예제 #1
		// T_1 --> C_1 --> S_1
		// T_2 --> C_2 --> S_2
		// T_3 --> C_3 --> S_3

		// T_1 --> C_1 --> S_New
		// T_2 --> C_1
		// T_3 --> C_1
        public void Merge()
            Unifier un = new Unifier(new TypeFactory());
            DataType dt = null;
            foreach (StructureType str in structures)
                dt = un.Unify(dt, str);
            StructureType strNew = (StructureType) dt;
            eqMin.DataType = strNew;
예제 #2
		public TypedExpressionRewriter(Program prog)
            this.prog = prog;
            this.platform = prog.Platform;
			this.store = prog.TypeStore;
            this.globals = prog.Globals;
			this.compTypes = new DataTypeComparer();
			this.tcr = new TypedConstantRewriter(prog);
            this.m = new ExpressionEmitter();
            this.unifier = new Unifier();
예제 #3
 public override object Execute(Reasoner ts, Unifier un, ITerm[] args)
     ts.GetAgent().Abolish((Literal)args[0], un);
예제 #4
 public void setUp()
     parser  = new FOLParser(DomainFactory.knowsDomain());
     unifier = new Unifier();
     theta   = CollectionFactory.CreateInsertionOrderedMap <Variable, Term>();
예제 #5
        public static IEnumerator <Unifier> AllDesires(Circumstance C, Literal l, ITerm intAsTerm, Unifier un)
            Trigger teFroml = new Trigger(TEOperator.add, TEType.achieve, l);

            return(new EnumeratorImpl(C, l, intAsTerm, un, teFroml));
예제 #6
 public virtual object Execute(Reasoner reasoner, Unifier un, ITerm[] args)
예제 #7
 public bool Occurs(string s, object o)
     return(Unifier.OccurCheck(new Variable(s), o));
예제 #8
 public FOLKnowledgeBase(FOLDomain domain, InferenceProcedure inferenceProcedure, Unifier unifier)
     this.parser             = new FOLParser(new FOLDomain(domain));
     this.inferenceProcedure = inferenceProcedure;
     this.unifier            = unifier;
     this.substVisitor      = new SubstVisitor();
     this.variableCollector = new VariableCollector();
     this._standardizeApart = new StandardizeApart(variableCollector, substVisitor);
     this.cnfConverter      = new CNFConverter(parser);
예제 #9

         * Returns a clone of this term with changes applied (it replaces variables by their value in the unifier), both operations together.
         * This double operation should be faster than 'Clone' and then 'Apply'.
         * u - The unifier
        public virtual ITerm CApply(Unifier u)
            // It call Clone specific method, not (ITerm)MemberwiseClone()
            return((ITerm)Clone()); // Como uso el Clone de C# lo que clono son object que luego hay que castear...
예제 #10
파일: Desire.cs 프로젝트: nasa03/Jasonity
 public object AllDesires(Circumstance circumstance, Literal body, object p, Unifier unifier)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
예제 #11
 public MethodBaseGetCurrentMethodThunkCache()
     _cache = new Unifier();
예제 #12
 public override object Execute(Reasoner ts, Unifier un, ITerm[] args)
     return(un.Unifies(args[2], ((IListTerm)args[0]).Difference((IListTerm)args[1])));
예제 #13
         * @Override
         * public Object execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args) throws Exception {
         *  checkArguments(args);
         *  StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
         *  for (Term term : args) {
         *      if (!term.isString()) {
         *          continue;
         *      }
         *      StringTerm st = (StringTerm) term;
         *      Matcher matcher = regex.matcher(st.getString());
         *      while (matcher.find()) {
         *          //System.out.println("I found the text \""+matcher.group()+ "\"starting at index "+matcher.start()+ " and ending at index "+matcher.end());
         *          String sVar = matcher.group();
         *          sVar = sVar.substring(2, sVar.length() - 1); //Quita los dos primeros caracteres: # y \, creo que es lo primero que aparece en las variables; y también quita el último: \
         *          try {
         *              Term t = null;
         *              if (sVar.startsWith("_") && sVar.length() > 1) // deals with unnamed vars, where we cannot use parseTerm
         *                  t = new UnnamedVar( Integer.valueOf( sVar.substring(1))); //Le quita la _ al nombre de la variable anónima
         *              else
         *                  t = ASSyntax.parseTerm(sVar); //si no ya si que llama al término
         *              //We use t.apply to evaluate any logical or arithmetic expression in Jason
         *              t = t.capply(un);
         *              matcher.appendReplacement(sb, t.isString() ? ((StringTerm)t).getString() : t.toString());
         *          } catch (ParseException pe) {
         *              // TODO: handle exception
         *              // TODO: Decide whether or not we should ignore the exception and print the call instead
         *              // Right now, if I get a parse error from ASSyntax, I just print the original escaped
         *              // sequence, so a user can see that his/her expression was problematic
         *              matcher.appendReplacement(sb, "#{"+sVar+"}");
         *          }
         *      }
         *      matcher.appendTail(sb);
         *  }
         *  if (args[args.length - 1].isVar()) {
         *      //Guardar el mensaje todo ello unificado en una sola variable, para depurar
         *      StringTerm stRes = new StringTermImpl(sb.toString());
         *      return un.unifies(stRes, args[args.length - 1]);
         *  } else {
         *      //Si no hay una variable, lo que quiero es sacar por pantalla todo el mensaje completo
         *      ts.getLogger().info(sb.toString()); //Aquí es por donde se saca por la consola lo que el progrmamador haya querido en su asl
         *      return true;
         *  }
         * }

        public override object Execute(Reasoner r, Unifier un, ITerm[] args)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (ITerm term in args)
                if (!term.IsString())
                IStringTerm     st        = (IStringTerm)term;
                MatchCollection matcher   = rx.Matches(st.GetString());
                int             last      = 0;
                var             userBlock = new List <string>();

                foreach (Match item in matcher)
                    string sVar = item.Groups[0].Value;

                    sVar = sVar.Substring(2, sVar.Length - 1);
                        ITerm t = null;
                        if (sVar.StartsWith("_") && sVar.Length > 1)
                            t = new UnnamedVar(int.Parse(sVar.Substring(1)));
                            t = AsSyntax.AsSyntax.ParseTerm(sVar);
                        t = t.CApply(un);
                        //Hacer Regex.Replace(sb, t.IsString() ?....) serría una opción para hacerlo más compacto pero no sabemos
                        //matcher.appendReplacement(sb, t.IsString() ? ((IStringTerm)t).GetString() : t.ToString());

                        if (sVar.Trim().Length > 0)
                            //No sabemos si esto está bien: el primer Append es para copiar el trozo
                            //no matcheado y el segundo para el trozo que sí
                            sb.Append(st.GetString().Substring(last, item.Index - last));
                            sb.Append(t.IsString() ? ((IStringTerm)t).GetString() : t.ToString());
                        last = item.Index + item.Length;
                    catch (ParseException pe)
                        //matcher.appendReplacement(sb, "#{" + sVar + "}");
                        //Creemos que esto es para añadir el trocito que falta (va a estar mal seguro)
                        sb.Append("#{" + sVar + "}");
                sb.Append(st.GetString().Substring(last));//Aquí hay que añadir lo que falta de la cadena original que no matchea

            if (args[args.Length - 1].IsVar())
                IStringTerm stRes = new StringTermImpl(sb.ToString());
                return(un.Unifies(stRes, args[args.Length - 1]));
예제 #14
        public void FindDesireAndDrop(Reasoner rs, Literal l, Unifier un)
            Trigger      g   = new Trigger(TEOperator.add, TEType.achieve, l);
            Circumstance C   = rs.GetCircumstance();
            Unifier      bak = un.Clone();

            IEnumerator <Intention> itinit = C.GetRunningIntentionsPlusAtomic();

            while (itinit.MoveNext())
                Intention i = itinit.Current;
                if (DropDesire(i, g, rs, un) > 1)
                    un = bak.Clone();

            // dropping the current intention?
            DropDesire(C.GetSelectedIntention(), g, rs, un);
            un = bak.Clone();

            //dropping G in Events
            IEnumerator <Event> ie = C.GetEventsPlusAtomic();

            while (ie.MoveNext())
                Event e = ie.Current;
                //Test in the intention
                Intention i = e.GetIntention();
                int       r = DropDesire(i, g, rs, un);
                if (r > 0)
                    if (r == 1)
                    un = bak.Clone();
                    //Test in the event
                    Trigger t = e.GetTrigger();
                    if (i != Intention.emptyInt && !i.IsFinished())
                        t = t.Capply(i.Peek().GetUnif());
                    if (un.Unifies(g, t))
                        DropDesireInEvent(rs, e, i);
                        un = bak.Clone();

            //dropping G in Pending Events
            foreach (string ek in C.GetPendingEvents().Keys)
                //Test in the intention
                Event     e = C.GetPendingEvents()[ek];
                Intention i = e.GetIntention();
                int       r = DropDesire(i, g, rs, un);
                if (r > 0)
                    if (r == 1)
                    un = bak.Clone();
                    //test in the event
                    Trigger t = e.GetTrigger();
                    if (i != Intention.emptyInt && !i.IsFinished())
                        t = t.Capply(i.Peek().GetUnif());
                    if (un.Unifies(g, t))
                        DropDesireInEvent(rs, e, i);
                        un = bak.Clone();

            //Dropping from pending Actions
            foreach (ExecuteAction a in C.GetPendingActions().Values)
                Intention i = a.GetIntention();
                int       r = DropDesire(i, g, rs, un);
                if (r > 0)                            //i was changed
                    C.RemovePendingAction(i.GetID()); // remove i from PA
                    if (r == 1)                       // i must continue running
                        C.ResumeIntention(i);         // and put the intention back in I
                    }                                 // if r > 1, the event was generated and i will be back soon
                    un = bak.Clone();

            //Dropping from pending intentions
            foreach (Intention i in C.GetPendingIntentions().Values)
                int r = DropDesire(i, g, rs, un);
                if (r > 0)
                    if (r == 1)
                    un = bak.Clone();
예제 #15
 public MyRunnable2(Circumstance c, Intention si, string sEvt, bool dropped, bool stopByTimeout, Trigger te, ILogicalFormula formula, ITerm elapsedTimeTerm, Reasoner rs, Unifier un, long startTime)
     this.c               = c;
     this.si              = si;
     this.sEvt            = sEvt;
     this.dropped         = dropped;
     this.stopByTimeout   = stopByTimeout;
     this.te              = te;
     this.formula         = formula;
     this.elapsedTimeTerm = elapsedTimeTerm;
     this.rs              = rs;
     this.un              = un;
     this.startTime       = startTime;
예제 #16
		public void Setup()
			factory = new TypeFactory();
			un = new Unifier(factory);
예제 #17
 public override ITerm[] PrepareArguments(Literal body, Unifier un)
     ns = body.GetNS();
     return(base.PrepareArguments(body, un));
예제 #18
 override public ITerm[] PrepareArguments(Literal body, Unifier un)
예제 #19
 public override object Execute(Reasoner reasoner, Unifier un, ITerm[] args)
     FindDesireAndDrop(reasoner, (Literal)args[0], un);
예제 #20
파일: IdConstant.cs 프로젝트: Godzil/reko
 public IdConstant(EvaluationContext ctx, Unifier u)
     this.ctx     = ctx;
     this.unifier = u;
예제 #21
        /****** Checks *******/

         * Returns true only if this term contains the variable t (or unifies with the variable term t?).
         * t - The variable term
         * u - The unifier
        public virtual bool HasVar(VarTerm t, Unifier u)
예제 #22
 public IdConstant(EvaluationContext ctx, Unifier u, DecompilerEventListener listener)
     this.ctx      = ctx;
     this.unifier  = u;
     this.listener = listener;
예제 #23
 public void Setup()
     factory = new TypeFactory();
     un      = new Unifier(factory, null);
예제 #24
         * returns all unifications for intentions with some goal
        public static IEnumerator <Unifier> AllIntentions(Circumstance C, Literal l, ITerm intAsTerm, Unifier un)
            Trigger g = new Trigger(TEOperator.add, TEType.achieve, l);

            return(new EnumeratorImpl(C, un, g, intAsTerm));
예제 #25
 public override object Execute(Reasoner ts, Unifier un, ITerm[] args)
예제 #26
 public TypeGetTypeMethodThunkCache(TypeDesc owningTypeForThunks)
     _owningTypeForThunks = owningTypeForThunks;
     _cache = new Unifier(this);
예제 #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds the minimal elements, in the partial order induced by unification, of the partial model facts.
        /// The number of minimal elements gives a lower bound on the number of distinct facts that must appear in an valid model.
        /// </summary>
        private void BuildPartialModelLowerBounds()
            //// Step 1. Bin facts by head symbol.
            Term pattern;
            LinkedList <Term> gbin;
            Map <Term, MutableTuple <bool> > ngbin;
            var grdBins = new Map <Symbol, LinkedList <Term> >(Symbol.Compare);

            //// A term maps to true if it is deleted from the bin.
            var ngBins = new Map <Symbol, Map <Term, MutableTuple <bool> > >(Symbol.Compare);

            foreach (var f in Facts.Facts)
                pattern = MkPattern(f);
                if (pattern == f)
                    Contract.Assert(pattern.Groundness == Groundness.Ground);
                    if (!grdBins.TryFindValue(f.Symbol, out gbin))
                        gbin = new LinkedList <Term>();
                        grdBins.Add(f.Symbol, gbin);

                    Contract.Assert(pattern.Groundness == Groundness.Variable);
                    if (!ngBins.TryFindValue(f.Symbol, out ngbin))
                        ngbin = new Map <Term, MutableTuple <bool> >(Term.Compare);
                        ngBins.Add(f.Symbol, ngbin);

                    if (!ngbin.ContainsKey(pattern))
                        ngbin.Add(pattern, new MutableTuple <bool>(false));

            //// Step 2. Any non-ground fact that matches with a ground fact is not minimal.
            Matcher matcher;

            foreach (var kv in ngBins)
                ngbin = kv.Value;
                if (!grdBins.TryFindValue(kv.Key, out gbin))

                foreach (var p in ngbin)
                    matcher = new Matcher(p.Key);
                    foreach (var g in gbin)
                        if (matcher.TryMatch(g))
                            p.Value.Item1 = true;


            //// Step 3. Iteratively compute the minimal elements until a fixpoint is reached.
            Term mgu;
            bool changed;
            LinkedList <Term> newGLBs;

            foreach (var kv in ngBins)
                ngbin   = kv.Value;
                changed = true;
                while (changed)
                    changed = false;
                    newGLBs = null;
                    foreach (var p1 in ngbin)
                        foreach (var p2 in ngbin.GetEnumerable(p1.Key))
                            if (p1.Key == p2.Key)
                            else if (Unifier.IsUnifiable(p1.Key, p2.Key, x => MkNormalizedVar(Facts.Index, x), out mgu))
                                if (mgu != p1.Key)
                                    p1.Value.Item1 = true;

                                if (mgu != p2.Key)
                                    p2.Value.Item1 = true;

                                if (mgu != p1.Key && mgu != p2.Key && !ngbin.ContainsKey(mgu))
                                    changed = true;
                                    if (newGLBs == null)
                                        newGLBs = new LinkedList <Term>();


                    PruneBin(ngbin, newGLBs);

            //// Step 4. Create lower bounds
            Cardinality card;

            foreach (var kv in ngBins)
                grdBins.TryFindValue(kv.Key, out gbin);
                if (gbin == null)
                    card = new Cardinality(new BigInteger(kv.Value.Count));
                    card = new Cardinality(new BigInteger(kv.Value.Count) + new BigInteger(gbin.Count));

                AddConstraint(varMap[(UserSymbol)kv.Key].Item3 >= new CardCnst(card));

            foreach (var kv in grdBins)
                if (ngBins.ContainsKey(kv.Key))

                AddConstraint(varMap[(UserSymbol)kv.Key].Item3 >= new CardCnst(new Cardinality(new BigInteger(kv.Value.Count))));
예제 #28
 override public object Execute(Reasoner ts, Unifier un, ITerm[] args)
예제 #29
 public override object Execute(Reasoner ts, Unifier un, ITerm[] args)
     return(AllDesires(ts.GetCircumstance(), args[0] as Literal, args.Length == 2 ? args[1] : null, un));
예제 #30
 public IdConstant(EvaluationContext ctx, Unifier u)
     this.ctx = ctx;
     this.unifier = u;
예제 #31
        public void AddItemWithSize(Address addr, ImageMapItem itemNew)
            if (!TryFindItem(addr, out var item))
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Address {0} is not within the image range.", addr));
            // Do not split items with known data.
            if (!(item.DataType is UnknownType || item.DataType is CodeType))
            long delta = addr - item.Address;

            Debug.Assert(delta >= 0, "Should have found an item at the supplied address.");
            if (delta > 0)
                int          afterOffset = (int)(delta + itemNew.Size);
                ImageMapItem itemAfter   = null;
                if (item.Size > afterOffset)
                    itemAfter = new ImageMapItem
                        Address  = addr + itemNew.Size,
                        Size     = (uint)(item.Size - afterOffset),
                        DataType = ChopBefore(item.DataType, afterOffset),
                item.Size     = (uint)delta;
                item.DataType = ChopAfter(item.DataType, (int)delta);      // Shrink the existing mofo.

                Items.Add(addr, itemNew);
                if (itemAfter != null)
                    Items.Add(itemAfter.Address, itemAfter);
                if (!(item.DataType is UnknownType) &&
                    !(item.DataType is CodeType))
                    var u = new Unifier();
                    if (u.AreCompatible(item.DataType, itemNew.DataType))
                        item.DataType = u.Unify(item.DataType, itemNew.DataType);
                        throw new NotSupportedException("Haven't handled this case yet.");
                item.Address += itemNew.Size;
                item.Size    -= itemNew.Size;

                Items.Add(addr, itemNew);
                if (item.Size > 0 && !Items.ContainsKey(item.Address))
                    Items.Add(item.Address, item);
예제 #32
        public void CloneTest()
            Unifier resultado = un.Clone();

            Assert.AreEqual(un, resultado);
예제 #33
 [SetUp] // El @Before de Java
 public void SetUp()
     un = new Unifier();
예제 #34
파일: light_on.cs 프로젝트: nasa03/Jasonity
 public override object Execute(Reasoner reasoner, Unifier un, ITerm[] args)
     //Aqui tengo que coger, de alguna manera, la referencia a la lámpara y encender la luz
     return(base.Execute(reasoner, un, args));