예제 #1
    public static async Task ReceiveDeltas(HotReloadAgent hotReloadAgent)
        Log("Attempting to receive deltas.");

        // This value is configured by dotnet-watch when the app is to be launched.
        var namedPipeName = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("DOTNET_HOTRELOAD_NAMEDPIPE_NAME") ??
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("DOTNET_HOTRELOAD_NAMEDPIPE_NAME was not specified.");

        using var pipeClient = new NamedPipeClientStream(".", namedPipeName, PipeDirection.InOut, PipeOptions.CurrentUserOnly | PipeOptions.Asynchronous);
            await pipeClient.ConnectAsync(5000);

        catch (TimeoutException)
            Log("Unable to connect to hot-reload server.");

        while (pipeClient.IsConnected)
            var update = await UpdatePayload.ReadAsync(pipeClient, default);

            Log("Attempting to apply deltas.");

        Log("Stopped received delta updates. Server is no longer connected.");
예제 #2
    public static async Task ReceiveDeltas()
        Log("Attempting to receive deltas.");

        using var pipeClient = new NamedPipeClientStream(".", "netcore-hot-reload", PipeDirection.InOut, PipeOptions.CurrentUserOnly | PipeOptions.Asynchronous);
            await pipeClient.ConnectAsync(5000);

        catch (TimeoutException)
            Log("Unable to connect to hot-reload server.");

        List <Action>?receiveDeltaNotifications = null;

        while (pipeClient.IsConnected)
            var update = await UpdatePayload.ReadAsync(pipeClient, default);

            Log("Attempting to apply deltas.");

                foreach (var item in update.Deltas)
                    var assembly = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().FirstOrDefault(a => a.Modules.FirstOrDefault() is Module m && m.ModuleVersionId == item.ModuleId);
                    if (assembly is not null)
                        System.Reflection.Metadata.AssemblyExtensions.ApplyUpdate(assembly, item.MetadataDelta, item.ILDelta, ReadOnlySpan <byte> .Empty);

                // We want to base this off of mvids, but we'll figure that out eventually.
                var applyResult = update.ChangedFile is string changedFile && changedFile.EndsWith(".razor", StringComparison.Ordinal) ?
                                  ApplyResult.Success :

                // Defer discovering the receiving deltas until the first hot reload delta.
                // This should give enough opportunity for AppDomain.GetAssemblies() to be sufficiently populated.
                receiveDeltaNotifications ??= GetAssembliesReceivingDeltas();
                receiveDeltaNotifications.ForEach(r => r.Invoke());

                Log("Deltas applied.");
            catch (Exception ex)
        Log("Stopped received delta updates. Server is no longer connected.");
예제 #3
        public object DoUpdate([FromBody] UpdatePayload updatePayload)
            UpdateInstruction instruction = _UpdateService.GetUpdateInstructionByID(updatePayload.UpdateInstructionID);

            string ReturnData = _UpdateService.DoScheduledUpdate(instruction); //_backgroundJobs.Enqueue(() => _UpdateService.DoUpdate(instruction));

            this.DoAnalytics("DoUpdate", $"Rolling update for '{instruction.Name}'. Schedule number is '{ReturnData}'");

예제 #4
        public async Task <bool> DownloadUo(UpdatePayload payload, ProgressBar pbar)
            var filePath = _settings.LocalUltimaPath;

            if (!Directory.Exists(filePath))
            var uri = payload.FullUltimaOnlineDownloadPath;

            using (var response = _httpClient.GetAsync(uri, HttpCompletionOption.ResponseHeadersRead).Result)

                using (Stream contentStream = await response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync(), fileStream = new FileStream(Path.Combine(filePath, "uo.zip"), FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None, 8192, true))
                    var totalRead    = 0L;
                    var totalReads   = 0L;
                    var total        = payload.FullUltimaOnlineDownloadWeightInKb * 100L;
                    var buffer       = new byte[8192];
                    var isMoreToRead = true;

                    var percentage = 0;

                        var read = await contentStream.ReadAsync(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

                        if (read == 0)
                            isMoreToRead = false;
                            await fileStream.WriteAsync(buffer, 0, read);

                            totalRead  += read;
                            totalReads += 1;

                            var percentageTotal =
                                    ((decimal)totalRead / (payload.FullUltimaOnlineDownloadWeightInKb * 10)), 0);

                            if (percentageTotal > percentage)
                                percentage = percentageTotal;
                    }while (isMoreToRead);
예제 #5
        public async Task <IActionResult> Index()
            var log = new Log();

            log.HostName  = _accessor.HttpContext.Connection.RemoteIpAddress.ToString();
            log.When      = DateTime.Now;
            log.LogText   = "Status endpoint hit";
            log.IpAddress = log.HostName;

            _logger.LogInformation("Status being requested");

            var config = new ConfigurationBuilder().AddEnvironmentVariables().Build();

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(config["SECRET_PASSWORD"]))
                return(new BadRequestResult());

            var settings = _context.Settings.FirstOrDefault();

            if (settings == null)
                var newSettings = new Settings()
                    MessageOfTheDay = "Ultima DMR wita!",
                    RelativeUoUri   = "uo.zip",
                    UoSizeInKb      = 800000
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                settings = newSettings;

            var responseMessage = new UpdatePayload()
                FullUltimaOnlineDownloadPath       = $"{config["URL_BASE"]}/api/download/uo",
                FullUltimaOnlineDownloadWeightInKb = settings.UoSizeInKb,
                MessageOfTheDay = settings.MessageOfTheDay

            var files = _context.UpdateFiles.Select(p => new UpdateFileInfo()
                AssociatedMessage = p.AssociatedMessage, Name = p.Name, Revision = p.Revision, SizeInKb = p.SizeInKb,
                RequiresUnzip     = p.RequiresUnzip, Uri = UrlHelper.GetFullUrl(p.RelativeUri, p.Revision), TargetName = p.TargetName

            responseMessage.UpdateFiles = files.ToList();
            return(new JsonResult(responseMessage));
예제 #6
    public void HandleUpdate(HttpListenerContext context)
        UpdatePayload payload = null;

        try {
            var    strm   = context.Request.InputStream;
            var    reader = new StreamReader(strm, context.Request.ContentEncoding);
            string json   = reader.ReadToEnd();
            payload = JsonUtility.FromJson <UpdatePayload>(json);
        } catch (Exception ex) {

        if (payload != null)
            var response   = new UpdateResponse();
            var playerInfo = GetPlayerInfo(payload.privateId);

            response.timerStart  = timerStart;
            response.timerLength = timerLength;

            if (playerInfo == null)
                response.name  = "Audience Member";
                response.role  = -1;
                response.judge = null;
                var  judgeInfo = connectedPlayers[curJudge];
                bool isJudge   = judgeInfo == playerInfo;

                playerInfo.keepAlive = true;

                response.name  = playerInfo.name;
                response.judge = judgeInfo.name;
                response.role  = isJudge ? 1 : 0;
                response.voted = winner != null;

                if (payload.leaving)
                    playerInfo.left = true;

                if (!isJudge && state == StateID.Insulting && (playerInfo.receivedInsult == null || playerInfo.receivedInsult.Length == 0))
                    playerInfo.receivedInsult = WWW.UnEscapeURL(payload.insult);
                else if (isJudge && state == StateID.Voting && winner == null && payload.vote > 0)
                    winner = GetPlayerInfo(payload.vote);

                response.insulted = playerInfo.receivedInsult != null && playerInfo.receivedInsult.Length > 0;

            response.running = state != StateID.Waiting;

            if (state == StateID.Insulting)
            else if (state == StateID.Voting)
                response.insults = GetInsultsArray();
            else if (state == StateID.PostGame)
                response.insults = GetInsultsArray();

                if (winner == null)
                        winner = connectedPlayers[new System.Random().Next(connectedPlayers.Count)];
                    } while (winner == connectedPlayers[curJudge]);

                response.winner         = new Insult();
                response.winner.caster  = winner.name;
                response.winner.content = winner.receivedInsult;

            ServerManager.inst.server.WriteJsonToContext(context, response);
            print("Invalid payload");
            context.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Master callback deals with the first "line" of every server response
        /// Passed to CreateSSCallback
        /// CREATE SP OK LF
        /// CREATE SP FAIL LF
        /// Passed to JoinSSCallback
        /// JOIN SP OK LF
        /// JOIN SP FAIL LF
        /// Passed to ChangeCellCallback
        /// CHANGE SP OK LF
        /// CHANGE SP FAIL LF
        /// Passed to UndoCallback
        /// UNDO SP OK LF
        /// UNDO SP FAIL LF
        /// UNDO SP WAIT LF
        /// UNDO SP END LF
        /// Passed to SaveCallback
        /// SAVE SP OK LF
        /// SAVE SP FAIL LF
        /// Passed to UpdateCallback
        /// UPDATE
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="message"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        /// <param name="payload"></param>
        private void MasterCallback(String message, Exception e, object o)
            if (message != null)

                string[] spaceSplit = message.Split(' ');
                string firstWord = "";
                Payload payload = new Payload(0, false);
                UpdatePayload upPay = new UpdatePayload();
                UndoPayload undoPay = new UndoPayload();

                if (spaceSplit.Length > 0)
                    firstWord = spaceSplit[0].ToUpper().Trim();

                // Check the status
                string secondWord = "";
                if (spaceSplit.Length > 1)
                    secondWord = spaceSplit[1].ToUpper().Trim();

                // Deal with Each status
                if (secondWord.Equals("OK"))
                    payload = new Payload(1, true);
                    if (firstWord.Equals("CHANGE"))
                        changePayload.valid = true;
                        changePayload.number = 1;
                    else if (firstWord.Equals("UNDO"))
                        undoPay.valid = true;
                        undoPay.number = 1;
                else if (secondWord.Equals("FAIL"))
                    payload = new Payload(1, false);
                    if (firstWord.Equals("CHANGE"))
                        changePayload.valid = false;
                        changePayload.number = 1;
                    else if (firstWord.Equals("UNDO"))
                        undoPay.valid = false;
                        undoPay.number = 1;
                else if (secondWord.Equals("WAIT"))
                    if (firstWord.Equals("UNDO"))
                        //Undo wait message

                        undoPay.valid = false;
                        undoPay.number = (int)SpecialStatus.UNDO_WAIT;
                    else if (firstWord.Equals("CHANGE"))
                        //changes wait message

                        changePayload.valid = false;
                        changePayload.number = (int)SpecialStatus.CHANGE_WAIT;
                        changePayload.availability = ChangeStatus.WAITING_TO_SEND;
                else if (firstWord.Equals("UPDATE"))
                    upPay.number = 1;
                    upPay.valid = true;
                else if (secondWord.Equals("END"))
                    //Undo end message
                    undoPay.valid = false;
                    undoPay.number = (int)SpecialStatus.UNDO_END;
                else if (!firstWord.Equals("UPDATE"))
                    // there was an error
                    // @todo handle error
                    socket.BeginReceive(MasterCallback, payload, CustomNetworking.callbacks.MASTER);

                switch (firstWord)
                    case "CREATE": socket.BeginReceive(CreateSSCallback, payload, CustomNetworking.callbacks.CREATE);
                        Debug.WriteLine("Create Response Recognized");
                    case "JOIN": socket.BeginReceive(JoinSSCallback, payload, CustomNetworking.callbacks.JOIN);
                        Debug.WriteLine("Join Response Recognized");
                    case "CHANGE": socket.BeginReceive(ChangeCellCallback, changePayload, CustomNetworking.callbacks.CHANGE);
                        Debug.WriteLine("Change Response Recognized");
                    case "UNDO": socket.BeginReceive(UndoCallback, undoPay, CustomNetworking.callbacks.UNDO);
                        Debug.WriteLine("Undo Response Recognized");
                    case "SAVE": socket.BeginReceive(SaveCallback, payload, CustomNetworking.callbacks.SAVE);
                        Debug.WriteLine("Save Response Recognized");
                    case "UPDATE": socket.BeginReceive(UpdateCallback, upPay, CustomNetworking.callbacks.UPDATE);
                        Debug.WriteLine("Update Response Recognized");
                    default: socket.BeginReceive(MasterCallback, payload, CustomNetworking.callbacks.MASTER); // If all else fails just call the master
                        Debug.WriteLine("Mastercallback: unrecognized command {0}", message);
                        //clientGUI_SS(message, true);
예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// To communicate a committed change to other clients, the server should send
        ///UPDATE LF
        ///Name:name LF; true 1
        ///Version:version LF; true 2
        ///Cell:cell LF; true 3
        ///Length:length LF; true 4
        ///content LF; true 5
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="message"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        /// <param name="payload"></param>
        private void UpdateCallback(String message, Exception e, object payload)
            if (message != null)
                string[] colonSplitup = message.Split(':');
                string colonFirstWord = "";
                UpdatePayload load = new UpdatePayload();
                if (payload is UpdatePayload)
                    load = (UpdatePayload)payload;

                if (colonSplitup.Length > 0)
                    colonFirstWord = colonSplitup[0].ToUpper().Trim();

                if (load.valid)
                    if (colonFirstWord.Equals("NAME") && load.number == 1)
                        // get name
                        socket.BeginReceive(UpdateCallback, load, CustomNetworking.callbacks.UPDATE);
                        Debug.WriteLine("Update name Response Recognized");

                    else if (colonFirstWord.Equals("VERSION") && load.number == 2)
                        // get Version
                        Debug.WriteLine("Update version Response Recognized", message);

                        socket.BeginReceive(UpdateCallback, load, CustomNetworking.callbacks.UPDATE);
                    else if (colonFirstWord.Equals("CELL") && load.number == 3)
                        // get cell
                        Debug.WriteLine("Update cell Response Recognized");
                        load.cell = getSecondWord(colonSplitup);

                        socket.BeginReceive(UpdateCallback, load, CustomNetworking.callbacks.UPDATE);
                    else if (colonFirstWord.Equals("LENGTH") && load.number == 4)
                        // get length
                        int length;
                        Int32.TryParse(getSecondWord(colonSplitup), out length);
                        load.contentLength = length;
                        Debug.WriteLine("Update length Response Recognized");
                        socket.BeginReceive(UpdateCallback, load, CustomNetworking.callbacks.UPDATE);
                    else if (load.number == 5)
                        // must be the content
                        load.contents = message;
                        Debug.WriteLine("Update content Response Recognized");

                        // We need to lock on this, right?
                        e_Cell(load.cell, message.Trim());
                        socket.BeginReceive(MasterCallback, null, CustomNetworking.callbacks.MASTER);
                        clientGUI_SS("update!", false);

                        if (changePayload.availability == ChangeStatus.WAITING_TO_SEND)
                            changePayload.availability = ChangeStatus.CANSEND;
                            Debug.WriteLine("Waiting_to_send message being sent {0}", message);

                            ChangeCell(changePayload.cell, changePayload.contents);

                        // something went wrong
                        // @todo handle error, send error message to gui about bug report or something
                        Debug.WriteLine("Update fail unrecognized command {0}", message);

                        socket.BeginReceive(MasterCallback, null, CustomNetworking.callbacks.MASTER);