예제 #1
 public UIEODLobby(UIEOD eod, int numPlayers)
     this.EOD        = eod;
     this.NumPlayers = numPlayers;
     this.PlayerUI   = new List <UIEODLobbyPlayer>();
예제 #2
        public void SetInEOD(EODLiveModeOpt options, UIEOD eod)
            bool eodPresent = (options != null);
            bool inEOD      = eodPresent && !HideEOD;

            if (ActiveEOD != null)

            LastEODConfig             = options;
            ActiveEOD                 = eod;
            EODHelpButton.Visible     = inEOD;
            EODCloseButton.Visible    = inEOD;
            EODExpandButton.Visible   = false; //todo
            EODContractButton.Visible = false;
            EODButton.Visible         = eodPresent;

            bool tall = inEOD && options.Height == EODHeight.Tall;

            EODPanel.Visible     = inEOD && !tall;
            EODPanelTall.Visible = inEOD && tall;

            EODButtonLayoutNone.Visible     = inEOD && !tall && options.Buttons == 0;
            EODButtonLayoutNoneTall.Visible = inEOD && tall && options.Buttons == 0;
            EODButtonLayoutOne.Visible      = inEOD && !tall && options.Buttons == 1;
            EODButtonLayoutOneTall.Visible  = inEOD && tall && options.Buttons == 1;
            EODButtonLayoutTwo.Visible      = inEOD && !tall && options.Buttons == 2;
            EODButtonLayoutTwoTall.Visible  = inEOD && tall && options.Buttons == 2;

            EODSubFullLength.Visible       = inEOD && !tall && options.Length == EODLength.Full;
            EODSubFullLengthTall.Visible   = inEOD && tall && options.Length == EODLength.Full;
            EODSubMediumLength.Visible     = inEOD && !tall && options.Length == EODLength.Medium;
            EODSubMediumLengthTall.Visible = inEOD && tall && options.Length == EODLength.Medium;
            EODSubShortLength.Visible      = inEOD && !tall && options.Length == EODLength.Short;
            EODSubShortLengthTall.Visible  = inEOD && tall && options.Length == EODLength.Short;

            EODMsgWinLong.Visible  = inEOD && options.Tips == EODTextTips.Long;
            EODMsgWinShort.Visible = inEOD && options.Tips == EODTextTips.Short;
            EODTimer.Visible       = inEOD && options.Timer == EODs.EODTimer.Normal;

            MsgWinTextEntry.Visible = inEOD && options.Tips != EODTextTips.None;
            TimerTextEntry.Visible  = inEOD && options.Timer != EODs.EODTimer.None;

            MoodPanelButton.Position = (eodPresent) ? new Vector2(20, 7) : new Vector2(31, 63);
            if (EODImage.Texture != null)
            EODImage.Texture = null;

            if (inEOD)
                ActiveEOD.Position = new Vector2(120, 0);

            if (eodPresent)
                Vector2 TopXOffset    = new Vector2();
                Vector2 MoodButtonOff = new Vector2();
                var     offHeight     = options.Height;
                if (HideEOD)
                    offHeight = EODHeight.Normal;
                switch (offHeight)
                case EODHeight.Normal:
                    TopXOffset    = (Vector2)Script.GetControlProperty("EODActiveOffset");
                    MoodButtonOff = TopXOffset;

                case EODHeight.Tall:
                    TopXOffset    = (Vector2)Script.GetControlProperty("EODActiveOffset");
                    MoodButtonOff = (Vector2)Script.GetControlProperty("EODActiveOffsetTall");
                MoodPanelButton.Position += MoodButtonOff;
                EODCloseButton.Position   = EODCloseBase + TopXOffset;
                EODHelpButton.Position    = EODHelpBase + MoodButtonOff;

                EODButton.Position = (Vector2)Script.GetControlProperty("EODButtonPosition") + MoodButtonOff;

                var ava = SelectedAvatar;
                if (ava != null)
                    var blockInfo = ava.Thread.BlockingState;
                    if (blockInfo is VMEODPluginThreadState)
                        var eodInfo = (VMEODPluginThreadState)blockInfo;
                        var entity  = LotController.vm.GetObjectById(eodInfo.ObjectID);
                        if (entity is VMGameObject)
                            var objects = entity.MultitileGroup.Objects;
                            ObjectComponent[] objComps = new ObjectComponent[objects.Count];
                            for (int i = 0; i < objects.Count; i++)
                                objComps[i] = (ObjectComponent)objects[i].WorldUI;
                            var thumb = LotController.World.GetObjectThumb(objComps, entity.MultitileGroup.GetBasePositions(), GameFacade.GraphicsDevice);

                            EODImage.Texture = thumb;
                if (EODImage.Texture != null)
                    var imgScale = 22f / Math.Max(EODImage.Texture.Width, EODImage.Texture.Height);
                    EODImage.SetSize(EODImage.Texture.Width * imgScale, EODImage.Texture.Height * imgScale);

                    EODImage.Position = EODButton.Position + new Vector2((EODButton.Texture.Width / 4 - EODImage.Width) / 2, (EODButton.Texture.Height - EODImage.Height) / 2);

            this.Y = (inEOD && options.Height == EODHeight.Tall) ? 41: 61;

            Divider.Visible            = !inEOD;
            MotiveDisplay.Visible      = !inEOD;
            PersonGrid.Visible         = !inEOD;
            MotivesLabel.Visible       = !inEOD;
            PeopleListBg.Visible       = !inEOD;
            PreviousPageButton.Visible = !inEOD;
            NextPageButton.Visible     = !inEOD;
            Background.Visible         = !inEOD;

            PersonGrid.Columns = (eodPresent || (GlobalSettings.Default.GraphicsWidth < 1024)) ?4:9;
            PeopleListBg.Texture = (eodPresent && PeopleListEODBackgroundImg != null) ? PeopleListEODBackgroundImg : PeopleListBackgroundImg;
            PeopleListBg.SetSize(PeopleListBg.Texture.Width, PeopleListBg.Texture.Height);

            var small800 = (GlobalSettings.Default.GraphicsWidth < 1024) || FSOEnvironment.UIZoomFactor > 1f;

            NextPageButton.Position = (eodPresent && !small800) ? (Vector2)Script.GetControlProperty("NextPageEODButton") : DefaultNextPagePos;
            Background.Texture      = (eodPresent) ? BackgroundEODImg : DefaultBGImage;
            Background.SetSize(Background.Texture.Width, Background.Texture.Height);

예제 #3
        public void SetInEOD(EODLiveModeOpt options, UIEOD eod)
            Invalidate(); //i mean, duh
            bool eodPresent = (options != null);
            bool inEOD      = eodPresent && !HideEOD;

            if (ActiveEOD != null)

            LastEODConfig = options;
            ActiveEOD     = eod;

             * Useful values

            bool isTall       = inEOD && (options.Height == EODHeight.Tall || options.Height == EODHeight.TallTall);
            bool isDoubleTall = inEOD && options.Height == EODHeight.TallTall;

             * Reset / hide standard and eod UI
            MoodPanelButton.Position = (eodPresent) ? EODLayout.Baseline + new Vector2(20, 7) : new Vector2(31, 63);
            EODButtonLayout.Visible  = inEOD;
            EODSub.Visible           = inEOD;
            EODMsgWin.Visible        = inEOD && options.Tips != EODTextTips.None;

            EODHelpButton.Visible     = inEOD;
            EODCloseButton.Visible    = inEOD;
            EODExpandButton.Visible   = inEOD && options.Expandable && !options.Expanded;
            EODContractButton.Visible = inEOD && options.Expandable && options.Expanded;
            EODExpandBack.Visible     = inEOD && options.Expandable;
            EODButton.Visible         = eodPresent;

            EODTopSub.Visible          = inEOD && options.Expandable && options.Expanded;
            EODTopButtonLayout.Visible = inEOD && options.Expandable && options.Expanded;

            EODPanel.Visible           = inEOD && !isTall;
            EODPanelTall.Visible       = inEOD && isTall;
            EODDoublePanelTall.Visible = inEOD && isDoubleTall && options.Expanded;

            EODTimer.Visible        = inEOD && options.Timer == EODs.EODTimer.Normal;
            MsgWinTextEntry.Visible = inEOD && options.Tips != EODTextTips.None;
            TimerTextEntry.Visible  = inEOD && options.Timer != EODs.EODTimer.None;

            if (EODImage.Texture != null)
            EODImage.Texture = null;

            //EOD Button
            EODButton.Selected = inEOD;
            EODButton.Position = EODLayout.EODButtonPosition;

             * Attach new EOD UI
            if (inEOD)

             * Position / style EOD specific UI
            if (eodPresent)

                var buttons      = new string[] { "None", "One", "Two" };
                var buttonLayout = buttons[options.Buttons];
                Script.ApplyControlProperties(EODButtonLayout, "EODButtonLayout" + buttonLayout + EODLayout.GetHeightSuffix(options.Height, true));
                Script.ApplyControlProperties(EODSub, "EODSub" + options.Length + "Length" + EODLayout.GetHeightSuffix(options.Height, true));

                if (options.Tips != EODTextTips.None)
                    Script.ApplyControlProperties(EODMsgWin, "EODMsgWin" + options.Tips.ToString());

                var topLeft = EODLayout.GetTopLeft(options.Height);

                //EOD position
                ActiveEOD.Position = topLeft + (Vector2)Script.GetControlProperty("EODPosition");

                //Close button
                EODCloseButton.Position = EODLayout.GetChromePosition("EODCloseButton", options.Height);

                //Help button
                EODHelpButton.Position = EODLayout.HelpButtonPosition;

                var chromeOffset = EODLayout.GetChromeOffset(options.Height);
                EODButtonLayout.Position += chromeOffset;
                EODSub.Position          += chromeOffset;

                EODMsgWin.Position       = EODLayout.GetMessageWindowPosition(options.Height, options.Tips, options.Expanded);
                MsgWinTextEntry.Position = EODLayout.GetMessageWindowTextPosition(options.Height, options.Expanded);

                EODTimer.Position       = EODLayout.GetTimerPosition(options.Height);
                TimerTextEntry.Position = EODLayout.GetTimerTextPosition(options.Height);

                //Expand / contract
                EODExpandButton.Position   = EODLayout.GetExpandButtonPosition(options.Height);
                EODContractButton.Position = EODLayout.GetContractButtonPosition(options.Height);
                EODExpandBack.Position     = EODLayout.GetExpandBackPosition(options.Height);

                EODPanel.Position           = EODLayout.GetPanelPosition(EODHeight.Normal);
                EODPanelTall.Position       = EODLayout.GetPanelPosition(EODHeight.Tall);
                EODDoublePanelTall.Position = EODLayout.GetPanelPosition(EODHeight.TallTall);

                Size       = new Vector2(Background.Size.X, ((options.Height == EODHeight.TallTall && options.Expanded)? (EODDoublePanelTall.Size.Y + (EODDoublePanelTall.Y - EODMsgWin.Y)) :EODPanelTall.Size.Y) - (int)EODMsgWin.Position.Y);
                BackOffset = new Point(0, -(int)EODMsgWin.Position.Y);

                //Double tall panel chrome
                if (options.Height == EODHeight.TallTall)
                    //BackOffset = new Point(0, -(int)EODDoublePanelTall.Y);

                    var topButtonLayout = buttons[options.TopPanelButtons];
                    Script.ApplyControlProperties(EODTopButtonLayout, "EODButtonLayout" + topButtonLayout + EODLayout.GetHeightSuffix(EODHeight.Tall));
                    Script.ApplyControlProperties(EODTopSub, "EODSub" + options.Length + "Length" + EODLayout.GetHeightSuffix(EODHeight.Tall));

                    EODTopButtonLayout.Position -= new Vector2(0, 155);
                    EODTopSub.Position          -= new Vector2(0, 155);

                var ava = SelectedAvatar;
                if (ava != null)
                    var eodConnection = ava.Thread.EODConnection;
                    if (eodConnection != null)
                        var entity = LotController.vm.GetObjectById(eodConnection.ObjectID);
                        if (entity is VMGameObject)
                            var objects = entity.MultitileGroup.Objects;
                            ObjectComponent[] objComps = new ObjectComponent[objects.Count];
                            for (int i = 0; i < objects.Count; i++)
                                objComps[i] = (ObjectComponent)objects[i].WorldUI;
                            var thumb = LotController.World.GetObjectThumb(objComps, entity.MultitileGroup.GetBasePositions(), GameFacade.GraphicsDevice);

                            EODImage.Texture = thumb;
                if (EODImage.Texture != null)
                    var imgScale = 22f / Math.Max(EODImage.Texture.Width, EODImage.Texture.Height);
                    EODImage.SetSize(EODImage.Texture.Width * imgScale, EODImage.Texture.Height * imgScale);

                    EODImage.Position = EODButton.Position + new Vector2((EODButton.Texture.Width / 4 - EODImage.Width) / 2, (EODButton.Texture.Height - EODImage.Height) / 2);
                Size = new Vector2(DefaultBGImage.Width, EODPanelTall.Size.Y);

            //this.Y = (inEOD && options.Height == EODHeight.Tall) ? 41: 61;

            Divider.Visible            = !inEOD;
            MotiveDisplay.Visible      = !inEOD;
            PersonGrid.Visible         = !inEOD;
            MotivesLabel.Visible       = !inEOD;
            PeopleListBg.Visible       = !inEOD;
            PreviousPageButton.Visible = !inEOD;
            NextPageButton.Visible     = !inEOD;
            Background.Visible         = !inEOD;

            PersonGrid.Columns = (eodPresent || Small800) ?4:9;
            PeopleListBg.Texture = (eodPresent && PeopleListEODBackgroundImg != null) ? PeopleListEODBackgroundImg : PeopleListBackgroundImg;
            PeopleListBg.SetSize(PeopleListBg.Texture.Width, PeopleListBg.Texture.Height);

            NextPageButton.Position = (eodPresent && !Small800) ? (Vector2)Script.GetControlProperty("NextPageEODButton") : DefaultNextPagePos;
            Background.Texture      = (eodPresent) ? BackgroundEODImg : DefaultBGImage;
            Background.SetSize(Background.Texture.Width, Background.Texture.Height);

            Common.Utils.GameThread.NextUpdate(x =>
예제 #4
        public void SetInEOD(EODLiveModeOpt options, UIEOD eod)
            Invalidate(); //i mean, duh
            bool eodPresent = (options != null);
            bool inEOD      = eodPresent && !HideEOD;

            if (ActiveEOD != null)

            LastEODConfig = options;
            ActiveEOD     = eod;

             * Useful values

            bool isTall       = inEOD && (options.Height == EODHeight.Tall || options.Height == EODHeight.TallTall);
            bool isDoubleTall = inEOD && options.Height == EODHeight.TallTall;
            bool isTrade      = inEOD && options.Height == EODHeight.Trade;

             * Reset / hide standard and eod UI
            MoodPanelButton.Position = (eodPresent) ? EODLayout.Baseline + new Vector2(20, 7) : new Vector2(31, 63);
            EODButtonLayout.Visible  = inEOD;
            EODSub.Visible           = inEOD;
            EODMsgWin.Visible        = inEOD && options.Tips != EODTextTips.None;

            EODHelpButton.Visible     = inEOD;
            EODCloseButton.Visible    = inEOD;
            EODExpandButton.Visible   = inEOD && options.Expandable && !options.Expanded;
            EODContractButton.Visible = inEOD && options.Expandable && options.Expanded;
            EODExpandBack.Visible     = inEOD && options.Expandable;
            EODButton.Visible         = eodPresent;

            EODTopSub.Visible          = inEOD && options.Expandable && options.Expanded;
            EODTopButtonLayout.Visible = inEOD && options.Expandable && options.Expanded;

            EODPanel.Visible           = inEOD && !isTall && !isTrade;
            EODPanelTall.Visible       = inEOD && isTall;
            EODDoublePanelTall.Visible = inEOD && isDoubleTall && options.Expanded;

            EODTimer.Visible        = inEOD && options.Timer == EODs.EODTimer.Normal;
            MsgWinTextEntry.Visible = inEOD && options.Tips != EODTextTips.None;
            TimerTextEntry.Visible  = inEOD && options.Timer != EODs.EODTimer.None;

            if (EODImage.Texture != null)
            EODImage.Texture = null;

            //EOD Button
            EODButton.Selected = inEOD;
            EODButton.Position = EODLayout.EODButtonPosition;

             * Attach new EOD UI
            if (inEOD)

             * Position / style EOD specific UI
            if (eodPresent)

                var buttons      = new string[] { "None", "One", "Two", "Three" }; // three doesn't work, but at least for now it won't be out of bounds array
                var buttonLayout = buttons[options.Buttons];
                Script.ApplyControlProperties(EODButtonLayout, "EODButtonLayout" + buttonLayout + EODLayout.GetHeightSuffix(options.Height, true));
                Script.ApplyControlProperties(EODSub, "EODSub" + options.Length + "Length" + EODLayout.GetHeightSuffix(options.Height, true));
                if (options.Length == EODLength.None)
                    EODSub.Visible = false;
                EODButtonLayout.Visible = EODSub.Visible;

                if (options.Tips != EODTextTips.None)
                    Script.ApplyControlProperties(EODMsgWin, "EODMsgWin" + options.Tips.ToString());

                var topLeft = EODLayout.GetTopLeft(options.Height);

                //EOD position
                ActiveEOD.Position = topLeft + (Vector2)Script.GetControlProperty(isTrade?"EODTradePosition":"EODPosition");

                //Close button
                EODCloseButton.Position = EODLayout.GetChromePosition("EODCloseButton", options.Height);

                //Help button
                EODHelpButton.Position = EODLayout.HelpButtonPosition;

                if (isTrade && !Small800)
                    //place the close/help button at 1024x768 position
                    EODCloseButton.X += 224;
                    EODHelpButton.X  += 224;

                var chromeOffset = EODLayout.GetChromeOffset(options.Height);
                EODButtonLayout.Position += chromeOffset;
                EODSub.Position          += chromeOffset;

                EODMsgWin.Position = EODLayout.GetMessageWindowPosition(options.Height, options.Tips, options.Expanded);
                MsgWinTextEntry.Position = EODLayout.GetMessageWindowTextPosition(options.Height, options.Expanded);

                EODTimer.Position = EODLayout.GetTimerPosition(options.Height, options.Expanded);
                EODTimer.Texture        = GetTexture(0x0000011300000002); // regular .\uigraphics\ucp\livepanel\eod_timerback.tga, changed for TallTall below
                TimerTextEntry.Position = EODLayout.GetTimerTextPosition(options.Height, options.Expanded);

                //Expand / contract
                EODExpandButton.Position   = EODLayout.GetExpandButtonPosition(options.Height);
                EODContractButton.Position = EODLayout.GetContractButtonPosition(options.Height);
                EODExpandBack.Position     = EODLayout.GetExpandBackPosition(options.Height);

                EODPanel.Position = EODLayout.GetPanelPosition(EODHeight.Normal);
                EODPanelTall.Position = EODLayout.GetPanelPosition(EODHeight.Tall);
                EODDoublePanelTall.Position = EODLayout.GetPanelPosition(EODHeight.TallTall);

                if (isTrade)
                    Size = new Vector2(BackgroundEODTradeImg.Width, BackgroundEODTradeImg.Height);
                    Size = new Vector2(Background.Size.X, ((options.Height == EODHeight.TallTall && options.Expanded) ? (EODDoublePanelTall.Size.Y + (EODDoublePanelTall.Y - EODMsgWin.Y)) : EODPanelTall.Size.Y) - (int)EODMsgWin.Position.Y);
                BackOffset = new Point(isTrade?22:0, -(int)EODMsgWin.Position.Y);

                //Double tall panel chrome
                if (options.Height == EODHeight.TallTall)
                    //BackOffset = new Point(0, -(int)EODDoublePanelTall.Y);

                    var topButtonLayout = buttons[options.TopPanelButtons];
                    Script.ApplyControlProperties(EODTopButtonLayout, "EODButtonLayout" + topButtonLayout + EODLayout.GetHeightSuffix(EODHeight.Tall));
                    Script.ApplyControlProperties(EODTopSub, "EODSub" + options.Length + "Length" + EODLayout.GetHeightSuffix(EODHeight.Tall));

                    EODTopButtonLayout.Position -= new Vector2(0, 155);
                    EODTopSub.Position          -= new Vector2(0, 155);

                    if (EODTimer.Visible == true && options.Expanded) // needs to be eod_timerback_straight.tga for TallTall
                        EODTimer.Texture = GetTexture(0x000001BF00000002);

                var ava = SelectedAvatar;
                if (ava != null)
                    var eodConnection = ava.Thread.EODConnection;
                    if (eodConnection != null)
                        var entity = LotController.vm.GetObjectById(eodConnection.ObjectID);
                        if (entity is VMGameObject)
                            var objects = entity.MultitileGroup.Objects;
                            ObjectComponent[] objComps = new ObjectComponent[objects.Count];
                            for (int i = 0; i < objects.Count; i++)
                                objComps[i] = (ObjectComponent)objects[i].WorldUI;
                            var thumb = LotController.World.GetObjectThumb(objComps, entity.MultitileGroup.GetBasePositions(), GameFacade.GraphicsDevice);

                            EODImage.Texture = thumb;
                if (EODImage.Texture != null)
                    var imgScale = 22f / Math.Max(EODImage.Texture.Width, EODImage.Texture.Height);
                    EODImage.SetSize(EODImage.Texture.Width * imgScale, EODImage.Texture.Height * imgScale);

                    EODImage.Position = EODButton.Position + new Vector2((EODButton.Texture.Width / 4 - EODImage.Width) / 2, (EODButton.Texture.Height - EODImage.Height) / 2);
                BackOffset = new Point(0, 0);
                Size       = new Vector2(DefaultBGImage.Width, EODPanelTall.Size.Y);

            //this.Y = (inEOD && options.Height == EODHeight.Tall) ? 41: 61;

            Divider.Visible            = !inEOD;
            MotiveDisplay.Visible      = !inEOD;
            PersonGrid.Visible         = !inEOD;
            MotivesLabel.Visible       = !inEOD;
            PeopleListBg.Visible       = !inEOD;
            PreviousPageButton.Visible = !inEOD;
            NextPageButton.Visible     = !inEOD;
            Background.Visible         = !inEOD || isTrade;

            PersonGrid.Columns = (eodPresent || Small800) ?4:9;
            PeopleListBg.Texture = (eodPresent && PeopleListEODBackgroundImg != null) ? PeopleListEODBackgroundImg : PeopleListBackgroundImg;
            PeopleListBg.SetSize(PeopleListBg.Texture.Width, PeopleListBg.Texture.Height);

            NextPageButton.Position = (eodPresent && !Small800) ? (Vector2)Script.GetControlProperty("NextPageEODButton") : DefaultNextPagePos;
            Background.Texture      = (eodPresent) ? (isTrade? BackgroundEODTradeImg : BackgroundEODImg) : DefaultBGImage;
            Background.Position     = (isTrade) ? new Vector2(-22, -79) : new Vector2(0, 35);
            Background.SetSize(Background.Texture.Width, Background.Texture.Height);

            var changeJobY = StatusBarMsgWinStraight.Y != (inEOD ? -18 : 2);
            var changeJobX = StatusBarMsgWinStraight.X != (eodPresent ? 159 : 383);

            if (Small800)
                changeJobX = false;
            if (changeJobX || changeJobY)
                //there don't seem to be any UIScript cues for this.
                var offset = new Vector2(Small800 ? 0 : (800 - 1024), -20);
                if (!changeJobX)
                    offset.X = 0;
                if (!changeJobY)
                    offset.Y = 0;
                if (!inEOD)
                    offset.Y *= -1;
                if (!eodPresent)
                    offset.X *= -1;
                StatusBarMsgWinStraight.Position  += offset;
                StatusBarMsgWinTextEntry.Position += offset;
                StatusBarTimerBreakIcon.Position  += offset;
                StatusBarTimerWorkIcon.Position   += offset;
                StatusBarTimerStraight.Position   += offset;
                StatusBarTimerTextEntry.Position  += offset;

            Common.Utils.GameThread.NextUpdate(x =>
예제 #5
 public UIEODLobby(UIEOD eod, int numPlayers)
     EOD        = eod;
     NumPlayers = numPlayers;
     PlayerUI   = new List <UIEODLobbyPlayer>();