예제 #1
		// Update file or folder in SVN directly (without GUI).
		// If you plan to update large files, you might want to tweak the timeout argument.
		// The force param will auto-resolve tree conflicts occurring on incoming new files (add) over existing unversioned files in the working copy.
		// NOTE: This is synchronous operation. Better use the Async method version to avoid editor slow down.
		public static UpdateOperationResult Update(string path, UpdateResolveConflicts resolveConflicts = UpdateResolveConflicts.Postpone, bool force = false, int revision = -1, int timeout = COMMAND_TIMEOUT * 10)
			var depth = "infinity"; // Recursive whether it is a file or a folder. Keep it simple for now.
			var forceArg = force ? $"--force" : "";
			var revisionArg = revision > 0 ? $"--revision {revision}" : "";

			var result = ShellUtils.ExecuteCommand(SVN_Command, $"update --depth {depth} {forceArg} {revisionArg} \"{SVNFormatPath(path)}\"", timeout);
			if (result.HasErrors) {

				// Tree conflicts limit the auto-resolve capabilities. In that case "Summary of conflicts" is not shown.
				// svn: E155027: Tree conflict can only be resolved to 'working' state; '...' not resolved
				if (result.error.Contains("E155027"))
					return UpdateOperationResult.SuccessWithConflicts;

				// Unable to connect to repository indicating some network or server problems.
				// svn: E170013: Unable to connect to a repository at URL '...'
				// svn: E731001: No such host is known.
				if (result.error.Contains("E170013") || result.error.Contains("E731001"))
					return UpdateOperationResult.UnableToConnectError;

				return UpdateOperationResult.UnknownError;

			// Update was successful, but some folders/files have conflicts. Some of them might get auto-resolved (depending on the resolveConflicts param)
			// Summary of conflicts:
			//  Text conflicts: 1
			//  Tree conflicts: 2
			// -- OR --
			//  Text conflicts: 0 remaining (and 1 already resolved)
			//  Tree conflicts: 0 remaining (and 1 already resolved)
			if (result.output.Contains("Summary of conflicts:")) {
				// Depending on the resolveConflicts param, conflicts may auto-resolve. Check if they did.
				var TEXT_CONFLICTS = "Text conflicts: ";    // Space at the end is important.
				var TREE_CONFLICTS = "Tree conflicts: ";
				var textConflictsIndex = result.output.IndexOf(TEXT_CONFLICTS);
				var treeConflictsIndex = result.output.IndexOf(TREE_CONFLICTS);
				var noTextConflicts = textConflictsIndex == -1 || result.output[textConflictsIndex + 1] == '0';
				var noTreeConflicts = treeConflictsIndex == -1 || result.output[treeConflictsIndex + 1] == '0';

				return noTextConflicts && noTreeConflicts ? UpdateOperationResult.Success : UpdateOperationResult.SuccessWithConflicts;

			return UpdateOperationResult.Success;
예제 #2
		// Update file or folder in SVN directly (without GUI).
		// If you plan to update large files, you might want to tweak the timeout argument.
		// The force param will auto-resolve tree conflicts occurring on incoming new files (add) over existing unversioned files in the working copy.
		public static SVNAsyncOperation<UpdateOperationResult> UpdateAsync(string path, UpdateResolveConflicts resolveConflicts = UpdateResolveConflicts.Postpone, bool force = false, int revision = -1, int timeout = COMMAND_TIMEOUT * 10)
			return SVNAsyncOperation<UpdateOperationResult>.Start(op => Update(path, resolveConflicts, force, revision, timeout));