public override bool Download( UpdaterFileProgress progress, UpdaterFileSave save, UpdaterFileComplete complete ) { this.progress = progress; = save; this.complete = complete; WebClient download = new WebClient(); download.DownloadProgressChanged += new DownloadProgressChangedEventHandler( download_Progress ); download.DownloadDataCompleted += new DownloadDataCompletedEventHandler( download_Complete ); download.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.UserAgent] = "FOUpdater/" + FOUpdaterClient.VersionString; try { download.BaseAddress = this.URL; download.DownloadDataAsync( new Uri( ((UpdateInfoHTTP)this.Parent).RootAddress + this.FileName ), this.FileName ); } catch { return (false); } while( download.IsBusy ) { if( this.Parent.Parent.Cancelled ) { download.CancelAsync(); } Thread.Sleep( 100 ); } // should be enough to make sure that UpdaterFileComplete callback finished Thread.Sleep( 500 ); return (true); }
public override bool Download( UpdaterFileProgress progress, UpdaterFileSave save, UpdaterFileComplete complete ) { UpdateInfoStream parent = (UpdateInfoStream)this.Parent; parent.Send( "Get\n" ); parent.Send( this.FileName.Replace( '/', '\\' ) + "\n" ); string catch_ = parent.ReadLine(); // Catch/Catchpack uint size = parent.ReadUint(); if( this.Parent.InfoVersion == 1 || this.Size == 0 ) this.Parent.Parent.SendProgress( FOUpdaterProgress.FileMaximum, size ); byte[] data = new byte[size]; long lastPercent = 0; long readed = 0; while( readed != size ) { if( this.Parent.Parent.Cancelled ) return (false); if( parent.Client == null || !parent.Client.Connected ) return (false); int input = parent.Client.GetStream().ReadByte(); if( input == -1 ) continue; data[readed++] = (byte)input; long percent = (readed * 100) / size; if( percent > lastPercent ) { progress( this, readed, (long)size, (uint)percent ); lastPercent = percent; Thread.Sleep( 50 ); } } if( catch_ == "Catchpack" || this.Packed ) { byte[] saveData = ZlibStream.UncompressBuffer( data ); data = saveData; } save( this ); File.WriteAllBytes( this.FileName, data ); complete( this ); return (true); }
/// <summary> /// Downloads file from update source. /// <para>NOTE: Must be overriden by subclass.</para> /// </summary> /// <param name="progress">function called when progress percentage changes</param> /// <param name="save">function called before file is saved</param> /// <param name="complete">function called when download is finished</param> public virtual bool Download( UpdaterFileProgress progress, UpdaterFileSave save, UpdaterFileComplete complete ) { throw new NotImplementedException( "FOUpdateFile(" + Enum.GetName( typeof( FOUpdateType ), this.Type ) + ")::Download" ); }