static int MinCostUsingKruskal(WeightedGraph <int> g, int numEdges)
            int minCost = 0;

            //As it is a undirected graph, each edge will be added twice, hence size will be twice the number of edges.
            Tuple <int, int, int>[] edgeList = new Tuple <int, int, int> [2 * numEdges];

            // Get Iterartor to traverse adjList
            Dictionary <int, List <Tuple <int, int> > > .Enumerator it = g.adjList.GetEnumerator();
            int index = 0;

            while (it.MoveNext())
                //Get iterator to traverse neighbour list of current node
                List <Tuple <int, int> > .Enumerator nbrIterator = it.Current.Value.GetEnumerator();
                while (nbrIterator.MoveNext())
                    int curVtx = it.Current.Key;
                    int curNbr = nbrIterator.Current.Item1;
                    int curWt  = nbrIterator.Current.Item2;
                    edgeList[index++] = new Tuple <int, int, int>(curVtx, curNbr, curWt);

            Array.Sort(edgeList, delegate(Tuple <int, int, int> t1, Tuple <int, int, int> t2) {
                if (t1.Item3 < t2.Item3)

            UnionSet edgeSet = new UnionSet(g.numVertices);

            for (int i = 0; i < 2 * numEdges; ++i)
                var curEdge = edgeList[i];
                int vtx1    = curEdge.Item1;
                int vtx2    = curEdge.Item2;
                if (edgeSet.IsSameSet(vtx1, vtx2) == false)
                    // curEdge is significant
                    minCost += curEdge.Item3;
                    edgeSet.MakeUnion(vtx1, vtx2);