예제 #1
        private async Task <List <UpdateTask> > CollectTasks(List <INode> nodes, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var results = new List <UpdateTask>();


            var root = nodes.Single(x => x.Type == NodeType.Root);

            var subNodes       = GetSubNodes(root).ToList();
            var updateManifest = subNodes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == NodeType.File && x.Name == UpdateInfo.UpdateFileName);

            if (updateManifest == null)
                throw new FileNotFoundException($"Failed to get the update list - {UpdateInfo.UpdateFileName} is missing in host: mega");

            var result = await _client.DownloadAsync(updateManifest, null, cancellationToken);

            foreach (var updateInfo in UpdateInfo.ParseUpdateManifest(result, CurrentFolderLink.OriginalString, 10))
                _latestModifiedDate = DateTime.MinValue;

                // Find the remote directory
                var updateNode = root;
                var pathParts  = updateInfo.ServerPath.Split(new[] { Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                foreach (var pathPart in pathParts)
                    updateNode = GetSubNodes(updateNode).FirstOrDefault(node => node.Type == NodeType.Directory && string.Equals(node.Name, pathPart, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
                    if (updateNode == null)
                        throw new DirectoryNotFoundException($"Could not find ServerPath: {updateInfo.ServerPath} in host: mega");

                var versionEqualsComparer = GetVersionEqualsComparer(updateInfo);

                var updateItems = ProcessDirectory(updateNode, updateInfo.ClientPath,
                                                   updateInfo.Recursive, updateInfo.RemoveExtraClientFiles, versionEqualsComparer,

                results.Add(new UpdateTask(updateInfo.Name ?? updateNode.Name, updateItems, updateInfo, _latestModifiedDate));

예제 #2
        public async Task <List <UpdateTask> > GetUpdateItems(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            await Connect();

            var allResults = new List <UpdateTask>();

            using (var str = new MemoryStream())
                var b = await _client.DownloadAsync(str, UpdateInfo.UpdateFileName, 0, null, cancellationToken);

                if (!b)
                    throw new FileNotFoundException($"Failed to get the update list - {UpdateInfo.UpdateFileName} is missing in host: {_client.Host}");

                str.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                var updateInfos = UpdateInfo.ParseUpdateManifest(str, _client.Host, 1).ToList();

                if (updateInfos.Any())
                    _allNodes = _client.GetListing("/", FtpListOption.Recursive | FtpListOption.Size);

                    foreach (var updateInfo in updateInfos)
                        _latestModifiedDate = DateTime.MinValue;

                        var remote = GetNode(updateInfo.ServerPath);
                        if (remote == null)
                            throw new DirectoryNotFoundException($"Could not find ServerPath: {updateInfo.ServerPath} in host: {_client.Host}");

                        var versionEqualsComparer = GetVersionEqualsComparer(updateInfo);

                        var results = await ProcessDirectory(remote, updateInfo.ClientPath,
                                                             updateInfo.Recursive, updateInfo.RemoveExtraClientFiles, versionEqualsComparer,

                        allResults.Add(new UpdateTask(updateInfo.Name ?? remote.Name, results, updateInfo, _latestModifiedDate));
예제 #3
        public async Task <List <UpdateTask> > GetUpdateItems(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var allResults = new List <UpdateTask>();

            var manifestFile = _zipfile.Entries.FirstOrDefault(entry => string.Equals(Path.GetFileName(entry.FileName), UpdateInfo.UpdateFileName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

            if (manifestFile == null)
                throw new FileNotFoundException($"Failed to get the update list - {UpdateInfo.UpdateFileName} is missing in host: {_zipfile.Name}");
            using (var str = manifestFile.OpenReader())
                foreach (var updateInfo in UpdateInfo.ParseUpdateManifest(str, _zipfile.Name, 100))
                    _latestModifiedDate = DateTime.MinValue;

                    // Clean up the path into a usable form
                    var serverPath = updateInfo.ServerPath.Trim(' ', '\\', '/').Replace('\\', '/') + "/";

                    var remote = _zipfile.Entries.FirstOrDefault(entry => string.Equals(entry.FileName, serverPath, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
                    if (remote == null)
                        throw new DirectoryNotFoundException($"Could not find ServerPath: {updateInfo.ServerPath} in host: {_zipfile.Name}");

                    var versionEqualsComparer = GetVersionEqualsComparer(updateInfo);

                    var results = await ProcessDirectory(remote, updateInfo.ClientPath,
                                                         updateInfo.Recursive, updateInfo.RemoveExtraClientFiles, versionEqualsComparer,

                    allResults.Add(new UpdateTask(updateInfo.Name ?? Path.GetFileName(remote.FileName.Trim(' ', '\\', '/')), results, updateInfo, _latestModifiedDate));
예제 #4
        public async Task <List <UpdateTask> > GetUpdateItems(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            await Connect();

            var allResults = new List <UpdateTask>();

            using (var str = new MemoryStream())
                var b = await _client.DownloadAsync(str, UpdateInfo.UpdateFileName, 0, null, cancellationToken);

                if (!b)
                    throw new FileNotFoundException($"Failed to get the update list - {UpdateInfo.UpdateFileName} is missing in host: {_client.Host}");

                str.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                var updateInfos = UpdateInfo.ParseUpdateManifest(str, _client.Host, 1).ToList();

                str.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    if (await _client.DownloadAsync(str, "Updates1.xml", 0, null, cancellationToken))
                        str.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                        updateInfos.AddRange(UpdateInfo.ParseUpdateManifest(str, _client.Host, 1));
                catch (Exception e)

                updateInfos.RemoveAll(info =>
                    if (!info.CheckConditions())
                        Console.WriteLine("Skipping " + info.GUID + " because of conditions");

                if (updateInfos.Any())
                    _allNodes = _client.GetListing("/", FtpListOption.Recursive | FtpListOption.Size);

                    foreach (var updateInfo in updateInfos)
                        _latestModifiedDate = DateTime.MinValue;

                        var remote = GetNode(updateInfo.ServerPath);
                        if (remote == null)
                            throw new DirectoryNotFoundException($"Could not find ServerPath: {updateInfo.ServerPath} in host: {_client.Host}");

                        var versionEqualsComparer = GetVersionEqualsComparer(updateInfo, remote);

                        var results = await ProcessDirectory(remote, updateInfo.ClientPathInfo,
                                                             updateInfo.Recursive, updateInfo.RemoveExtraClientFiles, versionEqualsComparer,

                        allResults.Add(new UpdateTask(updateInfo.Name ?? remote.Name, results, updateInfo, _latestModifiedDate));

                    // If a task is expanded by other tasks, remove the items that other tasks expand from it
                    foreach (var resultTask in allResults)
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(resultTask.Info.ExpandsGUID))
                            Console.WriteLine($"Expanding task {resultTask.Info.ExpandsGUID} with task {resultTask.Info.GUID}");
                            ApplyExtendedItems(resultTask.Info.ExpandsGUID, resultTask.Items, allResults);
예제 #5
        public virtual async Task <List <UpdateTask> > GetUpdateItems(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var updateInfos = new List <UpdateInfo>();

            var filenamesToTry = new[] { UpdateInfo.UpdateFileName, "Updates1.xml", "Updates2.xml" };

            foreach (var fn in filenamesToTry)
                Stream str = null;
                    str = await DownloadFileAsync(fn, cancellationToken);
                catch (FileNotFoundException)
                catch (OperationCanceledException)
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Failed to download Updates file {fn} from {Origin} - {ex.Message}");

                if (str != null)
                        updateInfos.AddRange(UpdateInfo.ParseUpdateManifest(str, this));
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Console.WriteLine($"Failed to parse update manifest file {fn} from {Origin} - {ex.ToStringDemystified()}");

            if (updateInfos.Count == 0)
                throw new FileNotFoundException($"Failed to get update list from host {Origin} - check log for details.");

                info =>
                if (!info.CheckConditions())
                    Console.WriteLine($"Skipping {info.GUID} because of conditions");

            var allResults = new List <UpdateTask>();

            if (updateInfos.Any())
                foreach (var updateInfo in updateInfos)
                    _latestModifiedDate = DateTime.MinValue;
                    var remoteItem = GetRemoteRootItem(updateInfo.ServerPath);
                    if (remoteItem == null)
                        throw new DirectoryNotFoundException($"Could not find ServerPath: {updateInfo.ServerPath} in host: {Origin}");

                    var versionEqualsComparer = GetVersionEqualsComparer(updateInfo);

                    await Task.Run(
                        () =>
                        var results = ProcessDirectory(
                            remoteItem, updateInfo.ClientPathInfo,
                            updateInfo.Recursive, updateInfo.RemoveExtraClientFiles, versionEqualsComparer,

                        allResults.Add(new UpdateTask(updateInfo.Name ?? remoteItem.Name, results, updateInfo, _latestModifiedDate));
                    }, cancellationToken);

                // If a task is expanded by other tasks, remove the items that other tasks expand from it
                foreach (var resultTask in allResults)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(resultTask.Info.ExpandsGUID))
                        Console.WriteLine($"Expanding task {resultTask.Info.ExpandsGUID} with task {resultTask.Info.GUID}");
                        ApplyExtendedItems(resultTask.Info.ExpandsGUID, resultTask.Items, allResults);