void Update() { if (gameState == "startDay") { if (FadeSquare.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color.a > 0) { FadeSquare.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color = new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, FadeSquare.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color.a - fadeInTime); } else { gameState = "active"; } } // z-axis camera movement if (zMove == 1) // stepping toward the glass { if (MainCamera.GetComponent <Camera>().orthographicSize > 3) { MainCamera.GetComponent <Camera>().orthographicSize = MainCamera.GetComponent <Camera>().orthographicSize - (float)0.05; } else { zMove = 2; } } else if (zMove == -1) // stepping back from the glass { if (MainCamera.GetComponent <Camera>().orthographicSize < 4.5) { MainCamera.GetComponent <Camera>().orthographicSize = MainCamera.GetComponent <Camera>().orthographicSize + (float)0.05; } else { zMove = 0; closeToGlass = false; UI_main.SetActive(true); UI_words.SetActive(true); } } else if (zMove == 3) // fading scene out to interstitial { if (FaceGroup.transform.localPosition.x < 12) // face walking { FaceGroup.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(FaceGroup.transform.localPosition.x + (float)0.02, FaceGroup.transform.localPosition.y, FaceGroup.transform.localPosition.z); FaceGroup.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, FaceGroup.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color.a - (float)0.002); } if (MainCamera.transform.localPosition.x < 12) { MainCamera.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(MainCamera.transform.localPosition.x + (float)0.02, MainCamera.transform.localPosition.y, MainCamera.transform.localPosition.z); } if (FadeSquare.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color.a < 1) { FadeSquare.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color = new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, FadeSquare.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color.a + fadeOutTime); } else { if (Time.time - holdTime >= waitTankToInter) { if (!transOnce) { transOnce = true; transform.GetComponent <audioManager>().playCig(); transform.GetComponent <audioManager>().playSmokeAmbient(); MainCamera.SetActive(false); InterCamera.SetActive(true); UI_storyL.SetActive(true); UI_storyR.SetActive(true); transform.GetComponent <imageEffects>().FishEyeOn(false); transform.GetComponent <imageEffects>().ChromAbOn(false); transform.GetComponent <imageEffects>().glassColorOn(false); } if (UI_storyL.GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Text>().color.a < 1) { UI_storyL.GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Text>().color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, UI_storyL.GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Text>().color.a + 0.05f); } if (UI_storyR.GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Text>().color.a < 1) { UI_storyR.GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Text>().color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, UI_storyR.GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Text>().color.a + 0.05f); } if (InterFadeSquare.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color.a > 0) { InterFadeSquare.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color = new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, InterFadeSquare.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color.a - fadeInTime); } else // done { templateComplete = false; zMove = 0; gameState = "inter"; transOnce = false; holdTime = 0.0f; canLeaveInter = true; } } } } else if (zMove == 4) // fading out from intersitial to next day { if (UI_storyL.GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Text>().color.a > 0) { UI_storyL.GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Text>().color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, UI_storyL.GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Text>().color.a - 0.05f); } if (UI_storyR.GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Text>().color.a > 0) { UI_storyR.GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Text>().color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, UI_storyR.GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Text>().color.a - 0.05f); } if (InterFadeSquare.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color.a < 1) { InterFadeSquare.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color = new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, InterFadeSquare.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color.a + fadeOutTime); } else { if (Time.time - holdTime >= waitInterToTank) { if (!transOnce) { InterCamera.SetActive(false); MainCamera.SetActive(true); NewDayUpdate(); transOnce = true; transform.GetComponent <audioManager>().playTankBubbles(); transform.GetComponent <audioManager>().playTankAmbient(); } if (FadeSquare.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color.a > 0) { FadeSquare.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color = new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, FadeSquare.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color.a - (float)0.02); } else // done { gameState = "startDay"; zMove = 0; transOnce = false; UI_storyL.SetActive(false); UI_storyR.SetActive(false); } } } } else if (zMove == 5) // face is walking away { if (FaceGroup.transform.localPosition.x < 10) { FaceGroup.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(FaceGroup.transform.localPosition.x + (float)0.02, FaceGroup.transform.localPosition.y, FaceGroup.transform.localPosition.z); FaceGroup.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, FaceGroup.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color.a - (float)0.005); } else // end-game triggers { if (!transOnce) { lastDayUIDelay = Time.time; UpdateStrings(); UI_storyL.GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Text>().color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0f); UI_storyR.GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Text>().color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0f); UI_storyL.SetActive(true); UI_storyR.SetActive(true); UI_main.SetActive(false); transOnce = true; GameObject fb = GameObject.Find("/FarBackInsideAquarium"); fb.transform.GetComponent <BackgroundFadeIn>().GameEndScreenSetUp(); } } } else if (zMove == 6) // fade from title to intro { if (InterFadeSquare.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color.a < 1) { InterFadeSquare.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color = new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, InterFadeSquare.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color.a + fadeInTime); } else { if (!transOnce) { InterCamera.SetActive(false); MainCamera.SetActive(true); transOnce = true; UI_intro.SetActive(true); } gameState = "intro"; zMove = 0; transOnce = false; } } else if (zMove == 7) // fade out from last day to restart { if (FadeSquare.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color.a < 1) { FadeSquare.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color = new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, FadeSquare.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color.a + fadeOutTime); } else { SceneManager.LoadScene(SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex); } } if (lastDayUIDelay != 0.0 && Time.time - lastDayUIDelay >= 8 && UI_storyL.GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Text>().color.a < 1) { if (UI_storyL.GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Text>().color.a < 1) { UI_storyL.GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Text>().color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, UI_storyL.GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Text>().color.a + 0.05f); } if (UI_storyR.GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Text>().color.a < 1) { UI_storyR.GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Text>().color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, UI_storyR.GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Text>().color.a + 0.05f); } } // UI Prompts string promptText = ""; if (gameState == "title" && zMove == 0) { promptText = "( ENTER ) to START"; } else if (gameState == "intro") { // built-in to intro text } else if (gameState == "outro" && lastDayUIDelay != 0.0 && Time.time - lastDayUIDelay >= 8) { promptText = "( ESCAPE ) TO QUIT\n\r( ENTER ) TO RESTART"; } else if (gameState == "active" && !closeToGlass) { if (textState > -1) { if (templateComplete && currentSent >= todaysTemplate.Count) { promptText = "( ENTER ) TO DEPART"; } else { if (needsEntry && textState == 1) { promptText = "( ENTER ) TO CONFIRM\n\r( SPACE ) TO STARE"; } else if (needsEntry) { promptText = "( ENTER ) TO WRITE\n\r( SPACE ) TO STARE"; } else { promptText = "( ENTER ) TO PROCEED"; } } } else if (textState == -1) { promptText = "( ENTER ) TO BEGIN"; } } else if (gameState == "inter" && zMove != 4) { promptText = " ( ENTER ) FOR NEXT DAY"; } if (!confirmExit) { UI_prompts.GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Text>().text = promptText; } // Check for time-based triggers // word additions if (Time.time - lastTickCheck >= 1 && gameState == "active") // so we're not looping through the list array every frame, just every second { for (int i = 0; i < allDays[(currentDay - 1)].dayPhrases.Count; i++) { if (dayStart != 0.0 && allDays[(currentDay - 1)].dayPhrases[i].triggerType == "time" && float.Parse(allDays[(currentDay - 1)].dayPhrases[i].triggerVal) <= (Time.time - dayStart)) { allDays[(currentDay - 1)].dayPhrasesActive.Add(allDays[(currentDay - 1)].dayPhrases[i]); allDays[(currentDay - 1)].dayPhrases.RemoveAt(i); i--; UpdateStrings(); if (!templateComplete) { transform.GetComponent <audioManager>().playChime(); // sound chime for new word } } else if (stareTime != 0.0 && allDays[(currentDay - 1)].dayPhrases[i].triggerType == "close" && float.Parse(allDays[(currentDay - 1)].dayPhrases[i].triggerVal) <= (Time.time - stareTime)) { allDays[(currentDay - 1)].dayPhrasesActive.Add(allDays[(currentDay - 1)].dayPhrases[i]); allDays[(currentDay - 1)].dayPhrases.RemoveAt(i); i--; UpdateStrings(); if (!templateComplete) { transform.GetComponent <audioManager>().playChime(); // sound chime for new word } } } // imageEffects triggers if (dayStart != 0 && Time.time - dayStart >= 8 && !fxState[0]) // fish (extra time accounting for fade-in) { transform.GetComponent <imageEffects>().FishEyeOn(true); fxState[0] = true; } if (dayStart != 0 && Time.time - dayStart >= 28 && !fxState[1]) // chrome { transform.GetComponent <imageEffects>().ChromAbOn(true); fxState[1] = true; } if (dayStart != 0 && Time.time - dayStart >= 18 && !fxState[2]) // glass { transform.GetComponent <imageEffects>().glassColorOn(true); fxState[2] = true; } lastTickCheck = Time.time; } // Keystrokes if (Input.GetKeyUp("escape")) { if (!confirmExit) { lastPrompt = UI_prompts.GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Text>().text; UI_prompts.GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Text>().text = "<color=#FF0000>( ENTER ) TO EXIT</color>\r\n( ESC ) TO RESUME"; confirmExit = true; } else if (confirmExit) { UI_prompts.GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Text>().text = lastPrompt; confirmExit = false; } } if (Input.GetKeyUp("return")) { //print("gameState: "+gameState+" textState: "+textState + " needsEntry: "+needsEntry+" closeToGlass:"+closeToGlass+" templateComplete: "+templateComplete); if (confirmExit) { Application.Quit(); } if (gameState == "active") { if (textState == -1 && !closeToGlass) // start the day { transform.GetComponent <MouseParallax>().mouseParallaxControl = true; textState = 0; UI_main.SetActive(true); UI_words.SetActive(true); UpdateStrings(); if (dayStart == 0) { dayStart = Time.time; } } else if (textState == 0 && !templateComplete && needsEntry && !closeToGlass) { // entering typing mode textState = 1; todaysTemplate[blankMarkers[currentIndex][0]][blankMarkers[currentIndex][1]] = ""; UpdateStrings(); } else if (textState == 0 && !needsEntry && !closeToGlass && currentSent < todaysTemplate.Count) // advance to next sentence { completedText.Add(CleanString(currentTemplate)); currentSent++; UpdateStrings(); } else if (textState != 1 && !closeToGlass && templateComplete && currentSent >= todaysTemplate.Count) { UI_main.SetActive(false); UI_main.SetActive(false); if (!needsEntry) { completedText.Add(CleanString(currentTemplate)); UpdateStrings(); } if (currentDay < maxDays) // exiting day -> interstitial { transform.GetComponent <audioManager>().stopTankBubbles(); transform.GetComponent <audioManager>().stopTankAmbient(); transform.GetComponent <audioManager>().playWalking(); zMove = 3; holdTime = Time.time; currentDay = currentDay + 1; gameState = "endDay"; transform.GetComponent <MouseParallax>().mouseParallaxControl = false; } else if (currentDay == maxDays) // end of game { transform.GetComponent <MouseParallax>().mouseParallaxControl = false; transform.GetComponent <audioManager>().stopTankAmbient(); zMove = 5; gameState = "outro"; completedText.Add(outroText); } completedText.Add("\n"); if (currentDay == 6) { dayBreak = completedText.Count; } } } else if (gameState == "intro") { transform.GetComponent <audioManager>().playTankBubbles(); transform.GetComponent <audioManager>().playTankAmbient(); gameState = "startDay"; UI_intro.SetActive(false); } else if (gameState == "inter" && canLeaveInter) { zMove = 4; holdTime = Time.time; transform.GetComponent <audioManager>().stopCig(); transform.GetComponent <audioManager>().stopSmokeAmbient(); canLeaveInter = false; } else if (gameState == "title") { UI_title.SetActive(false); zMove = 6; } else if (gameState == "outro" && lastDayUIDelay != 0.0 && Time.time - lastDayUIDelay >= 8) // restart { transform.GetComponent <audioManager>().stopTankBubbles(); UI_prompts.SetActive(false); UI_storyL.SetActive(false); UI_storyR.SetActive(false); zMove = 7; } } if (Input.GetKey("space")) { if (gameState == "active" && (textState == 0 || textState == 1)) { if (zMove == 0 && !closeToGlass) { SendAction("stepFoward"); zMove = 1; closeToGlass = true; UI_main.SetActive(false); UI_words.SetActive(false); stareTime = Time.time; transform.GetComponent <audioManager>().closeToTank(); } if (zMove == 2 && closeToGlass) { SendAction("stepBack"); zMove = -1; transform.GetComponent <audioManager>().awayFromTank(); stareTime = 0.0f; } } } if (releaseTyping) { textState = 0; releaseTyping = false; } }
void NewDayUpdate() { string curStr = ""; int numEntries = 0; int numBlanks = 0; todaysTemplate = new List <List <string> >(); blanksPerSentence = new List <int>(); blankMarkers = new List <int[]>(); fxState = new bool[3] { false, false, false }; // fish, chrome, glass todaysBlanks = 0; dayStart = 0.0f; currentIndex = 0; currentSent = 0; templateComplete = false; needsEntry = false; canLeaveInter = false; textState = -1; currentBlankInSent = 0; MainCamera.GetComponent <Camera>().orthographicSize = 4.5f; FaceGroup.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(faceResetX, FaceGroup.transform.localPosition.y, FaceGroup.transform.localPosition.z); FaceGroup.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f); MainCamera.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(camResetX, MainCamera.transform.localPosition.y, MainCamera.transform.localPosition.z); UI_storyL.GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Text>().color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0f); UI_storyR.GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Text>().color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0f); UI_main.SetActive(false); UI_words.SetActive(false); for (int i = 0; i < allDays[(currentDay - 1)].dayTemplates.Count; i++) // count the number of phrases in template { numEntries = 0; numBlanks = 0; todaysTemplate.Add(new List <string>()); for (int j = 0; j < allDays[(currentDay - 1)].dayTemplates[i].Length; j++) { if (allDays[(currentDay - 1)].dayTemplates[i][j] == '_') { todaysTemplate[i].Add(curStr); if (curStr != "") { numEntries++; } todaysTemplate[i].Add("___"); todaysBlanks++; curStr = ""; numEntries++; numBlanks++; blankMarkers.Add(new int[2] { i, numEntries - 1 }); } else { curStr += allDays[(currentDay - 1)].dayTemplates[i][j]; } if (j == allDays[(currentDay - 1)].dayTemplates[i].Length - 1) { todaysTemplate[i].Add(curStr); curStr = ""; } } blanksPerSentence.Add(numBlanks); } /*for (int i=0;i<blankMarkers.Count;i++) { * print(blankMarkers[i][0]+","+blankMarkers[i][1]); * }*/ // Change alpha of tankQuad Color color = TankMat.color; color.a = 1.0f - (0.07f * currentDay); TankMat.color = color; // Change alpha of face FaceGroup.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, (float)0.2 + (0.06f * currentDay)); // if we're > day 5, swap position of two // face starts at -3.5, tank at -1.5 if (currentDay < 6) { FaceGroup.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(FaceGroup.transform.localPosition.x, FaceGroup.transform.localPosition.y, (float)-3.5); TankQuad.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(TankQuad.transform.localPosition.x, TankQuad.transform.localPosition.y, (float)-1.5); } else { FaceGroup.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(FaceGroup.transform.localPosition.x, FaceGroup.transform.localPosition.y, (float)-1.5); TankQuad.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(TankQuad.transform.localPosition.x, TankQuad.transform.localPosition.y, (float)-3.5); } // disable all ALLDAYS children foreach (Transform child in AllDays.transform) { child.gameObject.SetActive(false); } // enable the correct day dayObjs[(currentDay - 1)].SetActive(true); UpdateStrings(); }
void Start() { // turn all days on so we can add them to the array foreach (Transform child in AllDays.transform) { child.gameObject.SetActive(true); } // add all days to dayObjs array for quicker access, then turn them off for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { GameObject tmpObj = GameObject.Find("/ALLDAYS/day_" + (i + 1)); dayObjs[i] = tmpObj; tmpObj.SetActive(false); } string[] allTmps = new string[12]; string[] allPhrases = new string[10]; completedText = new List <string>(); currentDay = startDay; faceResetX = FaceGroup.transform.localPosition.x; camResetX = MainCamera.transform.localPosition.x; // hard coding templates and phrases string hardPhrases = "A,0,jumped|A,0,drank|S,1,floated|T,4,spoke|T,8,laughed|C,6,stared|S,2,waved|T,12,wondered|C,11,unraveled\nA,0,stupid|A,0,happy|T,4,jittery|S,1,stoic|S,2,soulless|C,8,homeless|T,10,confused|C,14,hopeless|T,14,hungry\nS,1,salty|S,2,pungent|A,0,chewy|A,0,furious|T,5,curly|S,3,heavy|T,11,lonely|C,8,empty|C,16,dull|S,4,sinking|T,17,enclosed\nS,1,grasses|S,2,coral|S,3,seaweed|A,0,oceans|T,4,animals|T,10,creatures|T,17,people|C,5,reflections|C,10,you|C,10,I\nS,1,sticky|A,0,curious|A,0,dark|A,0,big|S,2,small|T,6,googly|S,3,carefree|C,6,bitter|T,10,lost|S,4,desolate|T,16,focused|C,10,real\nA,0,squishy|A,0,fast|S,1,tall|A,0,nice|T,5,calm|S,2,small|C,6,anxious|C,10,caged|C,16,buried|S,3,deserted|T,12,detache\nA,0,hands|A,0,freckles|A,0,shape|T,6,softness|T,10,gills|T,14,eyes|T,17,face|T,20,glare|C,6,stillness|C,13,turmoil\nC,3,affections|C,7,worlds|C,15,feelings|C,19,views|C,22,panic|C,26,desperation\nC,3,space|C,8,glass|C,16,air|C,19,water|C,23,silence\nC,7,me|C,7,us|C,7,me"; string hardTemplates = "I don't remember how or when it started, but I started seeing it every day...\nWe met across the glass.|Remaining so still, it _.|With its expressionless face, I _ and did not feel judged.\nIts _ eyes drew me into a mystery.|Looking at my reflection, I felt _.|Is it _?\nThere was a single _ rock.|Translucent, _ seaweed.|More _ faces began to stare with it.|But never as long, and never as close.\nWhy do _ stare?|Everyday _ would stay and look at me for hours, judging me.|But staring with _ feels close.\nThe eyes I became addicted to started to look like my own.|They were _, _, and _.|In front of those eyes, I was _.\nThe new log seems _.|Does it feel _ now that the coral has moved?|Does it like its _ home?|Home makes me feel _.\nI wonder if it can recognize me now.|I don’t think I can ever forget its _.|But does it feel the same way?\nI feel like we are beginning to understand each other’s _.|Or maybe I’m just projecting _.|But I’m starting to think that we share in our _.\nThe _ between us started to disappear.|I’m face to face with it.|And I’m still lost in its eyes.\nI looked into its eyes and the mystery became clear.|The words it has been telling _ began to ring in my head.|''Save _.''|''Save _.''\nThe stillness between us became silent words. It was hard to find an understanding in tranquility. But I find myself waiting to hear your silent voice again."; // populate the template and phrase arrays //ReadFile("Assets/template.txt", allTmps); //ReadFile("Assets/phrase.txt", allPhrases); allPhrases = ReadString(hardPhrases); allTmps = ReadString(hardTemplates); /*for (int i=0;i<allTmps.Length;i++) * print(allTmps[i]); * for (int i=0;i<allPhrases.Length;i++) * print(allPhrases[i]);*/ // Setup our UI Canvas objects UI_title = GameObject.Find("/Canvas/title"); UI_main = GameObject.Find("/Canvas/main"); UI_intro = GameObject.Find("/Canvas/intro"); UI_words = GameObject.Find("/Canvas/words"); UI_prompts = GameObject.Find("/Canvas/prompts"); UI_storyL = GameObject.Find("/Canvas/storyLeft"); UI_storyR = GameObject.Find("/Canvas/storyRight"); UI_main.SetActive(false); UI_words.SetActive(false); //UI_prompts.SetActive(false); UI_intro.SetActive(false); UI_storyL.SetActive(false); UI_storyR.SetActive(false); // Set up the text for Days UI_intro.GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Text>().text = allTmps[0]; outroText = allTmps[11]; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { allDays[i] = new Day(allTmps[i + 1], allPhrases[i], i + 1); } NewDayUpdate(); MainCamera.SetActive(false); InterCamera.SetActive(true); transform.GetComponent <MouseParallax>().mouseParallaxControl = false; }
void UpdateStrings() { currentPhrases = ""; currentTemplate = ""; if (!templateComplete) { for (int i = 0; i < allDays[(currentDay - 1)].dayPhrasesActive.Count; i++) { currentPhrases += allDays[(currentDay - 1)].dayPhrasesActive[i].text + "\r\n"; } } int checkent = 0; for (int i = 0; i < todaysTemplate.Count; i++) { if (currentSent == i) { for (int j = 0; j < todaysTemplate[i].Count; j++) { if (blankMarkers[currentIndex][0] == i && blankMarkers[currentIndex][1] == j) { checkent++; } if (IsBlank(i, j)) { if (blankMarkers[currentIndex][0] == i && blankMarkers[currentIndex][1] == j && textState == 1 && !releaseTyping) // this is what we're editing { if (phraseMismatch) // trying to lock something in that's not an available phrase { currentTemplate += "[<color=#FF0000>" + todaysTemplate[i][j] + "</color>]"; } else { currentTemplate += "[<color=#FFFF00>" + todaysTemplate[i][j] + "</color>]"; } } else if (todaysTemplate[i][j] != "___") { currentTemplate += "<color=#87B7C7>" + todaysTemplate[i][j] + "</color>"; } else { currentTemplate += "<color=#ABABAB>" + todaysTemplate[i][j] + "</color>"; } } else { currentTemplate += todaysTemplate[i][j]; } } currentTemplate += "\n"; } } if (checkent > 0) { needsEntry = true; } else { needsEntry = false; } UI_main.GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Text>().text = currentTemplate; UI_words.GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Text>().text = currentPhrases; UI_storyL.GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Text>().text = ""; UI_storyR.GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Text>().text = ""; for (int i = 0; i < completedText.Count; i++) { if (dayBreak != 0 && i >= dayBreak) { UI_storyR.GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Text>().text += completedText[i]; } else { UI_storyL.GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Text>().text += completedText[i]; } } }