예제 #1
        public Textfield() : base()
            SizeChanged     += new Action <Size>(Textfield_SizeChanged);
            LocationChanged += new Action <Point>(Textfield_LocationChanged);

            selectRange = new UStyleRange(0, 0, null, selectFG, selectBG);

            Cursor = NoForms.Common.Cursors.IBeam;

            System.Timers.Timer tm = new System.Timers.Timer(800)
                AutoReset = true
            tm.Elapsed += new System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler(tm_Elapsed);
예제 #2
        UGlyphRun BuildGlyphRun(int start, int length, UStyleRange currentStyle, UText text, BreakType bt)
            FontClass useFont = Translate(currentStyle == null ? text.font : currentStyle.fontOverride ?? text.font);

            var gr = new UGlyphRun()
                startPosition = start,
                runLength     = length,
                breakingType  = bt,
                drawStyle     = currentStyle,
                charSizes     = new Size[length]

            float tw = 0;

            gr.content = gr.runLength > 0 ? text.text.Substring(gr.startPosition, gr.runLength) : "";
            gr.runSize = MeasureString(text, gr.content, useFont);
            if (bt == BreakType.word)
                // handle space spacing ;)
                String ltx = gr.startPosition > 0 ? text.text.Substring(gr.startPosition - 1, 1) : "";
                String rtx = gr.startPosition + length < text.text.Length ? text.text.Substring(length, 1) : "";
                var    s1  = MeasureString(text, ltx + gr.content + rtx, useFont);
                var    s2  = MeasureString(text, ltx + rtx, useFont);
                gr.runSize.width = s1.width - s2.width;
            for (int i = 0; i < gr.content.Length; i++)
                gr.charSizes[i] = MeasureString(text, gr.content.Substring(i, 1), useFont);
                tw += gr.charSizes[i].width;
            float corr = gr.runSize.width / tw;

            for (int i = 0; i < gr.content.Length; i++)
                gr.charSizes[i].width *= corr;

예제 #3
        static String[] lineBreak = new String[] { "\r\n", "\n" }; //order is important
        IEnumerable <UGlyphRun> GetGlyphRuns(UText text)
            // concecutive wordbreaks are one glyphrun, while concecutive linebreaks are individual glpyhruns
            List <TR> breaks = new List <TR>();

            foreach (String lb in lineBreak)
                foreach (int idx in AllIndexes(text.text, lb))
                    breaks.Add(new TR()
                        type = BreakType.line, content = lb, location = idx
            int lastIdx = -2;

            foreach (String wb in wordBreak)
                foreach (int idx in AllIndexes(text.text, wb))
                    if (idx == lastIdx + 1) // inflate last break
                        breaks[breaks.Count - 1].content += wb;
                        breaks.Add(new TR()
                            type = BreakType.word, content = wb, location = idx

            int         cpos   = 0;
            UStyleRange cstyle = null;
            bool        flatch = true;

            // splitting glyphs also by changes in UStyleRange
            var srs = new List <UStyleRange>(text.SafeGetStyleRanges);

            foreach (var sr in NormaliseStyleRanges(srs, text.text.Length))
                var lsi = sr.leftStlyeIdx;
                var rsi = sr.rightStyleIdx;
                var tr  = new TR()
                    type     = BreakType.font,
                    content  = "",
                    location = sr.splitPoint,
                    styley   = new UStyleRange[]
                        lsi > -1 ? srs[lsi] : null,
                        rsi > -1 ? srs[rsi] : null
                if (flatch)
                    cstyle = tr.styley[0];
                    flatch = false;

            // Sort those breaks... FIXME sorting is slow
            breaks.Sort((a, b) =>
                var lb = a.location.CompareTo(b.location);
                return(lb == 0 ? a.content.Length.CompareTo(b.content.Length) : lb);

            // build glyphruns from the breaks...
            foreach (var tr in breaks)
                // two glyphruns in this, first is before the break (could be zero length)
                yield return(BuildGlyphRun(cpos, tr.location - cpos, cstyle, text, BreakType.none));

                // next is the break itself, dont add font breaks (geting dirty here)
                if (tr.type == BreakType.font)
                    cstyle = tr.styley[1];
                    yield return(BuildGlyphRun(tr.location, tr.content.Length, cstyle, text, tr.type));

                // cpos set to after the break
                cpos = tr.location + tr.content.Length;

            // possible last glyphrun
            if (cpos < text.text.Length)
                yield return(BuildGlyphRun(cpos, text.text.Length - cpos, cstyle, text, BreakType.none));