예제 #1
     *  Stretch and tilt vortons using velocity field
     *  timeStep - amount of time by which to advance simulation
     *  uFrame - frame counter
     *  see J. T. Beale, A convergent three-dimensional vortex method with
     *          grid-free stretching, Math. Comp. 46 (1986), 401-24, April.
     *  This routine assumes CreateInfluenceTree has already executed.
    void StretchAndTiltVortons(float timeStep)
        if ((0.0f == mVelGrid.GetExtent().x) ||
            (0.0f == mVelGrid.GetExtent().y) ||
            (0.0f == mVelGrid.GetExtent().z))
        {   // Domain is 2D, so stretching & tilting does not occur.

        // Compute all gradients of all components of velocity.
        UniformGrid <Matrix3x3> velocityJacobianGrid = new UniformGrid <Matrix3x3>(mVelGrid);


        UniformGridMath.ComputeJacobian(ref velocityJacobianGrid, mVelGrid);

        int numVortons = mVortons.Count;

        for (int offset = 0; offset < numVortons; ++offset)
        {                                                                // For each vorton...
            Matrix3x3 velJac      = (Matrix3x3)velocityJacobianGrid.Interpolate(mVortons[offset].position);
            Vector3   stretchTilt = mVortons[offset].vorticity * velJac; // Usual way to compute stretching & tilting
            mVortons[offset].vorticity += /* fudge factor for stability */ 0.5f * stretchTilt * timeStep;
예제 #2
    public void DebugDrawInfluenceGrid()
        if (mInfluenceTree != null && mInfluenceTree.mLayers.Count != 0)
            for (int u = 0; u < mInfluenceTree.mLayers.Count; ++u)
                //if (u != 0) continue;
                UniformGrid <Vorton> grid = mInfluenceTree.mLayers[u];

                //Gizmos.color = new Vector4(1, 1 - 1 / ((float)u + 1), 1 - 1 / ((float)u + 1), 1.1f - 1 / ((float)u + 1));

                Vector3 cellExtent = grid.GetCellExtent();
                Vector3 gridExtent = grid.GetExtent();
                Vector3 numCells   = new Vector3(grid.GetNumCells(0), grid.GetNumCells(1), grid.GetNumCells(2));
                Vector3 gridOrigin = grid.GetMinCorner();

                for (int i = 0; i < numCells.x; ++i)
                    for (int j = 0; j < numCells.y; ++j)
                        for (int k = 0; k < numCells.z; ++k)
                            if (mInfluenceTree[0][0] == null)

                            uint[] indices   = { (uint)i, (uint)j, (uint)k };
                            uint   offset    = mInfluenceTree[(uint)u].OffsetFromIndices(indices);
                            float  vorticity = mInfluenceTree[(uint)u][offset].vorticity.magnitude;

                            Gizmos.color = new Vector4(vorticity, u / mInfluenceTree.mLayers.Count, u / mInfluenceTree.mLayers.Count, vorticity);
                            Gizmos.DrawWireCube(gridOrigin + new Vector3(cellExtent.x * i + cellExtent.x / 2, cellExtent.y * j + cellExtent.y / 2, cellExtent.z * k + cellExtent.z / 2), cellExtent);