예제 #1
        static bool DFS(UndirectedGraph.Graph graph, int v, bool[] discovered, bool[] color)
            // do for every edge (v -> u)
            foreach (int u in graph.AllNodes(v))
                // if vertex u is explored for first time
                if (discovered[u] == false)
                    // mark current node as discovered
                    discovered[u] = true;
                    // set color as opposite color of parent node
                    color[u] = !color[v];

                    // if DFS on any subtree rooted at v
                    // we return false
                    if (DFS(graph, u, discovered, color) == false)
                // if the vertex is already been discovered and
                // color of vertex u and v are same, then the
                // graph is not Bipartite
                else if (color[v] == color[u])

예제 #2
        // Identifies a Bipartition in a bipartite Graph via depth first search
        // and returns a boolean array where the vth entry is true if and only if
        // the respective node is element of the left set in the bipartition and
        // false if and only if it is part of the right set in the bipartition.
        // If the graph is not bipartite, this method return null.
        public static bool[] Bipartition(UndirectedGraph.Graph graph)
            bool[] partition = new bool[graph.Nodes()];

            // stores vertex is discovered or not
            bool[] discovered = new bool[graph.Nodes()];

            // stores color 0 or 1 of each vertex in BFS
            //bool[] color = new bool[N];

            // mark source vertex as discovered and
            // set its color to 0
            discovered[0] = true;
            partition[0]  = false;

            //List<int> nodes = graph.DFS_recursive();
            // start DFS traversal from any node as graph
            // is connected and undirected
            if (DFS(graph, 1, discovered, partition))

예제 #3
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            string path = (args.Length > 0) ? args [0] : "blatt8_aufg2.txt";

            // Construct the graph
            List <int[]> edges = TupleReader.ReadPairs(path);

            UndirectedGraph.Graph graph = new UndirectedGraph.Graph(edges);
            // display the graph

            // identify the bipartition
            bool[] partition = Bipartition(graph);
            if (partition == null)
                System.Console.WriteLine("The graph is not bipartite!");

            // show the bipartition

            // Find the Bipartite Matching
            List <DirectedWeightedGraph.Edge> matching = Matching(graph, partition);

예제 #4
        // Computes a bipartite matching in the given graph with the given partition of nodes.
        // The partition is given in form of a boolean array as returned by the Partition
        // function.
        public static List <Edge> Matching(UndirectedGraph.Graph graph, bool[] partition)
            List <Edge> matching = new List <Edge>();

            //TODO: Implement

            DirectedWeightedGraph.Graph g = new DirectedWeightedGraph.Graph(graph.Nodes() + 2);

            int s = 0;
            int t = g.Nodes() - 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < graph.Nodes(); i++)
                List <int> nodes = graph.AllNodes(i);
                for (int j = 0; j < nodes.Count; j++)
                    g.AddEdge(i + 1, nodes[j], 1);

                    if (partition[i])
                        g.AddEdge(i + 1, t, 1);
                        g.AddEdge(s, i + 1, 1);

            FlowGraph     network   = new FlowGraph(g, s, t);
            FlowOptimizer optimizer = new EdmondsKarp.EdmondsKarp();



            for (int v = 1; v < network.Nodes() - 1; v++)
                foreach (Edge edge in network.Edges(v))
                    if (edge.To() != s && edge.From() != t && edge.Weight() > 0)

            // Display the optimum flow
            //System.Console.WriteLine("Flow is " + network.ComputeFlow());
