예제 #1
    public void Navigate()
        // Il y a un problème : quand la fenêtre est trop grande (scale du canvas > 1), la position du curseur ne matche pas le point auquel le raycaster fait son raycast.
        // Faire aller la position du curseur entre 0 et 1, et s'arranger pour se baser sur ça dans ce qu'on donne au raycaster ?

        // Get the mouse position within the gameWindow viewport.
        Vector2      mousePosOnScreen = GUIUtility.GUIToScreenPoint(Event.current.mousePosition);
        EditorWindow gameWindow       = EditorWindow.GetWindow(Type.GetType("UnityEditor.GameView, UnityEditor"));

        EditorWindow.GetWindow(Type.GetType("UnityEditor.SceneView, UnityEditor"));
        float   windowWidth          = gameWindow.position.width;
        float   windowHeight         = gameWindow.position.height - 20;
        Vector2 mousePosInGameWindow = mousePosOnScreen - gameWindow.position.position;
        Vector2 mousePosInViewport   = mousePosInGameWindow.SetY(mousePosInGameWindow.y - 40);

        mousePosInViewport = mousePosInViewport.SetY(windowHeight - mousePosInViewport.y);

        // Get the mouse position within the gameWindow render.
        Vector2 mousePosInRender = mousePosInViewport;
        float   screenRatio      = windowWidth / windowHeight;

        if (screenRatio < targetScreenRatio)
            float correctHeight = windowWidth / 1.7778f;
            float heightOffset  = (windowHeight - correctHeight) * .5f;
            mousePosInRender = mousePosInRender.SetY(mousePosInRender.y - heightOffset);
        else if (screenRatio > targetScreenRatio)
            float correctWidth = windowHeight * 1.7778f;
            float widthOffset  = (windowWidth - correctWidth) * .5f;
            mousePosInRender = mousePosInRender.SetX(mousePosInRender.x - widthOffset);

        // Get UI elements under the cursor.
        PointerEventData eventData = new PointerEventData(null);

        eventData.position = mousePosInRender;
        List <RaycastResult> results = new List <RaycastResult>();

        raycaster.Raycast(eventData, results);
        if (results.Count < 1)

        // If the UI element is a button or a child of a button, click it.
        if (results[0].gameObject.GetComponent <Button>())
            UIUtilities.ExecuteOnClickManually(results[0].gameObject.GetComponent <Button>());
        else if (results[0].gameObject.transform.parent.GetComponent <Button>())
            UIUtilities.ExecuteOnClickManually(results[0].gameObject.transform.parent.GetComponent <Button>());