예제 #1
            public void ExecuteSoft(SoftSelection softSel, Quaternion modelRotOff)

                Vector3 modelPivotPos = m_Pivot.ModelPos;
                Mesh    m             = m_Mesh.mesh;

                //Vector3[] cachedVertsArray = softSel.CachedVertPos;
                //Vector3[] vertsArray = (Vector3[])cachedVertsArray.Clone();
                Vector3[] vertsArray = m.vertices;

                VLst softSelIdxLst = softSel.GetEffectVerts();

                for (int i = 0; i < softSelIdxLst.Count; ++i)
                    int   vidx       = softSelIdxLst[i];
                    float percentage = softSel.GetPercentage(vidx);

                    Vector3    offVec          = vertsArray[vidx] - modelPivotPos;
                    Quaternion percModelRotoff = Quaternion.Slerp(Quaternion.identity,
                                                                  modelRotOff, percentage); // interpolated rotation

                    Vector3 transOff = percModelRotoff * offVec;
                    vertsArray[vidx] = transOff + modelPivotPos;

                UndoMesh.SetVertices(m, vertsArray);
예제 #2
            /// <summary>
            /// move specified verts by offset
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="vertIdxLst">the list containing index to all affected verts</param>
            /// <param name="modelSpaceOffset">the offset in model's local space</param>
            public void Execute(VLst vertIdxLst, Vector3 modelSpaceOffset)
                Mesh m = m_Mesh.mesh;

                Vector3[] vertsArray = m.vertices;

                for (int i = 0; i < vertIdxLst.Count; ++i)
                    int vidx = vertIdxLst[i];
                    vertsArray[vidx] += modelSpaceOffset;

                UndoMesh.SetVertices(m, vertsArray);
예제 #3
            public void ExecuteWorldSoft(SoftSelection softSel, Vector3 worldFrom, Vector3 worldTo, Vector3 worldPivotPos)
                //Dbg.Log("ScaleVerts.ExecuteWorldSoft: from: {0}, to: {1}, revert: {2}", worldFrom.ToString("F3"), worldTo.ToString("F3"), bRevert);
                Vector3 worldScaleDelta = V3Ext.DivideComp(worldTo, worldFrom); //when I say "world", it's not bound to be global orientation

                Matrix4x4 mat, matI;

                _GetMatrices(out mat, out matI);

                //Vector3 localPivotPos = m_Pivot.ModelPos; //this will accumulate errors
                Vector3 localPivotPos = m_Tr.InverseTransformPoint(worldPivotPos);


                // apply change to verts
                Mesh m = m_Mesh.mesh;

                Vector3[] cachedVertsArray = softSel.CachedVertPos;
                Vector3[] vertsArray       = (Vector3[])cachedVertsArray.Clone();
                VLst      softSelIdxLst    = softSel.GetEffectVerts();

                //Vector3[] curVertArray = MeshCache.Instance.vertices;
                //Dbg.Log("modelPivotPos = {0}, {1}", localPivotPos.ToString("F3"), Misc.ListToString(softSelIdxLst, idx => { return curVertArray[idx].ToString("F3"); } ));

                // apply scaling
                for (int i = 0; i < softSelIdxLst.Count; ++i)
                    int     vidx = softSelIdxLst[i];
                    Vector3 off  = vertsArray[vidx] - localPivotPos;

                    // calc scale mat
                    Vector3 percScale;
                    float   percentage = softSel.GetPercentage(vidx);
                    percScale = Vector3.Lerp(Vector3.one, worldScaleDelta, percentage);

                    Matrix4x4 matScalePerc = Matrix4x4.Scale(percScale);
                    Matrix4x4 combinedMat  = (mat * matScalePerc * matI);
                    Vector3   newOff       = combinedMat.MultiplyPoint(off);

                    vertsArray[vidx] = localPivotPos + newOff;

                    //Dbg.Log("newOff={0}, off={1}, verts={2}, mat=\n{3}", newOff.ToString("F6"), off.ToString("F6"), vertsArray[vidx].ToString("F6"), combinedMat.ToString("F8"));

                // apply to mesh
                UndoMesh.SetVertices(m, vertsArray);

예제 #4
            /// <summary>
            /// rotate selected verts by rotation
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="vertIdxLst">the list containing index to all affected verts</param>
            /// <param name="modelPivotPos">the position of pivot in local space</param>
            /// <param name="modelRotOff">the rotation in model's local space</param>
            public void Execute(VLst vertIdxLst, Quaternion modelRotOff)
                Vector3 modelPivotPos = m_Pivot.ModelPos;
                Mesh    m             = m_Mesh.mesh;

                Vector3[] vertsArray = m.vertices;

                for (int i = 0; i < vertIdxLst.Count; ++i)
                    int     vidx     = vertIdxLst[i];
                    Vector3 offVec   = vertsArray[vidx] - modelPivotPos;
                    Vector3 transOff = modelRotOff * offVec;
                    vertsArray[vidx] = transOff + modelPivotPos;

                UndoMesh.SetVertices(m, vertsArray);
예제 #5
            /// <summary>
            /// move specified verts by offset
            /// the base shape is cached in softSel
            /// </summary>
            public void ExecuteSoft(SoftSelection softSel, Vector3 modelSpaceOffset)
                softSel.Prepare(); // will do calculation IF NEEDED

                Mesh m = m_Mesh.mesh;

                Vector3[] cachedVertsArray = softSel.CachedVertPos;
                Vector3[] vertsArray       = (Vector3[])cachedVertsArray.Clone();

                VLst softSelIdxLst = softSel.GetEffectVerts();

                for (int i = 0; i < softSelIdxLst.Count; ++i)
                    int   vidx       = softSelIdxLst[i];
                    float percentage = softSel.GetPercentage(vidx);
                    vertsArray[vidx] += modelSpaceOffset * percentage;

                UndoMesh.SetVertices(m, vertsArray);
예제 #6
            /// <summary>
            /// scale specified verts based on pivot (parameter in world space)
            /// a affine transformation(?)
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="vertIdxLst">the list containing index to all affected verts</param>
            /// <param name="worldScaleDelta">the scale info in world space</param>
            public void ExecuteWorld(VLst vertIdxLst, Vector3 worldFrom, Vector3 worldTo, Vector3 worldPivotPos)
                Vector3   worldScaleDelta = V3Ext.DivideComp(worldTo, worldFrom); //when I say "world", it's not bound to be global orientation
                Matrix4x4 combinedMat     = _CalcCombinedMat(ref worldScaleDelta);

                //Vector3 localPivotPos = m_Pivot.ModelPos; //this will accumulate errors
                Vector3 localPivotPos = m_Tr.InverseTransformPoint(worldPivotPos);

                // apply change to verts
                Mesh m = m_Mesh.mesh;

                Vector3[] vertsArray = m.vertices;
                for (int i = 0; i < vertIdxLst.Count; ++i)
                    int     vidx   = vertIdxLst[i];
                    Vector3 off    = vertsArray[vidx] - localPivotPos;
                    Vector3 newOff = combinedMat.MultiplyPoint(off);
                    vertsArray[vidx] = localPivotPos + newOff;
                    //Dbg.Log("newOff={0}, off={1}, verts={2}, mat=\n{3}", newOff.ToString("F6"), off.ToString("F6"), vertsArray[vidx].ToString("F6"), combinedMat.ToString("F8"));

                // apply to mesh
                UndoMesh.SetVertices(m, vertsArray);