public int ReadSizeT() { if (SizeOfSizeT <= 0) { throw new Exception("sizeof(size_t) is not valid:" + SizeOfSizeT); } var bytes = ReadBytes(SizeOfSizeT); UInt64 ret; switch (SizeOfSizeT) { case 4: ret = BitConverter.ToUInt32(bytes, 0); break; case 8: ret = BitConverter.ToUInt64(bytes, 0); break; default: throw new NotImplementedException(); } #if DEBUG_BINARY_READER ULDebug.Log("ReadSizeT: " + ret); #endif if (ret > Int32.MaxValue) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } return((int)ret); }
public static int B_Print(ILuaState lua) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int n = lua.GetTop(); lua.GetGlobal("tostring"); for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) { lua.PushValue(-1); lua.PushValue(i); lua.Call(1, 1); string s = lua.ToString(-1); if (s == null) { return(lua.L_Error("'tostring' must return a string to 'print'")); } if (i > 1) { sb.Append("\t"); } sb.Append(s); lua.Pop(1); } ULDebug.Log(sb.ToString()); return(0); }
private void LoadConstants(LuaProto proto) { var n = LoadInt(); #if DEBUG_UNDUMP ULDebug.Log("Load Constants:" + n); #endif proto.K.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { int t = (int)LoadByte(); #if DEBUG_UNDUMP ULDebug.Log("Constant Type:" + t); #endif var v = new StkId(); switch (t) { case (int)LuaType.LUA_TNIL: v.V.SetNilValue(); proto.K.Add(v); break; case (int)LuaType.LUA_TBOOLEAN: v.V.SetBValue(LoadBoolean()); proto.K.Add(v); break; case (int)LuaType.LUA_TNUMBER: v.V.SetNValue(LoadNumber()); proto.K.Add(v); break; case (int)LuaType.LUA_TSTRING: #if DEBUG_UNDUMP ULDebug.Log("LuaType.LUA_TSTRING"); #endif v.V.SetSValue(LoadString()); proto.K.Add(v); break; default: throw new UndumpException( "LoadConstants unknown type: " + t); } } n = LoadInt(); #if DEBUG_UNDUMP ULDebug.Log("Load Functions:" + n); #endif proto.P.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { proto.P.Add(LoadFunction()); } }
public double ReadDouble() { var bytes = ReadBytes(8); double ret = BitConverter.ToDouble(bytes, 0); #if DEBUG_BINARY_READER ULDebug.Log("ReadDouble: " + ret); #endif return(ret); }
public SizeT ReadSizeT() { var bytes = ReadBytes(PlatformCfg.SizeTypeLength); var ret = PlatformCfg.ToSizeT(bytes, 0); #if DEBUG_BINARY_READER ULDebug.Log("ReadSizeT: " + ret); #endif return(ret); }
public uint ReadUInt() { var bytes = ReadBytes(4); uint ret = BitConverter.ToUInt32(bytes, 0); #if DEBUG_BINARY_READER ULDebug.Log("ReadUInt: " + ret); #endif return(ret); }
private LuaUpvalue F_FindUpval(StkId level) { #if DEBUG_FIND_UPVALUE ULDebug.Log("[F_FindUpval] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> level:" + level); #endif var node = OpenUpval.First; LinkedListNode <LuaUpvalue> prev = null; while (node != null) { var upval = node.Value; #if DEBUG_FIND_UPVALUE ULDebug.Log("[F_FindUpval] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> upval.V:" + upval.V); #endif if (upval.V.Index < level.Index) { break; } var next = node.Next; if (upval.V == level) { return(upval); } prev = node; node = next; } // not found: create a new one var ret = new LuaUpvalue(); ret.V = level; // ret.Prev = G.UpvalHead; // ret.Next = G.UpvalHead.Next; // ret.Next.Prev = ret; // G.UpvalHead.Next = ret; if (prev == null) { OpenUpval.AddFirst(ret); } else { OpenUpval.AddAfter(prev, ret); } #if DEBUG_FIND_UPVALUE ULDebug.Log("[F_FindUpval] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> create new one:" + ret.V); #endif return(ret); }
public byte ReadByte() { var c = LoadInfo.ReadByte(); if (c == -1) { throw new UndumpException("truncated"); } #if DEBUG_BINARY_READER ULDebug.Log("ReadBytes: " + c); #endif return((byte)c); }
private void LoadHeader() { byte[] header = LoadBytes(4 // Signature + 8 // version, format version, size of int ... etc + 6 // Tail ); byte v = header[4 /* skip signature */ + 4 /* offset of sizeof(size_t) */ ]; #if DEBUG_UNDUMP ULDebug.Log(string.Format("sizeof(size_t): {0}", v)); #endif Reader.SizeOfSizeT = v; }
private void LoadCode(LuaProto proto) { var n = LoadInt(); #if DEBUG_UNDUMP ULDebug.Log("LoadCode n:" + n); #endif proto.Code.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { proto.Code.Add(LoadInstruction()); #if DEBUG_UNDUMP ULDebug.Log("Count:" + proto.Code.Count); ULDebug.Log("LoadInstruction:" + proto.Code[proto.Code.Count - 1]); #endif } }
private void DumpParts() { ULDebug.Log("------------------ [DumpParts] enter -----------------------"); ULDebug.Log("<< Array Part >>"); for (var i = 0; i < ArrayPart.Length; ++i) { var n = ArrayPart[i]; ULDebug.Log(string.Format("i:{0} val:{1}", i, n.V)); } ULDebug.Log("<< Hash Part >>"); for (var i = 0; i < HashPart.Length; ++i) { var n = HashPart[i]; var next = (n.Next == null) ? -1 : n.Next.Index; ULDebug.Log(string.Format("i:{0} index:{1} key:{2} val:{3} next:{4}", i, n.Index, n.Key.V, n.Val.V, next)); } ULDebug.Log("++++++++++++++++++ [DumpParts] leave +++++++++++++++++++++++"); }
private void LoadUpvalues(LuaProto proto) { var n = LoadInt(); #if DEBUG_UNDUMP ULDebug.Log("Load Upvalues:" + n); #endif proto.Upvalues.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { proto.Upvalues.Add( new UpvalDesc() { Name = null, InStack = LoadBoolean(), Index = (int)LoadByte() }); } }
private LuaProto LoadFunction() { #if DEBUG_UNDUMP ULDebug.Log("LoadFunction enter"); #endif LuaProto proto = new LuaProto(); proto.LineDefined = LoadInt(); proto.LastLineDefined = LoadInt(); proto.NumParams = LoadByte(); proto.IsVarArg = LoadBoolean(); proto.MaxStackSize = LoadByte(); LoadCode(proto); LoadConstants(proto); LoadUpvalues(proto); LoadDebug(proto); return(proto); }
public string ReadString() { var n = ReadSizeT(); if (n == 0) { return(null); } var bytes = ReadBytes(n); // n=1: removing trailing '\0' string ret = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes, 0, n - 1); #if DEBUG_BINARY_READER ULDebug.Log("ReadString n:" + n + " ret:" + ret); #endif return(ret); }
private void LoadDebug(LuaProto proto) { int n; proto.Source = LoadString(); // LineInfo n = LoadInt(); #if DEBUG_UNDUMP ULDebug.Log("Load LineInfo:" + n); #endif proto.LineInfo.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { proto.LineInfo.Add(LoadInt()); } // LocalVar n = LoadInt(); #if DEBUG_UNDUMP ULDebug.Log("Load LocalVar:" + n); #endif proto.LocVars.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { proto.LocVars.Add( new LocVar() { VarName = LoadString(), StartPc = LoadInt(), EndPc = LoadInt(), }); } // Upvalues' name n = LoadInt(); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { proto.Upvalues[i].Name = LoadString(); } }
private int D_PosCall(int firstResultIndex) { // TODO: hook // be careful: CI may be changed after hook int resIndex = CI.FuncIndex; int wanted = CI.NumResults; #if DEBUG_D_POS_CALL ULDebug.Log("[D] ==== PosCall enter"); ULDebug.Log("[D] ==== PosCall res:" + res); ULDebug.Log("[D] ==== PosCall wanted:" + wanted); #endif CI = BaseCI[CI.Index - 1]; int i = wanted; for (; i != 0 && firstResultIndex < Top.Index; --i) { #if DEBUG_D_POS_CALL ULDebug.Log("[D] ==== PosCall assign lhs res:" + res); ULDebug.Log("[D] ==== PosCall assign rhs firstResult:" + firstResult); #endif Stack[resIndex++].V.SetObj(ref Stack[firstResultIndex++].V); } while (i-- > 0) { #if DEBUG_D_POS_CALL ULDebug.Log("[D] ==== PosCall new LuaNil()"); #endif Stack[resIndex++].V.SetNilValue(); } Top = Stack[resIndex]; #if DEBUG_D_POS_CALL ULDebug.Log("[D] ==== PosCall return " + (wanted - LuaDef.LUA_MULTRET)); #endif return(wanted - LuaDef.LUA_MULTRET); }
public byte[] ReadBytes(int count) { byte[] ret = new byte[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { var c = LoadInfo.ReadByte(); if (c == -1) { throw new UndumpException("truncated"); } ret[i] = (byte)c; } #if DEBUG_BINARY_READER var sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); sb.Append("ReadBytes:"); for (var i = 0; i < ret.Length; ++i) { sb.Append(string.Format(" {0:X02}", ret[i])); } ULDebug.Log(sb.ToString()); #endif return(ret); }
/// <summary> /// return true if function has been executed /// </summary> private bool D_PreCall(StkId func, int nResults) { // prepare for Lua call #if DEBUG_D_PRE_CALL ULDebug.Log("============================ D_PreCall func:" + func); #endif int funcIndex = func.Index; if (!func.V.TtIsFunction()) { // not a function // retry with `function' tag method func = tryFuncTM(func); // now it must be a function return(D_PreCall(func, nResults)); } if (func.V.ClIsLuaClosure()) { var cl = func.V.ClLValue(); Utl.Assert(cl != null); var p = cl.Proto; D_CheckStack(p.MaxStackSize + p.NumParams); func = Stack[funcIndex]; // 补全参数 int n = (Top.Index - func.Index) - 1; for ( ; n < p.NumParams; ++n) { Top).V.SetNilValue(); } int stackBase = (!p.IsVarArg) ? (func.Index + 1) : AdjustVarargs(p, n); CI = ExtendCI(); CI.NumResults = nResults; CI.FuncIndex = func.Index; CI.BaseIndex = stackBase; CI.TopIndex = stackBase + p.MaxStackSize; Utl.Assert(CI.TopIndex <= StackLast); CI.SavedPc = new InstructionPtr(p.Code, 0); CI.CallStatus = CallStatus.CIST_LUA; Top = Stack[CI.TopIndex]; return(false); } if (func.V.ClIsCsClosure()) { var cscl = func.V.ClCsValue(); Utl.Assert(cscl != null); D_CheckStack(LuaDef.LUA_MINSTACK); func = Stack[funcIndex]; CI = ExtendCI(); CI.NumResults = nResults; CI.FuncIndex = func.Index; CI.TopIndex = Top.Index + LuaDef.LUA_MINSTACK; CI.CallStatus = CallStatus.CIST_NONE; // do the actual call int n = cscl.F(this); // poscall D_PosCall(Top.Index - n); return(true); } throw new System.NotImplementedException(); }
public void DumpStack(int baseIndex, string tag = "") { #if ENABLE_DUMP_STACK ULDebug.Log(DumpStackToString(baseIndex, tag)); #endif }