule/PM/PMClassify_Approve.aspx?PromotorID=' + id ") + ", window, 'dialogWidth:930px;DialogHeight=600px;status:yes;resizable=yes');}"; Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "PopPMClassify_Approve", script, true); }