// GET: /<controller>/
        public IActionResult Index()
            string result = string.Empty;

            var graph = new UndirectedSparseGraph <string>();

            // Add vertices
            var verticesSet1 = new string[] { "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "s", "v", "x", "y", "z" };


            result = result + "Vertices: " + "'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 's', 'v', 'x', 'y', 'z'" + "\n\n";

            // Add edges
            // Connected Component #1
            // the vertex "e" won't be connected to any other vertex

            // Connected Component #2
            graph.AddEdge("a", "s");
            graph.AddEdge("a", "d");
            graph.AddEdge("s", "x");
            graph.AddEdge("x", "d");

            // Connected Component #3
            graph.AddEdge("b", "c");
            graph.AddEdge("b", "v");
            graph.AddEdge("c", "f");
            graph.AddEdge("c", "v");
            graph.AddEdge("f", "b");

            // Connected Component #4
            graph.AddEdge("y", "z");

            result = result + "Edges: ";
            result = result + graph.ToReadable() + "\r\n\n";

            // Get connected components
            var connectedComponents = ConnectedComponents.Compute(graph);

            connectedComponents = connectedComponents.OrderBy(item => item.Count).ToList();

            result = result + "# of Connected Components: " + connectedComponents.Count() + "\n";

            result = result + "Components are: \n";
            foreach (var items in connectedComponents)
                string edge = string.Empty;
                foreach (var item in items)
                    edge = edge + item + " -> ";

                result = result + edge.Remove(edge.Length - 4) + "\n";

            HtmlString html = StringHelper.GetHtmlString(result);

예제 #2
        public static void DoTest()
            string[] V;
            DirectedSparseGraph <string>   DAG;
            UndirectedSparseGraph <string> CyclicGraph;
            DirectedSparseGraph <string>   DigraphWithCycles;

            // Init graph object
            DigraphWithCycles = new DirectedSparseGraph <string>();

            // Init V
            V = new string[6] {
                "r", "s", "t", "x", "y", "z"

            // Insert V

            // Insert E
            DigraphWithCycles.AddEdge("r", "s");
            DigraphWithCycles.AddEdge("r", "t");
            DigraphWithCycles.AddEdge("s", "t");
            DigraphWithCycles.AddEdge("s", "x");
            DigraphWithCycles.AddEdge("t", "x");
            DigraphWithCycles.AddEdge("t", "y");
            DigraphWithCycles.AddEdge("t", "z");
            DigraphWithCycles.AddEdge("x", "y");
            DigraphWithCycles.AddEdge("x", "z");
            DigraphWithCycles.AddEdge("y", "z");
            DigraphWithCycles.AddEdge("z", "r");
            DigraphWithCycles.AddEdge("z", "s");

            var isCyclic = CyclesDetector.IsCyclic(DigraphWithCycles);

            Debug.Assert(isCyclic, "Wrong status! The graph has cycles.");

            // PRINT THE GRAPH
            Console.WriteLine("[*] Directed Graph:");
            Console.WriteLine(DigraphWithCycles.ToReadable() + "\r\n");
            Console.WriteLine("Was the previous graph cyclic? " + isCyclic);



            CyclicGraph = new UndirectedSparseGraph <string>();

            V = new[] { "A", "B", "C", "D", "E" };

            // Insert new values of V

            // Insert new value for edges
            CyclicGraph.AddEdge("A", "C");
            CyclicGraph.AddEdge("B", "A");
            CyclicGraph.AddEdge("B", "C");
            CyclicGraph.AddEdge("C", "E");
            CyclicGraph.AddEdge("C", "D");
            CyclicGraph.AddEdge("D", "B");
            CyclicGraph.AddEdge("E", "D");

            isCyclic = CyclesDetector.IsCyclic(CyclicGraph);
            Debug.Assert(isCyclic, "Wrong status! The graph has cycles.");

            // PRINT THE GRAPH
            Console.WriteLine("[*] Undirected Graph:");
            Console.WriteLine(CyclicGraph.ToReadable() + "\r\n");
            Console.WriteLine("Was the previous graph cyclic? " + isCyclic);



            DAG = new DirectedSparseGraph <string>();

            V = new[] { "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "X" };

            // Insert new values of V

            // Insert new value for edges
            DAG.AddEdge("A", "B");
            DAG.AddEdge("A", "X");
            DAG.AddEdge("B", "C");
            DAG.AddEdge("C", "D");
            DAG.AddEdge("D", "E");
            DAG.AddEdge("E", "X");

            isCyclic = CyclesDetector.IsCyclic(DAG);
            Debug.Assert(isCyclic == false, "Wrong status! The graph has no cycles.");

            // PRINT THE GRAPH
            Console.WriteLine("[*] DAG (Directed Asyclic Graph):");
            Console.WriteLine(DAG.ToReadable() + "\r\n");
            Console.WriteLine("Was the previous graph cyclic? " + isCyclic);

        public static void DoTest()
            var graph = new UndirectedSparseGraph <string>();

            var verticesSet1 = new string[] { "a", "z", "s", "x", "d", "c", "f", "v" };


            graph.AddEdge("a", "s");
            graph.AddEdge("a", "z");
            graph.AddEdge("s", "x");
            graph.AddEdge("x", "d");
            graph.AddEdge("x", "c");
            graph.AddEdge("d", "f");
            graph.AddEdge("d", "c");
            graph.AddEdge("c", "f");
            graph.AddEdge("c", "v");
            graph.AddEdge("v", "f");

            var allEdges = graph.Edges.ToList();

            Debug.Assert(graph.VerticesCount == 8, "Wrong vertices count.");
            Debug.Assert(graph.EdgesCount == 10, "Wrong edges count.");
            Debug.Assert(graph.EdgesCount == allEdges.Count, "Wrong edges count.");

            Debug.Assert(graph.OutgoingEdges("a").ToList().Count == 2, "Wrong outgoing edges from 'a'.");
            Debug.Assert(graph.OutgoingEdges("s").ToList().Count == 2, "Wrong outgoing edges from 's'.");
            Debug.Assert(graph.OutgoingEdges("x").ToList().Count == 3, "Wrong outgoing edges from 'x'.");
            Debug.Assert(graph.OutgoingEdges("d").ToList().Count == 3, "Wrong outgoing edges from 'd'.");
            Debug.Assert(graph.OutgoingEdges("c").ToList().Count == 4, "Wrong outgoing edges from 'c'.");
            Debug.Assert(graph.OutgoingEdges("v").ToList().Count == 2, "Wrong outgoing edges from 'v'.");
            Debug.Assert(graph.OutgoingEdges("f").ToList().Count == 3, "Wrong outgoing edges from 'f'.");
            Debug.Assert(graph.OutgoingEdges("z").ToList().Count == 1, "Wrong outgoing edges from 'z'.");

            Debug.Assert(graph.IncomingEdges("a").ToList().Count == 2, "Wrong incoming edges from 'a'.");
            Debug.Assert(graph.IncomingEdges("s").ToList().Count == 2, "Wrong incoming edges from 's'.");
            Debug.Assert(graph.IncomingEdges("x").ToList().Count == 3, "Wrong incoming edges from 'x'.");
            Debug.Assert(graph.IncomingEdges("d").ToList().Count == 3, "Wrong incoming edges from 'd'.");
            Debug.Assert(graph.IncomingEdges("c").ToList().Count == 4, "Wrong incoming edges from 'c'.");
            Debug.Assert(graph.IncomingEdges("v").ToList().Count == 2, "Wrong incoming edges from 'v'.");
            Debug.Assert(graph.IncomingEdges("f").ToList().Count == 3, "Wrong incoming edges from 'f'.");
            Debug.Assert(graph.IncomingEdges("z").ToList().Count == 1, "Wrong incoming edges from 'z'.");

            Console.WriteLine("[*] Undirected Sparse Graph:");
            Console.WriteLine("Graph nodes and edges:");
            Console.WriteLine(graph.ToReadable() + "\r\n");

            graph.RemoveEdge("d", "c");
            graph.RemoveEdge("c", "v");
            graph.RemoveEdge("a", "z");
            Debug.Assert(graph.VerticesCount == 8, "Wrong vertices count.");
            Debug.Assert(graph.EdgesCount == 7, "Wrong edges count.");

            Console.WriteLine("After removing edges (d-c), (c-v), (a-z):");
            Console.WriteLine(graph.ToReadable() + "\r\n");

            Debug.Assert(graph.VerticesCount == 7, "Wrong vertices count.");
            Debug.Assert(graph.EdgesCount == 4, "Wrong edges count.");

            Console.WriteLine("After removing node (x):");
            Console.WriteLine(graph.ToReadable() + "\r\n");

            graph.AddEdge("s", "x");
            graph.AddEdge("x", "d");
            graph.AddEdge("x", "c");
            graph.AddEdge("d", "c");
            graph.AddEdge("c", "v");
            graph.AddEdge("a", "z");
            Console.WriteLine("Re-added the deleted vertices and edges to the graph.");
            Console.WriteLine(graph.ToReadable() + "\r\n");

            Console.WriteLine("Walk the graph using BFS:");
            graph.BreadthFirstWalk("s");                // output: (s) (a) (x) (z) (d) (c) (f) (v)



            Console.WriteLine("Cleared the graph from all vertices and edges.\r\n");

            var verticesSet2 = new string[] { "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f" };


            graph.AddEdge("a", "b");
            graph.AddEdge("a", "d");
            graph.AddEdge("b", "e");
            graph.AddEdge("d", "b");
            graph.AddEdge("d", "e");
            graph.AddEdge("e", "c");
            graph.AddEdge("c", "f");
            graph.AddEdge("f", "f");

            Debug.Assert(graph.VerticesCount == 6, "Wrong vertices count.");
            Debug.Assert(graph.EdgesCount == 8, "Wrong edges count.");

            Console.WriteLine("[*] NEW Undirected Sparse Graph:");
            Console.WriteLine("Graph nodes and edges:");
            Console.WriteLine(graph.ToReadable() + "\r\n");

            Console.WriteLine("Walk the graph using DFS:");
            graph.DepthFirstWalk();             // output: (a) (b) (e) (d) (c) (f)
        public static void DoTest()
            var graph = new UndirectedSparseGraph<string>();

            var verticesSet1 = new string[] { "a", "z", "s", "x", "d", "c", "f", "v" };


            graph.AddEdge("a", "s");
            graph.AddEdge("a", "z");
            graph.AddEdge("s", "x");
            graph.AddEdge("x", "d");
            graph.AddEdge("x", "c");
            graph.AddEdge("d", "f");
            graph.AddEdge("d", "c");
            graph.AddEdge("c", "f");
            graph.AddEdge("c", "v");
            graph.AddEdge("v", "f");

            var allEdges = graph.Edges.ToList();

            Debug.Assert(graph.VerticesCount == 8, "Wrong vertices count.");
            Debug.Assert(graph.EdgesCount == 10, "Wrong edges count.");
            Debug.Assert(graph.EdgesCount == allEdges.Count, "Wrong edges count.");

            Debug.Assert(graph.OutgoingEdges("a").ToList().Count == 2, "Wrong outgoing edges from 'a'.");
            Debug.Assert(graph.OutgoingEdges("s").ToList().Count == 2, "Wrong outgoing edges from 's'.");
            Debug.Assert(graph.OutgoingEdges("x").ToList().Count == 3, "Wrong outgoing edges from 'x'.");
            Debug.Assert(graph.OutgoingEdges("d").ToList().Count == 3, "Wrong outgoing edges from 'd'.");
            Debug.Assert(graph.OutgoingEdges("c").ToList().Count == 4, "Wrong outgoing edges from 'c'.");
            Debug.Assert(graph.OutgoingEdges("v").ToList().Count == 2, "Wrong outgoing edges from 'v'.");
            Debug.Assert(graph.OutgoingEdges("f").ToList().Count == 3, "Wrong outgoing edges from 'f'.");
            Debug.Assert(graph.OutgoingEdges("z").ToList().Count == 1, "Wrong outgoing edges from 'z'.");

            Debug.Assert(graph.IncomingEdges("a").ToList().Count == 2, "Wrong incoming edges from 'a'.");
            Debug.Assert(graph.IncomingEdges("s").ToList().Count == 2, "Wrong incoming edges from 's'.");
            Debug.Assert(graph.IncomingEdges("x").ToList().Count == 3, "Wrong incoming edges from 'x'.");
            Debug.Assert(graph.IncomingEdges("d").ToList().Count == 3, "Wrong incoming edges from 'd'.");
            Debug.Assert(graph.IncomingEdges("c").ToList().Count == 4, "Wrong incoming edges from 'c'.");
            Debug.Assert(graph.IncomingEdges("v").ToList().Count == 2, "Wrong incoming edges from 'v'.");
            Debug.Assert(graph.IncomingEdges("f").ToList().Count == 3, "Wrong incoming edges from 'f'.");
            Debug.Assert(graph.IncomingEdges("z").ToList().Count == 1, "Wrong incoming edges from 'z'.");

            Console.WriteLine("[*] Undirected Sparse Graph:");
            Console.WriteLine("Graph nodes and edges:");
            Console.WriteLine(graph.ToReadable() + "\r\n");

            graph.RemoveEdge("d", "c");
            graph.RemoveEdge("c", "v");
            graph.RemoveEdge("a", "z");
            Debug.Assert(graph.VerticesCount == 8, "Wrong vertices count.");
            Debug.Assert(graph.EdgesCount == 7, "Wrong edges count.");

            Console.WriteLine("After removing edges (d-c), (c-v), (a-z):");
            Console.WriteLine(graph.ToReadable() + "\r\n");

            Debug.Assert(graph.VerticesCount == 7, "Wrong vertices count.");
            Debug.Assert(graph.EdgesCount == 4, "Wrong edges count.");

            Console.WriteLine("After removing node (x):");
            Console.WriteLine(graph.ToReadable() + "\r\n");

            graph.AddEdge("s", "x");
            graph.AddEdge("x", "d");
            graph.AddEdge("x", "c");
            graph.AddEdge("d", "c");
            graph.AddEdge("c", "v");
            graph.AddEdge("a", "z");
            Console.WriteLine("Re-added the deleted vertices and edges to the graph.");
            Console.WriteLine(graph.ToReadable() + "\r\n");

            Console.WriteLine("Walk the graph using BFS:");
            graph.BreadthFirstWalk("s");		// output: (s) (a) (x) (z) (d) (c) (f) (v)



            Console.WriteLine("Cleared the graph from all vertices and edges.\r\n");

            var verticesSet2 = new string[] { "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f" };


            graph.AddEdge("a", "b");
            graph.AddEdge("a", "d");
            graph.AddEdge("b", "e");
            graph.AddEdge("d", "b");
            graph.AddEdge("d", "e");
            graph.AddEdge("e", "c");
            graph.AddEdge("c", "f");
            graph.AddEdge("f", "f");

            Debug.Assert(graph.VerticesCount == 6, "Wrong vertices count.");
            Debug.Assert(graph.EdgesCount == 8, "Wrong edges count.");

            Console.WriteLine("[*] NEW Undirected Sparse Graph:");
            Console.WriteLine("Graph nodes and edges:");
            Console.WriteLine(graph.ToReadable() + "\r\n");

            Console.WriteLine("Walk the graph using DFS:");
            graph.DepthFirstWalk();		// output: (a) (b) (e) (d) (c) (f) 
        public static void DoTest()
            string[] V;
            DirectedSparseGraph<string> DAG;
            UndirectedSparseGraph<string> CyclicGraph;
            DirectedSparseGraph<string> DigraphWithCycles;

            // Init graph object
            DigraphWithCycles = new DirectedSparseGraph<string>();

            // Init V
            V = new string[6] { "r", "s", "t", "x", "y", "z" };

            // Insert V

            // Insert E
            DigraphWithCycles.AddEdge("r", "s");
            DigraphWithCycles.AddEdge("r", "t");
            DigraphWithCycles.AddEdge("s", "t");
            DigraphWithCycles.AddEdge("s", "x");
            DigraphWithCycles.AddEdge("t", "x");
            DigraphWithCycles.AddEdge("t", "y");
            DigraphWithCycles.AddEdge("t", "z");
            DigraphWithCycles.AddEdge("x", "y");
            DigraphWithCycles.AddEdge("x", "z");
            DigraphWithCycles.AddEdge("y", "z");
            DigraphWithCycles.AddEdge("z", "r");
            DigraphWithCycles.AddEdge("z", "s");
            var isCyclic = CyclesDetector.IsCyclic<string>(DigraphWithCycles);
            Debug.Assert(isCyclic == true, "Wrong status! The graph has cycles.");

            // PRINT THE GRAPH
            Console.WriteLine("[*] Directed Graph:");
            Console.WriteLine(DigraphWithCycles.ToReadable() + "\r\n");
            Console.WriteLine("Was the previous graph cyclic? " + isCyclic);



            CyclicGraph = new UndirectedSparseGraph<string>();

            V = new string[] { "A", "B", "C", "D", "E" };

            // Insert new values of V
            // Insert new value for edges
            CyclicGraph.AddEdge("A", "C");
            CyclicGraph.AddEdge("B", "A");
            CyclicGraph.AddEdge("B", "C");
            CyclicGraph.AddEdge("C", "E");
            CyclicGraph.AddEdge("C", "D");
            CyclicGraph.AddEdge("D", "B");
            CyclicGraph.AddEdge("E", "D");

            isCyclic = CyclesDetector.IsCyclic<string>(CyclicGraph);
            Debug.Assert(isCyclic == true, "Wrong status! The graph has cycles.");

            // PRINT THE GRAPH
            Console.WriteLine("[*] Undirected Graph:");
            Console.WriteLine(CyclicGraph.ToReadable() + "\r\n");
            Console.WriteLine("Was the previous graph cyclic? " + isCyclic);



            DAG = new DirectedSparseGraph<string>();

            V = new string[] { "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "X" };

            // Insert new values of V

            // Insert new value for edges
            DAG.AddEdge("A", "B");
            DAG.AddEdge("A", "X");
            DAG.AddEdge("B", "C");
            DAG.AddEdge("C", "D");
            DAG.AddEdge("D", "E");
            DAG.AddEdge("E", "X");

            isCyclic = CyclesDetector.IsCyclic<string>(DAG);
            Debug.Assert(isCyclic == false, "Wrong status! The graph has no cycles.");

            // PRINT THE GRAPH
            Console.WriteLine("[*] DAG (Directed Asyclic Graph):");
            Console.WriteLine(DAG.ToReadable() + "\r\n");
            Console.WriteLine("Was the previous graph cyclic? " + isCyclic);
