예제 #1
        public DataTable GetDownTime(int LineId, DateTime begin, DateTime end, out List<ScheduleDownTime> lstSchdule, out List<UnScheduleDownTime> lstUnschedule)
            string SqlGetLine = "SELECT TOP 1 * FROM tbDic_Line WHERE Id=" + LineId + "";
            Line line = DALLib<Line>.DataAccess.GetOneBySQL(SqlGetLine);
            List<Station> lstStation = DALLib<Station>.DataAccess.GetSome(string.Format("select * from tbDic_Station where LineId={0}", line.Id));

            List<ScheduleDownTime> lstScheduleDowntime = new List<ScheduleDownTime>(); //所有的计划停机
            List<UnScheduleDownTime> lstUnscheDowntime = new List<UnScheduleDownTime>();//所有的非计划停机

            lstScheduleDowntime = queryhelper.QueryScheduleDowntime(line, begin, end);
            lstUnscheDowntime = queryhelper.QueryUnScheduleDowntime(line, begin, end);

            SplitTab = timehelper.GetTimeTableForABS8(null, lstUnscheDowntime, line, begin, end);

            UnschduleTab = SplitTab.Clone();
            ScheduleTab = SplitTab.Clone();
            foreach (DataRow row in SplitTab.Rows)
                if (row["downcode"].ToString() != string.Empty && row["downcode"].ToString().Contains("U"))

            List<UnScheduleDownTime> lstUnscheduleSplit = new List<UnScheduleDownTime>();
                foreach (DataRow row in UnschduleTab.Rows)
                    //string SqlGetProduct = "SELECT TOP 1 * FROM tbPro_Production WHERE LineId=" + line.Id + " AND RealStartTime<='" + row["starttime"].ToString() + "' ORDER BY RealStartTime DESC";
                    //改为查询HistoryProduction,时间:2014-12-30 11:52:03
                    string SqlGetProduct = "SELECT TOP 1 * FROM tbPro_HistoryProduction WHERE LineId=" + line.Id + " AND RealStartTime<='" + row["starttime"].ToString() + "' ORDER BY RealStartTime DESC";
                    Production production = DALLib<Production>.DataAccess.GetOneBySQL(SqlGetProduct);
                    string SqlGetStation = "SELECT * FROM tbDic_Station WHERE Id=" + row["stationid"] + "";
                    Station station = DALLib<Station>.DataAccess.GetOneBySQL(SqlGetStation);
                    string SqlGetStationRefDT = "SELECT TOP 1 * FROM tbDic_StationRefDT WHERE StationId=" + station.Id + "";
                    StationRefDT stationRefDT = DALLib<StationRefDT>.DataAccess.GetOneBySQL(SqlGetStationRefDT);
                    DateTime StartTime = (DateTime)row["starttime"];
                    DateTime EndTime = (DateTime)row["endtime"];
                    string downcode = row["downcode"].ToString();
                    decimal downtimeseconds = 0;
                    if (lstStation.FindAll(p => (p.StationStep == station.StationStep && p.WorkStationId == station.WorkStationId)).Count > 1)
                        DataRow[] unschdulerow = UnschduleTab.Select("stationstep='" + station.StationStep + "' and workstationid='" + station.WorkStationId + "' and starttime='" + StartTime + "' and endtime='" + EndTime + "'");
                        int DownCount = 1;
                        if (unschdulerow != null && unschdulerow.Length >= 1)
                            DownCount = unschdulerow.Length;
                        string SqlGetGroupOperator = "";
                        Product_Group_CT pgc = null;
                        if (production != null)
                            SqlGetGroupOperator = "SELECT Top 1 * FROM tbDic_Product_Group_CT WHERE WorkStationId=" + station.WorkStationId + " AND StationStep=" + station.StationStep + " AND GroupDownCount=" + DownCount + " AND ProductId=" + production.ProductId + "";
                            pgc = DALLib<Product_Group_CT>.DataAccess.GetOneBySQL(SqlGetGroupOperator);
                        downtimeseconds = (decimal)EndTime.Subtract(StartTime).TotalSeconds;
                        if (pgc != null && downcode != "U6")//换型不用切
                            downtimeseconds = downtimeseconds * pgc.GroupOperator;
                        //string SqlGetStationOperator = "SELECT Top 1 * FROM tbDic_Product_Station_CT WHERE StationId=" + station.Id + " AND ProductId=" + production.ProductId + "";
                        //Product_Station_CT psc = DALLib<Product_Station_CT>.DataAccess.GetOneBySQL(SqlGetStationOperator);
                        downtimeseconds = (decimal)EndTime.Subtract(StartTime).TotalSeconds;
                        //if (psc != null && downcode != "U6")//换型不用切
                        //    downtimeseconds = downtimeseconds * psc.Operator;
                        //    downtimeseconds = downtimeseconds * 1;
                        ////string SqlGetWorkFlow = "SELECT * FROM tbDic_WorkFlow WHERE Id IN (SELECT TOP 1 WorkFlowId FROM tbDic_WorkFlow_Line WHERE LineId=" + line.Id + ")";
                        ////WorkFlow workflow = DALLib<WorkFlow>.DataAccess.GetOneBySQL(SqlGetWorkFlow);
                        ////if (workflow != null && stationRefDT != null && downcode != "U6" && (workflow.WorkFlowName.ToLower().Contains("au") || workflow.WorkFlowName.ToLower().Contains("fa")))
                        ////    if (downtimeseconds <= stationRefDT.ReferenceDT)
                        ////        downtimeseconds = 0;
                        ////    else
                        ////        downtimeseconds = downtimeseconds - stationRefDT.ReferenceDT;
                        if (stationRefDT != null && downcode != "U6")
                            decimal agotime = downtimeseconds;
                            downtimeseconds = downtimeseconds - stationRefDT.ReferenceDT;
                            if (downtimeseconds <= 0)
                                downtimeseconds = 0;
                            else if (downtimeseconds > 0 && stationRefDT.ReferenceDT == 0)
                                downtimeseconds = agotime;
                    EndTime = StartTime.AddSeconds((double)downtimeseconds);
                    if (lstUnscheduleSplit != null && lstUnscheduleSplit.Count > 0)
                        UnScheduleDownTime ud = new UnScheduleDownTime
                            Id = CommonMethod.SafeGetIntFromObj(row["id"], 0),
                            DefectCategoryId = CommonMethod.SafeGetIntFromObj(row["defectcategoryid"], 0),
                            StartTime = StartTime,
                            EndTime = EndTime,
                            ReactionTime = CommonMethod.SafeGetDateTimeFromObj(row["reactiontime"]),
                            ActionTime = CommonMethod.SafeGetDateTimeFromObj(row["actiontime"]),
                            EmployeeId = CommonMethod.SafeGetIntFromObj(row["employeeid"], 0),
                            StationId = CommonMethod.SafeGetIntFromObj(row["stationid"], 0),
                            IsChangedPart = CommonMethod.SafeGetBooleanFromObj(row["ischangedpart"]),
                        //for (int i = 0; i < lstUnscheduleSplit.Count; i++)
                        //    if (ud.StartTime == lstUnscheduleSplit[i].StartTime)
                        //    {
                        //        decimal downtimecount = (decimal)lstUnscheduleSplit[i].EndTime.Subtract(lstUnscheduleSplit[i].StartTime).TotalSeconds;
                        //        if (downtimecount > timecount)
                        //        {
                        //            lstUnscheduleSplit.Remove(lstUnscheduleSplit[i]);
                        //            lstUnscheduleSplit.Add(ud);
                        //        }
                        //    }
                        List<UnScheduleDownTime> lstSameStartTime = lstUnscheduleSplit.FindAll(p => p.StartTime == ud.StartTime);
                        if (lstSameStartTime.Count > 1)
                            decimal timecount = (decimal)ud.EndTime.Subtract(ud.StartTime).TotalSeconds;
                            for (int i = 0; i < lstSameStartTime.Count; i++)
                                decimal downtimecount = (decimal)lstSameStartTime[i].EndTime.Subtract(lstSameStartTime[i].StartTime).TotalSeconds;
                                if (timecount > downtimecount)
                                    lstUnscheduleSplit.Remove(lstUnscheduleSplit.Find(p => p.EndTime == lstSameStartTime[i].EndTime));
                                else if (timecount <= downtimecount)
                                    lstUnscheduleSplit.Remove(lstUnscheduleSplit.Find(p => p.EndTime == lstSameStartTime[i].EndTime && p.DefectCategoryId != 57));
                        lstUnscheduleSplit.Add(new UnScheduleDownTime
                            Id = CommonMethod.SafeGetIntFromObj(row["id"], 0),
                            DefectCategoryId = CommonMethod.SafeGetIntFromObj(row["defectcategoryid"], 0),
                            StartTime = StartTime,
                            EndTime = EndTime,
                            ReactionTime = CommonMethod.SafeGetDateTimeFromObj(row["reactiontime"]),
                            ActionTime = CommonMethod.SafeGetDateTimeFromObj(row["actiontime"]),
                            EmployeeId = CommonMethod.SafeGetIntFromObj(row["employeeid"], 0),
                            StationId = CommonMethod.SafeGetIntFromObj(row["stationid"], 0),
                            IsChangedPart = CommonMethod.SafeGetBooleanFromObj(row["ischangedpart"]),
            catch (Exception ex)
                lstSchdule = null;
                lstUnschedule = null;
                return null;
            SplitTab = timehelper.GetTimeTableForABS8(lstScheduleDowntime, lstUnscheduleSplit, line, begin, end);
            //SplitTab = timehelper.GetABS8SpiltTimeFromTable(SplitTab);

            lstSchdule = GetScheduleLst(SplitTab);
            lstUnschedule = GetUnscheduleLst(SplitTab);

            return SplitTab;
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// 解析Production中实际换型的时间
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lineid"></param>
        /// <param name="dtStart"></param>
        /// <param name="dtEnd"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private List<UnScheduleDownTime> AnalyzeCOTimWithProduction(int lineid, DateTime dtStart, DateTime dtEnd)
            Station station = DALLib<Station>.DataAccess.GetOneBySQL("select top 1  * from tbDic_Station where  LineId=" + lineid);
            station = DALLib<Station>.DataAccess.GetOneBySQL(@"SELECT station.* FROM tbDic_Station station
                         INNER JOIN tbDic_WorkStation ws ON ws.Id=station.WorkStationId
                         INNER JOIN tbDic_Line line ON line.Id=station.LineId
                         INNER JOIN tbDic_SpecialLocation sl ON sl.StationId=station.Id
                         INNER JOIN tb_Dic_SpecialParameter sp ON sp.Id=sl.ParameterId
                         WHERE ws.IsLineOutput='true' AND sl.IsOutput='true' AND line.Id=" + lineid + "");
            if (lineid == 7)
                station = DALLib<Station>.DataAccess.GetOneBySQL(@"SELECT station.* FROM tbDic_Station station
                INNER JOIN tbDic_WorkStation ws ON ws.Id=station.WorkStationId
                INNER JOIN tbDic_Line line ON line.Id=station.LineId
                INNER JOIN tbDic_Location sl ON sl.StationId=station.Id
                WHERE ws.IsLineOutput='true' AND sl.IsOutput='true' AND line.Id=" + lineid + "");
            List<Production> lsProduction = GetProduction(lineid, dtStart, dtEnd);
            List<UnScheduleDownTime> lstUnscheduleDowntime = new List<UnScheduleDownTime>();
            DefectCategory u6defect = DALLib<DefectCategory>.DataAccess.GetOneBySQL("select * from tbDic_DefectCategory where DefectCategoryName='U6'");
            int productid = 0;
            DateTime _dtTemp = DateTime.Now;

            for (int i = 0; i < lsProduction.Count; i++)
                if (i == 0)
                    productid = lsProduction[i].ProductId;

                if (productid != lsProduction[i].ProductId)
                    DateTime dtLastEnd = lsProduction[i - 1].RealEndTime;
                    DateTime dtCurrentStart = lsProduction[i].RealStartTime;
                    double _cotime = dtCurrentStart.Subtract(dtLastEnd).TotalMinutes;
                    if (_cotime > 60) //换型时间不可能需要一个小时
                        //写入一条换型纪录 stationid 就为第一台station为基准
                        UnScheduleDownTime ud = new UnScheduleDownTime();
                        ud.DefectCategoryId = u6defect.Id;
                        ud.StationId = station.Id;
                        ud.StartTime = dtLastEnd;
                        ud.EndTime = dtCurrentStart;
                        productid = lsProduction[i].ProductId;

            for (int i = 0; i < lstUnscheduleDowntime.Count; i++)

            return lstUnscheduleDowntime;