예제 #1
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        structure       = this.GetComponent <UnitStructure>();
        structure.HP    = 2000;
        structure.HPMax = 2000;
        UnitsBuilt      = new Transform[5];

        if (gameObject.tag == "Enemy")
            structure.healthBar = GameObject.Find("HealthBarforEnemyBase");
            structure.healthBar = GameObject.Find("HealthBarforBase");
        structure.HP_Bar          = structure.healthBar.GetComponent <Slider>();
        structure.HP_Bar.minValue = 0;
        structure.HP_Bar.maxValue = 2000;
        structure.HP_Bar.value    = structure.HP;
        structure.BaseUnit        = this;

        if (this.tag != "Enemy")
            infos     = new Text[7];
            InfoPanel = GameObject.Find("InfoPanel");
            //int i = 0;
            Traverse(InfoPanel, 0);
예제 #2
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        structure = this.GetComponent<UnitStructure>();
        structure.HP = 2000;
        structure.HPMax = 2000;
        UnitsBuilt = new Transform[5];

        if (gameObject.tag == "Enemy")
            structure.healthBar = GameObject.Find("HealthBarforEnemyBase");
            structure.healthBar = GameObject.Find("HealthBarforBase");
        structure.HP_Bar = structure.healthBar.GetComponent<Slider>();
        structure.HP_Bar.minValue = 0;
        structure.HP_Bar.maxValue = 2000;
        structure.HP_Bar.value = structure.HP;
        structure.BaseUnit = this;

        if (this.tag != "Enemy")
            infos = new Text[7];
            InfoPanel = GameObject.Find("InfoPanel");
            //int i = 0;
            Traverse(InfoPanel, 0);
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        if (localPlayerAuthority)
            structure       = this.GetComponent <UnitStructure>();
            structure.HP    = 500;
            structure.HPMax = 500;
            //Debug.Log (structure.costs [0]);
            structure.colorUnit        = gameObject.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color;
            structure.isInConstruction = true;
            StartCoroutine(structure.waitConstruction(20f, structure.colorUnit));
            //BaseManager.resources -= structure.costs [0];

            structure.healthBar       = GameObject.Find("HealthBarfor" + gameObject.name);
            structure.HP_Bar          = structure.healthBar.GetComponent <Slider>();
            structure.HP_Bar.minValue = 0;
            structure.HP_Bar.maxValue = structure.HPMax;
            structure.HP_Bar.value    = structure.HP;

            structure.theName = "Defensive Unit";
            //GameObject temp = GameObject.Find("Base");
            GameObject temp = GameObject.Find("Base(Clone)");
            structure.BaseUnit = temp.GetComponent <BaseManager>();

            tempName = gameObject.name.Substring(0, 9);
            structure.panel = GameObject.Find("BuildPanelfor" + tempName);

            disorientDuration = 10f;
            rockCooldown      = 60;
예제 #4
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        if (localPlayerAuthority)
            resourceFields = new GameObject[3];
            resourceFields = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("resource");

            structure       = this.GetComponent <UnitStructure>();
            structure.HP    = 200;
            structure.HPMax = 200;
            structure.colorUnit        = gameObject.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color;
            structure.isInConstruction = true;
            structure.statusUpdater    = status();
            StartCoroutine(structure.waitConstruction(20f, structure.colorUnit));
            BaseManager.resources -= structure.costs[0];

            structure.healthBar       = GameObject.Find("HealthBarfor" + gameObject.name);
            structure.HP_Bar          = structure.healthBar.GetComponent <Slider>();
            structure.HP_Bar.minValue = 0;
            structure.HP_Bar.maxValue = structure.HPMax;
            structure.HP_Bar.value    = structure.HP;

            structure.theName = "Special Unit";
            //GameObject temp = GameObject.Find("Base");
            GameObject temp = GameObject.Find("Base(Clone)");
            structure.BaseUnit = temp.GetComponent <BaseManager>();

            tempName = gameObject.name.Substring(0, 9);
            structure.panel = GameObject.Find("BuildPanelfor" + tempName);

            upgradeDuration = 30f;
            repDur          = 30f;
            repCD           = 60f;
예제 #5
    void updateText()
        gatheringSpeed = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i <= 6; i++)
            if (infos [i])
                if (i == 0)
                    infos [i].text = "Status: Alive & Ready \n" + "Health: " + structure.HP + "\n Shield: " + shieldPower;

                if (i >= 1 && i <= 5)
                    if (UnitsBuilt [i - 1])
                        UnitStructure temp = UnitsBuilt [i - 1].GetComponent <UnitStructure>();

                        infos [i].text = "Unit" + i + ": "
                                         + temp.theName + "\n" + "Health: " + temp.HP + "\n" + "Status: " + temp.statusUpdater;

                        if (temp.GetComponent <SpecialUnit>())
                            gatheringSpeed += temp.GetComponent <SpecialUnit>().lastGathered;
                            Debug.Log(temp.GetComponent <SpecialUnit>().lastGathered);
                if (i == 6)
                    infos [i].text = "Resources: " + resources + " " + notEnough + " " + "\n Gathering Speed: " + gatheringSpeed;
    //bool throwingRocks = false;

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        if (localPlayerAuthority && hasAuthority)
            Debug.Log("BOOM! Attacking Unit Arrived Setting vars!");
            structure       = this.GetComponent <UnitStructure>();
            structure.HP    = 250;
            structure.HPMax = 250;
            //attributeCosts ();

            structure.colorUnit        = gameObject.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color;
            structure.isInConstruction = true;
            StartCoroutine(structure.waitConstruction(20f, structure.colorUnit)); //needs to be 20;

            structure.healthBar       = GameObject.Find("HealthBarfor" + gameObject.name);
            structure.HP_Bar          = structure.healthBar.GetComponent <Slider>();
            structure.HP_Bar.minValue = 0;
            structure.HP_Bar.maxValue = structure.HPMax;

            structure.theName = "Attacking Unit";
            //GameObject temp = GameObject.Find("Base");
            GameObject temp = GameObject.Find("Base(Clone)");
            structure.BaseUnit = temp.GetComponent <BaseManager>();

            tempName = gameObject.name.Substring(0, 9);
            //	Debug.Log(tempName);
            structure.panel = GameObject.Find("BuildPanelfor" + tempName);

            targets    = new Transform[3];
            RocksMin   = 20;
            RocksMax   = 40;
            startAngle = gameObject.transform.rotation.z;
            co         = rockFlurr();
    //bool throwingRocks = false;
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        if (localPlayerAuthority && hasAuthority)
            Debug.Log("BOOM! Attacking Unit Arrived Setting vars!");
            structure = this.GetComponent<UnitStructure>();
            structure.HP = 250;
            structure.HPMax = 250;
            //attributeCosts ();

            structure.colorUnit = gameObject.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color;
            structure.isInConstruction = true;
            StartCoroutine(structure.waitConstruction(20f, structure.colorUnit)); //needs to be 20;

            structure.healthBar = GameObject.Find("HealthBarfor" + gameObject.name);
            structure.HP_Bar = structure.healthBar.GetComponent<Slider>();
            structure.HP_Bar.minValue = 0;
            structure.HP_Bar.maxValue = structure.HPMax;

            structure.theName = "Attacking Unit";
            //GameObject temp = GameObject.Find("Base");
            GameObject temp = GameObject.Find("Base(Clone)");
            structure.BaseUnit = temp.GetComponent<BaseManager>();

            tempName = gameObject.name.Substring(0, 9);
            //	Debug.Log(tempName);
            structure.panel = GameObject.Find("BuildPanelfor" + tempName);

            targets = new Transform[3];
            RocksMin = 20;
            RocksMax = 40;
            startAngle = gameObject.transform.rotation.z;
            co = rockFlurr();
예제 #8
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        if (localPlayerAuthority)
            resourceFields = new GameObject[3];
            resourceFields = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("resource");

            structure = this.GetComponent<UnitStructure>();
            structure.HP = 200;
            structure.HPMax = 200;
            structure.colorUnit = gameObject.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color;
            structure.isInConstruction = true;
            structure.statusUpdater = status();
            StartCoroutine(structure.waitConstruction(20f, structure.colorUnit));
            BaseManager.resources -= structure.costs[0];

            structure.healthBar = GameObject.Find("HealthBarfor" + gameObject.name);
            structure.HP_Bar = structure.healthBar.GetComponent<Slider>();
            structure.HP_Bar.minValue = 0;
            structure.HP_Bar.maxValue = structure.HPMax;
            structure.HP_Bar.value = structure.HP;

            structure.theName = "Special Unit";
            //GameObject temp = GameObject.Find("Base");
            GameObject temp = GameObject.Find("Base(Clone)");
            structure.BaseUnit = temp.GetComponent<BaseManager>();

            tempName = gameObject.name.Substring(0, 9);
            structure.panel = GameObject.Find("BuildPanelfor" + tempName);

            upgradeDuration = 30f;
            repDur = 30f;
            repCD = 60f;
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        if (localPlayerAuthority)
            structure = this.GetComponent<UnitStructure>();
            structure.HP = 500;
            structure.HPMax = 500;
            //Debug.Log (structure.costs [0]);
            structure.colorUnit = gameObject.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color;
            structure.isInConstruction = true;
            StartCoroutine(structure.waitConstruction(20f, structure.colorUnit));
            //BaseManager.resources -= structure.costs [0];

            structure.healthBar = GameObject.Find("HealthBarfor" + gameObject.name);
            structure.HP_Bar = structure.healthBar.GetComponent<Slider>();
            structure.HP_Bar.minValue = 0;
            structure.HP_Bar.maxValue = structure.HPMax;
            structure.HP_Bar.value = structure.HP;

            structure.theName = "Defensive Unit";
            //GameObject temp = GameObject.Find("Base");
            GameObject temp = GameObject.Find("Base(Clone)");
            structure.BaseUnit = temp.GetComponent<BaseManager>();

            tempName = gameObject.name.Substring(0, 9);
            structure.panel = GameObject.Find("BuildPanelfor" + tempName);

            disorientDuration = 10f;
            rockCooldown = 60;