public void Start() { lock (_lockObject) { if (_started) { return; } _started = true; HostingEnvironment.RegisterObject(this); // var options = new SqlServerStorageOptions { PrepareSchemaIfNecessary = true, // 刪除相關資料表,當重新啟動後也會自動建立相關資料表 // 每15秒,查詢是否有需要執行的Job // You can adjust the polling interval, but, as always, lower intervals can harm your SQL Server, and higher interval produce too much latency, so be careful. QueuePollInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15), // Default value // 不知道怎麼使用 // InvisibilityTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30) // default value }; GlobalConfiguration.Configuration // .UseSqlServerStorage("ApplicationDbContext") // 使用下面的方式,要不然使用別的config,這裡的連線資訊也要跟著調整 .UseSqlServerStorage(new ApplicationDbContext().Database.Connection.ConnectionString, options); //GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.UseLogProvider(new HangfireLogProvider()); // 暫時先關閉,除非要偵錯 Hangfire // var container = UnityConfig.GetConfiguredBackgroundContainer() as UnityContainer; var jobActivator = new MyUnityJobActivator(container); GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.UseActivator(jobActivator); // // 預設重試次數 GlobalJobFilters.Filters.Add(new AutomaticRetryAttribute { Attempts = 0 }); // 20160701 Norman, 失敗了不要重試,如果失敗,每固定時間系統自行決定需要發送的簡訊,重發的簡訊,或者是 GetDeliveryReport,因此不需要重送。 // 手動指定重試次數 // [AutomaticRetry(Attempts = 0)] GlobalJobFilters.Filters.Add(new ChildContainerPerJobFilterAttribute(jobActivator)); RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate <EfSmsBackgroundJob>("CheckMonthlyAllotPoint", x => x.CheckMonthlyAllotPoint(), Cron.Minutely); RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate <EfSmsBackgroundJob>("SendSMS", x => x.SendSMS(), Cron.Minutely); for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) // every 10 minute { int min = i * 10; RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate <EfSmsBackgroundJob>("RetrySMS" + min.ToString("0:00"), x => x.RetrySMS(), Cron.Hourly(min)); RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate <EfSmsBackgroundJob>("GetDeliveryReport" + min.ToString("0:00"), x => x.GetDeliveryReport(), Cron.Hourly(min)); RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate <EfSmsBackgroundJob>("HandleDeliveryReportTimeout" + min.ToString("0:00"), x => x.HandleDeliveryReportTimeout(), Cron.Hourly(min)); } RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate <EfSmsBackgroundJob>("HouseKeeping", x => x.HouseKeeping(), Cron.Minutely); // 建立Background JobSserver 來處理 Job // var backgroundJobServerOptions = new BackgroundJobServerOptions { Queues = new[] { EFunTech.Sms.Portal.EfSmsBackgroundJob.QueueLevel.Critical, EFunTech.Sms.Portal.EfSmsBackgroundJob.QueueLevel.High, EFunTech.Sms.Portal.EfSmsBackgroundJob.QueueLevel.Medium, EFunTech.Sms.Portal.EfSmsBackgroundJob.QueueLevel.Low }, //WorkerCount = Environment.ProcessorCount * 5, // This is the default value WorkerCount = Environment.ProcessorCount * 50, // (1000 個 GetDeliveryReport Request) * (2.5 秒 - 每個 Request 花費時間) / 60 (每分鐘幾秒) = 41.66666 (分鐘才能完成工作) }; /* * public class QueueLevel * { * public const string Critical = "critical"; * public const string High = "high"; * public const string Medium = "medium"; * public const string Low = "low"; * } */ _backgroundJobServer = new BackgroundJobServer(backgroundJobServerOptions); } }