private static void DrawNodes(UTNodeEditorModel editorModel, NodeDrawingPhase phase) { foreach (UTNode node in editorModel.GetNodes()) { DrawNode(editorModel, node, phase); } }
private static void DrawNodes(UTNodeEditorModel editorModel) { // GUI.depth works on a per-script basis, that's why we need to draw the nodes // in 3 phases and cannot use GUI.depth here. // - Draw connectors // - Draw lines // - Draw actual nodes DrawNodes(editorModel, NodeDrawingPhase.DrawLines); DrawNodes(editorModel, NodeDrawingPhase.DrawNodes); }
private static UTNode GetNodeUnderMouse(UTNodeEditorModel editorModel, Vector2 mousePosition) { foreach (var node in editorModel.GetNodes()) { if (node.Bounds.Contains(mousePosition)) { return(node); } } return(null); }
private static Vector2 CalculateRequiredSize(UTNodeEditorModel editorModel) { float width = 0; float height = 0; foreach (UTNode node in editorModel.GetNodes()) { width = Mathf.Max(node.Bounds.xMax, width); height = Mathf.Max(node.Bounds.yMax, height); } return(new Vector2(width, height)); }
private static UTNode.Connector GetConnectorUnderMouse(UTNodeEditorModel editorModel, Vector2 mousePosition) { foreach (var node in editorModel.GetNodes()) { foreach (var connector in node.Connectors) { if (connector.connectorPosition.Contains(mousePosition)) { return(connector); } } } return(null); }
/// <summary> /// Executes this plan in the given context. Use <see cref="UTomate.Run"/> for executing a plan. /// </summary> /// <param name='context'> /// Context. /// </param> public IEnumerator Execute(UTContext context) { #if UTOMATE_DEMO // we put the check here, because then it catches super-sized sub-plans as well. UTNodeEditorModel model = new UTNodeEditorModel(); model.LoadPlan(this); if (model.ExceedsDemoEntryLimit) { if (!EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Locked in demo version", "The demo version is limited to " + UTomate.MaxEntriesForDemo + " entries per automation plan. Please remove additional entries from " + name + " and try again.", "Ok", "Buy uTomate now!")) { Application.OpenURL(UTomate.AssetStoreUrl); } return(EmptyEnumerator()); } #endif if (firstEntry != null) { return(ExecutePath(firstEntry, context)); } return(EmptyEnumerator()); }
public static UTNodeEditorData NodeEditor(UTNodeEditorData editorData, UTNodeEditorModel editorModel, params GUILayoutOption[] options) { Rect inRect = EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(options); int controlId = GUIUtility.GetControlID(ControlHint, FocusType.Passive); UTNodeEditorState state = (UTNodeEditorState)GUIUtility.GetStateObject(typeof(UTNodeEditorState), controlId); if (editorData == null) { editorData = new UTNodeEditorData(); } var evt = Event.current; var currentEventType = evt.type; // reset drag and drop state if (currentEventType == EventType.DragUpdated || currentEventType == EventType.DragPerform || currentEventType == EventType.DragExited) { state.isDropTarget = false; } if (currentEventType == EventType.Repaint) { UTEditorResources.GraphBackgroundStyle.Draw(inRect, false, false, false, false); } if (editorModel.HighlightedNode != null) { editorData.scrollPosition = Vector2.MoveTowards(editorData.scrollPosition,, 2f); } editorData.scrollPosition = EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView(editorData.scrollPosition); Vector2 mousePosition = evt.mousePosition; Vector2 requiredSize = CalculateRequiredSize(editorModel); // allocate space within the scroll view GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(requiredSize.x, requiredSize.y); DrawNodes(editorModel); if (state.sourceConnector != null) { UTLineUtils.DrawLine(, state.lastMousePosition); } // we need to get it here as well so we get events limited to the scroll view. evt = Event.current; currentEventType = evt.type; if (editorModel.HasPlan) { switch (currentEventType) { case EventType.Repaint: if (state.isDrawingSelection) { var selectionRect = ToRect(evt.mousePosition, state.lastMousePosition); GUI.Box(selectionRect, ""); } break; case EventType.ContextClick: if (GUIUtility.hotControl != 0 && GUIUtility.hotControl != controlId) { break; } GUIUtility.hotControl = controlId; ShowPopup(evt, editorModel); evt.Use(); break; case EventType.MouseUp: if (GUIUtility.hotControl != 0 && GUIUtility.hotControl != controlId) { break; } if (evt.button == 0) { if (state.isDrawingSelection) { state.isDrawingSelection = false; var theRect = ToRect(evt.mousePosition, state.lastMousePosition); if (evt.alt) { editorModel.SelectNodesInRect(theRect, UTNodeEditorModel.SelectionMode.Subtract); } else if (evt.shift) { editorModel.SelectNodesInRect(theRect, UTNodeEditorModel.SelectionMode.Add); } else { editorModel.SelectNodesInRect(theRect, UTNodeEditorModel.SelectionMode.Replace); } } else { if (state.hotNode != null && state.sourceConnector != null) { if (state.hotNode != state.sourceConnector.owner && !(state.hotNode.Data is UTAutomationPlanNoteEntry)) { editorModel.AddConnection(state.sourceConnector, state.hotNode); } } if (state.delayedSelectionMode) { if (evt.alt) { editorModel.SelectNode(state.hotNode, UTNodeEditorModel.SelectionMode.Subtract); } else { editorModel.SelectNode(state.hotNode, UTNodeEditorModel.SelectionMode.Replace); } } state.delayedSelectionMode = false; state.hotNode = null; state.sourceConnector = null; } // release lock if required GUIUtility.hotControl = 0; evt.Use(); } break; case EventType.MouseDown: if (GUIUtility.hotControl != 0 && GUIUtility.hotControl != controlId) { break; } GUIUtility.hotControl = controlId; if (evt.button == 0) //left click, only { if (state.sourceConnector == null) { state.sourceConnector = GetConnectorUnderMouse(editorModel, evt.mousePosition); state.lastMousePosition = evt.mousePosition; } if (state.sourceConnector == null) { state.hotNode = GetNodeUnderMouse(editorModel, evt.mousePosition); if (state.hotNode != null) { if (editorModel.SelectedNodes.Contains(state.hotNode)) { state.delayedSelectionMode = true; } else { if (evt.alt) { editorModel.SelectNode(state.hotNode, UTNodeEditorModel.SelectionMode.Subtract); } else if (evt.shift) { editorModel.SelectNode(state.hotNode, UTNodeEditorModel.SelectionMode.Add); } else { editorModel.SelectNode(state.hotNode, UTNodeEditorModel.SelectionMode.Replace); } } } else { // start selection rect state.lastMousePosition = evt.mousePosition; state.isDrawingSelection = true; } } state.dragThresholdReached = false; evt.Use(); } break; case EventType.MouseDrag: if (GUIUtility.hotControl != 0 && GUIUtility.hotControl != controlId) { break; } var connector = state.sourceConnector; if (connector != null) { state.lastMousePosition = evt.mousePosition; state.hotNode = GetNodeUnderMouse(editorModel, evt.mousePosition); evt.Use(); break; } var node = state.hotNode; if (node != null && connector == null) { if (!state.dragThresholdReached) { state.dragThresholdReached = (evt.mousePosition - state.lastMousePosition).magnitude > 3; if (state.dragThresholdReached) { editorModel.StartMovingNodes(); } } else { var theDelta =; if (theDelta.x < 0 || theDelta.y < 0) { foreach (var aNode in editorModel.SelectedNodes) { if (theDelta.x < 0 && aNode.Bounds.x < (Mathf.Abs(theDelta.x))) { theDelta.x = -aNode.Bounds.x; } if (theDelta.y < 0 && aNode.Bounds.y < (Mathf.Abs(theDelta.y))) { theDelta.y = -aNode.Bounds.y; } } } foreach (var aNode in editorModel.SelectedNodes) { var newX = aNode.Bounds.x + theDelta.x; var newY = aNode.Bounds.y + theDelta.y; aNode.Bounds = new Rect(newX, newY, aNode.Bounds.width, aNode.Bounds.height); } } evt.Use(); } if (state.isDrawingSelection) { HandleUtility.Repaint(); } state.delayedSelectionMode = false; break; case EventType.DragUpdated: case EventType.DragPerform: if (editorData.IsDropSupported) { if (editorData.DropTarget.CanDrop()) { state.isDropTarget = true; if (currentEventType == EventType.DragPerform) { editorData.DropTarget.AcceptDrop(mousePosition); } } if (state.isDropTarget) { DragAndDrop.activeControlID = controlId; evt.Use(); } } break; case EventType.KeyDown: var delete = false; if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.OSXEditor) { if (evt.keyCode == KeyCode.Backspace && evt.command) { delete = true; } } else { if (evt.keyCode == KeyCode.Delete && evt.shift) { delete = true; } } if (delete) { editorModel.DeleteNodes(editorModel.SelectedNodes); } break; } } EditorGUILayout.EndScrollView(); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); return(editorData); }
public NodeEventData(Event evt, UTNodeEditorModel model, UTNode.Connector connector) { this.evt = evt; this.model = model; this.connector = connector; }
public UTNodeEditorDropTarget(DropActionsDelegate dropActionsHandler, UTNodeEditorModel model) { this.dropActionsHandler = dropActionsHandler; this.model = model; }
private static void ShowPopup(Event evt, UTNodeEditorModel model) { var menu = new GenericMenu(); if (!model.HasPlan) { menu.AddDisabledItem(new GUIContent("Please select an automation plan.")); menu.ShowAsContext(); return; } var hotNode = GetNodeUnderMouse(model, evt.mousePosition); var hotConnector = GetConnectorUnderMouse(model, evt.mousePosition); var data = new NodeEventData(evt, model, hotConnector); if (hotNode == null && hotConnector == null) { menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Add Action Node"), false, AddActionNode, data); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Add Decision Node"), false, AddDecisionNode, data); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Add My Decision Node"), false, AddMyDecisionNode, data); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Add LowQuality Decision Node"), false, AddLowQualityDecisionNode, data); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Add My CopyAssetBundles Decision Node"), false, AddMyCopyAssetBundlesDecisionNode, data); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Add For-Each Node"), false, AddForEachNode, data); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Add For-Each File Node"), false, AddForEachFileNode, data); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Add My For-Each For Build Node"), false, AddMyForEachForBuildNode, data); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Add Sub-Plan Node"), false, AddPlanNode, data); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Add Note"), false, AddNote, data); } if (hotNode != null) { if (!model.SelectedNodes.Contains(hotNode)) { model.SelectNode(hotNode, UTNodeEditorModel.SelectionMode.Replace); } if (menu.GetItemCount() > 0) { menu.AddSeparator(""); } var isMultiSelection = model.SelectedNodes.Count > 1; if (!model.IsFirstNode(hotNode) && !isMultiSelection && !(hotNode.Data is UTAutomationPlanNoteEntry)) { menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Set As First Node"), false, SetAsFirstNode, data); } menu.AddItem(new GUIContent(isMultiSelection ? "Delete Nodes" : "Delete Node"), false, DeleteNode, data); } if (hotConnector != null && hotConnector.isConnected) { if (menu.GetItemCount() > 0) { menu.AddSeparator(""); } menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Delete Connection"), false, DeleteConnection, data); } menu.ShowAsContext(); }
private static UTNode.Connector GetConnectorUnderMouse(UTNodeEditorModel editorModel, Vector2 mousePosition) { foreach (var node in editorModel.GetNodes()) { foreach (var connector in node.Connectors) { if (connector.connectorPosition.Contains (mousePosition)) { return connector; } } } return null; }
private static void DrawNodes(UTNodeEditorModel editorModel, NodeDrawingPhase phase) { foreach (UTNode node in editorModel.GetNodes()) { DrawNode (editorModel, node, phase); } }
private static void DrawNodes(UTNodeEditorModel editorModel) { // GUI.depth works on a per-script basis, that's why we need to draw the nodes // in 3 phases and cannot use GUI.depth here. // - Draw connectors // - Draw lines // - Draw actual nodes DrawNodes (editorModel, NodeDrawingPhase.DrawLines); DrawNodes (editorModel, NodeDrawingPhase.DrawNodes); }
private static void DrawNode(UTNodeEditorModel editorModel, UTNode node, NodeDrawingPhase phase) { if (phase == NodeDrawingPhase.DrawNodes) { var style = UTEditorResources.GraphNodeStyle; if (node.Data is UTAutomationPlanNoteEntry) { style = UTEditorResources.GraphCommentStyle; if (editorModel.SelectedNodes.Contains (node)) { style = UTEditorResources.GraphCommentSelectedStyle; } } else { if (editorModel.SelectedNodes.Contains (node)) { style = UTEditorResources.GraphNodeSelectedStyle; } if (node == editorModel.HighlightedNode) { style = UTEditorResources.GraphNodeHighlightStyle; } } GUI.Box (node.Bounds, "", style); if (editorModel.IsFirstNode (node)) { GUI.DrawTexture (node.IndicatorBounds, UTEditorResources.FirstNodeTexture); } if (node.Data is UTAutomationPlanPlanEntry) { GUI.DrawTexture( node.SecondaryIndicatorBounds, UTEditorResources.ExecutePlanTexture); } } foreach (var connector in node.Connectors) { if (phase == NodeDrawingPhase.DrawNodes) { GUI.Label (connector.labelPosition, connector.label, connector.labelStyle); GUI.Box (connector.connectorPosition, "", connector.isConnected ? UTEditorResources.GraphNodeConnectorStyle : UTEditorResources.GraphNodeConnectorStyleEmpty); } if (phase == NodeDrawingPhase.DrawLines) { var targetNode = editorModel.GetReferencedNode (node,; if (targetNode != null) { UTLineUtils.DrawLine (,; } } } if (phase == NodeDrawingPhase.DrawNodes) { GUI.Label (node.Bounds, node.Label, UTEditorResources.GraphNodeHeaderStyle); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Text)) { GUI.Label(node.TextBounds, node.Text, UTEditorResources.GraphNodeTextStyle); } } }
private static Vector2 CalculateRequiredSize(UTNodeEditorModel editorModel) { float width = 0; float height = 0; foreach (UTNode node in editorModel.GetNodes()) { width = Mathf.Max (node.Bounds.xMax, width); height = Mathf.Max (node.Bounds.yMax, height); } return new Vector2 (width, height); }
private static UTNode GetNodeUnderMouse(UTNodeEditorModel editorModel, Vector2 mousePosition) { foreach (var node in editorModel.GetNodes()) { if (node.Bounds.Contains (mousePosition)) { return node; } } return null; }
public static UTNodeEditorData NodeEditor(UTNodeEditorData editorData, UTNodeEditorModel editorModel, params GUILayoutOption[] options) { Rect inRect = EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal (options); int controlId = GUIUtility.GetControlID (ControlHint, FocusType.Passive); UTNodeEditorState state = (UTNodeEditorState)GUIUtility.GetStateObject (typeof(UTNodeEditorState), controlId); if (editorData == null) { editorData = new UTNodeEditorData (); } var evt = Event.current; var currentEventType = evt.type; // reset drag and drop state if (currentEventType == EventType.DragUpdated || currentEventType == EventType.DragPerform || currentEventType == EventType.DragExited) { state.isDropTarget = false; } if (currentEventType == EventType.Repaint) { UTEditorResources.GraphBackgroundStyle.Draw (inRect, false, false, false, false); } if (editorModel.HighlightedNode != null) { editorData.scrollPosition = Vector2.MoveTowards (editorData.scrollPosition,, 2f); } editorData.scrollPosition = EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView (editorData.scrollPosition); Vector2 mousePosition = evt.mousePosition; Vector2 requiredSize = CalculateRequiredSize (editorModel); // allocate space within the scroll view GUILayoutUtility.GetRect (requiredSize.x, requiredSize.y); DrawNodes (editorModel); if (state.sourceConnector != null) { UTLineUtils.DrawLine (, state.lastMousePosition); } // we need to get it here as well so we get events limited to the scroll view. evt = Event.current; currentEventType = evt.type; if (editorModel.HasPlan) { switch (currentEventType) { case EventType.Repaint: if (state.isDrawingSelection) { var selectionRect = ToRect (evt.mousePosition, state.lastMousePosition); GUI.Box (selectionRect, ""); } break; case EventType.ContextClick: if (GUIUtility.hotControl != 0 && GUIUtility.hotControl != controlId) { break; } GUIUtility.hotControl = controlId; ShowPopup (evt, editorModel); evt.Use (); break; case EventType.MouseUp: if (GUIUtility.hotControl != 0 && GUIUtility.hotControl != controlId) { break; } if (evt.button == 0) { if (state.isDrawingSelection) { state.isDrawingSelection = false; var theRect = ToRect (evt.mousePosition, state.lastMousePosition); if (evt.alt) { editorModel.SelectNodesInRect (theRect, UTNodeEditorModel.SelectionMode.Subtract); } else if (evt.shift) { editorModel.SelectNodesInRect (theRect, UTNodeEditorModel.SelectionMode.Add); } else { editorModel.SelectNodesInRect (theRect, UTNodeEditorModel.SelectionMode.Replace); } } else { if (state.hotNode != null && state.sourceConnector != null) { if (state.hotNode != state.sourceConnector.owner) { editorModel.AddConnection (state.sourceConnector, state.hotNode); } } if (state.delayedSelectionMode) { if (evt.alt) { editorModel.SelectNode (state.hotNode, UTNodeEditorModel.SelectionMode.Subtract); } else { editorModel.SelectNode (state.hotNode, UTNodeEditorModel.SelectionMode.Replace); } } state.delayedSelectionMode = false; state.hotNode = null; state.sourceConnector = null; } // release lock if required GUIUtility.hotControl = 0; evt.Use (); } break; case EventType.MouseDown: if (GUIUtility.hotControl != 0 && GUIUtility.hotControl != controlId) { break; } GUIUtility.hotControl = controlId; if (evt.button == 0) { //left click, only if (state.sourceConnector == null) { state.sourceConnector = GetConnectorUnderMouse (editorModel, evt.mousePosition); state.lastMousePosition = evt.mousePosition; } if (state.sourceConnector == null) { state.hotNode = GetNodeUnderMouse (editorModel, evt.mousePosition); if (state.hotNode != null) { if (editorModel.SelectedNodes.Contains (state.hotNode)) { state.delayedSelectionMode = true; } else { if (evt.alt) { editorModel.SelectNode (state.hotNode, UTNodeEditorModel.SelectionMode.Subtract); } else if (evt.shift) { editorModel.SelectNode (state.hotNode, UTNodeEditorModel.SelectionMode.Add); } else { editorModel.SelectNode (state.hotNode, UTNodeEditorModel.SelectionMode.Replace); } } } else { // start selection rect state.lastMousePosition = evt.mousePosition; state.isDrawingSelection = true; } } state.dragThresholdReached = false; evt.Use (); } break; case EventType.MouseDrag: if (GUIUtility.hotControl != 0 && GUIUtility.hotControl != controlId) { break; } var connector = state.sourceConnector; if (connector != null) { state.lastMousePosition = evt.mousePosition; state.hotNode = GetNodeUnderMouse (editorModel, evt.mousePosition); evt.Use (); break; } var node = state.hotNode; if (node != null && connector == null) { if (!state.dragThresholdReached) { state.dragThresholdReached = (evt.mousePosition - state.lastMousePosition).magnitude > 3; #if UNITY_3_5 || UNITY_4_0 || UNITY_4_0_1 || UNITY_4_1 || UNITY_4_2 if (state.dragThresholdReached) { editorModel.StartMovingNodes (); } #endif } else { #if !(UNITY_3_5 || UNITY_4_0 || UNITY_4_0_1 || UNITY_4_1 || UNITY_4_2) editorModel.StartMovingNodes(); #endif var theDelta =; if (theDelta.x < 0 || theDelta.y < 0) { foreach (var aNode in editorModel.SelectedNodes) { if (theDelta.x < 0 && aNode.Bounds.x < (Mathf.Abs (theDelta.x))) { theDelta.x = -aNode.Bounds.x; } if (theDelta.y < 0 && aNode.Bounds.y < (Mathf.Abs (theDelta.y))) { theDelta.y = -aNode.Bounds.y; } } } foreach (var aNode in editorModel.SelectedNodes) { var newX = aNode.Bounds.x + theDelta.x; var newY = aNode.Bounds.y + theDelta.y; aNode.Bounds = new Rect (newX, newY, aNode.Bounds.width, aNode.Bounds.height); } } evt.Use (); } if (state.isDrawingSelection) { HandleUtility.Repaint (); } state.delayedSelectionMode = false; break; case EventType.DragUpdated: case EventType.DragPerform: if (editorData.IsDropSupported) { if (editorData.DropTarget.CanDrop ()) { state.isDropTarget = true; if (currentEventType == EventType.DragPerform) { editorData.DropTarget.AcceptDrop (mousePosition); } } if (state.isDropTarget) { DragAndDrop.activeControlID = controlId; evt.Use (); } } break; case EventType.KeyDown: var delete = false; if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.OSXEditor) { if (evt.keyCode == KeyCode.Backspace && evt.command) { delete = true; } } else { if (evt.keyCode == KeyCode.Delete && evt.shift) { delete = true; } } if (delete) { editorModel.DeleteNodes (editorModel.SelectedNodes); } break; } } EditorGUILayout.EndScrollView (); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal (); return editorData; }
private static void DrawNode(UTNodeEditorModel editorModel, UTNode node, NodeDrawingPhase phase) { if (phase == NodeDrawingPhase.DrawNodes) { var style = UTEditorResources.GraphNodeStyle; if (node.Data is UTAutomationPlanNoteEntry) { style = UTEditorResources.GraphCommentStyle; if (editorModel.SelectedNodes.Contains(node)) { style = UTEditorResources.GraphCommentSelectedStyle; } } else { if (editorModel.SelectedNodes.Contains(node)) { style = UTEditorResources.GraphNodeSelectedStyle; } if (node == editorModel.HighlightedNode) { style = UTEditorResources.GraphNodeHighlightStyle; } } GUI.Box(node.Bounds, "", style); if (editorModel.IsFirstNode(node)) { GUI.DrawTexture(node.IndicatorBounds, UTEditorResources.FirstNodeTexture); } if (node.Data is UTAutomationPlanPlanEntry) { GUI.DrawTexture(node.SecondaryIndicatorBounds, UTEditorResources.ExecutePlanTexture); } } foreach (var connector in node.Connectors) { if (phase == NodeDrawingPhase.DrawNodes) { GUI.Label(connector.labelPosition, connector.label, connector.labelStyle); GUI.Box(connector.connectorPosition, "", connector.isConnected ? UTEditorResources.GraphNodeConnectorStyle : UTEditorResources.GraphNodeConnectorStyleEmpty); } if (phase == NodeDrawingPhase.DrawLines) { var targetNode = editorModel.GetReferencedNode(node,; if (targetNode != null) { UTLineUtils.DrawLine(,; } } } if (phase == NodeDrawingPhase.DrawNodes) { GUI.Label(node.Bounds, node.Label, UTEditorResources.GraphNodeHeaderStyle); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Text)) { GUI.Label(node.TextBounds, node.Text, UTEditorResources.GraphNodeTextStyle); } } }
private static void ShowPopup(Event evt, UTNodeEditorModel model) { var menu = new GenericMenu (); if (!model.HasPlan) { menu.AddDisabledItem (new GUIContent ("Please select an automation plan.")); menu.ShowAsContext (); return; } var hotNode = GetNodeUnderMouse (model, evt.mousePosition); var hotConnector = GetConnectorUnderMouse (model, evt.mousePosition); var data = new NodeEventData (evt, model, hotConnector); if (hotNode == null && hotConnector == null) { #if UTOMATE_DEMO if (!model.CanAddEntriesToPlan) { menu.AddDisabledItem (new GUIContent ("You cannot add any more entries in the demo version.")); } else { #endif menu.AddItem (new GUIContent ("Add Action Entry"), false, AddActionNode, data); menu.AddItem (new GUIContent ("Add Decision Entry"), false, AddDecisionNode, data); menu.AddItem (new GUIContent ("Add For-Each Entry"), false, AddForEachNode, data); menu.AddItem (new GUIContent ("Add For-Each File Entry"), false, AddForEachFileNode, data); menu.AddItem (new GUIContent ("Add Sub-Plan Entry"), false, AddPlanNode, data); menu.AddItem (new GUIContent ("Add Note"), false, AddNote, data); #if UTOMATE_DEMO } #endif } if (hotNode != null) { if (!model.SelectedNodes.Contains (hotNode)) { model.SelectNode (hotNode, UTNodeEditorModel.SelectionMode.Replace); } if (menu.GetItemCount () > 0) { menu.AddSeparator (""); } var isMultiSelection = model.SelectedNodes.Count > 1; if (!model.IsFirstNode (hotNode) && !isMultiSelection) { menu.AddItem (new GUIContent ("Set As First Entry"), false, SetAsFirstNode, data); } menu.AddItem (new GUIContent (isMultiSelection ? "Delete Entries" : "Delete Entry"), false, DeleteNode, data); } if (hotConnector != null && hotConnector.isConnected) { if (menu.GetItemCount () > 0) { menu.AddSeparator (""); } menu.AddItem (new GUIContent ("Delete Connection"), false, DeleteConnection, data); } menu.ShowAsContext (); }
/// <summary> /// Executes this plan in the given context. Use <see cref="UTomate.Run"/> for executing a plan. /// </summary> /// <param name='context'> /// Context. /// </param> public IEnumerator Execute(UTContext context) { #if UTOMATE_DEMO // we put the check here, because then it catches super-sized sub-plans as well. UTNodeEditorModel model = new UTNodeEditorModel(); model.LoadPlan(this); if (model.ExceedsDemoEntryLimit) { if (!EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Locked in demo version", "The demo version is limited to " + UTomate.MaxEntriesForDemo + " entries per automation plan. Please remove additional entries from " + name + " and try again.", "Ok", "Buy uTomate now!")) { Application.OpenURL(UTomate.AssetStoreUrl); } return EmptyEnumerator(); } #endif if (firstEntry != null) { return ExecutePath(firstEntry, context); } return EmptyEnumerator(); }