public override void OnEnter(Uzu.PanelEnterContext context) { Main.AudioController.PlayEffect("crowd"); Main.AudioController.PlayBgm(AudioClipIds.BGM_MENU_LOOP); gameObject.SetActive(true); Main.GameCamera.gameObject.SetActive(false); Main.Instance._tvCamera.gameObject.SetActive(true); _MNM_logo.SetActive(true); _current_mode = UIPanelTVMode.Idle; Main.Instance._tvCamera.transform.position = _zoomexit_start.transform.position; _camera_fade.set_alpha(0); _camera_fade.set_target_alpha(0); _chats.clear_messages(); if (Main._current_repeat_reason == RepeatReason.None) { if (Main._current_level == GameLevel.Level1) { _chats.push_message("Welcome back to Monday Night Monsters!",1); _chats.push_message("And do we have a SPOOKY good show for you tonight.",2); _chats.push_message("The hometown favorites, the Blues, face off...",1); _chats.push_message("..against their division rival, the Reds!",1); _chats.push_message("I'm so excited, my BONES are SHAKING!",2); _chats.push_message("So for all you first time viewers, let's talk controls.",1); _chats.push_message("You directly control the blue ball carrier with your mouse.",1); _chats.push_message("With the ball, click and hold to throw a pass.",1); _chats.push_message("If you miss, try not to get RATTLED!",2); _chats.push_message("Hold space to call a timeout.",1); _chats.push_message("When in timeout, click and drag a teammate to give them commands.",1); _chats.push_message("You're like a modern day Napolean BONE-apart!",2); _chats.push_message("Kickoff's just about to get underway.",1); _chats.push_message("Can the Blues score in the first quarter?",1); _chats.push_message("They've got five minutes on the clock.",1); _chats.push_message("Let's see if they got the GUTS to win, cuz' I sure don't!",2); } else if (Main._current_level == GameLevel.Level2) { _chats.push_message("It's a close fought game, and we're nearing halftime.",1); _chats.push_message("And we're all tied up, with three minutes left.",1); _chats.push_message("Better hold on, because this game was BONE to be WILD!",2); _chats.push_message("Can either team score before the half?",1); _chats.push_message("The players are lining back up on the field.",1); _chats.push_message("Time for the Blue team to show a little BACK BONE!",2); _chats.push_message("Can they step up to the occasion? I'm DYING to find out!",2); } else if (Main._current_level == GameLevel.Level3) { _chats.push_message("Who would have guessed? It's down to the final two minutes...",1); _chats.push_message("And both teams are in a dead heat.",1); _chats.push_message("You've gotta be pulling my leg...OFF!",2); _chats.push_message("Can the hometown favorites pull through?",1); _chats.push_message("If not, I think it's COFFINS for them!",2); _chats.push_message("The Blues just need to score one more to claim the lead.",1); _chats.push_message("What kind of formation will they go with the game on the line?",1); _chats.push_message("Hmm...are they gonna try the SHORT RIB or the FULL RACK?",2); } else { _chats.push_message("I can't believe it! The Blues pulled through...",1); _chats.push_message("...and won in BREATHTAKING fashon!",2); _chats.push_message("It didn't take Sherlock Bones to see that one coming!",2); _chats.push_message("So that's it for today, tune next week for more Monday Night Monsters!",1); _chats.push_message("And coming up next...",1); _chats.push_message("The hit TV Emmy award-winning daytime drama, All My Monsters.",1); _chats.push_message("Only on the Monster Network, where YOU are the Monster!",2); _chats.push_message("Thanks for playing!",1); } } else { if (Main._current_repeat_reason == RepeatReason.ScoredOn) { _chats.push_message("What a shock! The Reds broke away and scored!",1); _chats.push_message("Could this be the turning point of the game?",1); _chats.push_message("The Blue team sure made some BONEHEADED mistakes!",2); _chats.push_message("Like all scoring plays, this one's under review.",1); _chats.push_message("Let's watch a replay to figure out exactly what just happened.",1); } else { _chats.push_message("How dissapointing! Neither team was able to score!",1); _chats.push_message("Could this be the turning point of the game?",1); _chats.push_message("The Blue team sure made some BONEHEADED mistakes!",2); _chats.push_message("Let's watch a replay to figure out exactly what just happened.",1); } } }
private void Update() { if (_current_mode == UIPanelTVMode.Idle) { if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Space) || (_chats._messages.Count == 0 && _chats._text_scroll.finished() && _chats._ct <= 0)) { _current_mode = UIPanelTVMode.ZoomExit; _anim_t = 0; _camera_fade.set_target_alpha(1); } _skele_talk_left.set_enabled(false); _skele_talk_right.set_enabled(false); if (!_chats._text_scroll.finished()) { if (_chats._current_id == 1) { _skele_talk_left.set_enabled(true); } else if (_chats._current_id == 2) { _skele_talk_right.set_enabled(true); } if (_time_until_next_talk_sound <= 0) { _time_until_next_talk_sound = 0.25f; if (_chats._current_id == 1) { Main.AudioController.PlayEffect("speak_0_" + ((int)Util.rand_range(0, 6))); } else { Main.AudioController.PlayEffect("speak_1_" + ((int)Util.rand_range(0, 6))); } } else { _time_until_next_talk_sound -= Time.deltaTime; } } } else if (_current_mode == UIPanelTVMode.ZoomExit) { _anim_t += Util.dt_scale * 0.05f; Main.Instance._tvCamera.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(_zoomexit_start.transform.position, _zoomexit_target.transform.position, _anim_t); if (_anim_t >= 1) { if (Main._current_level == GameLevel.Level1) { Main.PanelManager.ChangeCurrentPanel(PanelIds.Game); Main.LevelController.CurrentDifficulty = Difficulty.Easy; Main.LevelController.StartLevel(LevelController.StartMode.Sequence); } else if (Main._current_level == GameLevel.Level2) { Main.PanelManager.ChangeCurrentPanel(PanelIds.Game); Main.LevelController.CurrentDifficulty = Difficulty.Normal; Main.LevelController.StartLevel(LevelController.StartMode.Sequence); } else if (Main._current_level == GameLevel.Level3) { Main.PanelManager.ChangeCurrentPanel(PanelIds.Game); Main.LevelController.CurrentDifficulty = Difficulty.Hard; Main.LevelController.StartLevel(LevelController.StartMode.Sequence); } else { Main._current_level = GameLevel.Level1; Main.PanelManager.ChangeCurrentPanel(PanelIds.Title); } } } }
private void Update() { if (_current_mode == UIPanelTVMode.Idle) { if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Space) || (_chats._messages.Count == 0 && _chats._text_scroll.finished() && _chats._ct <= 0)) { _current_mode = UIPanelTVMode.ZoomExit; _anim_t = 0; _camera_fade.set_target_alpha(1); } _skele_talk_left.set_enabled(false); _skele_talk_right.set_enabled(false); if (!_chats._text_scroll.finished()) { if (_chats._current_id == 1) { _skele_talk_left.set_enabled(true); } else if (_chats._current_id == 2) { _skele_talk_right.set_enabled(true); } if (_time_until_next_talk_sound <= 0) { _time_until_next_talk_sound = 0.25f; if (_chats._current_id == 1) { Main.AudioController.PlayEffect("speak_0_"+((int)Util.rand_range(0,6))); } else { Main.AudioController.PlayEffect("speak_1_"+((int)Util.rand_range(0,6))); } } else { _time_until_next_talk_sound -= Time.deltaTime; } } } else if (_current_mode == UIPanelTVMode.ZoomExit) { _anim_t += Util.dt_scale * 0.05f; Main.Instance._tvCamera.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(_zoomexit_start.transform.position,_zoomexit_target.transform.position,_anim_t); if (_anim_t >= 1) { if (Main._current_level == GameLevel.Level1) { Main.PanelManager.ChangeCurrentPanel(PanelIds.Game); Main.LevelController.CurrentDifficulty = Difficulty.Easy; Main.LevelController.StartLevel(LevelController.StartMode.Sequence); } else if (Main._current_level == GameLevel.Level2) { Main.PanelManager.ChangeCurrentPanel(PanelIds.Game); Main.LevelController.CurrentDifficulty = Difficulty.Normal; Main.LevelController.StartLevel(LevelController.StartMode.Sequence); } else if (Main._current_level == GameLevel.Level3) { Main.PanelManager.ChangeCurrentPanel(PanelIds.Game); Main.LevelController.CurrentDifficulty = Difficulty.Hard; Main.LevelController.StartLevel(LevelController.StartMode.Sequence); } else { Main._current_level = GameLevel.Level1; Main.PanelManager.ChangeCurrentPanel(PanelIds.Title); } } } }