private void ProcessDirectory(UpgradeContext uctx, string directory, string usings) { var namespaces = usings.Lines().Select(a => a.Trim().After("using ").BeforeLast(";")).ToList(); uctx.CreateCodeFile(Path.Combine(directory, "Properties", "GlobalUsings.cs"), namespaces.ToString(a => "global using " + a + ";", "\r\n")); uctx.ForeachCodeFile(@"*.cs", directory, file => { file.RemoveAllLines(a => a.StartsWith("using ") && namespaces.Contains(a.After("using ").Before(";"))); }); }
public override void Execute(UpgradeContext uctx) { uctx.ChangeCodeFile("Southwind.React/Startup.cs", file => { file.WarningLevel = WarningLevel.Warning; file.RemoveAllLines(a => a.Contains("builder.UseETagger();")); }); uctx.ChangeCodeFile("Southwind.React/App/MainPublic.tsx", file => { file.WarningLevel = WarningLevel.None; file.RemoveAllLines(a => a.Contains("WebAuthnClient.start({")); }); uctx.ChangeCodeFile("Southwind.React/package.json", file => { file.Replace( searchFor: @"&& webpack --config webpack.config.dll.js", replaceBy: @"&& webpack --config webpack.config.polyfills.js && webpack --config webpack.config.dll.js"); }); uctx.ChangeCodeFile("Southwind.React/webpack.config.js", file => { file.Replace( searchFor: @"""./App/polyfills.js"", ", replaceBy: ""); }); uctx.CreateCodeFile("Southwind.React/webpack.config.polyfills.js", @"var path = require(""path""); var webpack = require(""webpack""); var AssetsPlugin = require('assets-webpack-plugin'); module.exports = { mode: ""development"", //Now mandatory, alternatively ""production"" devtool: false, //To remove source maps in ""development"", avoids problems with errors in Chrome entry: { polyfills: [path.join(__dirname, ""App"", ""polyfills.js"")] }, output: { path: path.join(__dirname, ""wwwroot"", ""dist""), filename: ""[name].[hash].js"", library: ""[name]_[hash]"" }, plugins: [ new AssetsPlugin({ path: path.join(__dirname, ""wwwroot"", ""dist""), filename: ""webpack-assets.polyfills.json"" }), ], resolve: { modules: [ ""node_modules"" ] } };"); uctx.ChangeCodeFile("Southwind.React/Views/Home/Index.cshtml", file => { file.InsertAfterFirstLine( a => a.Contains("var vendor = (string)JObject.Parse(jsonDll"), @" string jsonPolyfills = File.ReadAllText(System.IO.Path.Combine(hostingEnv.WebRootPath, ""dist/webpack-assets.polyfills.json"")); var polyfills = (string)JObject.Parse(jsonPolyfills).Property(""polyfills"")!.Value[""js""]!;"); file.InsertAfterFirstLine(a => a.Contains(@" var __baseUrl = ""@Url.Content(""~/"")"";"), @"var browser = (function (agent) { switch (true) { case agent.indexOf(""edge"") > -1: return ""old edge""; case agent.indexOf(""edg"") > -1: return ""chromium edge""; case agent.indexOf(""opr"") > -1 && !!window.opr: return ""opera""; case agent.indexOf(""chrome"") > -1 && !! return ""chrome""; case agent.indexOf(""trident"") > -1: return ""ie""; case agent.indexOf(""firefox"") > -1: return ""firefox""; case agent.indexOf(""safari"") > -1: return ""safari""; default: return ""other""; } })(window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()); var supportIE = true; if (!supportIE && (browser == ""old edge"" || browser == ""ie"")) { var spinner = document.querySelector(""#reactDiv .loading-spinner""); spinner.parentElement.removeChild(spinner); document.querySelector(""#reactDiv h3"").innerHTML = ""Southwind is not compatible with your browser ("" + browser + ""). <br/>"" + ""Please try with <a href=''>Google Chrome</a>, "" + ""<a href=''>Firefox</a> or "" + ""the new <a href=''>Microsoft Edge (chromium)</a>.""; } else { const scriptToLoad = [ ""@Url.Content(""~/dist/"" + polyfills)"", ""@Url.Content(""~/dist/"" + vendor)"", ""@Url.Content(""~/dist/"" + main)"", ]; if (!(browser == ""old edge"" || browser == ""ie"")) { scriptToLoad.splice(0, 1); } function loadNextScript() { // gets the first script in the list var script = scriptToLoad.shift(); // all scripts were loaded if (!script) return; var js = document.createElement('script'); js.type = 'text/javascript'; js.src = script; js.onload = function () { loadNextScript(); }; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(js, s); } loadNextScript(); }"); file.RemoveAllLines(a => a.Contains(@" src=""@Url.Content(""~/dist/""")); }); }