public override void ViewDidLoad() { base.ViewDidLoad(); Title = "Font test"; _view = new UITableView(new CGRect(), UITableViewStyle.Grouped); View.Add(_view); _view.FitToParent(); _view.RowHeight = UITableView.AutomaticDimension; _view.EstimatedRowHeight = 100; var cellFactory = new FontCellFactory(); var source = new TableSource(); _view.Source = source; Section section; UIFont font; FontModel fontModel; // -------------------------------------------------- section = new Section(); source.Sections.Add(section); section.Header = "Defaults"; font = UIFont.PreferredBody; fontModel = new FontModel { Text = $"{font.PointSize} PreferredBody", Font = font }; section.Cells.Add(new CellModel<FontModel>(cellFactory, fontModel)); font = UIFont.PreferredCaption1; fontModel = new FontModel { Text = $"{font.PointSize} PreferredCaption1", Font = font }; section.Cells.Add(new CellModel<FontModel>(cellFactory, fontModel)); font = UIFont.PreferredCaption2; fontModel = new FontModel { Text = $"{font.PointSize} PreferredCaption2", Font = font }; section.Cells.Add(new CellModel<FontModel>(cellFactory, fontModel)); font = UIFont.PreferredFootnote; fontModel = new FontModel { Text = $"{font.PointSize} PreferredFootnote", Font = font }; section.Cells.Add(new CellModel<FontModel>(cellFactory, fontModel)); font = UIFont.PreferredHeadline; fontModel = new FontModel { Text = $"{font.PointSize} PreferredHeadline", Font = font }; section.Cells.Add(new CellModel<FontModel>(cellFactory, fontModel)); font = UIFont.PreferredSubheadline; fontModel = new FontModel { Text = $"{font.PointSize} PreferredSubheadline", Font = font }; section.Cells.Add(new CellModel<FontModel>(cellFactory, fontModel)); // -------------------------------------------------- section = new Section(); source.Sections.Add(section); font = UIFont.SystemFontOfSize(UIFont.LabelFontSize); section.Header = font.Name; fontModel = new FontModel { Text = $"{font.PointSize} default label font w/ size", Font = font }; section.Cells.Add(new CellModel<FontModel>(cellFactory, fontModel)); for ( int size = 3; size <= 60; size += 3 ) { font = UIFont.SystemFontOfSize(size); fontModel = new FontModel { Text = $"{font.PointSize} the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", Font = font }; section.Cells.Add(new CellModel<FontModel>(cellFactory, fontModel)); } }
public override void ViewDidLoad() { base.ViewDidLoad(); View.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Green; Title = "YxTableTest"; _view = new UITableView(new CGRect(), UITableViewStyle.Grouped); View.Add(_view); //_view.SeparatorInset = UIEdgeInsets.Zero; //_view.LayoutMargins = UIEdgeInsets.Zero; //_view.SeparatorStyle = UITableViewCellSeparatorStyle.None; _view.FitToParent(); var source = new TableSource(); Section section; // ----------------------- section = new Section(); section.Header = "Default cell"; section.Footer = "---"; var defaultCellFactory = new DefaultCellFactory(); section.Cells.Add( new CellModel<ItemWithTitle>( defaultCellFactory, new ItemWithTitle { Title = "foo" } )); section.Cells.Add( new CellModel<ItemWithTitle>( defaultCellFactory, new ItemWithTitle { Title = "bar" } )); source.Sections.Add(section); // ----------------------- section = new Section(); section.Header = "Subtitle"; section.Cells.Add( new CellModel<ItemWithTitleAndSubtitle>( Singleton<SubtitleCellFactory>._, new ItemWithTitleAndSubtitle { Title = "abc", SubTitle = "123" } )); source.Sections.Add(section); // ----------------------- section = new Section(); section.Header = "Switch cell"; var changingModel = new ItemWithTitle { Title = "This will change when switch is toggled" }; var changingCell = new CellModel<ItemWithTitle>(defaultCellFactory, changingModel); section.Cells.Add( changingCell ); var switchCellFactory1 = new SwitchCellFactory { InitialState = true }; var switchCellFactory2 = new SwitchCellFactory { InitialState = false, CellSelected = (cell) => MsgBox.Show(cell.Model.Title, "Cell selected", new [] {"OK"}), Toggled = (cell) => { changingCell.Model.Title = "You changed me!"; _view.ReloadCellModel(changingCell); } }; section.Cells.Add( new CellModel<ItemWithTitle>( switchCellFactory1, new ItemWithTitle { Title = "foo" } )); section.Cells.Add( new CellModel<ItemWithTitle>( switchCellFactory2, new ItemWithTitle { Title = "Toggling this will change above text. Hopafully." } )); source.Sections.Add(section); // ----------------------- section = new Section(); section.Header = "Custom 1"; section.Cells.Add( new CellModel<ItemWithTitle>( Singleton<CustomCellFactory1>._, new ItemWithTitle { Title = "abc" } )); section.Cells.Add( new CellModel<ItemWithTitle>( Singleton<CustomCellFactory1>._, new ItemWithTitle { Title = "def" } )); source.Sections.Add(section); // ----------------------- section = new Section(); section.Header = "Custom 2"; //section2.Footer = "Footer 2"; section.Cells.Add( new CellModel<ItemWithTitle>( Singleton<CustomCellFactory2>._, new ItemWithTitle { Title = "abc" } )); section.Cells.Add( new CellModel<ItemWithTitle>( Singleton<CustomCellFactory2>._, new ItemWithTitle { Title = "def" } )); source.Sections.Add(section); // ----------------------- _view.Source = source; }