public static Busers2 LayNhanVienTheoIdChiTietXetDuyet(int idChiTietXetDuyet, bool kiemTraBiXoa = true) { try { if (kiemTraBiXoa) { var lstnv1 = from nv in db.Busers2s from ctxd in db.Abcons where nv.USERID == ctxd.Auditor && ctxd.IDCT == idChiTietXetDuyet select nv; return(lstnv1.FirstOrDefault()); } var lstnv2 = from nv in db.Busers2s from ctxd in db.Abcons where nv.USERID == ctxd.Auditor && ctxd.IDCT == idChiTietXetDuyet select nv; return(lstnv2.FirstOrDefault()); } catch (Exception ex) { Until.WriteFileLogServer("LayNhanVienTheoIdChiTietXetDuyet\t\t" + "\tMessage Error:\t\t" + ex.Message); return(null); } finally { if (db != null) { db.ToString(); } } }
public IActionResult DoUntil([FromBody] Until item, [FromRoute] string what) { logContext.Logs.Add(new Log() { EndPoint = "dountil", Data = $"{item.ToString()}, {what}" }); logContext.SaveChanges(); if (item.until == null) { return(Json(new { error = "Please provide a number!" })); } if (what.Equals("sum")) { int result = 0; for (int i = 0; i < item.until + 1; i++) { result += i; } return(Json(new { result = result })); } if (what.Equals("factor")) { int result = 1; for (int i = 1; i < item.until + 1; i++) { result *= i; } return(Json(new { result = result })); } return(NotFound()); }
private void Btn_save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { List <User> users = new List <User>(); foreach (DataGridViewRow row in gv_users.Rows) { if (row.Cells["username"].Value == null || row.Cells["password"].Value == null) { continue; } User user = new User() { UserName = row.Cells["username"].Value.ToString(), Password = row.Cells["password"].Value.ToString() }; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.UserName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.Password)) { users.Add(user); } } if (dBHelper.SaveUsers(users)) { Until.ShowInfoBox("Saves users successfully"); } else { Until.ShowErrorBox("Saves users failed"); } }
/// <summary> /// TCP的监听 /// </summary> private void ListenConnecting() { Socket connection = null; while (true) { try{ connection = socketlisten.Accept(); }catch (Exception ex) { Until.Log(ex.Message); break; } IPAddress clientIP = (connection.RemoteEndPoint as IPEndPoint).Address;//获取客户端的IP和端口号 int clientPort = (connection.RemoteEndPoint as IPEndPoint).Port; //string sendmsg = "连接服务端成功!\r\n" + "本地IP:" + clientIP + ",本地端口" + clientPort.ToString(); //byte[] arrSendMsg = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sendmsg); //connection.Send(arrSendMsg); string remoteEndPoint = connection.RemoteEndPoint.ToString(); Until.Log("成功与" + remoteEndPoint + "客户端建立连接!\t\n"); clientConnectionItems.Add(remoteEndPoint, connection);//添加客户端信息 IPEndPoint netpoint = connection.RemoteEndPoint as IPEndPoint; ParameterizedThreadStart pts = new ParameterizedThreadStart(ReceiveFromClient); //创建一个通信线程 Thread thread = new Thread(pts); thread.IsBackground = true; //设置为后台线程,随着主线程退出而退出 thread.Start(connection); } }
public SmartAppBoard() { Inite(); var x = Until.String2keys(new Point(0, 1), valuekey2); keys.AddRange(x); }
public StandIOBar() { Inite(); var x = Until.String2keys(new Point(0, 1), valuekey2); keys.AddRange(x); }
private void FrmMain_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { var result = lisenceHelper.GetAllKey(); if (result.Result == 0) { foreach (Key key in result.Data) { gv_data.Rows.Add(key.Id, key.LisenceKey, key.Count, key.IsActiveForever, key.MonthCount, key.IsActive); } } else { Until.ShowErrorBox(result.Message); } } catch (Exception ex) { Until.ShowErrorBox(ex.Message); } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine ("Hello World!"); LTLFormula formula = new Until(new Proposition("P1"), new Proposition("P2")); Automaton automaton = new Automaton(); Node initialNode = new Node(); initialNode.Incoming.Enqueue("init"); initialNode.New.Enqueue(formula); automaton = initialNode.Expand(automaton); System.Console.WriteLine ("Automaton has {0} states", automaton.Nodes.Count); System.Console.WriteLine ("digraph G {"); System.Console.WriteLine ("\tinit [shape=plaintext label=\"\"];"); foreach (Node n1 in automaton.Nodes) { System.Console.WriteLine ("\t{0};", n1.Name); } foreach (Node n1 in automaton.Nodes) { foreach (string n2 in n1.Incoming) { System.Console.WriteLine ("\t{0} -> {1};", n2, n1.Name); } } System.Console.WriteLine ("}"); }
public async void PrepareForDeactivation() { while (true) { Model.Treshold = 1; Model.Keyword = string.Empty; //await Until.BecomesTrue(() => // Model.Keyword == Title // ); var criticalWindow = new CriticalErrorWindow { DataContext = Model }; criticalWindow.ShowDialog(); await Until.BecomesTrue(() => criticalWindow.IsLoaded == false); /* Model.Keyword != string.Empty && * Model.Logs.Count(x => x.Message.Contains(Model.Keyword)) * > Model.Treshold * Model.Logs.Count */ MessageBox.Show("Aha!!!"); } }
private void BtnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { using (frmAddKey frm = new frmAddKey()) { if (frm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { var result = lisenceHelper.AddKey(frm.Key); if (result.Result == 0) { gv_data.Rows.Add(frm.Key.Id, frm.Key.LisenceKey, frm.Key.Count, frm.Key.IsActiveForever, frm.Key.MonthCount, frm.Key.IsActive); Until.ShowInfoBox("Add key successfully"); } else { Until.ShowErrorBox(result.Message); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Until.ShowErrorBox(ex.Message); } }
private void SimpleFacebookToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { //if(LisenceHelper<LisenceResult>.Information != null && LisenceHelper<LisenceResult>.Information.Result != 0) //{ // Until.ShowErrorBox("Lisence is Expired or Trial can uses this Feature..."); // return; //} Microsoft.Win32.Registry.SetValue(@"HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ATP", "ATP-FACEBOOK", string.Format("ATP-FACEBOOK-{0}-{1}-{2}-{3}-{4}-{5}-{6}-{7}", Until.GetRanDomHex(4), Until.GetRanDomHex(4), Until.GetRanDomHex(4), Until.GetRanDomHex(4), Until.GetRanDomHex(4), Until.GetRanDomHex(4), Until.GetRanDomHex(4), Until.GetRanDomHex(4)), Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueKind.String); RunAndWaitSimpleFacebook(); } catch (Exception ex) { Until.ShowErrorBox(ex.Message); } }
public static Buser_Securety TimKiemNhanVien_MaBaoMatTheoIDNhanVien_Ngay(string idNhanVien, DateTime ngay) { try { var ngaygannhat = (from bm in db.Buser_Secureties from q in db.Busers2s where bm.UserID == q.USERID && bm.UserID == idNhanVien && DateTime.Compare(bm.ngay.Value, ngay) <= 0 select bm.ngay.Value).ToList().Max(); if (ngaygannhat != null) { return(db.Buser_Secureties.Where(cd => cd.UserID == idNhanVien && DateTime.Compare(cd.ngay.Value, (DateTime)ngaygannhat) == 0).SingleOrDefault()); } else { return(new Buser_Securety()); } } catch (Exception ex) { Until.WriteFileLogServer("TimKiemNhanVien_MaBaoMatTheoIDNhanVien_Ngay\t\t" + "\tMessage Error:\t\t" + ex.Message); return(new Buser_Securety()); } finally { if (db != null) { db.ToString(); } } }
protected override void InnerInitialize(ParserInitializeArgs args) { if (Separator != null) { Separator.Initialize(args); } if (Until != null) { Until.Initialize(args); } separator = Separator ?? args.Grammar.Separator; skipUntilMatches = (Until != null && (Until.AddMatch || Until.Children.Any(r => r.AddMatch))); hasChildMatch = false; if (!AddMatch) { if (separator != null) { hasChildMatch |= separator.AddMatch || separator.Children.Any(r => r.AddMatch); } if (Inner != null) { hasChildMatch |= Inner.AddMatch || Inner.Children.Any(r => r.AddMatch); } } base.InnerInitialize(args); }
public WaitForLoadingIndicatorAttribute(Until until = Until.VisibleThenMissingOrHidden, TriggerEvents on = TriggerEvents.AfterClick, TriggerPriority priority = TriggerPriority.Medium) : base(WaitBy.Css, " img", until, on, priority) { ScopeSource = ScopeSource.Page; PresenceTimeout = 2; ThrowOnPresenceFailure = false; }
protected void Follow(string transition, IDictionary <string, object> withParams, Until until, int countDown) { string after = null; if (until != null) { after = " looking for: " + until.s; } Assert.IsTrue(countDown > 0, "Didn't match transition:" + transition + after + "\n" + ErrorContext()); Element elem = LocateLink(transition); Assert.IsNotNull(elem, "Can't find element for transition: " + transition + "\n" + ErrorContext()); if (withParams != null) { ApplyParams(elem, withParams); } Follow(elem); if (until == null || Locate(until.s, false) != null) { return; } Follow(transition, withParams, until, countDown - 1); }
protected void btnSendMail_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string congty = Session["congty"].ToString(); string user = Session["user"].ToString(); string manguoitao = Session["manguoitao"].ToString(); string maphieu = Session["maphieu"].ToString(); String noidung2 = "Chào anh/chị. Có thông tin mới"; noidung2 += "- Mã văn bản: " + maphieu + "\n"; noidung2 += "- Tiêu đề: " + txtTile.Text + "\n"; noidung2 += "- Nội dung: " + txtComment.Text + "\n"; Busers2 nhanvientao = UserBUS.TimMaNhanVienTaoPhieu(manguoitao, congty); Busers2 nhanviendich = UserBUS.TimMaNhanVienDich(user, congty); Until.SendMailNguoiTao(nhanviendich.EMAIL, nhanvientao.EMAIL, "[Ty Hung-eOffice] Thông báo ", noidung2); string ngonngu = Session["languege"].ToString(); if (ngonngu == "lbl_VN") { LbThongBao.Text = "Sent successfully"; } else if (ngonngu == "lbl_TW") { LbThongBao.Text = "Sent successfully"; } else if (ngonngu == "lbl_EN") { LbThongBao.Text = "Sent successfully"; } btnSendMail.Enabled = false; btnSendMail.Attributes.CssStyle.Add("opacity", "0.5"); }
private void BtnActive_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (gv_data.SelectedRows.Count == 0 || gv_data.SelectedRows[0].Cells["Id"].Value == null) { Until.ShowErrorBox("Please choose Key first"); return; } Key key = new Key() { Id = (Guid)gv_data.SelectedRows[0].Cells["id"].Value, IsActive = ((int)gv_data.SelectedRows[0].Cells["actived"].Value == 1) ? 0 : 1 }; var result = lisenceHelper.EditActiveKey(key); if (result.Result == 0) { gv_data.SelectedRows[0].Cells["actived"].Value = key.IsActive; Until.ShowInfoBox(string.Format("{0} key successfully", key.IsActive == 0 ? "UnActive" : "Active")); } else { Until.ShowErrorBox(result.Message); } } catch (Exception ex) { Until.ShowErrorBox(ex.Message); } }
public OAuth2Request ToOAuth2Request(ISalesforceUser user) { if (!(Resource is SObject)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Only SObjects can have changes. Searches and Queries not elibible."); } if (Since > Until) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Since must preceed Until."); } // var path = user.Properties ["instance_url"] + SalesforceClient.RestApiPath; // var baseUri = new Uri (path); // var queryString = String.Format("?start={0:O}&end={1:O}", Since.ToUniversalTime(), Until.ToUniversalTime()); // var changesPath = Path.Combine(Resource.AbsoluteUri.AbsolutePath, ChangeType.ToString(), queryString); // var changesUri = new Uri(changesPath); // var uri = new Uri (baseUri, changesUri); var path = user.Properties ["instance_url"] + SalesforceClient.RestApiPath; var baseUri = new Uri(path); var uri = new UriBuilder(new Uri(baseUri, Resource.AbsoluteUri)); // Custom ISO format: var since = Since.ToUniversalTime(); var sinceString = String.Format("{0}T{1}Z", since.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), since.ToString("HH:mm:ss")); var until = Until.ToUniversalTime(); var untilString = String.Format("{0}T{1}Z", until.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), until.ToString("HH:mm:ss")); uri.Query = String.Format("start={0}&end={1}", sinceString, untilString); var oauthRequest = new OAuth2Request(Method, uri.Uri, Resource.Options.Where(kvp => kvp.Value.JsonType == JsonType.String).ToDictionary(k => k.Key, v => (string)v.Value), user); return(oauthRequest); }
public void Write(Stream buffer) { var message = RawMessage.ReadFromWithHeader(buffer); var textMessage = message.AsTextMessage(); Writes.Add(textMessage); Until.Happened(); }
/// <summary> /// Returns the string representation of this object. If the Vacation object i set to be invalid this will return null /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public override string ToString() { if (From > Until) { return(null); } return($"{From.ToString ()} - {Until.ToString ()}"); }
/// <summary> /// 获取模板list /// </summary> /// <returns>模板列表json数据</returns> public string GetTemplateList() { string url = Until.CreateUrl(UrlConfig.GetTemplateList); RequestHelper request = new RequestHelper(); string response = request.GetResponseString(request.CreateGetHttpResponse(url)); return(response); }
public SmartWindowsBoard() { keys.AddRange(Until.String2keys(auxiliaryFunctions)); keys.AddRange(Until.String2keys(new Point(0, 1), secondLine)); keys.AddRange(Until.String2keys(new Point(0, 2), thirdLine)); keys.AddRange(Until.String2keys(new Point(0, 3), firthLine)); keys.AddRange(Until.String2keys(new Point(0, 4), fifthLine)); }
public void Do(Act action, Until until = null, Act then = null) { var di = new DoInfo(); di.Do = action; di.Until = until; di.Then = then; Dos.Add(di); }
public virtual void In(Act Action, Until Until) { var ai = new ActInfo(); ai.Action = Action; ai.Until = Until; ai.NoTime = true; Acts.Add(ai); }
public virtual void In(int ms, Act Action, Until Until) { var ai = new ActInfo(); ai.Action = Action; ai.When = Environment.TickCount + ms; ai.Until = Until; Acts.Add(ai); }
private void Inite() { firstLine = Until.String2keys(numbers); smallKeyBoardKeys = Until.String2keys(new PointF(14.5F, 0), smallKeyBoard); var direction = Until.String2keys(new PointF(12.5F, 3), directions); direction[0].shape.X += 1; keys.AddRange(direction); }
public string GetIpAddress() { string hostName = Dns.GetHostName(); //获取本机名 IPHostEntry localhost = Dns.GetHostByName(hostName); //方法已过期,可以获取IPv4的地址 //IPHostEntry localhost = Dns.GetHostEntry(hostName); //获取IPv6地址 IPAddress localaddr = localhost.AddressList[0]; Until.Log(localaddr.ToString()); return(localaddr.ToString()); }
protected internal override void Execute <TOwner>(TriggerContext <TOwner> context) { foreach (WaitUnit unit in Until.GetWaitUnits(WaitOptions)) { context.Log.ExecuteSection( new WaitForElementLogSection((UIComponent)context.Component, WaitBy, Selector, unit), () => Wait(context.Component, unit)); } }
private void BtnOpen_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog()) { ofd.Filter = "Facebook App File | *.fajob"; ofd.Multiselect = false; if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { jobConfig = new JobConfig(); if (jobConfig.Open(ref jobConfig, ofd.FileName)) { Cbtype.SelectedIndex = jobConfig.Type; chbtimming1.Checked = jobConfig.TimmingConfig.IsUsedOne; chbtimming2.Checked = jobConfig.TimmingConfig.IsUsedTwo; chbtimming3.Checked = jobConfig.TimmingConfig.IsUsedThree; chbtimming4.Checked = jobConfig.TimmingConfig.IsUsedFour; dttimming1.Value = DateTime.Now.Date.AddSeconds(jobConfig.TimmingConfig.TimeOne); dttimming2.Value = DateTime.Now.Date.AddSeconds(jobConfig.TimmingConfig.TimeTwo); dttimming3.Value = DateTime.Now.Date.AddSeconds(jobConfig.TimmingConfig.TimeThree); dttimming4.Value = DateTime.Now.Date.AddSeconds(jobConfig.TimmingConfig.TimeFour); nudinterval.Value = jobConfig.IntervalConfig.Interval; chbRunNow.Checked = jobConfig.IntervalConfig.IsRunNow; nudnotify.Value = jobConfig.NotifyBeforeTime; for (int i = 0; i < chblusers.Items.Count; i++) { chblusers.SetItemChecked(i, false); } foreach (var user in jobConfig.UserConfigs) { for (int i = 0; i < chblusers.Items.Count; i++) { if (user.UserName == (string)chblusers.Items[i]) { chblusers.SetItemChecked(i, true); break; } } } chbsendmessage.Checked = jobConfig.IsSendMessage; chbpostwall.Checked = jobConfig.IsPostWall; nudpeoplecount.Value = jobConfig.CountPeople; Until.ShowInfoBox("Open successfully"); } else { Until.ShowErrorBox("Open Failed"); } } } }
private void BtnCopy_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (gv_data.SelectedRows.Count == 0 || gv_data.SelectedRows[0].Cells["Id"].Value == null) { Until.ShowErrorBox("Please choose Key first"); return; } System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard.SetText((string)gv_data.SelectedRows[0].Cells["key"].Value); }
public static bool ThayDoiMatKhauCap2(string tenDangNhap, string matKhauCu, string matKhauMoi, bool kiemTraBiXoa = true) { Busers2 nNhanVien = new Busers2(); try { if (kiemTraBiXoa) { nNhanVien = db.Busers2s.Where(nv => nv.USERID == tenDangNhap && nv.Password2 == matKhauCu).FirstOrDefault(); if (nNhanVien == null) { if (db != null) { db.ToString(); } return(false); } else { nNhanVien.Password2 = matKhauMoi; //NhanVien_MaBaoMat nvbm = new NhanVien_MaBaoMat(); //nvbm.IdNhanVien = nNhanVien.IdNhanVien; //nvbm.MyKey = matKhauMoi; //nvbm.Ngay = DateTime.Now; //db.NhanVien_MaBaoMats.InsertOnSubmit(nvbm); db.SubmitChanges(); if (db != null) { db.ToString(); } return(true); } } else { return(false); } } catch (Exception ex) { Until.WriteFileLogServer("ThayDoiMatKhauCap2\t\t" + "\tMessage Error:\t\t" + ex.Message); return(false); } finally { if (db != null) { db.ToString(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Create a new <see cref="DiceDamageEffect"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="target"> /// The <see cref="Target"/> this effect component acts on. This /// cannot be null. /// </param> /// <param name="score"> /// The <see cref="CharacterScore"/> that gains the bonus. This /// cannot be null. /// </param> /// <param name="modifier"> /// A score that, when calculated, gives the bonus or penalty. /// </param> /// <param name="until"> /// When the bonus ends. /// </param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"> /// No argument can be null. /// </exception> public GainModifierEffect(Target target, CharacterScore score, ICharacterScoreValue modifier, Until until) : base(target) { if (score == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("score"); } if (modifier == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("modifier"); } this.Scores = new List<CharacterScore>(new [] { score }); this.Modifier = modifier; this.Until = until; }
/// <summary> /// Get a human-readable representation of the given <see cref="Until"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="until"> /// The value to get an representation of. /// </param> /// <returns></returns> /// <exception cref="ArgumentException"> /// Unknown value of <paramref name="until"/>. /// </exception> public static string ToString(Until until) { string result; switch (until) { case Until.Unspecified: result = string.Empty; break; case Until.EndOfEncounter: result = "until the end of the encounter"; break; case Until.EndOfYourNextTurn: result = "until the end of your next turn"; break; case Until.StartOfYourNextTurn: result = "until the start of your next turn"; break; default: throw new ArgumentException("Unknown Until value", "until"); } return result; }
public double Satisfy (State currentState, Until until) { if (caching.ContainsKey (until)) { return caching[until][currentState]; } caching[until] = new Dictionary<State, double> (); var B = until.Left; var C = until.Right; // Compute SO var s0 = States.Except (ComputeNotS0 (States.Where (s => Satisfy (s, B) == 1), C)); Console.WriteLine ("S0 : " + string.Join (",", s0.Select (s => s.Identifier))); foreach (var s in s0) caching[until].Add (s, 0); // Compute S1 var s1 = ComputeS1 (B, C); Console.WriteLine ("S1 : " + string.Join (",", s1.Select (s => s.Identifier))); foreach (var s in s1) caching[until].Add (s, 1); // Compute S? var spending = States.Except (s0.Union(s1)); Console.WriteLine ("S? : " + string.Join (",", spending.Select (s => s.Identifier))); if (spending.Count() > 0) { // Build a SM with only states from S? var sm = new MarkovChain (); foreach (var s in spending) { sm.Add (s); foreach (var t in spending) { var transition = Transitions.Where (trans => trans.From.Equals (s) & trans.To.Equals (t)).SingleOrDefault (); if (transition != null) sm.Add (transition); } } var table = sm.BuildConversionTable (); var A = sm.GetTransitionMatrix (table); var b = new DenseVector ( sm.States.Select (x => Transitions.Where (y => y.From.Equals (x)) .Where (y => s1.Contains (y.To)) .Select (y => y.Probability).Sum () ).ToArray () ); Console.WriteLine ("---------- [Conversion Table]"); Console.WriteLine (string.Join ("\n", table.Select (x => x.Key + ":" + x.Value))); Console.WriteLine ("----------"); Console.WriteLine ("---------- [A]"); Console.WriteLine (A); Console.WriteLine ("----------"); Console.WriteLine ("---------- [b]"); Console.WriteLine (b); Console.WriteLine ("----------"); var epsilon = 0.001; MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Generic.Vector<double> prevsol = new DenseVector (b.Count, 0); MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Generic.Vector<double> currentsol = new DenseVector (b.Count, 0); do { prevsol = currentsol; currentsol = A.Multiply (prevsol) + b; } while ((prevsol - currentsol).AbsoluteMaximum() > epsilon); Console.WriteLine ("---------- [solution]"); Console.WriteLine (currentsol); Console.WriteLine ("----------"); foreach (var s in spending) caching[until].Add(s, currentsol[table[s.Identifier]]); Console.WriteLine ("---------- [Final result]"); Console.WriteLine (string.Join ("\n", caching[until].Select (x => x.Key.Identifier + " : " + x.Value))); Console.WriteLine ("----------"); } return caching[until][currentState]; }
public Until until(long now) { Until ret = new Until(); ret.isAudio = false; ret.msec = 0; if (eType == EventType.WARN_CONN_POOR || eType == EventType.WARN_CONN_DROP) { ret.msec = lastNet <= pUpload ? 0 : int.MaxValue; return ret; } if (bAudio) { long rem = sAudio * 1000 - (now - lastAudio); if (lastAudio < 0) rem = int.MaxValue; if (rem > ret.msec) { ret.isAudio = true; ret.required = sAudio * 1000; ret.msec = rem; } } if (bMouse) { long rem = sMouse * 1000 - (now - lastMouse); if (lastMouse < 0) rem = int.MaxValue; if (rem > ret.msec) { ret.isAudio = false; ret.required = sMouse * 1000; ret.msec = rem; } } return ret; }
/// <summary> /// Create a new <see cref="PushEffect"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="target"> /// The <see cref="Target"/> this effect component acts on. This /// cannot be null. /// </param> /// <param name="to"> /// Who combat advantage is granted to. /// </param> /// <param name="until"> /// When the effect will end. /// </param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"> /// No argument can be null. /// </exception> public GrantCombatAdvantageEffect(Target target, To to, Until until) : base(target) { this.To = to; this.Until = until; }
/// <summary> /// Create a new <see cref="ConditionEffect"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="target"> /// The <see cref="Target"/> that is immobilized. /// </param> /// <param name="condition"> /// The <see cref="Condition"/> imposed on the target. /// </param> /// <param name="until"> /// Then the immoblization ceases. /// </param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"> /// <paramref name="target"/> cannot be null. /// </exception> public ConditionEffect(Target target, Condition condition, Until until) : base(target) { this.Condition = condition; this.Until = until; }
/// <summary> /// Create a new <see cref="DiceDamageEffect"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="target"> /// The <see cref="Target"/> this effect component acts on. This /// cannot be null. /// </param> /// <param name="scores"> /// The <see cref="CharacterScore"/>s that gain the bonus. This /// cannot be null or contain null. /// </param> /// <param name="modifier"> /// A score that, when calculated, gives the bonus or penalty. /// </param> /// <param name="until"> /// When the bonus ends. /// </param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"> /// No argument can be null. /// </exception> public GainModifierEffect(Target target, IEnumerable<CharacterScore> scores, ICharacterScoreValue modifier, Until until) : base(target) { if (scores == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("scores"); } if (scores.Any(x => x == null)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("scores"); } if (modifier == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("modifier"); } this.Scores = new List<CharacterScore>(scores); this.Modifier = modifier; this.Until = until; }
/// <summary> /// Create a new <see cref="DiceDamageEffect"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="target"> /// The <see cref="Target"/> this effect component acts on. This /// cannot be null. /// </param> /// <param name="score"> /// The <see cref="CharacterScore"/> that gains the bonus. This /// cannot be null. /// </param> /// <param name="bonus"> /// The amount of the bonus. /// </param> /// <param name="until"> /// Then the bonus ends. /// </param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"> /// No argument can be null. /// </exception> public GainModifierEffect(Target target, CharacterScore score, int bonus, Until until) : this(target, score, new ConstantValue(bonus), until) { // Do nothing }