static public int Play(IntPtr l) { try { UIPlaySound self = (UIPlaySound)checkSelf(l); self.Play(); pushValue(l, true); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } }
private void CheckKeys() { //if they hit escape load the previous scene if (Input.GetKeyDown("escape")) { slideSound.Play(); while (slideSound.IsInvoking()) { //do nothing } MissionSelect(); } }
private void CheckKeys() { //if they hit escape load the previous scene if (Input.GetKeyDown("escape")) { slideSound.Play(); while (slideSound.IsInvoking()) { //do nothing } MainMenuSelect(); } if (Input.GetKeyDown("a")) { ShowAesopMissionText(); ShowFourcroyMissionText(); ShowHerronsMissionText(); ShowSantaroMissionText(); } if (Input.GetKeyUp("a")) { HideAesopMissionText(); HideFourcroyMissionText(); HideHerronsMissionText(); HideSantaroMissionText(); } if (Input.GetKeyDown("return") && highlightedMission != null) { slideSound.Play(); while (slideSound.IsInvoking()) { //do nothing } LobbySelect(); } }
private void CheckKeys() { //if they hit escape load the previous scene if (Input.GetKeyDown("escape")) { slideSound.Play(); while (slideSound.IsInvoking()) { //do nothing } MainMenuSelect(); } //if they hit enter pretend to save changes and load previous scene if (Input.GetKeyDown("return")) { //This is where the settings would be saved. slideSound.Play(); while (slideSound.IsInvoking()) { //do nothing } MainMenuSelect(); } }
private void scan() { Result result = reader.Decode(temps, cameraTexture.height, cameraTexture.width); if (result != null) { DialogUtil.tip(result.Text); UIPlaySound sound = gameObject.GetComponent <UIPlaySound>(); sound.Play(); cameraTexture.Stop(); if (callBack != null) { callBack.Execute(); } } }
public static int Play(IntPtr l) { int result; try { UIPlaySound uIPlaySound = (UIPlaySound)LuaObject.checkSelf(l); uIPlaySound.Play(); LuaObject.pushValue(l, true); result = 1; } catch (Exception e) { result = LuaObject.error(l, e); } return(result); }
public void OnSourceCreated(Source source) { if (_CurrentTelegram != null && !_CurrentTelegram.GetComponent <TelegramController>().IsDragging) { _CurrentTelegram.GetComponent <TelegramController>().DestroyTelegram(); } GameObject telegramGO = GameObject.Instantiate(_TelegramPrefab) as GameObject; _CurrentTelegram = telegramGO; TelegramController telegram = telegramGO.GetComponent <TelegramController>(); telegram.Source = source; telegram.transform.parent = transform; telegram.transform.localPosition =; telegram.transform.localScale =; TickerSound.Play(); }
IEnumerator DestroyGameObject() { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(DestroyTime)); if (destroyAudio != null) { UIPlaySound us = gameObject.AddComponent <UIPlaySound>(); us.audioClip = destroyAudio; us.Play(); } if (isSetHide) { gameObject.SetActive(false); } else { Destroy(gameObject); } }
public void OnMoneyChanged(int money) { CashSound.Play(); MoneyLabel.text = string.Format("{0}", money); }
void Update() { switch (gameState) { case GameState.Starting: //ok if (countDownTimeLeft <= 0) { CountDownSound.audioClip = CountDownSource; CountDownSound.Play(); gameState = GameState.Playing; playState = PlayState.NewRandom; } else if (Mathf.FloorToInt(countDownTimeLeft) < countDownTimeLeftTmp) { CountDownLabelPlayTween.resetOnPlay = true; if (countDownTimeLeftTmp < 3) { CountDownSound.Play(); } CountDownLabel.text = countDownTimeLeftTmp.ToString(); CountDownLabelPlayTween.Play(true); countDownTimeLeftTmp--; } countDownTimeLeft -= Time.deltaTime; break; case GameState.Playing: //ok PlayComboCountLabel.text = combo.ToString(); switch (playState) { case PlayState.NewRandom: //ok randomQuestion = Random.Range(0, dataCount); computerPlay = NewComputerPlay(randomQuestion); playerPlay = -1; QuestionLabel.key = data[randomQuestion][0]; timeLeft = SetTimeLeft(combo); PlayUI.SetActive(true); playState = PlayState.Going; break; case PlayState.Going: //ok TimeLeftCountDownLabel.text = timeLeft.ToString("0.0"); timeLeft -= Time.deltaTime; if (playerPlay != -1) { isPlayed = true; PlayUI.SetActive(false); playState = PlayState.PlayingAnimation; animationState = AnimationState.MoveForward; } if (timeLeft <= 0.0f) { PlayUI.SetActive(false); TimeLeftCountDownLabel.text = "0.0"; DefeatSprite.spriteName = "TimesUp"; gameState = GameState.EndAnimation; } break; case PlayState.PlayingAnimation: switch (animationState) { case AnimationState.MoveForward: if (isPlayed) { isPlayed = false; if (AwinB(playerPlay, computerPlay)) { ResultLocalize.key = "Win"; } else if (AwinB(computerPlay, playerPlay)) { ResultLocalize.key = "Lose"; } else { ResultLocalize.key = "Draw"; } ResultLabel.gameObject.SetActive(true); player[playerPlay].Play(true); computer[computerPlay].Play(true); } if (!player[playerPlay].GetComponent <TweenPosition>().enabled) { stopTime = 1.0f; animationState = AnimationState.Stop; } break; case AnimationState.Stop: stopTime -= Time.deltaTime; if (stopTime <= 0.0f) { isPlayed = true; animationState = AnimationState.MoveBack; } break; case AnimationState.MoveBack: if (isPlayed) { isPlayed = false; player[playerPlay].Play(false); computer[computerPlay].Play(false); } if (!player[playerPlay].GetComponent <TweenPosition>().enabled) { ResultLabel.gameObject.SetActive(false); playState = PlayState.Judgment; } break; } break; case PlayState.Judgment: //ok if (AwinB(playerPlay, computerPlay)) //player win { combo++; playState = PlayState.NewRandom; } else if (AwinB(computerPlay, playerPlay)) //computer win { DefeatSprite.spriteName = "Defeat"; gameState = GameState.EndAnimation; } else { playState = PlayState.NewRandom; } break; } break; case GameState.EndAnimation: switch (endAnimationState) { case EndAnimationState.MoveDown: DefeatSpriteTweenPosition.from = new Vector3(0, 511, 0); = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); DefeatSpritePlayTween.Play(true); if (!DefeatSpriteTweenPosition.enabled) { stopTime = 1.0f; endAnimationState = EndAnimationState.Stop; } break; case EndAnimationState.Stop: if (stopTime > 0) { stopTime -= Time.deltaTime; } else { DefeatSpriteTweenPosition.gameObject.SetActive(false); testNetwork.ReTestConnection(); gameState = GameState.Ending; } break; } break; case GameState.Ending: PlayUI.SetActive(false); EndUI.SetActive(true); EndComboCountLabel.text = combo.ToString(); if (testNetwork.isConnect) { if (!testNetwork.isReConnect) { Warning.SetActive(false); } } else { Warning.SetActive(true); testNetwork.ReTestConnection(); } break; } }
private void CheckKeys() { //just quit when escape is hit. if (Input.GetKeyDown("escape")) { Application.Quit(); } //move the slider up one element if (Input.GetKeyDown("up") || Input.GetKeyDown("w")) { slideSound.Play(); verticalScrollBar.value = verticalScrollBar.value - 0.5f; } //move the slider down one element if (Input.GetKeyDown("down") || Input.GetKeyDown("s")) { //If the next one down is quit play the slide onto quit sound if (verticalScrollBar.value == 0.5f) { quitSlideSound.Play(); } else { slideSound.Play(); } verticalScrollBar.value = verticalScrollBar.value + 0.5f; } //they hit enter while START was selected, begin mission select if (Input.GetKeyDown("return") && verticalScrollBar.value == 0.0f) { selectSound.Play(); while (selectSound.IsInvoking()) { //do nothing } //then load level MissionSelect(); } //they hit enter while FACTION was selected, begin race/faction select if (Input.GetKeyDown("return") && verticalScrollBar.value == 0.5f) { selectSound.Play(); while (selectSound.IsInvoking()) { //do nothing } //then load level RaceFactionSelect(); } //they hit enter while QUIT was selected, quit the application if (Input.GetKeyDown("return") && verticalScrollBar.value == 1.0f) { selectSound.Play(); while (selectSound.IsInvoking()) { //do nothing } Application.Quit(); } }