public void CloseUi(UiId uiId) { UiCtrl ui = GetUi(uiCtrlList, uiId); if (ui != null) { ui.Close(); } }
void Start() { Me = this; _hpBar = transform.GetChild(0).gameObject.AddComponent <HpBar>(); _floatButton = transform.GetChild(1).gameObject.AddComponent <FloatButton>(); _win = transform.GetChild(3).gameObject; _lose = transform.GetChild(2).gameObject; _win.gameObject.SetActive(false); _lose.gameObject.SetActive(false); }
protected override void Awake() { base.Awake(); uiCtrlList.Clear(); uiPopupList.Clear(); _currUi = null; EAMainFrame.instance.OnMainFrameFacilityCreated(MainFrameAddFlags.UiManager); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { _rb = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>(); _anim = GetComponent <Animator>(); _collider = GetComponent <CapsuleCollider2D>(); _uiCtrl = GameObject.FindWithTag("UI").GetComponent <UiCtrl>(); health = maxHealth; _uiCtrl.MinHealth = 0; _uiCtrl.MaxHealth = maxHealth; _uiCtrl.Health = maxHealth; }
// get ui public UiCtrl GetUi(List <UiCtrl> list, UiId uiId) { UiCtrl result = null; for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { if (list[i].uiId == uiId) { result = list[i]; break; } } return(result); }
private void Awake() { enabled = false; mainCamera = Camera.main; ui = GetComponent <UiCtrl>(); }
private void Start() { ui = GetComponent <UiCtrl>(); }
public void Init() { uiCtrlList.Clear(); uiPopupList.Clear(); GameObject goRoot = GameObject.Find(UI_ROOT_NAME); if (goRoot == null) { goRoot = new GameObject(UI_ROOT_NAME); GameObject page = new GameObject(UI_ROOT_PAGE); GameObject above = new GameObject(UI_ROOT_ABOVE); GameObject popup = new GameObject(UI_ROOT_POPUP); page.transform.SetParent(goRoot.transform); above.transform.SetParent(goRoot.transform); popup.transform.SetParent(goRoot.transform); } if (null != goRoot) { m_tUIRoot = goRoot.transform; m_tRootPage = m_tUIRoot.Find(UI_ROOT_PAGE); m_tRootAbove = m_tUIRoot.Find(UI_ROOT_ABOVE); m_tRootPopup = m_tUIRoot.Find(UI_ROOT_POPUP); } GameObject[] rootObjects = UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager.GetActiveScene().GetRootGameObjects(); rootObjects.ForEach(s => { UiCtrl[] uis = s.GetComponentsInChildren <UiCtrl>(true); for (int i = 0; i < uis.Length; ++i) { UiCtrl v = uis[i]; string value = v.GetType().ToString(); v.uiId.Set(value); v.SetActive(false); Canvas c = v.GetComponent <Canvas>(); bool isWorldUi = false; if (c != null) { if (v.sortingOrder > 0) { c.sortingOrder = v.sortingOrder; } } if (isWorldUi == false) { RectTransform rt = v.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); rt.SetParent(m_tRootPage); rt.Reset(); } uiCtrlList.Add(v); } }); }
public void CloseUi(UiCtrlBase uiCtrlBase, UiResult result = null) { UiCtrl uiCtrl = (UiCtrl)uiCtrlBase as UiCtrl; if (uiCtrl == null) { return; } if (uiCtrl._uiState == UiState.WillDestroy) { return; } if (_currUi == uiCtrl) { _currUi = null; } UiCtrl popup_ui = GetUi(uiPopupList, uiCtrl.uiId); if (popup_ui != null) { uiPopupList.Remove(popup_ui); } uiCtrl._Deactivate(); uiCtrl._OnWillDestroy(); Delegate resultCbD = uiCtrl._resultCbD; if (uiCtrl._resultCbD != null) { if (result == null) { result = uiCtrl.uiResult; result.btId = ButtonId.Cancel; } else { if (result.GetType() != uiCtrl.GetResultType()) { Debug.Assert(false, @"ResultType must be '" + uiCtrl.GetResultType() + @"' not '" + result.GetType() + @"'."); } } result.uiCtrl = uiCtrl; } if (uiCtrl._resultCbD != null) { if (result == null) { result = uiCtrl.uiResult; result.btId = ButtonId.Cancel; } else { if (result.GetType() != uiCtrl.GetResultType()) { Debug.Assert(false, @"ResultType must be '" + uiCtrl.GetResultType() + @"' not '" + result.GetType() + @"'."); } } result.uiCtrl = uiCtrl; } if (resultCbD != null) { resultCbD.DynamicInvoke(new object[] { result }); } }
public UiCtrl ActiveUi(UiId uiId, UiParam param = null, UISpawntype spawnType = UISpawntype.EUIPage, bool push = true, bool clearstack = false) { UiCtrl ui = GetUi(uiCtrlList, uiId); if (ui == null) { var prefab = ResourceManager.instance.CreateUI(spawnType, uiId.ToString()); if (prefab == null) { Debug.Assert(prefab != null, " ui resource is null spawnTyp : " + spawnType + " uiId :" + uiId.ToString()); return(null); } ui = prefab.GetComponent <UiCtrl>(); string value = ui.GetType().ToString(); ui.uiId.Set(value); ui.SetActive(false); } if (ui != null && ui.gameObject != null) { RectTransform rt = ui.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); Transform parent = (spawnType == UISpawntype.EUIPage) ? m_tRootPage : (spawnType == UISpawntype.EUIAbove) ? m_tRootAbove : m_tRootPopup; rt.SetParent(parent); rt.Reset(); if (param == null) { param = new UiParam(); } if (ui._uiParamBase != null) { ui._uiParamBase.Clear(); } if (ui.uiResult != null) { ui.uiResult.Clear(); } ui.SetUiParam(param); ui._Activate(); ui.SetActive(true); ui._Init(); if (clearstack) { _prevSections.Clear(); } if (push) { UiCtrl uisection = ui.GetComponent <UiCtrl>() as UiCtrl; if (uisection != null) { StackSection s = new StackSection(); s.uiId.Set(uisection.uiId); s.param = param; s.spawnType = spawnType; _prevSections.Insert(0, s); } } bool bPopup = (UISpawntype.EUIPopup == spawnType); if (!bPopup) { _currUi = ui; uiCtrlList.Add(ui); } if (bPopup) { uiPopupList.Add(ui); } } return(ui); }
public virtual void Clear() { n = 10; btId = ""; uiCtrl = null; }