private IEnumerator RefreshInternetConnection() { float timeCheck = 1.0f;//will check every one seconds float t1; float t2; while (!connected) { WWW www = new WWW(""); t1 = Time.fixedTime; yield return(www); if (www.error == null)//if no error { #if UNITY_ANDROID Advertisement.Initialize("1415243"); // initialize Unity Ads. UnityAdsHelper.Initialize(); // initialize Unity Ads. #elif UNITY_IOS UnityAdsHelper.Initialize(); // initialize Unity Ads. #endif connected = true; break;//will end the coroutine } t2 = Time.fixedTime - t1; if (t2 < timeCheck) { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(timeCheck - t2)); } } }
IEnumerator Start() { if (!UnityAdsHelper.isSupported) { yield break; } else if (!UnityAdsHelper.isInitialized) { UnityAdsHelper.Initialize(); } string placementName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(placementId) ? "the default ad placement" : placementId; _startTime = Time.timeSinceLevelLoad; while (!UnityAdsHelper.isInitialized) { if (initTimeout > 0 && Time.timeSinceLevelLoad - _startTime > initTimeout) { Debug.LogWarning(string.Format("Unity Ads failed to initialize in a timely manner. " + "An ad for {0} will not be shown on load.", placementName)); yield break; } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(_yieldTime)); } Debug.Log("Unity Ads has finished initializing. Waiting for ads to be ready..."); _startTime = Time.timeSinceLevelLoad; while (!UnityAdsHelper.IsReady(placementId)) { if (showTimeout > 0 && Time.timeSinceLevelLoad - _startTime > showTimeout) { Debug.LogWarning(string.Format("Unity Ads failed to be ready in a timely manner. " + "An ad for {0} will not be shown on load.", placementName)); yield break; } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(_yieldTime)); } Debug.Log(string.Format("Ads for {0} are available and ready.", placementName)); UnityAdsHelper.ShowAd(placementId); }
public void Submit() { string gameId = null; bool enableTestMode = false; if (gameIdField) { gameId = gameIdField.text; } if (testModeToggle) { enableTestMode = testModeToggle.isOn; } UnityAdsHelper.Initialize(gameId, enableTestMode); SceneManager.LoadScene("UnityAdsExample"); }
void Start() { _button = GetComponent <Button>(); if (_button) { _button.onClick.AddListener(ShowAd); } _keyCooldownTime += name + gameObject.GetInstanceID().ToString(); _rewardCooldownTime = GetCooldownTime(); if (!UnityAdsHelper.isInitialized) { UnityAdsHelper.Initialize(); } }
private IEnumerator ShowAddWhenReady(E_REWARD _rewardID) { while (!Advertisement.IsReady("rewardedVideo")) { Advertisement.Initialize("1415243"); UnityAdsHelper.Initialize(); yield return(null); } var options = (_rewardID == E_REWARD.UPGRADE) ? new ShowOptions { resultCallback = OnUpgrade } : new ShowOptions { resultCallback = OnLvlEndCoins }; Advertisement.Show("rewardedVideo", options); }
void Start() { UnityAdsHelper.Initialize(); }