private static void UpdateProfile() { var updateProfileHandler = new UpdateProfileHandler() .SetData("09013120129", "a123789", "موجو دین", "m123456"); var response = updateProfileHandler.Process(); }
public async Task Given_A_Non_Existing_UserId__When_Calling_Update_Profile_Usecase__Throws_Profile_Not_Found_Exception() { // Arrange var request = new UpdateProfile(this.userId, "Bio", "Image", "DisplayName"); var handler = new UpdateProfileHandler(this.unitOfWork); // Act + Assert Assert.That(async() => await handler.Handle(request, CancellationToken.None), Throws.InstanceOf <ProfileNotFoundException>()); }
public void Setup() { var dbContext = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <FollowContext>() .UseInMemoryDatabase("KwetterFollowDatabase") .Options; _context = new FollowContext(dbContext); _updateProfileHandler = new UpdateProfileHandler(_context); }
public static Boolean UpdateProfileValidation(string email, string name, string gender, string oldEmail) { if (email == String.Empty || name == String.Empty || gender == String.Empty) { return(false); } else if (email == oldEmail) { return(true); } else if (UpdateProfileHandler.CheckIfEmailExistHandler(email) > 0) { return(false); } return(true); }
public static Response DoUpdateProfile(String ID, String Nama, String Email, String Gender) { if (Nama == "") { return(new Response(false, "Name Cannot Empty")); } if (Email == "") { return(new Response(false, "Email Cannot Empty")); } if (Gender == "") { return(new Response(false, "Gender Cannot Empty")); } return(UpdateProfileHandler.DoUpdateProfile(ID, Nama, Email, Gender)); }
public async Task Given_An_Existing_Profile__When_Calling_UpdateProfile_Usecase__Returns_Updated_Profile() { // Arrange var profile = await this.CreateTestProfile(); var request = new UpdateProfile(this.userId, "Bio", "Image", "DisplayName"); var handler = new UpdateProfileHandler(this.unitOfWork); // Act var updatedProfile = await handler.Handle(request, CancellationToken.None); // Assert Assert.AreEqual(profile.Username, updatedProfile.Username); Assert.AreEqual(request.Bio, updatedProfile.Bio); Assert.AreEqual(request.ImageUrl, updatedProfile.ImageUrl); Assert.AreEqual(request.DisplayName, updatedProfile.DisplayName); }
public static bool validateUpdate(int userID, string name, string email, string gender, out string errorMsg) { User usr = UpdateProfileHandler.SearchByEmail(email); errorMsg = ""; if (usr != null) { errorMsg = "Email already exists!"; return(false); } else if (email == "") { errorMsg = "Data must be filled!"; return(false); } else if (!email.EndsWith(".com") || !email.EndsWith(".net")) { errorMsg = "Email must be end with .com or .net"; return(false); } else if (!email.Contains("@")) { errorMsg = "Email must be contain '@' "; return(false); } else if (name == "") { errorMsg = "Data must be filled!"; return(false); } else if (gender == "") { errorMsg = "Gender must be chosen"; return(false); } else { UpdateProfileHandler.updateProfile(userID, name, email, gender); return(true); } }
public static Response DoChangePassword(String ID, String OldPassword, String NewPassword, String ConfirmPassword) { if (OldPassword == "") { return(new Response(false, "Old Password Cannot Empty")); } if (NewPassword == "") { return(new Response(false, "New Password Cannot Empty")); } if (ConfirmPassword == "") { return(new Response(false, "Confirm Password Cannot Empty")); } if (ConfirmPassword != NewPassword) { return(new Response(false, "Confirm Password Must Be Same With New Password")); } if (OldPassword == NewPassword) { return(new Response(false, "New Password Cannot Be The Same With Old Password")); } return(UpdateProfileHandler.DoChangePassword(ID, OldPassword, NewPassword)); }
public static void UpdateUserDataController(string email, string name, string gender, int id) { UpdateProfileHandler.UpdateUserDataHandler(email, name, gender, id); }
public void Setup() { Init(); _updateProfileHandler = new UpdateProfileHandler(Context); }