예제 #1
    /// <summary>
    /// Add an action to the UnityEvent displayed in the editor.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="button">The object that will listen to the event.</param>
    /// <param name="action">The action to trigger.</param>
    /// <returns>Success state.</returns>
    public static bool AddPersistentEvent(this UnityEvent @event, UnityEngine.Object caller, UnityAction <float> method, float argument)
        if (@event.HasCall(caller, method.Method.Name))
        var targetInfo = UnityEventBase.GetValidMethodInfo(caller, method.Method.Name, new Type[] { typeof(float) });
        UnityAction <float> methodDelegate = Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(UnityAction <float>), caller, targetInfo) as UnityAction <float>;
        UnityEventTools.AddFloatPersistentListener(@event, methodDelegate, argument);

예제 #2
            public void Bind(UnityEvent @event)
                if (value == null)
                    System.Reflection.MethodInfo targetinfo = UnityEvent.GetValidMethodInfo(target, setMethodName, new Type[0]);
                    if (targetinfo == null)
                        Debug.LogError("no method " + setMethodName + "() in " + target.ToString());
                    UnityAction action = Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(UnityAction), target, targetinfo, false) as UnityAction;
                    UnityEventTools.AddVoidPersistentListener(@event, action);
                else if (value is int)
                    UnityEventTools.AddIntPersistentListener(@event, GetAction <int>(target, setMethodName), (int)value);
                else if (value is float)
                    UnityEventTools.AddFloatPersistentListener(@event, GetAction <float>(target, setMethodName), (float)value);
                else if (value is string)
                    UnityEventTools.AddStringPersistentListener(@event, GetAction <string>(target, setMethodName), (string)value);
                else if (value is bool)
                    UnityEventTools.AddBoolPersistentListener(@event, GetAction <bool>(target, setMethodName), (bool)value);
                else if (value is GameObject)
                    Bind <GameObject>(@event);
                else if (value is Transform)
                    Bind <Transform>(@event);
                    Debug.LogError("unable to assign " + value.GetType());
                System.Reflection.MethodInfo targetinfo = UnityEvent.GetValidMethodInfo(target, setMethodName, new Type[0]);
                @event.AddListener(() => targetinfo.Invoke(target, new object[] { value }));
예제 #3
        // Create a connection between two slots.
        public static bool ConnectSlots(Graphs.Slot fromSlot, Graphs.Slot toSlot)
            var nodeTo       = ((Node)toSlot.node).runtimeInstance;
            var triggerEvent = GetEventOfOutputSlot(fromSlot);
            var targetMethod = GetMethodOfInputSlot(toSlot);

            // Determine the type of the target action.
            var actionType = GetUnityActionToInvokeMethod(targetMethod);

            if (actionType == null)
                return(false);                    // invalid target method type
            // Create an action that is bound to the target method.
            var targetAction = Delegate.CreateDelegate(
                actionType, nodeTo, targetMethod

            if (triggerEvent is UnityEvent)
                // The trigger event has no parameter.
                // Add the action to the event with a default parameter.
                if (actionType == typeof(UnityAction))
                        triggerEvent, (UnityAction)targetAction
                if (actionType == typeof(UnityAction <float>))
                        triggerEvent, (UnityAction <float>)targetAction, 1.0f
            else if (triggerEvent is UnityEvent <float> )
                // The trigger event has a float parameter.
                // Then the target method should have a float parameter too.
                if (actionType == typeof(UnityAction <float>))
                    // Add the action to the event.
                        (UnityEvent <float>)triggerEvent,
                        (UnityAction <float>)targetAction
            else if (triggerEvent is UnityEvent <int> )
                // The trigger event has a int parameter.
                // Then the target method should have a int parameter too.
                if (actionType == typeof(UnityAction <int>))
                    // Add the action to the event.
                        (UnityEvent <int>)triggerEvent,
                        (UnityAction <int>)targetAction
            else if (triggerEvent is UnityEvent <string> )
                // The trigger event has a string parameter.
                // Then the target method should have a string parameter too.
                if (actionType == typeof(UnityAction <string>))
                    // Add the action to the event.
                        (UnityEvent <string>)triggerEvent,
                        (UnityAction <string>)targetAction
            else if (triggerEvent is UnityEvent <Vector3> )
                // The trigger event has a Vector3 parameter.
                // Then the target method should have a Vector3 parameter too.
                if (actionType == typeof(UnityAction <Vector3>))
                    // Add the action to the event.
                        (UnityEvent <Vector3>)triggerEvent,
                        (UnityAction <Vector3>)targetAction
            else if (triggerEvent is UnityEvent <Quaternion> )
                // The trigger event has a Quaternion parameter.
                // Then the target method should have a Quaternion parameter too.
                if (actionType == typeof(UnityAction <Quaternion>))
                    // Add the action to the event.
                        (UnityEvent <Quaternion>)triggerEvent,
                        (UnityAction <Quaternion>)targetAction
            else if (triggerEvent is UnityEvent <Color> )
                // The trigger event has a color parameter.
                // Then the target method should have a color parameter too.
                if (actionType == typeof(UnityAction <Color>))
                    // Add the action to the event.
                        (UnityEvent <Color>)triggerEvent,
                        (UnityAction <Color>)targetAction
            else if (triggerEvent is UnityEvent <Texture> )
                // The trigger event has a color parameter.
                // Then the target method should have a color parameter too.
                if (actionType == typeof(UnityAction <Texture>))
                    // Add the action to the event.
                        (UnityEvent <Texture>)triggerEvent,
                        (UnityAction <Texture>)targetAction

            return(false); // trigger-target mismatch
예제 #4
    private void Create()
        // Create root gameobject

        GameObject gameObject = new GameObject("NewMissile");

        Selection.activeGameObject = gameObject;

        // Create 3D model

        if (missileModel != null)
            GameObject meshObject = Instantiate(missileModel, gameObject.transform);
            meshObject.name = "Model";
            meshObject.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
            meshObject.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;

        // Create the visual effects

        if (exhaustVisualEffects != null)
            GameObject exhaustVisualEffectsObject = Instantiate(exhaustVisualEffects, gameObject.transform);
            exhaustVisualEffectsObject.name = "ExhaustVisualEffects";
            exhaustVisualEffectsObject.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
            exhaustVisualEffectsObject.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;

        // ************************ AUDIO ***************************

        // Create an object to store the audio under
        GameObject audioObject = new GameObject("Audio");

        audioObject.transform.parent        = gameObject.transform;
        audioObject.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
        audioObject.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;

        // Create the launch audio

        if (launchAudioClip != null)
            GameObject launchAudioObject = new GameObject("LaunchAudio");
            launchAudioObject.transform.parent        = audioObject.transform;
            launchAudioObject.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
            launchAudioObject.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;

            AudioSource launchAudioSource = launchAudioObject.AddComponent <AudioSource>();
            launchAudioSource.clip        = launchAudioClip;
            launchAudioSource.playOnAwake = true;
            launchAudioSource.loop        = false;

        // Create the exhaust audio

        if (exhaustAudioClip != null)
            GameObject exhaustAudioObject = new GameObject("ExhaustAudio");
            exhaustAudioObject.transform.parent        = audioObject.transform;
            exhaustAudioObject.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
            exhaustAudioObject.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;

            AudioSource exhaustAudioSource = exhaustAudioObject.AddComponent <AudioSource>();
            exhaustAudioSource.clip        = exhaustAudioClip;
            exhaustAudioSource.playOnAwake = true;
            exhaustAudioSource.loop        = true;

        // ************************ Main Components ***************************

        // Add a rigidbody

        Rigidbody rBody = gameObject.AddComponent <Rigidbody>();

        rBody.useGravity = false;

        // Add the Missile component

        Missile          missile   = gameObject.AddComponent <Missile>();
        SerializedObject missileSO = new SerializedObject(missile);


        // Add a Target Locker

        TargetLocker     targetLocker   = gameObject.AddComponent <TargetLocker>();
        SerializedObject targetLockerSO = new SerializedObject(targetLocker);


        targetLockerSO.FindProperty("lockingEnabled").boolValue = false;

        // Add a target leader

        TargetLeader     targetLeader   = gameObject.AddComponent <TargetLeader>();
        SerializedObject targetLeaderSO = new SerializedObject(targetLeader);


        // Add engines

        VehicleEngines3D engines   = gameObject.AddComponent <VehicleEngines3D>();
        SerializedObject enginesSO = new SerializedObject(engines);


        // Add a guidance system

        GuidanceController guidanceController   = gameObject.AddComponent <GuidanceController>();
        SerializedObject   guidanceControllerSO = new SerializedObject(guidanceController);


        // Update the guidance system settings
        guidanceControllerSO.FindProperty("engines").objectReferenceValue = engines;

        // Add a Detonator

        Detonator        detonator   = gameObject.AddComponent <Detonator>();
        SerializedObject detonatorSO = new SerializedObject(detonator);


        if (explosion != null)
            detonatorSO.FindProperty("detonatingDuration").floatValue         = 2;
            detonatorSO.FindProperty("detonatingStateSpawnObjects").arraySize = 1;
            detonatorSO.FindProperty("detonatingStateSpawnObjects").GetArrayElementAtIndex(0).objectReferenceValue = explosion;

        UnityEventTools.AddBoolPersistentListener(detonator.onDetonating, engines.SetRigidbodyKinematic, true);
        UnityEventTools.AddBoolPersistentListener(detonator.onDetonated, gameObject.SetActive, false);
        UnityEventTools.AddBoolPersistentListener(detonator.onReset, engines.SetRigidbodyKinematic, false);

        // Add Health Modifier

        HealthModifier   healthModifier   = gameObject.AddComponent <HealthModifier>();
        SerializedObject healthModifierSO = new SerializedObject(healthModifier);


        if (areaDamage)
            // Add a damage receiver scanner for the area damage

            GameObject areaDamageScannerObject = new GameObject("AreaDamageScanner");
            areaDamageScannerObject.transform.parent        = gameObject.transform;
            areaDamageScannerObject.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
            areaDamageScannerObject.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;

            // Add a kinematic rigidbody

            Rigidbody areaDamageScannerRigidbody = areaDamageScannerObject.AddComponent <Rigidbody>();
            areaDamageScannerRigidbody.isKinematic = true;

            // Add a sphere trigger collider and set the radius

            SphereCollider areaDamageScannerCollider = areaDamageScannerObject.AddComponent <SphereCollider>();
            areaDamageScannerCollider.isTrigger = true;
            areaDamageScannerCollider.radius    = 20;

            // Add a damage receiver scanner

            DamageReceiverScanner areaDamageScanner   = areaDamageScannerObject.AddComponent <DamageReceiverScanner>();
            SerializedObject      areaDamageScannerSO = new SerializedObject(areaDamageScanner);
            areaDamageScannerSO.FindProperty("scannerTriggerCollider").objectReferenceValue = areaDamageScannerCollider;

            healthModifierSO.FindProperty("areaDamageReceiverScanner").objectReferenceValue = areaDamageScanner;

        // Add a collision scanner

        CollisionScanner collisionScanner   = gameObject.AddComponent <CollisionScanner>();
        SerializedObject collisionScannerSO = new SerializedObject(collisionScanner);


        // Collision scanner settings
        if (areaDamage)
            UnityEventTools.AddPersistentListener(collisionScanner.onHitDetected, healthModifier.RaycastHitAreaDamage);
            UnityEventTools.AddPersistentListener(collisionScanner.onHitDetected, healthModifier.RaycastHitDamage);

        UnityEventTools.AddPersistentListener(collisionScanner.onHitDetected, detonator.Detonate);

        if (targetProximityDetonation)
            // Add a target proximity trigger to the root transform

            TargetProximityTrigger targetProximityTrigger   = gameObject.AddComponent <TargetProximityTrigger>();
            SerializedObject       targetProximityTriggerSO = new SerializedObject(targetProximityTrigger);

            // Create an object for the proximity scanner trigger collider

            GameObject proximityTriggerColliderObject = new GameObject("TargetProximityScanner");
            proximityTriggerColliderObject.transform.parent        = gameObject.transform;
            proximityTriggerColliderObject.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
            proximityTriggerColliderObject.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;

            // Add a kinematic rigidbody

            Rigidbody proximityTriggerColliderRigidbody = proximityTriggerColliderObject.AddComponent <Rigidbody>();
            proximityTriggerColliderRigidbody.isKinematic = true;

            // Add a sphere trigger collider and set the radius

            SphereCollider sphereCollider = proximityTriggerColliderObject.AddComponent <SphereCollider>();
            sphereCollider.isTrigger = true;
            sphereCollider.radius    = 20;

            // Add a damage receiver scanner

            DamageReceiverScanner damageReceiverScanner   = proximityTriggerColliderObject.AddComponent <DamageReceiverScanner>();
            SerializedObject      damageReceiverScannerSO = new SerializedObject(damageReceiverScanner);

            // Link the collider to the damage receiver scanner

            damageReceiverScannerSO.FindProperty("scannerTriggerCollider").objectReferenceValue = sphereCollider;

            // Link the scanner to the proximity trigger

            targetProximityTriggerSO.FindProperty("scanner").objectReferenceValue = damageReceiverScanner;

            UnityEventTools.AddPersistentListener(targetProximityTrigger.onTriggered, healthModifier.EmitDamage);
            UnityEventTools.AddPersistentListener(targetProximityTrigger.onTriggered, detonator.Detonate);

            UnityEventTools.AddPersistentListener(targetLocker.onLocked, targetProximityTrigger.SetTarget);

        // Update the target locker settings

        UnityEventTools.AddPersistentListener(targetLocker.onLocked, targetLeader.SetTarget);
        UnityEventTools.AddVoidPersistentListener(targetLocker.onNoLock, targetLeader.ClearTarget);
        UnityEventTools.AddFloatPersistentListener(targetLocker.onNoLock, detonator.BeginDelayedDetonation, 4);

        // Update the target leader settings
        UnityEventTools.AddPersistentListener(targetLeader.onLeadTargetPositionUpdated, guidanceController.SetTargetPosition);

        missileSO.FindProperty("targetLocker").objectReferenceValue = targetLocker;
예제 #5
    private void EcrireEffets()
        SerializedProperty effet;
        SerializedProperty cible;
        SerializedProperty methode;
        SerializedProperty argumentFloat;
        SerializedProperty argumentInt;

        SerializedObject so = new SerializedObject(buff);

        effet = so.FindProperty("effets.m_PersistentCalls.m_Calls.Array");

        InitialiserListeRetour(buff.listeEffetsRetours, effet.arraySize);

        EffetBonus bonus = effetRef.GetComponent <EffetBonus>();

        for (int i = 0; i < effet.arraySize; i++)
            cible         = effet.FindPropertyRelative("data[" + i + "].m_Target");
            methode       = effet.FindPropertyRelative("data[" + i + "].m_MethodName");
            argumentFloat = effet.FindPropertyRelative("data[" + i + "].m_Arguments.m_FloatArgument");
            argumentInt   = effet.FindPropertyRelative("data[" + i + "].m_Arguments.m_IntArgument");
            string retour = "";

            //Remet à 0 le nombre de listener persitent
            for (int j = 0; j < buff.antiEffets.GetPersistentEventCount(); j++)
                UnityEventTools.RemovePersistentListener(buff.antiEffets, j);

            if (methode.stringValue.Contains("Bonus"))
                if (methode.stringValue.Contains("Attaque"))
                    char pluriel = '\0';
                    if (Math.Abs(argumentInt.intValue) != 1)
                        pluriel = 's';
                    if (argumentInt.intValue > 0)
                        retour = "<color=#" + ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGBA(ListeCouleurs.Defaut.couleurTexteBonus) + ">+"
                                 + argumentInt.intValue + "<color=\"white\">" + " point" + pluriel + " d'attaque";
                    else if (argumentInt.intValue < 0)
                        retour = "<color=#" + ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGBA(ListeCouleurs.Defaut.couleurAlerteTexteInterface) + ">"
                                 + argumentInt.intValue + "<color=\"white\">" + " point" + pluriel + " d'attaque";

                    UnityAction <int> callback = new UnityAction <int>(bonus.ajouterBonusAttaque);
                    UnityEventTools.AddIntPersistentListener(buff.antiEffets, callback, argumentInt.intValue * -1);
                else if (methode.stringValue.Contains("Defense"))
                    char pluriel = '\0';
                    if (Math.Abs(argumentInt.intValue) != 1)
                        pluriel = 's';
                    if (argumentInt.intValue > 0)
                        retour = "<color=#" + ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGBA(ListeCouleurs.Defaut.couleurTexteBonus) + ">+"
                                 + argumentInt.intValue + "<color=\"white\">" + " point" + pluriel + " de défense";
                    else if (argumentInt.intValue < 0)
                        retour = "<color=#" + ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGBA(ListeCouleurs.Defaut.couleurAlerteTexteInterface) + ">"
                                 + argumentInt.intValue + "<color=\"white\">" + " point" + pluriel + " de défense";

                    UnityAction <int> callback = new UnityAction <int>(bonus.ajouterBonusDefense);
                    UnityEventTools.AddIntPersistentListener(buff.antiEffets, callback, argumentInt.intValue * -1);
                else if (methode.stringValue.Contains("DegatMoral"))
                    if (argumentInt.intValue > 0)
                        retour = "<color=#" + ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGBA(ListeCouleurs.Defaut.couleurTexteBonus) + ">++" +
                                 "<color=\"white\"> dégat moral";
                    else if (argumentInt.intValue < 0)
                        retour = "<color=#" + ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGBA(ListeCouleurs.Defaut.couleurAlerteTexteInterface) + ">--" +
                                 "<color=\"white\"> dégat moral";
                    UnityAction <int> callback = new UnityAction <int>(bonus.AjouterBonusDegatMoral);
                    UnityEventTools.AddIntPersistentListener(buff.antiEffets, callback, argumentInt.intValue * -1);
                else if (methode.stringValue.Contains("Deplacement"))
                    char pluriel = '\0';
                    if (Math.Abs(argumentInt.intValue) != 1)
                        pluriel = 's';
                    if (argumentInt.intValue > 0)
                        retour = "<color=#" + ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGBA(ListeCouleurs.Defaut.couleurTexteBonus) + ">+"
                                 + argumentInt.intValue + "<color=\"white\"> point" + pluriel + " de déplacement";
                    else if (argumentInt.intValue < 0)
                        retour = "<color=#" + ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGBA(ListeCouleurs.Defaut.couleurAlerteTexteInterface) +
                                 argumentInt.intValue + "<color=\"white\"> point" + pluriel + " de déplacement";

                    if (methode.stringValue.Contains("ToutesTribus"))
                        retour += " pour toutes les tribus";
                        UnityAction <int> callback = new UnityAction <int>(bonus.AjouterBonusDeplacementToutesTribus);
                        UnityEventTools.AddIntPersistentListener(buff.antiEffets, callback, argumentInt.intValue * -1);
                        UnityAction <int> callback = new UnityAction <int>(bonus.AjouterBonusDeplacement);
                        UnityEventTools.AddIntPersistentListener(buff.antiEffets, callback, argumentInt.intValue * -1);

                else if (methode.stringValue.Contains("MultiplicateurCoutPop"))
                    if (argumentFloat.floatValue > 1)
                        retour = "<color=#" + ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGBA(ListeCouleurs.Defaut.couleurAlerteTexteInterface) + ">" +
                                 "++<color=\"white\"> Cout d'une population";
                    else if (argumentFloat.floatValue < 1)
                        retour = "<color=#" + ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGBA(ListeCouleurs.Defaut.couleurTexteBonus) + ">" +
                                 "--<color=\"white\"> Cout d'une population";
                    if (argumentFloat.floatValue == 0)
                        retour = "Cout d'une populaiton< color =#" + ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGBA(ListeCouleurs.Defaut.couleurTexteBonus) + "> gratuit";

                    UnityAction <float> callback = new UnityAction <float>(bonus.AssignerMultiplicateurCoutPop);
                    UnityEventTools.AddFloatPersistentListener(buff.antiEffets, callback, argumentFloat.floatValue * -1);
                else if (methode.stringValue.Contains("MultiplicateurStockage"))
                    if (argumentFloat.floatValue > 1)
                        retour = "<color=#" + ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGBA(ListeCouleurs.Defaut.couleurAlerteTexteInterface) + ">" +
                                 "++<color=\"white\"> Capacité de stockage";
                    else if (argumentFloat.floatValue < 1)
                        retour = "<color=#" + ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGBA(ListeCouleurs.Defaut.couleurTexteBonus) + ">" +
                                 "--<color=\"white\"> Capacité de stockage";
                    if (argumentFloat.floatValue == 0)
                        retour = "Capacité de stockage< color =#" + ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGBA(ListeCouleurs.Defaut.couleurAlerteTexteInterface) + "> ANNULEE";

                    UnityAction <float> callback = new UnityAction <float>(bonus.AssignerMutliplicateurStockage);
                    UnityEventTools.AddFloatPersistentListener(buff.antiEffets, callback, argumentFloat.floatValue * -1);
                else if (methode.stringValue.Contains("MultProd"))
                    if (methode.stringValue.Contains("Nourriture"))
                        if (argumentFloat.floatValue > 1)
                            retour = "<color=#" + ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGBA(ListeCouleurs.Defaut.couleurAlerteTexteInterface) + ">" +
                                     "++<color=\"white\"> Production Nourriture";
                        else if (argumentFloat.floatValue < 1)
                            retour = "<color=#" + ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGBA(ListeCouleurs.Defaut.couleurTexteBonus) + ">" +
                                     "--<color=\"white\"> Production Nourriture";
                        if (argumentFloat.floatValue == 0)
                            retour = "Production Nourriture<color =#" +
                                     ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGBA(ListeCouleurs.Defaut.couleurAlerteTexteInterface) + "> ANNULEE";

                        if (methode.stringValue.Contains("ToutesTribus"))
                            retour += " pour toutes les tribus";
                            UnityAction <float> callback = new UnityAction <float>(bonus.AssignerMultProdNourritureToutesTribus);
                            UnityEventTools.AddFloatPersistentListener(buff.antiEffets, callback, argumentInt.intValue * -1);
                            UnityAction <float> callback = new UnityAction <float>(bonus.AssignerMultProdNourriture);
                            UnityEventTools.AddFloatPersistentListener(buff.antiEffets, callback, argumentInt.intValue * -1);
                    else if (methode.stringValue.Contains("Pierre"))
                        if (argumentFloat.floatValue > 1)
                            retour = "<color=#" + ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGBA(ListeCouleurs.Defaut.couleurAlerteTexteInterface) + ">" +
                                     "++<color=\"white\"> Production Pierre";
                        else if (argumentFloat.floatValue < 1)
                            retour = "<color=#" + ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGBA(ListeCouleurs.Defaut.couleurTexteBonus) + ">" +
                                     "--<color=\"white\"> Production Pierre";
                        if (argumentFloat.floatValue == 0)
                            retour = "Production Pierre<color =#" +
                                     ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGBA(ListeCouleurs.Defaut.couleurAlerteTexteInterface) + "> ANNULEE";

                        if (methode.stringValue.Contains("ToutesTribus"))
                            retour += " pour toutes les tribus";
                            UnityAction <float> callback = new UnityAction <float>(bonus.AssignerMultProdPierreToutesTribus);
                            UnityEventTools.AddFloatPersistentListener(buff.antiEffets, callback, argumentInt.intValue * -1);
                            UnityAction <float> callback = new UnityAction <float>(bonus.AssignerMultProdPierre);
                            UnityEventTools.AddFloatPersistentListener(buff.antiEffets, callback, argumentInt.intValue * -1);
                    else if (methode.stringValue.Contains("Peau"))
                        if (argumentFloat.floatValue > 1)
                            retour = "<color=#" + ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGBA(ListeCouleurs.Defaut.couleurAlerteTexteInterface) + ">" +
                                     "++<color=\"white\"> Production Peau";
                        else if (argumentFloat.floatValue < 1)
                            retour = "<color=#" + ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGBA(ListeCouleurs.Defaut.couleurTexteBonus) + ">" +
                                     "--<color=\"white\"> Production Peau";
                        if (argumentFloat.floatValue == 0)
                            retour = "Production Peau<color =#" +
                                     ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGBA(ListeCouleurs.Defaut.couleurAlerteTexteInterface) + "> ANNULEE";

                        if (methode.stringValue.Contains("ToutesTribus"))
                            retour += " pour toutes les tribus";
                            UnityAction <float> callback = new UnityAction <float>(bonus.AssignerMultProdPeauToutesTribus);
                            UnityEventTools.AddFloatPersistentListener(buff.antiEffets, callback, argumentInt.intValue * -1);
                            UnityAction <float> callback = new UnityAction <float>(bonus.AssignerMultProdPeau);
                            UnityEventTools.AddFloatPersistentListener(buff.antiEffets, callback, argumentInt.intValue * -1);
                    else if (methode.stringValue.Contains("Outil"))
                        if (argumentFloat.floatValue > 1)
                            retour = "<color=#" + ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGBA(ListeCouleurs.Defaut.couleurAlerteTexteInterface) + ">" +
                                     "++<color=\"white\"> Production Outil";
                        else if (argumentFloat.floatValue < 1)
                            retour = "<color=#" + ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGBA(ListeCouleurs.Defaut.couleurTexteBonus) + ">" +
                                     "--<color=\"white\"> Production Outil";
                        if (argumentFloat.floatValue == 0)
                            retour = "Production Outil<color =#" +
                                     ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGBA(ListeCouleurs.Defaut.couleurAlerteTexteInterface) + "> ANNULEE";

                        if (methode.stringValue.Contains("ToutesTribus"))
                            retour += " pour toutes les tribus";
                            UnityAction <float> callback = new UnityAction <float>(bonus.AssignerMultProdOutilToutesTribus);
                            UnityEventTools.AddFloatPersistentListener(buff.antiEffets, callback, argumentInt.intValue * -1);
                            UnityAction <float> callback = new UnityAction <float>(bonus.AssignerMultProdOutil);
                            UnityEventTools.AddFloatPersistentListener(buff.antiEffets, callback, argumentInt.intValue * -1);
                    else if (methode.stringValue.Contains("Pigment"))
                        if (argumentFloat.floatValue > 1)
                            retour = "<color=#" + ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGBA(ListeCouleurs.Defaut.couleurAlerteTexteInterface) + ">" +
                                     "++<color=\"white\"> Production Pigment";
                        else if (argumentFloat.floatValue < 1)
                            retour = "<color=#" + ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGBA(ListeCouleurs.Defaut.couleurTexteBonus) + ">" +
                                     "--<color=\"white\"> Production Pigment";
                        if (argumentFloat.floatValue == 0)
                            retour = "Production Pigment<color =#" +
                                     ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGBA(ListeCouleurs.Defaut.couleurAlerteTexteInterface) + "> ANNULEE";

                        if (methode.stringValue.Contains("ToutesTribus"))
                            retour += " pour toutes les tribus";
                            UnityAction <float> callback = new UnityAction <float>(bonus.AssignerMultProdPigmentToutesTribus);
                            UnityEventTools.AddFloatPersistentListener(buff.antiEffets, callback, argumentInt.intValue * -1);
                            UnityAction <float> callback = new UnityAction <float>(bonus.AssignerMultProdPigment);
                            UnityEventTools.AddFloatPersistentListener(buff.antiEffets, callback, argumentInt.intValue * -1);
                        if (argumentFloat.floatValue > 1)
                            retour = "<color=#" + ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGBA(ListeCouleurs.Defaut.couleurAlerteTexteInterface) + ">" +
                                     "++<color=\"white\"> Production";
                        else if (argumentFloat.floatValue < 1)
                            retour = "<color=#" + ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGBA(ListeCouleurs.Defaut.couleurTexteBonus) + ">" +
                                     "--<color=\"white\"> Production";
                        if (argumentFloat.floatValue == 0)
                            retour = "Production<color =#" +
                                     ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGBA(ListeCouleurs.Defaut.couleurAlerteTexteInterface) + "> ANNULEE";

                        if (methode.stringValue.Contains("ToutesTribus"))
                            retour += " pour toutes les tribus";
                            UnityAction <float> callback = new UnityAction <float>(bonus.AssignerMultProdToutesTribus);
                            UnityEventTools.AddFloatPersistentListener(buff.antiEffets, callback, argumentInt.intValue * -1);
                            UnityAction <float> callback = new UnityAction <float>(bonus.AssignerMultProd);
                            UnityEventTools.AddFloatPersistentListener(buff.antiEffets, callback, argumentInt.intValue * -1);
            if (buff.compteurTour)
                if (!buff.name.Contains("SpawnTroupeau"))
                    char pluriel = '\0';
                    if (buff.nombreTour > 0)
                        pluriel = 's';
                    retour += " pendant " + buff.nombreTour + " tour" + pluriel;
                    retour = "";
            else if (buff.tpsDuneTechno)
            else if (buff.tpsDunEvent)
                retour += " jusqu'à la fin de l'évenement";

            buff.listeEffetsRetours[i] = retour;
예제 #6
        // Try to create a link between two nodes.
        // Returns true if the link is established successfully.
        public static bool TryLinkNodes(
            NodeBase nodeFrom, Outlet outlet,
            NodeBase nodeTo, MethodInfo targetMethod
            var triggerEvent = outlet.boundEvent;
            // Determine the type of the target action.
            var actionType = GetUnityActionToInvokeMethod(targetMethod);

            if (actionType == null)
                return(false);                    // invalid target method type
            // Create an action that is bound to the target method.
            var targetAction = Delegate.CreateDelegate(
                actionType, nodeTo, targetMethod

            if (triggerEvent is UnityEvent)
                // The trigger event has no parameter.
                // Add the action to the event with a default parameter.
                if (actionType == typeof(UnityAction))
                        triggerEvent, (UnityAction)targetAction
                if (actionType == typeof(UnityAction <float>))
                        triggerEvent, (UnityAction <float>)targetAction, 1.0f
                //if (actionType == typeof(UnityAction<object>))
                //    UnityEventTools.AddPersistentListener(
                //        triggerEvent, (UnityAction<object>)targetAction,
                //        );
                //    return true;
            else if (triggerEvent is UnityEvent <float> )
                // The trigger event has a float parameter.
                // Then the target method should have a float parameter too.
                if (actionType == typeof(UnityAction <float>))
                    // Add the action to the event.
                        (UnityEvent <float>)triggerEvent,
                        (UnityAction <float>)targetAction
            else if (triggerEvent is UnityEvent <int> )
                // The trigger event has a float parameter.
                // Then the target method should have a float parameter too.
                if (actionType == typeof(UnityAction <int>))
                    // Add the action to the event.
                        (UnityEvent <int>)triggerEvent,
                        (UnityAction <int>)targetAction
            else if (triggerEvent is UnityEvent <string> )
                // The trigger event has a float parameter.
                // Then the target method should have a float parameter too.
                if (actionType == typeof(UnityAction <string>))
                    // Add the action to the event.
                        (UnityEvent <string>)triggerEvent,
                        (UnityAction <string>)targetAction
            else if (triggerEvent is UnityEvent <Vector3> )
                // The trigger event has a Vector3 parameter.
                // Then the target method should have a Vector3 parameter too.
                if (actionType == typeof(UnityAction <Vector3>))
                    // Add the action to the event.
                        (UnityEvent <Vector3>)triggerEvent,
                        (UnityAction <Vector3>)targetAction
            else if (triggerEvent is UnityEvent <Quaternion> )
                // The trigger event has a Quaternion parameter.
                // Then the target method should have a Quaternion parameter too.
                if (actionType == typeof(UnityAction <Quaternion>))
                    // Add the action to the event.
                        (UnityEvent <Quaternion>)triggerEvent,
                        (UnityAction <Quaternion>)targetAction
            else if (triggerEvent is UnityEvent <Color> )
                // The trigger event has a color parameter.
                // Then the target method should have a color parameter too.
                if (actionType == typeof(UnityAction <Color>))
                    // Add the action to the event.
                        (UnityEvent <Color>)triggerEvent,
                        (UnityAction <Color>)targetAction
            else if (triggerEvent is UnityEvent <GameObject> )
                // The trigger event has a color parameter.
                // Then the target method should have a color parameter too.
                if (actionType == typeof(UnityAction <GameObject>))
                    // Add the action to the event.
                        (UnityEvent <GameObject>)triggerEvent,
                        (UnityAction <GameObject>)targetAction
            else if (triggerEvent is UnityEvent <Transform> )
                // The trigger event has a color parameter.
                // Then the target method should have a color parameter too.
                if (actionType == typeof(UnityAction <Transform>))
                    // Add the action to the event.
                        (UnityEvent <Transform>)triggerEvent,
                        (UnityAction <Transform>)targetAction
            else if (triggerEvent is UnityEvent <Collision> )
                // The trigger event has a color parameter.
                // Then the target method should have a color parameter too.
                if (actionType == typeof(UnityAction <Collision>))
                    // Add the action to the event.
                        (UnityEvent <Collision>)triggerEvent,
                        (UnityAction <Collision>)targetAction
            else if (triggerEvent is UnityEvent <Collider> )
                // The trigger event has a color parameter.
                // Then the target method should have a color parameter too.
                if (actionType == typeof(UnityAction <Collider>))
                    // Add the action to the event.
                        (UnityEvent <Collider>)triggerEvent,
                        (UnityAction <Collider>)targetAction
            else if (triggerEvent is UnityEvent <Rigidbody> )
                // The trigger event has a color parameter.
                // Then the target method should have a color parameter too.
                if (actionType == typeof(UnityAction <Rigidbody>))
                    // Add the action to the event.
                        (UnityEvent <Rigidbody>)triggerEvent,
                        (UnityAction <Rigidbody>)targetAction
            else if (triggerEvent is UnityEvent <Collision2D> )
                // The trigger event has a color parameter.
                // Then the target method should have a color parameter too.
                if (actionType == typeof(UnityAction <Collision2D>))
                    // Add the action to the event.
                        (UnityEvent <Collision2D>)triggerEvent,
                        (UnityAction <Collision2D>)targetAction
            else if (triggerEvent is UnityEvent <Collider2D> )
                // The trigger event has a color parameter.
                // Then the target method should have a color parameter too.
                if (actionType == typeof(UnityAction <Collider2D>))
                    // Add the action to the event.
                        (UnityEvent <Collider2D>)triggerEvent,
                        (UnityAction <Collider2D>)targetAction
            else if (triggerEvent is UnityEvent <Rigidbody2D> )
                // The trigger event has a color parameter.
                // Then the target method should have a color parameter too.
                if (actionType == typeof(UnityAction <Rigidbody2D>))
                    // Add the action to the event.
                        (UnityEvent <Rigidbody2D>)triggerEvent,
                        (UnityAction <Rigidbody2D>)targetAction
            else if (triggerEvent is UnityEvent <ContactPoint> )
                // The trigger event has a color parameter.
                // Then the target method should have a color parameter too.
                if (actionType == typeof(UnityAction <ContactPoint>))
                    // Add the action to the event.
                        (UnityEvent <ContactPoint>)triggerEvent,
                        (UnityAction <ContactPoint>)targetAction
            else if (triggerEvent is UnityEvent <ContactPoint2D> )
                // The trigger event has a color parameter.
                // Then the target method should have a color parameter too.
                if (actionType == typeof(UnityAction <ContactPoint2D>))
                    // Add the action to the event.
                        (UnityEvent <ContactPoint2D>)triggerEvent,
                        (UnityAction <ContactPoint2D>)targetAction
            else if (triggerEvent is UnityEvent <Bounds> )
                // The trigger event has a color parameter.
                // Then the target method should have a color parameter too.
                if (actionType == typeof(UnityAction <Bounds>))
                    // Add the action to the event.
                        (UnityEvent <Bounds>)triggerEvent,
                        (UnityAction <Bounds>)targetAction

            if (actionType == typeof(UnityAction))
                UnityEventTools.AddVoidPersistentListener(triggerEvent, (UnityAction)targetAction);
            return(false); // trigger-target mismatch
예제 #7
        // Try to create a link between two nodes.
        // Returns true if the link is established successfully.
        public static bool TryLinkNodes(
            Wiring.NodeBase nodeFrom, UnityEventBase triggerEvent,
            Wiring.NodeBase nodeTo, MethodInfo targetMethod
            // Determine the type of the target action.
            var actionType = GetUnityActionToInvokeMethod(targetMethod);

            if (actionType == null)
                return(false);                    // invalid target method type
            // Create an action that is bound to the target method.
            var targetAction = Delegate.CreateDelegate(
                actionType, nodeTo, targetMethod

            if (triggerEvent is UnityEvent)
                // The trigger event has no parameter.
                // Add the action to the event with a default parameter.
                if (actionType == typeof(UnityAction))
                        triggerEvent, (UnityAction)targetAction
                if (actionType == typeof(UnityAction <float>))
                        triggerEvent, (UnityAction <float>)targetAction, 1.0f
            else if (triggerEvent is UnityEvent <float> )
                // The trigger event has a float parameter.
                // Then the target method should have a float parameter too.
                if (actionType == typeof(UnityAction <float>))
                    // Add the action to the event.
                        (UnityEvent <float>)triggerEvent,
                        (UnityAction <float>)targetAction
            else if (triggerEvent is UnityEvent <Vector3> )
                // The trigger event has a Vector3 parameter.
                // Then the target method should have a Vector3 parameter too.
                if (actionType == typeof(UnityAction <Vector3>))
                    // Add the action to the event.
                        (UnityEvent <Vector3>)triggerEvent,
                        (UnityAction <Vector3>)targetAction
            else if (triggerEvent is UnityEvent <Quaternion> )
                // The trigger event has a Quaternion parameter.
                // Then the target method should have a Quaternion parameter too.
                if (actionType == typeof(UnityAction <Quaternion>))
                    // Add the action to the event.
                        (UnityEvent <Quaternion>)triggerEvent,
                        (UnityAction <Quaternion>)targetAction
            else if (triggerEvent is UnityEvent <Color> )
                // The trigger event has a color parameter.
                // Then the target method should have a color parameter too.
                if (actionType == typeof(UnityAction <Color>))
                    // Add the action to the event.
                        (UnityEvent <Color>)triggerEvent,
                        (UnityAction <Color>)targetAction

            return(false); // trigger-target mismatch
        // Create a connection between two slots.
        public static bool ConnectSlots(Graphs.Slot fromSlot, Graphs.Slot toSlot)
            var nodeTo       = ((Block)toSlot.node).runtimeInstance;
            var triggerEvent = GetEventOfOutputSlot(fromSlot);
            var targetMethod = GetMethodOfInputSlot(toSlot);

            // Determine the type of the target action.
            var actionType = GetUnityActionToInvokeMethod(targetMethod);

            if (actionType == null)
                return(false); // invalid target method type
            // Create an action that is bound to the target method.
            var targetAction = Delegate.CreateDelegate(
                actionType, nodeTo, targetMethod

            if (triggerEvent is UnityEvent)
                // The trigger event has no parameter.
                // Add the action to the event with a default parameter.
                if (actionType == typeof(UnityAction))
                        triggerEvent, (UnityAction)targetAction
                if (actionType == typeof(UnityAction <float>))
                        triggerEvent, (UnityAction <float>)targetAction, 1.0f
            } /*else if (triggerEvent is UnityEvent<float>) {
               *                // The trigger event has a float parameter.
               *                // Then the target method should have a float parameter too.
               *                if (actionType == typeof(UnityAction<float>)) {
               *                        // Add the action to the event.
               *                        UnityEventTools.AddPersistentListener (
               *                                (UnityEvent<float>)triggerEvent,
               *                                (UnityAction<float>)targetAction
               *                        );
               *                        return true;
               *                }
               *        }*/
            else if (triggerEvent is UnityEvent <int> )
                // The trigger event has a int parameter.
                // Then the target method should have a int parameter too.
                if (actionType == typeof(UnityAction <int>))
                    // Add the action to the event.
                        (UnityEvent <int>)triggerEvent,
                        (UnityAction <int>)targetAction
            else if (triggerEvent is UnityEvent <string> )
                // The trigger event has a string parameter.
                // Then the target method should have a string parameter too.
                if (actionType == typeof(UnityAction <string>))
                    // Add the action to the event.
                        (UnityEvent <string>)triggerEvent,
                        (UnityAction <string>)targetAction
            else if (triggerEvent is UnityEvent <Vector3> )
                // The trigger event has a Vector3 parameter.
                // Then the target method should have a Vector3 parameter too.
                if (actionType == typeof(UnityAction <Vector3>))
                    // Add the action to the event.
                        (UnityEvent <Vector3>)triggerEvent,
                        (UnityAction <Vector3>)targetAction
            }/* else if (triggerEvent is UnityEvent<Quaternion>) {
              *                 // The trigger event has a Quaternion parameter.
              *                 // Then the target method should have a Quaternion parameter too.
              *                 if (actionType == typeof(UnityAction<Quaternion>)) {
              *                         // Add the action to the event.
              *                         UnityEventTools.AddPersistentListener (
              *                                 (UnityEvent<Quaternion>)triggerEvent,
              *                                 (UnityAction<Quaternion>)targetAction
              *                         );
              *                         return true;
              *                 }
              *         }*/
            else if (triggerEvent is UnityEvent <Color> )
                // The trigger event has a color parameter.
                // Then the target method should have a color parameter too.
                if (actionType == typeof(UnityAction <Color>))
                    // Add the action to the event.
                        (UnityEvent <Color>)triggerEvent,
                        (UnityAction <Color>)targetAction
            else if (triggerEvent is UnityEvent <Texture> )
                // The trigger event has a color parameter.
                // Then the target method should have a color parameter too.
                if (actionType == typeof(UnityAction <Texture>))
                    // Add the action to the event.
                        (UnityEvent <Texture>)triggerEvent,
                        (UnityAction <Texture>)targetAction
                var act = GetActionDataType(actionType);
                var evt = GetEventDataType(triggerEvent.GetType());

                if (act == evt)  //same type
                                 //		UnityEventTools.AddPersistentListener(triggerEvent as UnityEvent,targetAction as UnityAction);
                    if (_AddPersistenceListener == null)
                        var mi = typeof(UnityEventTools)
                        foreach (var m in mi)
                            if (m.Name == "AddPersistentListener" && m.IsGenericMethod && m.GetGenericArguments().Length == 1)
                                _AddPersistenceListener = m;

                    var actType = GetActionBaseType(targetAction.GetType());
                    var evtType = GetEventBaseType(triggerEvent.GetType());

                    /*	object action,trigger;
                     *  MethodInfo castMethod = typeof(ConnectionTools).GetMethod("Cast",BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public );
                     *  action=castMethod.MakeGenericMethod(actType).Invoke (null, new object[]{ targetAction });
                     *  trigger=castMethod.MakeGenericMethod(evtType).Invoke (null, new object[]{ triggerEvent });*/

                    var mv = _AddPersistenceListener.MakeGenericMethod(new[] { evt });
                    mv.Invoke(null, new object[] { triggerEvent, targetAction });

            return(false); // trigger-target mismatch
예제 #9
 public static void AddPersistentListener(this UnityEventBase self, UnityAction <float> unityAction, float argument)
     UnityEventTools.AddFloatPersistentListener(self, unityAction, argument);