예제 #1
        void CreateView()
            ModDebug.Log("Creating view");

            GameObject rootObject = new GameObject(panelName);

            tabstrip = rootObject.AddComponent <UITabstrip>();


            tabstrip.relativePosition = new Vector3(90, 38);
            tabstrip.width            = 80;
            tabstrip.selectedIndex    = -1;
            tabstrip.padding          = new RectOffset(0, 1, 0, 0);

            if (builtinModeChangedHandler == null)
                builtinModeChangedHandler = (UIComponent component, int index) => {
                    if (!ignoreBuiltinTabstripEvents)
                        if (selectedToolModeChanged != null)

            builtinTabstrip.eventSelectedIndexChanged += builtinModeChangedHandler;

            // Setting selectedIndex needs to be delayed for some reason
예제 #2
        void CreateView()
            ModDebug.Log("Creating view");

            GameObject rootObject = new GameObject("ExtendedRoadUpgradePanel");

            tabstrip = rootObject.AddComponent <UITabstrip>();

            UIButton tabTemplate = (UIButton)builtinTabstrip.tabs[0];

            int spriteWidth  = 31;
            int spriteHeight = 31;

            string[] spriteNames =

            UITextureAtlas atlas = CreateTextureAtlas("sprites.png", "ExtendedRoadUpgradeUI", tabTemplate.atlas.material, spriteWidth, spriteHeight, spriteNames);

            List <UIButton> tabs = new List <UIButton>();

            tabs.Add(tabstrip.AddTab("", null, false));
            tabs.Add(tabstrip.AddTab("", null, false));

            foreach (UIButton tab in tabs)
                tab.name             = "ExtendedRoadUpgradeButton";
                tab.atlas            = atlas;
                tab.size             = new Vector2(spriteWidth, spriteHeight);
                tab.normalBgSprite   = "ERUButtonBg";
                tab.disabledBgSprite = "ERUButtonBg";
                tab.hoveredBgSprite  = "ERUButtonBgHovered";
                tab.pressedBgSprite  = "ERUButtonBgPressed";
                tab.focusedBgSprite  = "ERUButtonBgPressed";
                tab.playAudioEvents  = true;

            tabs[0].name            = "ExtendedRoadUpgradeButtonTwoWay";
            tabs[0].tooltip         = "Upgrade To Two-Way Road";
            tabs[0].normalFgSprite  = tabs[0].disabledFgSprite = tabs[0].hoveredFgSprite = "ERUIconTwoway";
            tabs[0].pressedFgSprite = tabs[0].focusedFgSprite = "ERUIconTwowayPressed";

            tabs[1].name            = "ExtendedRoadUpgradeButtonOneWay";
            tabs[1].tooltip         = "Upgrade To One-Way Road";
            tabs[1].normalFgSprite  = tabs[1].disabledFgSprite = tabs[1].hoveredFgSprite = "ERUIconOneway";
            tabs[1].pressedFgSprite = tabs[1].focusedFgSprite = "ERUIconOnewayPressed";

            tabstrip.relativePosition = new Vector3(169, 38);
            tabstrip.width            = 80;
            tabstrip.selectedIndex    = -1;
            tabstrip.padding          = new RectOffset(0, 1, 0, 0);

            if (builtinModeChangedHandler == null)
                builtinModeChangedHandler = (UIComponent component, int index) => {
                    ModDebug.Log(string.Format("Builtin mode changed to: {0}, ignore: {1}", index, ignoreBuiltinTabstripEvents));
                    if (!ignoreBuiltinTabstripEvents)
                        if (selectedToolModeChanged != null)

            builtinTabstrip.eventSelectedIndexChanged += builtinModeChangedHandler;

            // Setting selectedIndex needs to be delayed for some reason
예제 #3
        void CreateView()
            ModDebug.Log("Creating view");

            GameObject rootObject = new GameObject(panelName);
            tabstrip = rootObject.AddComponent<UITabstrip>();


            tabstrip.relativePosition = new Vector3(90, 38);
            tabstrip.width = 80;
            tabstrip.selectedIndex = -1;
            tabstrip.padding = new RectOffset(0, 1, 0, 0);

            if (builtinModeChangedHandler == null) {
                builtinModeChangedHandler = (UIComponent component, int index) => {
                    if (!ignoreBuiltinTabstripEvents) {
                        if (selectedToolModeChanged != null) selectedToolModeChanged(ToolMode.None);

            builtinTabstrip.eventSelectedIndexChanged += builtinModeChangedHandler;

            // Setting selectedIndex needs to be delayed for some reason
예제 #4
        void CreateView() {
            ModDebug.Log("Creating view");

            GameObject rootObject = new GameObject("ExtendedRoadUpgradePanel");
            tabstrip = rootObject.AddComponent<UITabstrip>();

            UIButton tabTemplate = (UIButton)builtinTabstrip.tabs[0];

            int spriteWidth = 31;
            int spriteHeight = 31;
            string[] spriteNames = {

            UITextureAtlas atlas = CreateTextureAtlas("sprites.png", "ExtendedRoadUpgradeUI", tabTemplate.atlas.material, spriteWidth, spriteHeight, spriteNames);

            List<UIButton> tabs = new List<UIButton>();
            tabs.Add(tabstrip.AddTab("", null, false));
            tabs.Add(tabstrip.AddTab("", null, false));

            foreach (UIButton tab in tabs) {
                tab.name = "ExtendedRoadUpgradeButton";
                tab.atlas = atlas;
                tab.size = new Vector2(spriteWidth, spriteHeight);
                tab.normalBgSprite = "ERUButtonBg";
                tab.disabledBgSprite = "ERUButtonBg";
                tab.hoveredBgSprite = "ERUButtonBgHovered";
                tab.pressedBgSprite = "ERUButtonBgPressed";
                tab.focusedBgSprite = "ERUButtonBgPressed";
                tab.playAudioEvents = true;

            tabs[0].name = "ExtendedRoadUpgradeButtonTwoWay";
            tabs[0].tooltip = "Upgrade To Two-Way Road";
            tabs[0].normalFgSprite = tabs[0].disabledFgSprite = tabs[0].hoveredFgSprite = "ERUIconTwoway";
            tabs[0].pressedFgSprite = tabs[0].focusedFgSprite = "ERUIconTwowayPressed";

            tabs[1].name = "ExtendedRoadUpgradeButtonOneWay";
            tabs[1].tooltip = "Upgrade To One-Way Road";
            tabs[1].normalFgSprite = tabs[1].disabledFgSprite = tabs[1].hoveredFgSprite = "ERUIconOneway";
            tabs[1].pressedFgSprite = tabs[1].focusedFgSprite = "ERUIconOnewayPressed";

            tabstrip.relativePosition = new Vector3(169, 38);
            tabstrip.width = 80;
            tabstrip.selectedIndex = -1;
            tabstrip.padding = new RectOffset(0, 1, 0, 0);

            if (builtinModeChangedHandler == null) {
                builtinModeChangedHandler = (UIComponent component, int index) => {
                    if (!ignoreBuiltinTabstripEvents) {
                        if (selectedToolModeChanged != null) selectedToolModeChanged(ToolMode.None);

            builtinTabstrip.eventSelectedIndexChanged += builtinModeChangedHandler;

            // Setting selectedIndex needs to be delayed for some reason