/// <summary>
        /// The UpdateListItems operation is used to insert, update, and delete to specified list items in a list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="listName">The name of the list for which list items will be updated</param>
        /// <param name="updates">Specifies the operations to perform on a list item</param>
        /// <returns>return the updated list items</returns>
        public UpdateListItemsResponseUpdateListItemsResult UpdateListItems(string listName, UpdateListItemsUpdates updates)
            this.Site.Assert.IsNotNull(this.listsProxy, "The Proxy instance should not be NULL. If assert failed, the adapter need to be initialized");

            UpdateListItemsResponseUpdateListItemsResult result = null;
                result = this.listsProxy.UpdateListItems(listName, updates);

                // Verify the requirements of the UpdateListItems operation.
                this.VerifyUpdateListItemsOperation(result, updates);

                // Verify the requirements of the transport.
            catch (XmlSchemaValidationException exp)
                // Log the errors and warnings

            catch (SoapException)

            return result;
        /// <summary>
        /// A method used to construct UpdateListItemsUpdates instance using the specified parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="methodCollection">A list of MethodCmdEnum to specify the operations.</param>
        /// <param name="fieldNameValuePairs">A list of items values.</param>
        /// <param name="errorhandleType">Specify the OnError of the Batch element's value.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the UpdateListItemsUpdates instance.</returns>
        public static UpdateListItemsUpdates CreateUpdateListItems(
                        List<MethodCmdEnum> methodCollection,
                        List<Dictionary<string, string>> fieldNameValuePairs,
                        OnErrorEnum errorhandleType)
                        "The [methodCollection] parameter in CreateUpdateListItems can not be null");
                        "The [methodCollection] parameter in CreateUpdateListItems can not be null");

                            "The element number in the methods and fieldNameValuePairs parameter List are same");

            UpdateListItemsUpdates updates = new UpdateListItemsUpdates();
            updates.Batch = new UpdateListItemsUpdatesBatch();

            updates.Batch.Method = new UpdateListItemsUpdatesBatchMethod[methodCollection.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < methodCollection.Count; i++)
                updates.Batch.OnError = errorhandleType;
                updates.Batch.OnErrorSpecified = true;
                updates.Batch.Method[i] = new UpdateListItemsUpdatesBatchMethod();
                updates.Batch.Method[i].Cmd = methodCollection[i];

                int fieldCount = fieldNameValuePairs[i].Keys.Count;
                updates.Batch.Method[i].Field = new UpdateListItemsUpdatesBatchMethodField[fieldCount];
                int j = 0;
                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> keyPair in fieldNameValuePairs[i])
                    updates.Batch.Method[i].Field[j] = new UpdateListItemsUpdatesBatchMethodField();
                    updates.Batch.Method[i].Field[j].Name = keyPair.Key;
                    updates.Batch.Method[i].Field[j].Value = keyPair.Value;

            return updates;
        /// <summary>
        /// A method is used to insert one item which only contains "MetaInfo" field value.
        /// This method is constraint to only add one property to the lookup type "MetaInfo" field.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="list">A parameter represents list GUID or list title.</param>
        /// <param name="propertyName">A parameter represents one property name for the lookup type "MetaInfo" field.</param>
        /// <param name="propertyValue">A parameter represents the property value for the corresponding property name.</param>
        /// <returns>A return value represents the item's id.</returns>
        public static string AddListItemWithMetaInfoProperty(string list, string propertyName, string propertyValue)
            UpdateListItemsUpdates updates = new UpdateListItemsUpdates();
            updates.Batch = new UpdateListItemsUpdatesBatch();
            updates.Batch.Method = new UpdateListItemsUpdatesBatchMethod[1];
            updates.Batch.Method[0] = new UpdateListItemsUpdatesBatchMethod();
            updates.Batch.Method[0].ID = 0;
            updates.Batch.Method[0].Cmd = MethodCmdEnum.New;
            updates.Batch.Method[0].Field = new UpdateListItemsUpdatesBatchMethodField[1];
            updates.Batch.Method[0].Field[0] = new UpdateListItemsUpdatesBatchMethodField();
            updates.Batch.Method[0].Field[0].Name = "MetaInfo";
            updates.Batch.Method[0].Field[0].Property = propertyName;
            updates.Batch.Method[0].Field[0].Value = propertyValue;

            return AddListItem(list, updates);
        /// <summary>
        /// The UpdateListItems operation is used to insert, update, and delete to specified list items in a list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="listName">The name of the list for which list items will be updated</param>
        /// <param name="updates">Specifies the operations to perform on a list item</param>
        /// <returns>return the updated list items</returns>
        public UpdateListItemsResponseUpdateListItemsResult UpdateListItems(string listName, UpdateListItemsUpdates updates)
            if (null == this.listsProxy)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("The Proxy instance is NULL, need to initialize the adapter");

            UpdateListItemsResponseUpdateListItemsResult result = null;
            result = this.listsProxy.UpdateListItems(listName, updates);

            return result;
        /// <summary>
        /// A method is used to insert one item to the specified list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="list">A parameter represents list GUID or list title.</param>
        /// <param name="updates">A parameter represents UpdateListItemsUpdates instances.</param>
        /// <returns>This method will return the item's ID.</returns>
        private static string AddListItem(string list, UpdateListItemsUpdates updates)
            UpdateListItemsResponseUpdateListItemsResult result = null;
                result = listswsAdapter.UpdateListItems(
            catch (SoapException exp)
                testSite.Debug.Fail(ErrorMessageTemplate, "adding items in the list " + list, exp.Detail.InnerText);

                                "The result must contain one result");

            DataTable data = AdapterHelper.ExtractData(result.Results[0].Any);
            string columnNameId = string.Format("{0}{1}", AdapterHelper.PrefixOws, "ID");

                                "There MUST be one z:row");

            // There MUST be one column called ID
            return Convert.ToString(data.Rows[0][columnNameId]);
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// The UpdateListItems operation is used to insert, update, and delete to specified list items in a list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="listName">The name of the list for which list items will be updated</param>
        /// <param name="updates">Specifies the operations to perform on a list item</param>
        /// <returns>return the updated list items</returns>
        public UpdateListItemsResponseUpdateListItemsResult UpdateListItems(string listName, UpdateListItemsUpdates updates)
            if (null == this.listsProxy)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("The Proxy instance is NULL, need to initialize the adapter");

            UpdateListItemsResponseUpdateListItemsResult result = null;

            result = this.listsProxy.UpdateListItems(listName, updates);

예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Verify the message syntax of UpdateListItems operation when the response is received 
        /// successfully.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="updateListItemsResult">The result of the operation.</param>
        /// <param name="updates">The updates parameter of the method.</param>
        private void VerifyUpdateListItemsOperation(
            UpdateListItemsResponseUpdateListItemsResult updateListItemsResult,
            UpdateListItemsUpdates updates)
            // Verify R2067
            // The response have been received successfully, then the following requirement can be captured.
            // If the response is not received and parsed successfully, the test case will fail before this requirement is captured 
                @"[The schema of UpdateListItems is defined as:]"
                + @"<wsdl:operation name=""UpdateListItems"">"
                + @"    <wsdl:input message=""UpdateListItemsSoapIn"" />"
                + @"    <wsdl:output message=""UpdateListItemsSoapOut"" />"
                + @"</wsdl:operation>");

            // Verify R905
            // The response have been received successfully, then the following requirement can be captured.
            // If the response is not received and parsed successfully, the test case will fail before this requirement is captured 
                @"[In UpdateListItems operation] [If the protocol client sends an "
                + "UpdateListItemsSoapIn request message] the protocol server responds with an "
                + "UpdateListItemsSoapOut response message.");

            // Verify R2072
            // The response have been received successfully, then the following requirement can be captured.
            // If the response is not received and parsed successfully, the test case will fail before this requirement is captured 
                @"[UpdateListItemsSoapOut]The SOAP Body contains an UpdateListItemsResponse "
                + "element");

            // Verify R2111
            // The response have been received successfully, then the following requirement can be captured.
            // If the response is not received and parsed successfully, the test case will fail before this requirement is captured 
                @"[The schema of UpdateListItemsResponse is defined as:]  <s:element name=""UpdateListItemsResponse"">
                    <s:element minOccurs=""0"" maxOccurs=""1"" name=""UpdateListItemsResult"">
                      <s:complexType mixed=""true"">
                          <s:element name=""Results"" >
                                <s:element name=""Result"" maxOccurs=""unbounded"">
                                      <s:element name=""ErrorCode"" type=""s:string"" />
                                              <s:any minOccurs=""0"" maxOccurs=""unbounded"" />
                                  <s:attribute name=""ID"" type=""s:string"" />
                                <s:attribute name=""List"" type=""s:string""/>
                              <s:attribute name=""Version"" type=""s:string""/>

            // Ensure the SOAP result is de-serialized successfully.
                "The result of UpdateListItems operation must not be null.");

            // If the first returned ID attribute is the Method ID, followed by a comma, 
            // followed by the Method operation, then the following requirements can be 
            // captured.
            for (int i = 0; i < updates.Batch.Method.Length; i++)
                bool isVerifyR962 = false;
                bool isVerifyR923 = false;
                string[] strID = updateListItemsResult.Results[i].ID.Split(',');
                if (strID[0] == updates.Batch.Method[i].ID.ToString() && strID[1] == updates.Batch.Method[i].Cmd.ToString())
                    isVerifyR962 = true;
                    isVerifyR923 = true;

                // Verify R962
                @"[In UpdateListItems operation] [In UpdateListItemsResponse element] [In "
                + "UpdateListItemsResult element] The ID attribute of the Method parameters "
                + "MUST correspond to the ID attribute of the Result element and the Result ID "
                + "is the Method ID, followed by a comma, followed by the Method operation.");

                // Verify R923
                @"[In UpdateListItems operation] [In UpdateListItems element] [In updates "
                + "element] [In Method element] If the Method ID attribute is unique, the protocol "
                + "server MUST use the method identification to match up the request made to the "
                + "protocol server with the protocol server response.");
                if ((updateListItemsResult.Results[i].ID == null || updateListItemsResult.Results[i].ID.ToString() == "") && (updateListItemsResult.Results[i].ErrorCode != ""))
                    @"An empty ID element following the ErrorCode element is included, which is reserved for future use. ");

            // Verify R2115
            // The response have been received successfully, then the following requirement can be captured.
            // If the response is not received and parsed successfully, the test case will fail before this requirement is captured 
                @"[UpdateListItemsResponse]The Result element MUST contain an ErrorCode element.");
예제 #8
 /// <remarks/>
 public void UpdateListItemsAsync(string listName, UpdateListItemsUpdates updates, object userState)
     if ((this.UpdateListItemsOperationCompleted == null))
         this.UpdateListItemsOperationCompleted = new System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback(this.OnUpdateListItemsOperationCompleted);
     this.InvokeAsync("UpdateListItems", new object[] {
             updates}, this.UpdateListItemsOperationCompleted, userState);
예제 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// A method used to add a folder into specified document library.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="listId">A parameter represents the id of a list where the folder is added.</param>
        /// <param name="folderItemName">A parameter represents the name of folder item which is added to specified list.</param>
        /// <returns>A return value represents the folder name which is added into the specified document library.</returns>
        protected string AddFolderIntoList(string listId, string folderItemName)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(listId))
                throw new ArgumentException("The value should not be null or empty.", "listId");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(folderItemName))
                throw new ArgumentException("The value should not be null or empty.", "folderItemName");

            UpdateListItemsUpdates listItemUpdates = new UpdateListItemsUpdates();
            listItemUpdates.Batch = new UpdateListItemsUpdatesBatch();
            listItemUpdates.Batch.Method = new UpdateListItemsUpdatesBatchMethod[1];
            listItemUpdates.Batch.Method[0] = new UpdateListItemsUpdatesBatchMethod();
            listItemUpdates.Batch.Method[0].ID = (uint)0;
            listItemUpdates.Batch.Method[0].Cmd = MethodCmdEnum.New;
            listItemUpdates.Batch.Method[0].Field = new UpdateListItemsUpdatesBatchMethodField[2];
            listItemUpdates.Batch.Method[0].Field[0] = new UpdateListItemsUpdatesBatchMethodField();
            listItemUpdates.Batch.Method[0].Field[0].Name = "FSObjType";
            listItemUpdates.Batch.Method[0].Field[0].Value = "1";
            listItemUpdates.Batch.Method[0].Field[1] = new UpdateListItemsUpdatesBatchMethodField();
            listItemUpdates.Batch.Method[0].Field[1].Name = "BaseName";
            listItemUpdates.Batch.Method[0].Field[1].Value = folderItemName;
            UpdateListItemsResponseUpdateListItemsResult updateListResult = null;

                updateListResult = OutspsAdapter.UpdateListItems(listId, listItemUpdates);
            catch (SoapException)
                this.Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Add folder[{0}] into List[{0}] fail.", folderItemName, listId);

            if (null == updateListResult || null == updateListResult.Results || null == updateListResult.Results
                || 1 != updateListResult.Results.Length)
                this.Site.Assert.Fail("The response of UpdateListItems operation for adding a folder[{0}] should include update result.", folderItemName);

            XmlNode[] zrowsdata = this.GetZrowItems(updateListResult.Results[0].Any);

            // In response of UpdateListItems, only contain one folder added result.
            string addedFolderItemIdValue = Common.GetZrowAttributeValue(zrowsdata, 0, "ows_Id");
            int folderItemId;
            if (!int.TryParse(addedFolderItemIdValue, out folderItemId))
                this.Site.Assert.Fail("The list item id should be integer format value, current value is [{0}]", addedFolderItemIdValue);

            return addedFolderItemIdValue;
예제 #10
 /// <remarks/>
 public void UpdateListItemsAsync(string listName, UpdateListItemsUpdates updates)
     this.UpdateListItemsAsync(listName, updates, null);
예제 #11
 /// <remarks/>
 public System.IAsyncResult BeginUpdateListItems(string listName, UpdateListItemsUpdates updates, System.AsyncCallback callback, object asyncState)
     return this.BeginInvoke("UpdateListItems", new object[] {
             updates}, callback, asyncState);
예제 #12
 public UpdateListItemsResponseUpdateListItemsResult UpdateListItems(string listName, UpdateListItemsUpdates updates)
     object[] results = this.Invoke("UpdateListItems", new object[] {
     return ((UpdateListItemsResponseUpdateListItemsResult)(results[0]));
        public void MSLISTSWS_S03_TC66_IncludeMandatoryColumns()
            #region Create a new generic list
            int templateId = (int)TemplateType.Generic_List;
            string listName = TestSuiteHelper.CreateList(templateId);

            #region Add a new "Required" field in the generic list
            string newRequiredField = TestSuiteHelper.GetUniqueFieldName();
                                    new List<string> { newRequiredField },
                                    new List<string> { "Counter" },
                                    new List<string> { null });

            #region Add a new list item in the generic list with a valid value for the "Required" field
            UpdateListItemsUpdates listItemUpdates_1 = new UpdateListItemsUpdates();
            listItemUpdates_1.Batch = new UpdateListItemsUpdatesBatch();
            listItemUpdates_1.Batch.Method = new UpdateListItemsUpdatesBatchMethod[1];
            listItemUpdates_1.Batch.Method[0] = new UpdateListItemsUpdatesBatchMethod();
            listItemUpdates_1.Batch.Method[0].ID = (uint)0;
            listItemUpdates_1.Batch.Method[0].Cmd = MethodCmdEnum.New;
            listItemUpdates_1.Batch.Method[0].Field = new UpdateListItemsUpdatesBatchMethodField[1];
            listItemUpdates_1.Batch.Method[0].Field[0] = new UpdateListItemsUpdatesBatchMethodField();
            listItemUpdates_1.Batch.Method[0].Field[0].Name = newRequiredField;
            listItemUpdates_1.Batch.Method[0].Field[0].Value = "30";
            this.listswsAdapter.UpdateListItems(listName, listItemUpdates_1);

            #region Invoke the operation "GetListItems" to check the "Required" field.
            GetListItemsResponseGetListItemsResult getListItemsResult = null;
            CamlViewFields viewFields = new CamlViewFields();
            viewFields.ViewFields = new CamlViewFieldsViewFields();
            viewFields.ViewFields.FieldRef = new CamlViewFieldsViewFieldsFieldRef[1];
            viewFields.ViewFields.FieldRef[0] = new CamlViewFieldsViewFieldsFieldRef();
            viewFields.ViewFields.FieldRef[0].Name = "ID";
            CamlQueryOptions queryOption = new CamlQueryOptions();
            queryOption.QueryOptions = new CamlQueryOptionsQueryOptions();
            XmlNode[] row = null;
            System.Collections.IEnumerator attributeEnumerator = null;
            string attribute_NewRequiredField = "ows_" + newRequiredField;

            // Invoke "GetListItems" operation with the value of request element "IncludeMandatoryColumns" is "TRUE".
            queryOption.QueryOptions.IncludeMandatoryColumns = "TRUE";
            getListItemsResult = this.listswsAdapter.GetListItems(listName, null, null, viewFields, null, queryOption, null);
            Site.Assert.IsNotNull(getListItemsResult.listitems, "The \"listitems\" is null in the first invoke of \"GetListItems\"!");
            Site.Assert.IsNotNull(getListItemsResult.listitems.data, "The \"listitems.data\" is null in the first invoke of \"GetListItems\"!");
            Site.Assert.IsNotNull(getListItemsResult.listitems.data.Any, "The \"listitems.data.Any\" is null in the first invoke of \"GetListItems\"!");
            row = getListItemsResult.listitems.data.Any;
            Site.Assert.IsNotNull(row[0], "The \"row[0]\" is null in the first invoke of \"GetListItems\"!");
            Site.Assert.IsNotNull(row[0].Attributes, "The \"row[0].Attributes\" is null in the first invoke of \"GetListItems\"!");
            attributeEnumerator = row[0].Attributes.GetEnumerator();

            // Check if the "Required" field appears as one attribute of "z:row" element in the response of "GetListItems".
            bool findRequiredField_IncludeMandatoryColumns = false;
            while (attributeEnumerator.MoveNext())
                XmlAttribute curAttribute = (XmlAttribute)attributeEnumerator.Current;
                if (string.Compare(curAttribute.Name, attribute_NewRequiredField, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                    findRequiredField_IncludeMandatoryColumns = true;

            // Invoke "GetListItems" operation with the value of request element "IncludeMandatoryColumns" is "FALSE".
            queryOption.QueryOptions.IncludeMandatoryColumns = "FALSE";
            getListItemsResult = this.listswsAdapter.GetListItems(listName, null, null, viewFields, null, queryOption, null);
            Site.Assert.IsNotNull(getListItemsResult.listitems, "The \"listitems\" is null in the second invoke of \"GetListItems\"!");
            Site.Assert.IsNotNull(getListItemsResult.listitems.data, "The \"listitems.data\" is null in the second invoke of \"GetListItems\"!");
            Site.Assert.IsNotNull(getListItemsResult.listitems.data.Any, "The \"listitems.data.Any\" is null in the second invoke of \"GetListItems\"!");
            row = getListItemsResult.listitems.data.Any;
            Site.Assert.IsNotNull(row[0], "The \"row[0]\" is null in the second invoke of \"GetListItems\"!");
            Site.Assert.IsNotNull(row[0].Attributes, "The \"row[0].Attributes\" is null in the second invoke of \"GetListItems\"!");
            attributeEnumerator = row[0].Attributes.GetEnumerator();

            // Check if the "Required" field does not appear as one attribute of "z:row" element in the response of "GetListItems".
            bool findRequiredField_NotIncludeMandatoryColumns = false;
            while (attributeEnumerator.MoveNext())
                XmlAttribute curAttribute = (XmlAttribute)attributeEnumerator.Current;
                if (string.Compare(curAttribute.Name, attribute_NewRequiredField, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                    findRequiredField_NotIncludeMandatoryColumns = true;

            #region Try to confirm the requirement #1256.
            // Capture the requirement #1256 when following 2 conditions are all satisfied:
            //  1. The "Required" field appears as one attribute of "z:row" element in the response of "GetListItems",
            //      when the value of request element "IncludeMandatoryColumns" is "TRUE";
            //  2. The "Required" field does not appear as one attribute of "z:row" element in the response of "GetListItems",
            //      when the value of request element "IncludeMandatoryColumns" is "FALSE";
            bool confirmR1256 = false;
            if (findRequiredField_IncludeMandatoryColumns && !findRequiredField_NotIncludeMandatoryColumns)
                confirmR1256 = true;

                "[IncludeMandatoryColumns]Specifies that required fields and fields used by specified calculated fields be returned in addition to the fields specified by the viewFields parameter if set to True.");

        public void MSLISTSWS_S03_TC43_GetListItems_FilesOnly()
            string listTitle = TestSuiteHelper.GetUniqueListName();
            int docLibraryTemplateId = (int)TemplateType.Document_Library;
            string listId = TestSuiteHelper.CreateList(listTitle, docLibraryTemplateId);

            // Upload the file to the document library
            IMS_LISTSWSSUTControlAdapter sutControlAdapter = this.Site.GetAdapter<IMS_LISTSWSSUTControlAdapter>();
            string absoluteFileUrl = sutControlAdapter.UploadFile(listTitle);
                        "Upload file to the list {0} should be successful, the file path is [{1}]",

            // Get Add file item in the document library
            GetListItemsResponseGetListItemsResult getListItemsForFileItem = null;
            getListItemsForFileItem = this.listswsAdapter.GetListItems(

            if (null == getListItemsForFileItem || null == getListItemsForFileItem.listitems || null == getListItemsForFileItem.listitems.data
                || !getListItemsForFileItem.listitems.data.ItemCount.Equals("1"))
                this.Site.Assert.Fail("Upload a file to SUT fail.");

            DataTable rowDataOfGetListitem = AdapterHelper.ExtractData(getListItemsForFileItem.listitems.data.Any);

            // Get the current Folder item id, it is required column in [MS-LISTSWS]
            string documentItemId = rowDataOfGetListitem.Rows[0]["ows_ID"].ToString();

            // add a folder.
            string uniqueFolderName = TestSuiteHelper.GetUniqueFolderName();
            UpdateListItemsUpdates listItemUpdates = new UpdateListItemsUpdates();
            listItemUpdates.Batch = new UpdateListItemsUpdatesBatch();
            listItemUpdates.Batch.Method = new UpdateListItemsUpdatesBatchMethod[1];
            listItemUpdates.Batch.Method[0] = new UpdateListItemsUpdatesBatchMethod();
            listItemUpdates.Batch.Method[0].ID = (uint)0;
            listItemUpdates.Batch.Method[0].Cmd = MethodCmdEnum.New;
            listItemUpdates.Batch.Method[0].Field = new UpdateListItemsUpdatesBatchMethodField[2];
            listItemUpdates.Batch.Method[0].Field[0] = new UpdateListItemsUpdatesBatchMethodField();
            listItemUpdates.Batch.Method[0].Field[0].Name = "FSObjType";
            listItemUpdates.Batch.Method[0].Field[0].Value = "1";
            listItemUpdates.Batch.Method[0].Field[1] = new UpdateListItemsUpdatesBatchMethodField();
            listItemUpdates.Batch.Method[0].Field[1].Name = "BaseName";
            listItemUpdates.Batch.Method[0].Field[1].Value = uniqueFolderName;
            UpdateListItemsResponseUpdateListItemsResult updateListResult = null;
            updateListResult = this.listswsAdapter.UpdateListItems(listId, listItemUpdates);

            if (null == updateListResult || null == updateListResult.Results || null == updateListResult.Results
             || updateListResult.Results.Length != 1)
                this.Site.Assert.Fail("Could not create a folder to current list[{0}].", listId);

            if (null == updateListResult.Results[0].Any)
                this.Site.Assert.Fail("Could not get the created folder item[{0}] information.", uniqueFolderName);

            DataTable rowDataOfFolderItems = AdapterHelper.ExtractData(updateListResult.Results[0].Any);

            // Get the current Folder item id, it is required column in [MS-LISTSWS]
            this.Site.Assert.AreEqual(1, rowDataOfFolderItems.Rows.Count, "Could not get the created folder item detail information");
            string folderItemId = rowDataOfFolderItems.Rows[0]["ows_ID"].ToString();

            // If R14021 is enable, Protocol SUT is able to return getListResult.List.EnableFolderCreation attribute.
            // If this attribute is return by SUT and its value is true, then capture R14021
            if (Common.IsRequirementEnabled(14021, this.Site))
                GetListResponseGetListResult getListResult = null;
                getListResult = this.listswsAdapter.GetList(listId);
                  bool.TrueString.Equals(getListResult.List.EnableFolderCreation, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase),
                  @"[ListDefinitionCT.EnableFolderCreation: ] [If the attribute is returned by SUT]Implementation does True if folder creation is enabled on the list.(Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010 and above follow this behavior.)");

            // Set the EnumViewAttributes to "FilesOnly" value.
            CamlQueryOptions queryOption = CreateDefaultCamlQueryOptions();
            queryOption.QueryOptions.ViewAttributes.Scope = EnumViewAttributes.FilesOnly;

            GetListItemsResponseGetListItemsResult getListItems = null;
            getListItems = this.listswsAdapter.GetListItems(

            if (null == getListItems || null == getListItems.listitems || null == getListItems.listitems.data
                || null == getListItems.listitems.data.Any)
                this.Site.Assert.Fail("Could not get the valid response for GetListItems operation");

            XmlNode[] rowInformation = getListItems.listitems.data.Any;
            DataTable rowDataOfGtListItems = AdapterHelper.ExtractData(rowInformation);

            // Verify whether the response contains added folder item 
            var rowItemsOfFolder = from DataRow folderitem in rowDataOfGtListItems.Rows
                                   where folderitem["ows_Id"].ToString().Equals(folderItemId, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                                   select folderitem;

            bool isResultContainedFolderItem = rowItemsOfFolder.Count() > 0;
            this.Site.Assert.IsFalse(isResultContainedFolderItem, "The Response of GetListItems operation contain a folder type item");

            // Verify whether the response contains added document. 
            var rowItemsOfDocument = from DataRow documentitem in rowDataOfGtListItems.Rows
                                     where documentitem["ows_Id"].ToString().Equals(documentItemId, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                                     select documentitem;

            // Because only upload a file, If only one file type item is return and document count equals to 1, capture the R280
                 @"[In EnumViewAttributes] the FilesOnly option MUST return only the documents and not the folders.");