예제 #1
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Run the BGP simulator");

            //InitilizeBGPListnerSpeaker init_BGP = new InitilizeBGPListnerSpeaker();
            FinateStateMachine FSM_Server = new FinateStateMachine();

            GlobalVariables.True = true;

            //InitilizeRouters init_routers = new InitilizeRouters();
            Routes bgpRoutes = new Routes();

            UpdateMessageHandling createUpdate = new UpdateMessageHandling();
            CloseRouter           close        = new CloseRouter();

            while (true)
                //Console.WriteLine("Type help for command info:"); // Prompt
                //Console.WriteLine("Type commands for further execution:"); // Prompt
                string line = Console.ReadLine(); // Get string from user
                if (line == "help")               // Check string
                    Console.WriteLine(" First Type 'update' to enforce local policy");
                    Console.WriteLine("Type 'as1' or 'as2' or 'as3' to see routing table info");
                    Console.WriteLine("Type 'updateAS1' to update AS1");
                    Console.WriteLine("Type 'updateAS2' to update AS2");
                    Console.WriteLine("Type 'updateAS3' to update AS3");
                    Console.WriteLine("Type '' to close router 0 ");
                    Console.WriteLine("Type '' to close router 5 ");
                    Console.WriteLine("Type '' to close router 9 ");

                if (line == "as1")
                if (line == "as2")
                if (line == "as3")
                if (line == "update")
                    GlobalVariables.data = Routes.GetTable();
                    Console.WriteLine("Local Policy For AS1, AS2 and AS3 is UPDATED");

                if (line == "updateAS1")
                if (line == "updateAS2")
                if (line == "updateAS3")

                if (line == "")
                    close.CloseSpeakerListner(line, 1, 1);
                if (line == "")
                    close.CloseSpeakerListner(line, 3, 2);
                if (line == "")
                    close.CloseSpeakerListner(line, 4, 3);

                //Console.Write("You typed "); // Report output
                //Console.WriteLine(" character(s)");

                //Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit.");

                // Console.ReadKey();

            // marker and length values are 16 and 3 octets which contains 32 and 6 slots
            // type is 1 octet consists 2 slots
            //KeepAliveMessage(ushort type)

             * KeepAliveMessage KEEPALIVE = new KeepAliveMessage();
             * Console.WriteLine("KEEPALIVE MESSAGE CHECK:");
             * Console.WriteLine(string.Join(":", KEEPALIVE.BGPmessage));
             * //OpenMessage(ushort type, ushort version,ushort myAS, ushort holdTime, string bgpIdentifier, ushort optimalParLength)
             * OpenMessage OPEN = new OpenMessage(4, 1, 0, IPAddress.Parse(""), 0);
             * Console.WriteLine("OPEN MESSAGE CHECK:");
             * Console.WriteLine(string.Join(":", OPEN.BGPmessage));
             * //type 1 octet, withdrawRouteLength 2 octets, ipPrefixLength 1 octet, ipPrefix.Length, totalPathAttributeLength 2 octet, attributePath.Length 2 octet,
             * //attributeType 2 octet, attribute.Length = 0 1 octet, attrFlags = 1 1 0ctet, typeCode 1 octet, origin 0 or 1 (Type Code 1), pathSegmentType = 1 or 2 (1 octet),
             * //pathSegmentLength 1 Octet, pathSegment value, asPath (Type Code 2), nextHop value IPAddress(Type Code 3), multiExitDisc (Type Code 4), localPref (Type Code 5),
             * //automaticAggrigator (Type Code 6),aggrigator (Type Code 7), nlrLength IpPrefix.Length, nlePrefix IP address Prefix
             * //UpdateMessage(ushort type, UInt16 withdrawRouteLength, ushort ipPrefixLength, string ipPrefix, ushort totalPathAttributeLength, UInt32 attributeLength,
             * //UInt32 attrFlags, ushort typeCode, string attribute, ushort pathSegmentType,ushort pathSegmentLength,string pathSegmentValue, ushort nlrLength,
             * //string nlrPrefix)
             * //(38 + 2 + 4 + 2 +ipPrefix.Length + 4 + 4 + 2 + 2 + 2 +attribute.Length+ 2 + 2 + pathSegmentValue.Length + 2 + nlrPrefix.Length),19)
             * UpdateMessage UPDATE = new UpdateMessage(2, 4, 6, IPAddress.Parse(""), 24, 9, 1, 2, "myAttr", 2, 4, "MyPathSeg", 4, IPAddress.Parse(""));
             * Console.WriteLine("UPDATE MESSAGE CHECK:");
             * Console.WriteLine(string.Join(":", UPDATE.BGPmessage));
             * //NotificationMessage(ushort type, ushort errorCode, ushort errorSubCode, string data)
             * NotificationMessage NOTIFICARION = new NotificationMessage(3, 3, 6, "Invalid ORIGIN Attribute");
             * Console.WriteLine("NOTIFICATION MESSAGE CHECK:");
             * Console.WriteLine(string.Join(":", NOTIFICARION.BGPmessage));
             * FinateStateMachine FSM = new FinateStateMachine();
             * FSM.Timers();
             * FSM.StartBGPConnectionMethod(true);
             * FSM.StopBGPConnectionMethod(true);
             * FSM.TcpConnectionAckd(true);
             * FSM.TcpConnectionConformed(true);
             * FSM.TcpConnectionFailed(true);
             * FSM.BGPHederError(true);
             * FSM.BGPOpenMsgSent(true);
             * FSM.BGPOpenMsgError(true);
             * FSM.BGPKeepAliveMsgSend(true);
             * FSM.BGPNotifyMsgSent(true);
             * FSM.BGPNotifyMsgErrorSent(true);
             * FSM.BGPUpdateMsgSent(true);
             * FSM.BGPUpdateMsgError(true);

             * FSM.ConnectionRetry(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 5));
             * FSM.StopConnectionHold(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 6));
             * FSM.StopConnectionKeepalive(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 7));
            // Keep the console window open in debug mode.