예제 #1
        public override double GenerateValue()
            var primer = Math.Sqrt(-(2 * Math.Log(UniformRandom.NextDouble(), Math.E)));
            var sen    = Math.Sin(2 * Math.PI * UniformRandom.NextDouble());

            return(Math.Sqrt(S2) * primer * sen + M);
예제 #2
        public static Vector3 CalculateShotingDir(int seed, float yaw, float pitch, float spreadX, float spreadY)
            Quaternion q       = Quaternion.Euler(pitch, yaw, 0);
            Vector3    forward = q.Forward();
            Vector3    right   = q.Right();
            Vector3    up      = q.Up();

            float x;
            float y;

            x = (float)UniformRandom.RandomFloat(seed + 0, -0.5, 0.5) +
                (float)UniformRandom.RandomFloat(seed + 1, -0.5, 0.5);
            y = (float)UniformRandom.RandomFloat(seed + 2, -0.5, 0.5) +
                (float)UniformRandom.RandomFloat(seed + 3, -0.5, 0.5);
            //z = x * x + y * y;
            float res1 = spreadX * x;
            float res2 = spreadY * y;

            right = Vector3Ext.Scale(right, res1);
            up    = Vector3Ext.Scale(up, res2);
            var newForward = Vector3Ext.Add(forward, right);

            newForward = Vector3Ext.Add(newForward, up);
            //_logger.InfoFormat("spreadX {0}, spreadY {1}, x {2} y {3}, right{4}, up{5}", spreadX, spreadY, x, y, right, up);
예제 #3
        private void BaseKickBack(PlayerWeaponController controller, int seed, WeaponConfigNs.Kickback kickbackParams,
                                  float hOffsetFactor, float vOffsetFactor)
            var   commonFireConfig = controller.HeldWeaponAgent.CommonFireCfg;
            var   kickbackConfig   = controller.HeldWeaponAgent.RifleKickbackLogicCfg;
            var   weaponState      = controller.HeldWeaponAgent.RunTimeComponent;
            float kickUp;
            float kickLateral;

            if (weaponState.ContinuesShootCount == 1)
                kickUp      = kickbackParams.UpBase;
                kickLateral = kickbackParams.LateralBase;
                kickUp      = kickbackParams.UpBase + weaponState.ContinuesShootCount * kickbackParams.UpModifier;
                kickLateral = kickbackParams.LateralBase + weaponState.ContinuesShootCount * kickbackParams.LateralModifier;

            var punchYaw   = controller.RelatedOrient.NegPunchYaw;
            var punchPitch = controller.RelatedOrient.NegPunchPitch;
            var isMaxUp    = false;

            punchPitch += kickUp;
            if (punchPitch > kickbackParams.UpMax + commonFireConfig.AttackInterval * 0.01f)
                punchPitch = kickbackParams.UpMax;
                isMaxUp    = true;

            if (weaponState.PunchYawLeftSide)
                punchYaw += kickLateral;
                if (punchYaw > kickbackParams.LateralMax)
                    punchYaw = kickbackParams.LateralMax;
                punchYaw -= kickLateral;
                if (punchYaw < -1 * kickbackParams.LateralMax)
                    punchYaw = -1 * kickbackParams.LateralMax;

            if (UniformRandom.RandomInt(seed, 0, (int)kickbackParams.LateralTurnback) == 0)
                weaponState.PunchYawLeftSide = !weaponState.PunchYawLeftSide;

            //if (isMaxUp)
            weaponState.PunchDecayCdTime = GetDecayCdTime(controller);
            weaponState.PunchPitchSpeed  = (punchPitch - controller.RelatedOrient.NegPunchPitch) / weaponState.PunchDecayCdTime;
            weaponState.PunchYawSpeed    = (punchYaw - controller.RelatedOrient.NegPunchYaw) / weaponState.PunchDecayCdTime;
예제 #4
 public Memory(int blocksCount, double lowerBoundReProc, double upperBoundReProc)
     Blocks        = blocksCount;
     FreeBlocks    = Blocks;
     MaxBusyBlocks = 0;
     Time          = 0;
     MemQueue      = new QueueEx();
     _rand         = new UniformRandom(lowerBoundReProc, upperBoundReProc);
예제 #5
        public RectZone(float x, float y, float width, float height, RandomBase randomX, RandomBase randomY)
            if (randomX == null)
                randomX = new UniformRandom();
            if (randomY == null)
                randomY = new UniformRandom();

            _x      = x;
            _y      = y;
            RandomX = randomX;
            RandomY = randomY;
            Width   = width;
            Height  = height;
예제 #6
        /// <summary>コンストラクタ</summary>
        public Uniform(Tensor tensor, Random random, float min = 0f, float max = 1f)
            : base(tensor)
            this.generator = new UniformRandom(tensor.Shape, random);

            if (min != 0f || max != 1f)
                InputNode    inputnode = tensor;
                VariableNode node      = inputnode * (max - min) + min;

                this.flow = Flow.FromInputs(inputnode);
                this.flow = null;

            this.Min = min;
            this.Max = max;
예제 #7
        public void CheckOrderStatistics03()
            double lower = -10;
            double upper = 0;

            UniformRandom rand = new UniformRandom(lower, upper, new Random());

            double[] values = new double[maxNumbers];
            for (int i = 0; i < maxNumbers; i++)
                values[i] = rand.Next();
                Assert.LessOrEqual(lower, values[i], "The value should be higher than lower");
                Assert.GreaterOrEqual(upper, values[i], "The value should be lower than higher");

            double average = values.Average();

            Assert.AreEqual((lower + upper) / 2, average, tolerance * 10);
            double sumOfSquaresOfDifferences = values.Select(val => (val - average) * (val - average)).Sum();
            double variance = sumOfSquaresOfDifferences / values.Length;

            Assert.AreEqual((upper - lower) * (upper - lower) / 12, variance, tolerance);
        public void SpeedTest()
            int length = 65535 * 16;

            Shape shape = Shape.Vector(length);

            OverflowCheckedTensor v1 = new OverflowCheckedTensor(shape);

            UniformRandom ope = new UniformRandom(shape, new Random(1234));

            Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();




            Console.WriteLine($"{sw.ElapsedMilliseconds / 4} msec");
예제 #9
        protected Vector3 CalculateShotingDir(int seed, float yaw, float pitch, float spreadX, float spreadY)
            Quaternion q       = Quaternion.Euler(pitch, yaw, 0);
            Vector3    forward = q.Forward();
            Vector3    right   = q.Right();
            Vector3    up      = q.Up();

            float x;
            float y;

            x = (float)UniformRandom.RandomFloat(seed + 0, -0.5, 0.5) +
                (float)UniformRandom.RandomFloat(seed + 1, -0.5, 0.5);
            y = (float)UniformRandom.RandomFloat(seed + 2, -0.5, 0.5) +
                (float)UniformRandom.RandomFloat(seed + 3, -0.5, 0.5);
            float res1 = spreadX * x;
            float res2 = spreadY * y;

            right = Vector3Ext.Scale(right, res1);
            up    = Vector3Ext.Scale(up, res2);
            var newForward = Vector3Ext.Add(forward, right);

            newForward = Vector3Ext.Add(newForward, up);
예제 #10
 public TransactGenerator(double lowerBound, double upperBound)
     Time  = 0;
     _rand = new UniformRandom(lowerBound, upperBound);
        /// <summary>
        /// last/NewAccPunchPitch->TargetPunchPitchDelta
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="heldAgent"></param>
        /// <param name="seed"></param>
        /// <param name="shakeInfo"></param>
        private void CalcBaseShake(WeaponAttackProxy attackProxy, int seed, ShakeInfo shakeInfo)
            var             runTimeComponent = attackProxy.RuntimeComponent;
            var             orient           = attackProxy.Orientation;
            var             commonFireConfig = attackProxy.WeaponConfigAssy.S_CommonFireCfg;
            ShakeInfoStruct dirShakeArgs     = FireShakeProvider.GetFireUpDirShakeArgs(attackProxy, shakeInfo);
            float upDirShakeDelta, lateralDirShakeDelta;

            upDirShakeDelta = FireShakeFormula.CalcFireDirShakeDelta(dirShakeArgs.UpBase, dirShakeArgs.UpModifier,
            lateralDirShakeDelta = FireShakeFormula.CalcFireDirShakeDelta(dirShakeArgs.LateralBase,
                                                                          dirShakeArgs.LateralModifier, runTimeComponent.ContinuesShootCount);
            float punchYaw, punchPitch;

            punchYaw   = orient.AccPunchYaw;
            punchPitch = orient.AccPunchPitch;
            punchPitch = FireShakeFormula.CalcPunchPitch(punchPitch, upDirShakeDelta, dirShakeArgs.UpMax,
                                                         commonFireConfig.AttackInterval * 0.01f);
            runTimeComponent.TargetPunchPitchDelta = punchPitch - orient.AccPunchPitch;

            punchYaw = FireShakeFormula.CaclPunchYaw(runTimeComponent.PunchYawLeftSide, punchYaw,
                                                     lateralDirShakeDelta, dirShakeArgs.LateralMax);
            //apply PunchYawLeftSide
            if (UniformRandom.RandomInt(seed, 0, (int)dirShakeArgs.LateralTurnback) == 0)
                runTimeComponent.PunchYawLeftSide = !runTimeComponent.PunchYawLeftSide;
            //apply PunchDecayCdTime
            runTimeComponent.PunchDecayLeftInterval = (int)FireShakeProvider.GetDecayInterval(attackProxy.WeaponConfigAssy);
            runTimeComponent.PunchYawSpeed = FireShakeFormula.CalcPitchSpeed(punchYaw,
                                                                             orient.AccPunchYaw, runTimeComponent.PunchDecayLeftInterval);
            //PunchPitchSpeed(Not Speed)
            var fireRollCfg = attackProxy.WeaponConfigAssy.S_FireRollCfg;

            if (fireRollCfg != null)
                var rotation  = orient.FireRoll;
                var rotateYaw = dirShakeArgs.UpBase * fireRollCfg.FireRollFactor;
                runTimeComponent.CameraRotationInterval = fireRollCfg.FireRollTime;
                if (Random.Range(0, 2) == 0)
                    rotateYaw = -rotateYaw;
                var maxFireRollAngle = fireRollCfg.MaxFireRollAngle;
                if (rotation + rotateYaw >= maxFireRollAngle)
                    runTimeComponent.CameraRotationSpeed = (maxFireRollAngle - rotation) / runTimeComponent.CameraRotationInterval;
                else if (rotation + rotateYaw <= -maxFireRollAngle)
                    runTimeComponent.CameraRotationSpeed = (-maxFireRollAngle - rotation) / runTimeComponent.CameraRotationInterval;
                    runTimeComponent.CameraRotationSpeed = rotateYaw / runTimeComponent.CameraRotationInterval;
        public void ExecuteTest()
            int length = 65535 * 15;

            Shape shape = Shape.Vector(length);

            OverflowCheckedTensor v1 = new OverflowCheckedTensor(shape);

            UniformRandom ope = new UniformRandom(shape, new Random(1234));


            float[] y = v1.State;

            Assert.IsTrue(y.Min() >= 0);
            Assert.IsTrue(y.Max() < 1);

                int[] cnt = new int[10];

                for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                    cnt[(int)(y[i] * 10)]++;

                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                    Assert.AreEqual(0.1, (double)cnt[i] / length, 2e-3, $"[ {i * 0.1f}, {(i + 1) * 0.1f} )");

                int[] cnt = new int[20];

                for (int i = 1; i < length; i++)
                    float dy = y[i - 1] - y[i];

                    cnt[(int)Math.Floor(dy * 10 + 10)]++;

                Assert.AreEqual(0.005, (double)cnt[0] / (length - 1), 5e-3);
                Assert.AreEqual(0.015, (double)cnt[1] / (length - 1), 5e-3);
                Assert.AreEqual(0.025, (double)cnt[2] / (length - 1), 5e-3);
                Assert.AreEqual(0.035, (double)cnt[3] / (length - 1), 5e-3);
                Assert.AreEqual(0.045, (double)cnt[4] / (length - 1), 5e-3);
                Assert.AreEqual(0.055, (double)cnt[5] / (length - 1), 5e-3);
                Assert.AreEqual(0.065, (double)cnt[6] / (length - 1), 5e-3);
                Assert.AreEqual(0.075, (double)cnt[7] / (length - 1), 5e-3);
                Assert.AreEqual(0.085, (double)cnt[8] / (length - 1), 5e-3);
                Assert.AreEqual(0.095, (double)cnt[9] / (length - 1), 5e-3);
                Assert.AreEqual(0.095, (double)cnt[10] / (length - 1), 5e-3);
                Assert.AreEqual(0.085, (double)cnt[11] / (length - 1), 5e-3);
                Assert.AreEqual(0.075, (double)cnt[12] / (length - 1), 5e-3);
                Assert.AreEqual(0.065, (double)cnt[13] / (length - 1), 5e-3);
                Assert.AreEqual(0.055, (double)cnt[14] / (length - 1), 5e-3);
                Assert.AreEqual(0.045, (double)cnt[15] / (length - 1), 5e-3);
                Assert.AreEqual(0.035, (double)cnt[16] / (length - 1), 5e-3);
                Assert.AreEqual(0.025, (double)cnt[17] / (length - 1), 5e-3);
                Assert.AreEqual(0.015, (double)cnt[18] / (length - 1), 5e-3);
                Assert.AreEqual(0.005, (double)cnt[19] / (length - 1), 5e-3);

                int[] cnt = new int[20];

                int sft = 1024;

                for (int i = sft; i < length; i++)
                    float dy = y[i - sft] - y[i];

                    cnt[(int)Math.Floor(dy * 10 + 10)]++;

                Assert.AreEqual(0.005, (double)cnt[0] / (length - sft), 5e-3);
                Assert.AreEqual(0.015, (double)cnt[1] / (length - sft), 5e-3);
                Assert.AreEqual(0.025, (double)cnt[2] / (length - sft), 5e-3);
                Assert.AreEqual(0.035, (double)cnt[3] / (length - sft), 5e-3);
                Assert.AreEqual(0.045, (double)cnt[4] / (length - sft), 5e-3);
                Assert.AreEqual(0.055, (double)cnt[5] / (length - sft), 5e-3);
                Assert.AreEqual(0.065, (double)cnt[6] / (length - sft), 5e-3);
                Assert.AreEqual(0.075, (double)cnt[7] / (length - sft), 5e-3);
                Assert.AreEqual(0.085, (double)cnt[8] / (length - sft), 5e-3);
                Assert.AreEqual(0.095, (double)cnt[9] / (length - sft), 5e-3);
                Assert.AreEqual(0.095, (double)cnt[10] / (length - sft), 5e-3);
                Assert.AreEqual(0.085, (double)cnt[11] / (length - sft), 5e-3);
                Assert.AreEqual(0.075, (double)cnt[12] / (length - sft), 5e-3);
                Assert.AreEqual(0.065, (double)cnt[13] / (length - sft), 5e-3);
                Assert.AreEqual(0.055, (double)cnt[14] / (length - sft), 5e-3);
                Assert.AreEqual(0.045, (double)cnt[15] / (length - sft), 5e-3);
                Assert.AreEqual(0.035, (double)cnt[16] / (length - sft), 5e-3);
                Assert.AreEqual(0.025, (double)cnt[17] / (length - sft), 5e-3);
                Assert.AreEqual(0.015, (double)cnt[18] / (length - sft), 5e-3);
                Assert.AreEqual(0.005, (double)cnt[19] / (length - sft), 5e-3);
예제 #13
 public override double GenerateValue()
     return(-(1 / L * Math.Log(UniformRandom.NextDouble(), Math.E)));
예제 #14
        private void BaseKickBack(IPlayerWeaponState playerWeapon, int seed, float upBase, float lateralBase,
                                  float upModifier, float lateralModifier, float upMax, float lateralMax, float directionChang,
                                  float hOffsetFactor, float vOffsetFactor)
            float kickUp;
            float kickLateral;

            if (playerWeapon.ContinuesShootCount == 1)
                kickUp      = upBase;
                kickLateral = lateralBase;
                kickUp      = upBase + playerWeapon.ContinuesShootCount * upModifier;
                kickLateral = lateralBase + playerWeapon.ContinuesShootCount * lateralModifier;

            var punchYaw   = playerWeapon.NegPunchYaw;
            var punchPitch = playerWeapon.NegPunchPitch;
            var isMaxUp    = false;

            punchPitch += kickUp;
            if (punchPitch > upMax + _common.AttackInterval * 0.01f)
                punchPitch = upMax;
                isMaxUp    = true;

            if (playerWeapon.PunchYawLeftSide)
                punchYaw += kickLateral;
                if (punchYaw > lateralMax)
                    punchYaw = lateralMax;
                punchYaw -= kickLateral;
                if (punchYaw < -1 * lateralMax)
                    punchYaw = -1 * lateralMax;

            if (UniformRandom.RandomInt(seed, 0, (int)directionChang) == 0)
                playerWeapon.PunchYawLeftSide = !playerWeapon.PunchYawLeftSide;

            //if (isMaxUp)
            playerWeapon.PunchDecayCdTime = (int)(_common.AttackInterval * _config.DecaytimeFactor);

            playerWeapon.NegPunchYaw      = punchYaw;
            playerWeapon.NegPunchPitch    = punchPitch;
            playerWeapon.WeaponPunchPitch = punchPitch * vOffsetFactor;
            playerWeapon.WeaponPunchYaw   = punchYaw * hOffsetFactor;
            Logger.DebugFormat("yaw src {0} new {1} pithc src {2} new {3}", playerWeapon.NegPunchYaw,
예제 #15
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Exponential Random:\n");

            Console.Write("Enter lambda: ");
            string  lambdaLine = Console.ReadLine();
            IRandom random     = new ExponentialRandom();

            if (double.TryParse(lambdaLine, out double lambda))
                random = new ExponentialRandom(lambda);

            List <double> list = new List <double>(10000);

            for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)

            Console.WriteLine(" chi-square: " + random.IndificateDistributionLaw(list).ToString("F3"));

            Console.WriteLine("\nUniform Random:\n");

            random = new UniformRandom();
            list   = new List <double>(10000);

            for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)

            Console.WriteLine(" chi-square: " + random.IndificateDistributionLaw(list).ToString("F3"));

            Console.WriteLine("\nGauss Random:\n");

            Console.Write("Enter sigma: ");
            string sigmaLine = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.Write("Enter alpha: ");
            string alphaLine = Console.ReadLine();

            random = new GaussRandom();
            if (double.TryParse(sigmaLine, out double sigma) && double.TryParse(alphaLine, out double alpha))
                random = new GaussRandom(sigma, alpha);

            list = new List <double>(10000);

            for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)

            Console.WriteLine(" chi-square: " + random.IndificateDistributionLaw(list).ToString("F3"));

            Console.WriteLine("\nPress any key to continue...");
예제 #16
 public override double GenerateValue()
     return(A + (B - A) * UniformRandom.NextDouble());
예제 #17
        private void CalcBaseShake(WeaponBaseAgent heldAgent, int seed, ShakeInfo shakeInfo)
            var weaponController = heldAgent.Owner.WeaponController();
            var runTimeComponent = heldAgent.RunTimeComponent;
            var orient           = weaponController.RelatedOrientation;

            var             commonFireConfig = heldAgent.CommonFireCfg;
            ShakeInfoStruct dirShakeArgs     = FireShakeProvider.GetFireUpDirShakeArgs(heldAgent, shakeInfo);
            float upDirShakeDelta, lateralDirShakeDelta;

            upDirShakeDelta = FireShakeFormula.CalcFireDirShakeDelta(dirShakeArgs.UpBase, dirShakeArgs.UpModifier,
            lateralDirShakeDelta = FireShakeFormula.CalcFireDirShakeDelta(dirShakeArgs.LateralBase,
                                                                          dirShakeArgs.LateralModifier, runTimeComponent.ContinuesShootCount);
            float punchYaw, punchPitch;

            punchYaw   = orient.AccPunchYaw;
            punchPitch = orient.AccPunchPitch;
            punchPitch = FireShakeFormula.CalcPunchPitch(punchPitch, upDirShakeDelta, dirShakeArgs.UpMax,
                                                         commonFireConfig.AttackInterval * 0.01f);
            runTimeComponent.TargetPunchPitchDelta = punchPitch - orient.AccPunchPitch;

            punchYaw = FireShakeFormula.CaclPunchYaw(runTimeComponent.PunchYawLeftSide, punchYaw,
                                                     lateralDirShakeDelta, dirShakeArgs.LateralMax);
            //apply PunchYawLeftSide
            if (UniformRandom.RandomInt(seed, 0, (int)dirShakeArgs.LateralTurnback) == 0)
                runTimeComponent.PunchYawLeftSide = !runTimeComponent.PunchYawLeftSide;
            //apply PunchDecayCdTime
            runTimeComponent.PunchDecayLeftInterval = (int)FireShakeProvider.GetDecayInterval(heldAgent);
            runTimeComponent.PunchYawSpeed = FireShakeFormula.CalcPitchSpeed(punchYaw,
                                                                             orient.AccPunchYaw, runTimeComponent.PunchDecayLeftInterval);
            //PunchPitchSpeed(Not Speed)
            var rotation  = orient.FireRoll;
            var rotateYaw = CalculateRotationDegree(heldAgent, dirShakeArgs);

            if (UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 2) == 0)
                rotateYaw = -rotateYaw;
            if (rotation + rotateYaw >= 3)
                runTimeComponent.CameraRotationSpeed = (3 - rotation) / runTimeComponent.PunchDecayLeftInterval;
            else if (rotation + rotateYaw <= -3)
                runTimeComponent.CameraRotationSpeed = (-3 - rotation) / runTimeComponent.PunchDecayLeftInterval;
                runTimeComponent.CameraRotationSpeed = rotateYaw / runTimeComponent.PunchDecayLeftInterval;