예제 #1
        protected override void Do(
            BlockCommandContext context,
            Block block)
            // Save the previous text so we can restore it.
            previousText     = block.Text;
            originalPosition = context.Position;

            // Figure out what the new text string would be.
            startIndex = BlockPosition.TextIndex.GetCharacterIndex(
                block.Text, End, WordSearchDirection.Left);
            int endIndex = End.GetCharacterIndex(
                block.Text, TextIndex, WordSearchDirection.Right);

            int    firstIndex = Math.Min(startIndex, endIndex);
            int    lastIndex  = Math.Max(startIndex, endIndex);
            string newText    = block.Text.Remove(firstIndex, lastIndex - firstIndex);

            // Set the new text into the block. This will fire various events to
            // trigger the immediate and background processing.

            // Set the position after the next text.
            if (UpdateTextPosition.HasFlag(DoTypes.Do))
                context.Position = new BlockPosition(BlockKey, startIndex);
        public override void Do(OperationContext state)
            // Grab the line from the line buffer.
            string lineText =
                    (int)TextPosition.LinePosition, LineContexts.Unformatted);
            var buffer = new StringBuilder(lineText);

            // Normalize the character ranges.
            int characterIndex =

            buffer.Insert(characterIndex, Text);

            originalInsertPoint = characterIndex;
            originalPosition    = state.Position;

            // Set the line in the buffer.
            lineText = buffer.ToString();
            state.LineBuffer.SetText((int)TextPosition.LinePosition, lineText);

            // If we are updating the position, we need to do it here.
            if (UpdateTextPosition.HasFlag(DoTypes.Do))
                state.Results =
                    new LineBufferOperationResults(
                        new TextPosition(TextPosition.LinePosition, characterIndex + Text.Length));
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs the command on the given block.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="block">The block to perform the action on.</param>
        /// <param name="project">The project that contains the current state.</param>
        protected override void Do(
            BlockCommandContext context,
            Block block)
            // Save the previous text so we can undo it.
            previousText = block.Text;

            // Figure out what the new text string would be.
            int textIndex = new CharacterPosition(TextIndex).GetCharacterIndex(
            string newText = block.Text.Insert(textIndex, Text);

            // Set the new text into the block. This will fire various events to
            // trigger the immediate and background processing.

            // After we insert text, we need to give the immediate editor plugins a
            // chance to made any alterations to the output.
                context, block, textIndex + Text.Length);

            // Set the new position in the buffer.
            if (UpdateTextPosition.HasFlag(DoTypes.Do))
                context.Position = new BlockPosition(BlockKey, textIndex + Text.Length);
예제 #4
        public void Undo(BlockCommandContext context)
            // Grab the destination block and make sure everything is locked properly.
            Block block;

            using (
                    out block))
                // Grab the line from the line buffer.
                string lineText = block.Text;
                var    buffer   = new StringBuilder(lineText);

                // Normalize the character ranges.
                buffer.Remove(originalCharacterIndex, sourceLength);

                // Set the line in the buffer.
                lineText = buffer.ToString();

                // Set the position of this command.
                if (UpdateTextPosition.HasFlag(DoTypes.Undo))
                    context.Position = new BlockPosition(
                        block.BlockKey, DestinationPosition.CharacterPosition);
예제 #5
        public override void Undo(OperationContext state)
            // Grab the line from the line buffer.
            int lineIndex =
            string lineText = state.LineBuffer.GetLineText(
                lineIndex, LineContexts.Unformatted);
            var buffer = new StringBuilder(lineText);

            // Normalize the character ranges.
            buffer.Insert(beginCharacterIndex, originalText);

            // Set the line in the buffer.
            lineText = buffer.ToString();
            state.LineBuffer.SetText(lineIndex, lineText);

            // If we are updating the position, we need to do it here.
            if (UpdateTextPosition.HasFlag(DoTypes.Undo))
                state.Results =
                    new LineBufferOperationResults(
                        new TextPosition(
예제 #6
        protected override void Do(
            BlockCommandContext context,
            Block block)
            // Pull out some common elements we'll need.
            ProjectBlockCollection blocks = block.Blocks;
            int blockIndex = blocks.IndexOf(block) + 1;

            // Because of how block keys work, the ID is unique very time so we have
            // to update our inverse operation.

            // Go through and create each block at a time, adding it to the inverse
            // command as we create them.
            for (int count = 0;
                 count < Count;
                // Create and insert a new block into the system.
                var newBlock = new Block(blocks);
                blocks.Insert(blockIndex, newBlock);

                // Keep track of the block so we can remove them later.

                // Update the position.
                if (UpdateTextPosition.HasFlag(DoTypes.Do))
                    context.Position = new BlockPosition(newBlock.BlockKey, 0);
 protected override void Undo(
     BlockCommandContext context,
     Block block)
     if (UpdateTextPosition.HasFlag(DoTypes.Undo))
         context.Position = new BlockPosition(BlockKey, previousText.Length);
예제 #8
        protected override void Undo(
            BlockCommandContext context,
            Block block)

            if (UpdateTextPosition.HasFlag(DoTypes.Undo))
                context.Position = originalPosition;
        protected override void Do(
            BlockCommandContext context,
            Block block)
            previousText = block.Text;

            if (UpdateTextPosition.HasFlag(DoTypes.Do))
                context.Position = new BlockPosition(BlockKey, Text.Length);
예제 #10
        protected override void Undo(
            BlockCommandContext context,
            Block block)
            foreach (Block addedBlock in addedBlocks)

            if (UpdateTextPosition.HasFlag(DoTypes.Undo))
                context.Position = new BlockPosition(BlockKey, block.Text.Length);
예제 #11
        protected override void Undo(
            BlockCommandContext context,
            Block block)

            // Set the new cursor position.
            int textIndex = BlockPosition.TextIndex.GetCharacterIndex(previousText);

            if (UpdateTextPosition.HasFlag(DoTypes.Undo))
                context.Position = new BlockPosition(BlockPosition.BlockKey, textIndex);
예제 #12
        public void Do(BlockCommandContext context)
            // Grab the destination block and make sure everything is locked properly.
            Block block;

            using (
                    out block))
                // Grab the text from the source line.
                int lineIndex,
                string sourceLine;

                    out lineIndex,
                    out sourceBegin,
                    out sourceEnd,
                    out sourceLine);
                string sourceText = sourceLine.Substring(
                    sourceBegin, sourceEnd - sourceBegin);

                // Insert the text from the source line into the destination.
                string destinationLine = block.Text;
                var    buffer          = new StringBuilder(destinationLine);
                int    characterIndex  =

                buffer.Insert(characterIndex, sourceText);

                // Save the source text length so we can delete it.
                sourceLength           = sourceText.Length;
                originalCharacterIndex = characterIndex;

                // Set the line in the buffer.
                destinationLine = buffer.ToString();

                // Set the position of this command.
                if (UpdateTextPosition.HasFlag(DoTypes.Do))
                    context.Position = new BlockPosition(block.BlockKey, characterIndex);
        public override void Undo(OperationContext state)
            // Delete the created line.
            state.LineBuffer.DeleteLines(LineIndex, 1);

            // If we were updating the position, we need to restore it.
            // If we are updating the position, then set it.
            if (UpdateTextPosition.HasFlag(DoTypes.Undo))
                state.Results =
                    new LineBufferOperationResults(
                        new TextPosition(
                            InitialPosition.LinePosition, InitialPosition.CharacterPosition));
        public override void Do(OperationContext state)
            // Save the position, in case we need it.
            InitialPosition = state.Position;

            // Insert the line into the buffer.
            state.LineBuffer.InsertLines(LineIndex, 1);

            // If we are updating the position, then set it.
            if (UpdateTextPosition.HasFlag(DoTypes.Do))
                var linePosition = new LinePosition(LineIndex);
                var textPosition = new TextPosition(linePosition, 0);
                state.Results = new LineBufferOperationResults(textPosition);
        protected override void Do(
            BlockCommandContext context,
            Block block)
            // We need to keep track of the previous block type so we can change
            // it back with Undo.
            previousBlockType = block.BlockType;

            // Set the block type.

            // Save the position from this command.
            if (UpdateTextPosition.HasFlag(DoTypes.Do))
                context.Position = new BlockPosition(BlockKey, 0);
        public override void Undo(OperationContext state)
            // Grab the line from the line buffer.
            string lineText =
                    DestinationPosition.LinePosition, LineContexts.Unformatted);
            var buffer = new StringBuilder(lineText);

            // Normalize the character ranges.
            buffer.Remove(originalCharacterIndex, sourceLength);

            // Set the line in the buffer.
            lineText = buffer.ToString();
            state.LineBuffer.SetText(DestinationPosition.LinePosition, lineText);

            // If we are updating the position, we need to do it here.
            if (UpdateTextPosition.HasFlag(DoTypes.Undo))
                state.Results = new LineBufferOperationResults(originalPosition);
예제 #17
        public override void Do(OperationContext state)
            // Grab the line from the line buffer.
            int lineIndex =
            string lineText = state.LineBuffer.GetLineText(
                lineIndex, LineContexts.Unformatted);
            var buffer = new StringBuilder(lineText);

            // Normalize the character ranges.
            int firstCharacterIndex;
            int lastCharacterIndex;

                lineText, out firstCharacterIndex, out lastCharacterIndex);
            beginCharacterIndex = firstCharacterIndex;

            int length = lastCharacterIndex - firstCharacterIndex;

            // Remove the text from the string, but save it so we can restore it.
            originalText = lineText.Substring(firstCharacterIndex, length);

            buffer.Remove(firstCharacterIndex, length);

            // Set the line in the buffer.
            lineText = buffer.ToString();
            state.LineBuffer.SetText(lineIndex, lineText);

            // If we are updating the position, we need to do it here.
            if (UpdateTextPosition.HasFlag(DoTypes.Do))
                var firstCharacterPosition = new CharacterPosition(firstCharacterIndex);
                var firstTextPosition      = new TextPosition(
                    TextRange.LinePosition, firstCharacterPosition);
                originalPosition = state.Position;
                state.Results    = new LineBufferOperationResults(firstTextPosition);