public void TestBuildingOfTheLandingPageViewModel_ShouldReturnAHydratedInstance()
            // Arrange

            // shouldn't actually be called, so no Setup necessary
            var mockLoginScreenDataAccess = new Mock <ILoginScreenDataAccess>();

            var uiDependentLoginServices = new UiDependentLoginServices(mockLoginScreenDataAccess.Object);

            var loginViewModel = new LoginViewModel
                ElectionId         = 37,
                LandingPageTitle   = "Lpt",
                LandingPageMessage = "landingPageMessage"

            // Act
            var uutResult = uiDependentLoginServices.BuildLandingPgViewModel(loginViewModel);

            // Assert
            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(uutResult, typeof(LandingPgViewModel));

            Assert.AreEqual(37, uutResult.ElectionId);
            Assert.AreEqual("Lpt", uutResult.LandingPageTitle);
            Assert.AreEqual("landingPageMessage", uutResult.LandingPageMessage);
        public async Task IfNowIsOutsideElectionsOpenClosedDataRange_VotingIsOpenShouldBeReturnedAsFalse_FromGetLoginScreenDataAsync()
            // Arrange
            const int expectedElectionId = 1;

            var mockWebConfigReaderService = new Mock <IWebConfigReaderService>();

            mockWebConfigReaderService.Setup(x => x.GetAppSetting <int>("CurrentElectionId"))

            var openDt   = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-5);
            var closedDt = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-3);

            // gotta mock ILoginScreenDataAccess
            var mockLoginScreenDataAccess = new Mock <ILoginScreenDataAccess>();

            // async Task<LoginViewModel> GetDataForLoginScreenAsync(int electionId)
            mockLoginScreenDataAccess.Setup(mut => mut.GetDataForLoginScreenAsync(expectedElectionId))
            .Returns <int>(x =>
                           Task.FromResult(new LoginViewData
                // ElectionLogoUrl = "",
                ElectionId             = x,
                ElectionName           = "2019 Member-at-Large Board Election",
                LoginScreenOpenMessage =
                    "To begin the voting process, locate your Personal Identification Number (PIN) on your ballot package received by mail. See example (<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" >PDF</a>)<BR /><BR />Call the Everyone Counts/IVS Customer Service Line at (888) 492-4763 if you need assistance locating your PIN.",
                LoginScreenCloseMessage = "Sorry dude, voting is uh, Cah-lozed.",
                LoginIdLabelTxt         = "PIN (Required)",
                LoginPinLabelTxt        = "Last 4 digits of Social Security number (required)",
                OpenDate           = openDt,
                CloseDate          = closedDt,
                LandingPageTitle   = "Success!",
                LandingPageMessage =
                    "By submitting my vote online, I HEREBY CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY that I was... Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec at euismod erat, vitae iaculis lectus. Aliquam sagittis a eros sed dignissim. Duis aliquet convallis purus, eget elementum tellus consequat in. Suspendisse quis sollicitudin nisl. Quisque ultricies, eros ut laoreet vehicula, mi tellus condimentum est, fermentum luctus enim justo a arcu. Ut euismod leo libero. Aenean lobortis auctor urna vel luctus. Suspendisse sit amet turpis mattis, tristique urna ac, mattis nunc. Aenean a purus feugiat, aliquet ligula vitae, semper felis. Sed gravida sodales laoreet. Nullam ullamcorper congue erat tristique maximus. Suspendisse quis odio sollicitudin magna pretium ultrices at vel ligula.",
                VotingIsOpen = false,
                UserIp       = "usersIpAddress",
                BrowserAgent = "usersHost"

            var uiDependentLoginServices = new UiDependentLoginServices(mockLoginScreenDataAccess.Object);
            var expectedReturnedType     = typeof(LoginViewModel);

            // Act
            var callResult = await uiDependentLoginServices.GetLoginScreenDataAsync(expectedElectionId);

            // Assert
                mut => mut.GetDataForLoginScreenAsync(expectedElectionId),
            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(callResult, expectedReturnedType);

        public void VotingIsOpenVerification_WithAppropriateSettings_ShouldReturnWithVotingIsOpenAsFalse()
            // shouldn't actually be called, so no Setup necessary
            var mockLoginScreenDataAccess = new Mock <ILoginScreenDataAccess>();

            var uiDependentLoginServices = new UiDependentLoginServices(mockLoginScreenDataAccess.Object);

            var now = new DateTime(2019, 5, 5, 14, 29, 59);

            var loginViewModel = new LoginViewModel
                ElectionId = 37,
                OpenDate   = new DateTime(2019, 5, 5, 14, 30, 00),
                CloseDate  = new DateTime(2019, 5, 5, 15, 00, 00)

            // Act
            var uutResult = uiDependentLoginServices.VotingIsOpenVerification(loginViewModel, now);
