// Token: 0x06004CA7 RID: 19623 RVA: 0x0019B4BC File Offset: 0x001998BC public static float[] DecompressAudio(byte[] data, int samples, int channels, bool threeD, BandMode mode, ICodec Codec, float gain) { int frequency = 4000; if (mode == BandMode.Narrow) { frequency = 8000; } else if (mode == BandMode.Wide) { frequency = 16000; } else if (mode == BandMode.UltraWide) { frequency = 32000; } else if (mode == BandMode.Opus48k) { frequency = 48000; } short[] array = Codec.Decode(data, mode); float[] result = USpeakAudioClipConverter.ShortsToAudioData(array, channels, frequency, threeD, gain); USpeakPoolUtils.Return(array); return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Decompress the given encoded audio data /// </summary> /// <param name="data">The encoded audio</param> /// <param name="samples">The number of encoded samples</param> /// <param name="channels">The number of channels</param> /// <param name="threeD">Whether the audio is 3D</param> /// <param name="mode">The bandwidth mode used to encode the data</param> /// <param name="Codec">The codec to decode the data with</param> /// <param name="gain">The gain to apply to the decoded audio</param> /// <returns>32bit raw audio data</returns> public static float[] DecompressAudio(byte[] data, int samples, int channels, bool threeD, BandMode mode, ICodec Codec, float gain) { int frequency = 4000; if (mode == BandMode.Narrow) { frequency = 8000; } else if (mode == BandMode.Wide) { frequency = 16000; } byte[] d; //d = unzip( data ); d = data; short[] pcm = Codec.Decode(d, mode); tmp.Clear(); tmp.AddRange(pcm); USpeakPoolUtils.Return(pcm); return(USpeakAudioClipConverter.ShortsToAudioData(tmp.ToArray(), channels, frequency, threeD, gain)); }
// Token: 0x06003B05 RID: 15109 RVA: 0x00129978 File Offset: 0x00127D78 public unsafe byte[] Encode(byte[] inputPcmSamples, int sampleLength, out int encodedLength) { if (this.disposed) { throw new ObjectDisposedException("OpusEncoder"); } int frame_size = this.FrameCount(inputPcmSamples); byte[] @byte = USpeakPoolUtils.GetByte(this.MaxDataBytes); int num; fixed(byte *value = (@byte != null && @byte.Length != 0)? @byte : null) { IntPtr data = new IntPtr((void *)value); num = API.opus_encode(this._encoder, inputPcmSamples, frame_size, data, sampleLength); } encodedLength = num; if (num < 0) { USpeakPoolUtils.Return(@byte); string str = "Encoding failed - "; Errors errors = (Errors)num; throw new Exception(str + errors.ToString()); } byte[] byte2 = USpeakPoolUtils.GetByte(encodedLength); Buffer.BlockCopy(@byte, 0, byte2, 0, encodedLength); USpeakPoolUtils.Return(@byte); return(byte2); }
// Token: 0x06004CA6 RID: 19622 RVA: 0x0019B47C File Offset: 0x0019987C public static byte[] CompressAudioData(float[] samples, int channels, BandMode mode, ICodec Codec, float gain = 1f) { short[] array = USpeakAudioClipConverter.AudioDataToShorts(samples, channels, gain); byte[] array2 = Codec.Encode(array, mode); USpeakPoolUtils.Return(array); byte[] array3 = new byte[array2.Length]; Array.Copy(array2, array3, array2.Length); USpeakPoolUtils.Return(array2); return(array3); }
public static byte[] CompressAudioData(float[] samples, int channels, out int sample_count, BandMode mode, ICodec Codec, float gain = 1f) { USpeakAudioClipCompressor.data.Clear(); sample_count = 0; short[] shorts = USpeakAudioClipConverter.AudioDataToShorts(samples, channels, gain); byte[] numArray = Codec.Encode(shorts, mode); USpeakPoolUtils.Return(shorts); USpeakAudioClipCompressor.data.AddRange(numArray); USpeakPoolUtils.Return(numArray); return(USpeakAudioClipCompressor.data.ToArray()); }
private static void CopyStream(Stream input, Stream output) { byte[] num = USpeakPoolUtils.GetByte(32768); while (true) { int num1 = input.Read(num, 0, (int)num.Length); if (num1 <= 0) { break; } output.Write(num, 0, num1); } USpeakPoolUtils.Return(num); }
private static void CopyStream(Stream input, Stream output) { byte[] @byte = USpeakPoolUtils.GetByte(0x8000); while (true) { int count = input.Read(@byte, 0, @byte.Length); if (count <= 0) { break; } output.Write(@byte, 0, count); } USpeakPoolUtils.Return(@byte); }
public void ReceiveAudio(byte[] data) { byte[] num = null; if (this.settings == null) { UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning("Trying to receive remote audio data without calling InitializeSettings!\nIncoming packet will be ignored"); return; } if (USpeaker.MuteAll || this.Mute || this.SpeakerMode == SpeakerMode.Local && !this.DebugPlayback) { return; } if (this.SpeakerMode == SpeakerMode.Remote) { this.talkTimer = 1f; } for (int i = 0; i < (int)data.Length; i = i + (int)num.Length) { int num1 = BitConverter.ToInt32(data, i); num = USpeakPoolUtils.GetByte(num1 + 6); Array.Copy(data, i, num, 0, (int)num.Length); USpeakFrameContainer uSpeakFrameContainer = new USpeakFrameContainer(); uSpeakFrameContainer.LoadFrom(num); USpeakPoolUtils.Return(num); float[] singleArray = USpeakAudioClipCompressor.DecompressAudio(uSpeakFrameContainer.encodedData, (int)uSpeakFrameContainer.Samples, 1, false, this.settings.bandMode, this.codecMgr.Codecs[this.Codec], USpeaker.RemoteGain); float length = (float)((int)singleArray.Length) / (float)this.audioFrequency; USpeaker uSpeaker = this; uSpeaker.received = uSpeaker.received + (double)length; Array.Copy(singleArray, 0, this.receivedData, this.index, (int)singleArray.Length); USpeakPoolUtils.Return(singleArray); USpeaker length1 = this; length1.index = length1.index + (int)singleArray.Length; if (this.index >= base.audio.clip.samples) { this.index = 0; } base.audio.clip.SetData(this.receivedData, 0); if (!base.audio.isPlaying) { this.shouldPlay = true; if (this.playDelay <= 0f) { this.playDelay = length * 2f; } } } }
public static float[] DecompressAudio(byte[] data, int samples, int channels, bool threeD, BandMode mode, ICodec Codec, float gain) { int num = 4000; if (mode == BandMode.Narrow) { num = 8000; } else if (mode == BandMode.Wide) { num = 16000; } short[] numArray = Codec.Decode(data, mode); USpeakAudioClipCompressor.tmp.Clear(); USpeakAudioClipCompressor.tmp.AddRange(numArray); USpeakPoolUtils.Return(numArray); return(USpeakAudioClipConverter.ShortsToAudioData(USpeakAudioClipCompressor.tmp.ToArray(), channels, num, threeD, gain)); }
public static float[] DecompressAudio(byte[] data, int samples, int channels, bool threeD, BandMode mode, ICodec Codec, float gain) { int frequency = 0xfa0; if (mode == BandMode.Narrow) { frequency = 0x1f40; } else if (mode == BandMode.Wide) { frequency = 0x3e80; } byte[] buffer = data; short[] collection = Codec.Decode(buffer, mode); tmp.Clear(); tmp.AddRange(collection); USpeakPoolUtils.Return(collection); return(USpeakAudioClipConverter.ShortsToAudioData(tmp.ToArray(), channels, frequency, threeD, gain)); }
/// <summary> /// Compress the given audio data /// </summary> /// <param name="samples">The raw 32-bit audio data</param> /// <param name="channels">The number of channels (nearly always 1)</param> /// <param name="sample_count">The number of samples that were encoded</param> /// <param name="mode">The chosen bandwidth mode (recording frequency)</param> /// <param name="Codec">The codec to encode the audio with</param> /// <param name="gain">The gain to apply to the audio</param> /// <returns>An encoded byte array</returns> public static byte[] CompressAudioData(float[] samples, int channels, out int sample_count, BandMode mode, ICodec Codec, float gain = 1.0f) { data.Clear(); sample_count = 0; short[] b = USpeakAudioClipConverter.AudioDataToShorts(samples, channels, gain); byte[] mlaw = Codec.Encode(b, mode); USpeakPoolUtils.Return(b); data.AddRange(mlaw); USpeakPoolUtils.Return(mlaw); //byte[] zipped = zip( data.ToArray() ); return(data.ToArray()); }
public void ReceiveAudio(byte[] data) { if (this.settings == null) { UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning("Trying to receive remote audio data without calling InitializeSettings!\nIncoming packet will be ignored"); } else if ((!MuteAll && !this.Mute) && ((this.SpeakerMode != SpeakerMode.Local) || this.DebugPlayback)) { byte[] @byte; if (this.SpeakerMode == SpeakerMode.Remote) { this.talkTimer = 1f; } for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i += @byte.Length) { @byte = USpeakPoolUtils.GetByte(BitConverter.ToInt32(data, i) + 6); Array.Copy(data, i, @byte, 0, @byte.Length); USpeakFrameContainer container = new USpeakFrameContainer(); container.LoadFrom(@byte); USpeakPoolUtils.Return(@byte); float[] sourceArray = USpeakAudioClipCompressor.DecompressAudio(container.encodedData, container.Samples, 1, false, this.settings.bandMode, this.codecMgr.Codecs[this.Codec], RemoteGain); float num3 = ((float)sourceArray.Length) / ((float)this.audioFrequency); this.received += num3; Array.Copy(sourceArray, 0, this.receivedData, this.index, sourceArray.Length); USpeakPoolUtils.Return(sourceArray); this.index += sourceArray.Length; if (this.index >= base.audio.clip.samples) { this.index = 0; } base.audio.clip.SetData(this.receivedData, 0); if (!base.audio.isPlaying) { this.shouldPlay = true; if (this.playDelay <= 0f) { this.playDelay = num3 * 2f; } } } } }
private short[] SpeexDecode(byte[] input, BandMode mode) { NSpeex.SpeexDecoder speexDec = null; int shortLen = 320; switch (mode) { case BandMode.Narrow: speexDec = m_narrow_dec; shortLen = 320; break; case BandMode.Wide: speexDec = m_wide_dec; shortLen = 640; break; case BandMode.UltraWide: speexDec = m_ultrawide_dec; shortLen = 1280; break; } byte[] len_bytes = USpeakPoolUtils.GetByte(4); System.Array.Copy(input, len_bytes, 4); int dataLength = BitConverter.ToInt32(len_bytes, 0); USpeakPoolUtils.Return(len_bytes); byte[] actual_bytes = USpeakPoolUtils.GetByte(input.Length - 4); Buffer.BlockCopy(input, 4, actual_bytes, 0, input.Length - 4); short[] decoded = USpeakPoolUtils.GetShort(shortLen); speexDec.Decode(actual_bytes, 0, dataLength, decoded, 0, false); USpeakPoolUtils.Return(actual_bytes); return(decoded); }
// Token: 0x06004C3B RID: 19515 RVA: 0x00197B6C File Offset: 0x00195F6C public short[] Decode(byte[] data, BandMode mode) { if (!this.isInitialized) { this.CreateEncoders(); } if (mode != BandMode.Opus48k) { Debug.LogError(string.Concat(new string[] { "OpusCodec: Decode: bandwidth mode must be ", BandMode.Opus48k.ToString(), "! (set to ", mode.ToString(), ")" })); } int num = 0; byte[] array = this._decoder.Decode(data, (data == null) ? 0 : data.Length, out num); if (num != this._bytesPerSegment) { int num2 = (data == null) ? 0 : data.Length; Debug.LogError(string.Concat(new object[] { "OpusCodec: Decode failed! Output PCM data is ", num, " bbytes, expected ", this._bytesPerSegment, " (compressed packet size was ", num2, ")" })); USpeakPoolUtils.Return(array); } short[] @short = USpeakPoolUtils.GetShort(this._bytesPerSegment / 2); Buffer.BlockCopy(array, 0, @short, 0, this._bytesPerSegment); USpeakPoolUtils.Return(array); return(@short); }
// Token: 0x06004C40 RID: 19520 RVA: 0x00197DDC File Offset: 0x001961DC private short[] SpeexDecode(byte[] input, global::BandMode mode) { SpeexDecoder speexDecoder = null; int length = 320; if (mode != global::BandMode.Narrow) { if (mode != global::BandMode.Wide) { if (mode == global::BandMode.UltraWide) { speexDecoder = this.m_ultrawide_dec; length = 1280; } } else { speexDecoder = this.m_wide_dec; length = 640; } } else { speexDecoder = this.m_narrow_dec; length = 320; } byte[] @byte = USpeakPoolUtils.GetByte(4); Array.Copy(input, @byte, 4); int inCount = BitConverter.ToInt32(@byte, 0); USpeakPoolUtils.Return(@byte); byte[] byte2 = USpeakPoolUtils.GetByte(input.Length - 4); Buffer.BlockCopy(input, 4, byte2, 0, input.Length - 4); short[] @short = USpeakPoolUtils.GetShort(length); speexDecoder.Decode(byte2, 0, inCount, @short, 0, false); USpeakPoolUtils.Return(byte2); return(@short); }
// Token: 0x06003AF6 RID: 15094 RVA: 0x001296A0 File Offset: 0x00127AA0 public unsafe byte[] Decode(byte[] inputOpusData, int dataLength, out int decodedLength) { if (this.disposed) { throw new ObjectDisposedException("OpusDecoder"); } byte[] @byte = USpeakPoolUtils.GetByte(this.MaxDataBytes); int frame_size = this.FrameCount(this.MaxDataBytes); int num; fixed(byte *value = (@byte != null && @byte.Length != 0)? @byte : null) { IntPtr pcm = new IntPtr((void *)value); if (inputOpusData != null) { num = API.opus_decode(this._decoder, inputOpusData, dataLength, pcm, frame_size, 0); } else { num = API.opus_decode(this._decoder, null, 0, pcm, this.FrameCount(this._expectedBytesPerSegment), (!this.ForwardErrorCorrection) ? 0 : 1); } } decodedLength = num * 2; if (num < 0) { USpeakPoolUtils.Return(@byte); string str = "Decoding failed - "; Errors errors = (Errors)num; throw new Exception(str + errors.ToString()); } byte[] byte2 = USpeakPoolUtils.GetByte(decodedLength); Buffer.BlockCopy(@byte, 0, byte2, 0, decodedLength); USpeakPoolUtils.Return(@byte); return(byte2); }
// Token: 0x06004C3A RID: 19514 RVA: 0x00197A78 File Offset: 0x00195E78 public byte[] Encode(short[] data, BandMode mode) { if (!this.isInitialized) { this.CreateEncoders(); } if (mode != BandMode.Opus48k) { Debug.LogError(string.Concat(new string[] { "OpusCodec: Encode: bandwidth mode must be ", BandMode.Opus48k.ToString(), "! (set to ", mode.ToString(), ")" })); } if (data.Length != this._segmentFrames) { Debug.LogError(string.Concat(new object[] { "OpusCodec: Encode failed! Input PCM data is ", data.Length, " frames, expected ", this._segmentFrames })); return(new byte[0]); } byte[] @byte = USpeakPoolUtils.GetByte(data.Length * 2); Buffer.BlockCopy(data, 0, @byte, 0, data.Length * 2); int num = 0; byte[] result = this._encoder.Encode(@byte, this._bytesPerSegment, out num); USpeakPoolUtils.Return(@byte); return(result); }
void Update() { // only update device list if this USpeaker is going to be recording if (SpeakerMode == SpeakerMode.Local) { // update microphone device list if (Time.time >= lastDeviceUpdate) { lastDeviceUpdate = Time.time + 2f; micDeviceList = Microphone.devices; } } talkTimer -= Time.deltaTime; audio.volume = SpeakerVolume; if (last3DMode != _3DMode) { last3DMode = _3DMode; StopPlaying(); audio.clip = AudioClip.Create("vc", audioFrequency * 10, 1, audioFrequency, (_3DMode == ThreeDMode.Full3D), false); audio.loop = true; } //speaker pan mode? Calculate it if (_3DMode == ThreeDMode.SpeakerPan) { Transform listener = Camera.main.transform; Vector3 side = Vector3.Cross(listener.up, listener.forward); side.Normalize(); float x = Vector3.Dot(transform.position - listener.position, side); float z = Vector3.Dot(transform.position - listener.position, listener.forward); float angle = Mathf.Atan2(x, z); float pan = Mathf.Sin(angle); audio.pan = pan; } // currently playing audio if (audio.isPlaying) { // last played time exceeded audio length - add play time if (lastTime > audio.time) { played += audio.clip.length; } // update last played time lastTime = audio.time; // we've played past the audio we received - stop playing and wait for more data if (played + audio.time >= received) { StopPlaying(); shouldPlay = false; } } else { // should play audio? Play audio after countdown if (shouldPlay) { playDelay -= Time.deltaTime; if (playDelay <= 0) { audio.Play(); // Debug.Log( "started playing at time: " + Time.time ); } } } if (SpeakerMode == SpeakerMode.Remote) { return; } if (audioHandler == null) { return; } if (micDeviceList.Length == 0) { return; } else { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(InputDeviceName)) { InputDeviceName = currentDeviceName; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentDeviceName)) { if (waitingToStartRec) { micFoundDelay--; if (micFoundDelay <= 0) { micFoundDelay = 0; waitingToStartRec = false; print("New device found: " + currentDeviceName); InputDeviceID = 0; InputDeviceName = micDeviceList[0]; currentDeviceName = micDeviceList[0]; recording = Microphone.Start(currentDeviceName, true, 5, audioFrequency); lastReadPos = 0; sendBuffer.Clear(); recordedChunkCount = 0; UpdateSettings(); } } else { waitingToStartRec = true; micFoundDelay = 5; } } else { // switch to new device if (InputDeviceName != currentDeviceName) { Microphone.End(currentDeviceName); print("Using input device: " + InputDeviceName); currentDeviceName = InputDeviceName; recording = Microphone.Start(currentDeviceName, true, 5, audioFrequency); lastReadPos = 0; sendBuffer.Clear(); recordedChunkCount = 0; } // the device list changed if (micDeviceList[Mathf.Min(InputDeviceID, micDeviceList.Length - 1)] != currentDeviceName) { // attempt to find the existing device bool found = false; for (int i = 0; i < Microphone.devices.Length; i++) { if (micDeviceList[i] == currentDeviceName) { InputDeviceID = i; found = true; } } // existing device must have been unplugged, switch to the default audio device if (!found) { InputDeviceID = 0; InputDeviceName = micDeviceList[0]; currentDeviceName = micDeviceList[0]; print("Device unplugged, switching to: " + currentDeviceName); recording = Microphone.Start(currentDeviceName, true, 5, audioFrequency); lastReadPos = 0; sendBuffer.Clear(); recordedChunkCount = 0; } } } } if (lastBandMode != BandwidthMode || lastCodec != Codec) { UpdateSettings(); lastBandMode = BandwidthMode; lastCodec = Codec; } if (recording == null) { return; } int readPos = Microphone.GetPosition(currentDeviceName); int realReadPos = readPos + recording.samples * recordedChunkCount; if (realReadPos < lastReadPos) { recordedChunkCount++; } readPos += recording.samples * recordedChunkCount; if (readPos <= overlap) { return; } bool talkController_shouldSend = (talkController == null || talkController.ShouldSend()); //read in the latest chunk(s) of audio try { int sz = readPos - lastReadPos; int minSize = codecMgr.Codecs[Codec].GetSampleSize(audioFrequency); if (minSize == 0) { minSize = 100; } int currentIDX = lastReadPos; int numClips = Mathf.FloorToInt(sz / minSize); for (int i = 0; i < numClips; i++) { float[] d = USpeakPoolUtils.GetFloat(minSize); recording.GetData(d, currentIDX % recording.samples); if (talkController_shouldSend) { talkTimer = 1f; OnAudioAvailable(d); } USpeakPoolUtils.Return(d); currentIDX += minSize; } lastReadPos = currentIDX; } catch (System.Exception) { } ProcessPendingEncodeBuffer(); bool allowSend = true; if (SendingMode == SendBehavior.RecordThenSend && talkController != null) { allowSend = !talkController_shouldSend; } sendTimer += Time.deltaTime; if (sendTimer >= sendt && allowSend) { sendTimer = 0.0f; //flush the send buffer tempSendBytes.Clear(); foreach (USpeakFrameContainer frame in sendBuffer) { tempSendBytes.AddRange(frame.ToByteArray()); } sendBuffer.Clear(); if (tempSendBytes.Count > 0) { // Debug.Log( "Sending at time: " + Time.time ); audioHandler.USpeakOnSerializeAudio(tempSendBytes.ToArray()); } } }
private void Update() { bool value; int num; USpeaker uSpeaker = this; uSpeaker.talkTimer = uSpeaker.talkTimer - Time.deltaTime; base.audio.volume = this.SpeakerVolume; if (this.last3DMode != this._3DMode) { this.last3DMode = this._3DMode; this.StopPlaying(); base.audio.clip = AudioClip.Create("vc", this.audioFrequency * 10, 1, this.audioFrequency, this._3DMode == ThreeDMode.Full3D, false); base.audio.loop = true; } if (this._3DMode == ThreeDMode.SpeakerPan) { Transform transforms = Camera.main.transform; Vector3 vector3 = Vector3.Cross(transforms.up, transforms.forward); vector3.Normalize(); float single = Vector3.Dot(base.transform.position - transforms.position, vector3); float single1 = Vector3.Dot(base.transform.position - transforms.position, transforms.forward); float single2 = Mathf.Sin(Mathf.Atan2(single, single1)); base.audio.pan = single2; } if (base.audio.isPlaying) { if (this.lastTime > base.audio.time) { USpeaker uSpeaker1 = this; uSpeaker1.played = uSpeaker1.played + (double)base.audio.clip.length; } this.lastTime = base.audio.time; if (this.played + (double)base.audio.time >= this.received) { this.StopPlaying(); this.shouldPlay = false; } } else if (this.shouldPlay) { USpeaker uSpeaker2 = this; uSpeaker2.playDelay = uSpeaker2.playDelay - Time.deltaTime; if (this.playDelay <= 0f) { base.audio.Play(); } } if (this.SpeakerMode == SpeakerMode.Remote) { return; } if (this.audioHandler == null) { return; } if (this.devicesCached == null) { this.devicesCached = Microphone.devices; base.InvokeRepeating("RefreshDevices", 4.2f, 4.2f); } string[] strArrays = this.devicesCached; if ((int)strArrays.Length == 0) { return; } if (strArrays[Mathf.Min(USpeaker.InputDeviceID, (int)strArrays.Length - 1)] != this.currentDeviceName) { this.currentDeviceName = strArrays[Mathf.Min(USpeaker.InputDeviceID, (int)strArrays.Length - 1)]; MonoBehaviour.print(string.Concat("Using input device: ", this.currentDeviceName)); this.recording = Microphone.Start(this.currentDeviceName, false, 21, this.audioFrequency); this.lastReadPos = 0; } if (this.lastBandMode != this.BandwidthMode || this.lastCodec != this.Codec) { this.UpdateSettings(); this.lastBandMode = this.BandwidthMode; this.lastCodec = this.Codec; } int position = Microphone.GetPosition(null); if (position >= this.audioFrequency * 20) { position = 0; this.lastReadPos = 0; UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(this.recording); Microphone.End(null); this.recording = Microphone.Start(this.currentDeviceName, false, 21, this.audioFrequency); } if (position <= this.overlap) { return; } bool?nullable = null; try { int num1 = position - this.lastReadPos; int sampleSize = this.codecMgr.Codecs[this.Codec].GetSampleSize(this.audioFrequency); if (sampleSize == 0) { sampleSize = 100; } if (sampleSize != 0) { int num2 = this.lastReadPos; int num3 = Mathf.FloorToInt((float)(num1 / sampleSize)); for (int i = 0; i < num3; i++) { float[] singleArray = USpeakPoolUtils.GetFloat(sampleSize); this.recording.GetData(singleArray, num2); if (!nullable.HasValue) { bool?nullable1 = new bool?((this.talkController == null ? false : this.talkController.ShouldSend())); nullable = nullable1; value = nullable1.Value; } else { value = nullable.Value; } if (value) { this.talkTimer = 1f; this.OnAudioAvailable(singleArray); } USpeakPoolUtils.Return(singleArray); num2 = num2 + sampleSize; } this.lastReadPos = num2; } else { if (num1 > sampleSize) { float[] singleArray1 = new float[num1 - 1]; this.recording.GetData(singleArray1, this.lastReadPos); if (this.talkController == null || this.talkController.ShouldSend()) { this.talkTimer = 1f; this.OnAudioAvailable(singleArray1); } } this.lastReadPos = position; } } catch (Exception exception) { } this.ProcessPendingEncodeBuffer(); bool flag = true; if (this.SendingMode == SendBehavior.RecordThenSend && this.talkController != null) { if (!nullable.HasValue) { bool?nullable2 = new bool?(this.talkController.ShouldSend()); nullable = nullable2; num = (int)nullable2.Value; } else { num = (int)nullable.Value; } flag = num == 0; } USpeaker uSpeaker3 = this; uSpeaker3.sendTimer = uSpeaker3.sendTimer + Time.deltaTime; if (this.sendTimer >= this.sendt && flag) { this.sendTimer = 0f; this.tempSendBytes.Clear(); foreach (USpeakFrameContainer uSpeakFrameContainer in this.sendBuffer) { this.tempSendBytes.AddRange(uSpeakFrameContainer.ToByteArray()); } this.sendBuffer.Clear(); if (this.tempSendBytes.Count > 0) { this.audioHandler.USpeakOnSerializeAudio(this.tempSendBytes.ToArray()); } } }
/// <summary> /// Decode and buffer audio data to be played /// </summary> /// <param name="data">The data passed to USpeakOnSerializeAudio()</param> public void ReceiveAudio(byte[] data) { if (settings == null) { Debug.LogWarning("Trying to receive remote audio data without calling InitializeSettings!\nIncoming packet will be ignored"); return; } if (MuteAll || Mute || (SpeakerMode == SpeakerMode.Local && !DebugPlayback)) { return; } if (SpeakerMode == SpeakerMode.Remote) { talkTimer = 1.0f; } int offset = 0; while (offset < data.Length) { int len = System.BitConverter.ToInt32(data, offset); byte[] frame = USpeakPoolUtils.GetByte(len + 6); System.Array.Copy(data, offset, frame, 0, frame.Length); USpeakFrameContainer cont = default(USpeakFrameContainer); cont.LoadFrom(frame); USpeakPoolUtils.Return(frame); float[] sample = USpeakAudioClipCompressor.DecompressAudio(cont.encodedData, (int)cont.Samples, 1, false, settings.bandMode, codecMgr.Codecs[Codec], RemoteGain); float sampleTime = ((float)sample.Length / (float)audioFrequency); received += sampleTime; System.Array.Copy(sample, 0, receivedData, index, sample.Length); USpeakPoolUtils.Return(sample); // advance the write position into the audio clip index += sample.Length; // if the write position extends beyond the clip length, wrap around if (index >= audio.clip.samples) { index = 0; } // write received data to audio clip audio.clip.SetData(receivedData, 0); // not already playing audio, schedule audio to be played if (!audio.isPlaying) { shouldPlay = true; //Debug.Log( "Started receiving at time: " + Time.time ); // no play delay set, advance play delay to allow more data to arrive (deal with network latency) if (playDelay <= 0) { playDelay = sampleTime * 5f; } } offset += frame.Length; } }