void Awake() { m_transform = transform; gameObject.SetActive(false); ClimbTowerUILogicManager.Instance.Initialize(this); m_rewardList = m_transform.FindChild("RightBox/RewardList"); m_towerList = m_transform.FindChild("TowerList"); m_report = m_transform.FindChild("report").gameObject; m_reportList = m_transform.FindChild("report/BattleReportList"); m_rewardTitle = m_transform.FindChild("report/img/lblTitle").GetComponentsInChildren<UILabel>(true)[0]; m_highHistory = m_transform.FindChild("RightBox/historyHigh").GetComponentsInChildren<UILabel>(true)[0]; //m_currentLevel = m_transform.FindChild("RightBox/TriPager/lblCurrentLevel").GetComponentsInChildren<UILabel>(true)[0]; m_leftChallengeCount = m_transform.FindChild("LeftBox/lblContainer/lblChallengeCount").GetComponentsInChildren<UILabel>(true)[0]; m_lblGuide = m_transform.FindChild("LeftBox/lblContainer/lblGuide").GetComponentsInChildren<UILabel>(true)[0]; m_leftVIPSweepCount = m_transform.FindChild("LeftBox/lblContainer/lblVIPSweepCount").GetComponentsInChildren<UILabel>(true)[0]; m_closeAnchor = m_transform.FindChild("closeAnchor").GetComponentsInChildren<UIAnchor>(true)[0]; m_buttonVIP = m_transform.FindChild("RightBox/btnTowerVIP").GetComponentsInChildren<MogoTwoStatusButton>(true)[0]; m_buttonNormal = m_transform.FindChild("RightBox/btnTowerNormal").GetComponentsInChildren<MogoTwoStatusButton>(true)[0]; AddButtonListener("onClicked", "RightBox/btnEnter", ClimbTowerUILogicManager.Instance.OnEnterMap); AddButtonListener("onClicked", "LeftBox/btnTowerCharge", ClimbTowerUILogicManager.Instance.Charge); AddButtonListener("onClicked", "RightBox/btnTowerNormal", ClimbTowerUILogicManager.Instance.NormalSweep); AddButtonListener("onClicked", "RightBox/btnTowerVIP", ClimbTowerUILogicManager.Instance.VIPSweep); AddButtonListener("onClicked", "closeAnchor/btnClose", Close); AddButtonListener("onClicked", "report/img/btnClose", closeReport); if (MogoUIManager.Instance.WaitingWidgetName == "btnEnter") { TimerHeap.AddTimer(100, 0, () => { EventDispatcher.TriggerEvent("WaitingWidgetFinished"); }); } //m_towerList.GetComponent<MogoListImproved>().SetGridLayout<TowerUnit>(7, m_towerList.transform, TowerLoaded); }
public void SetAnchorY(float offY) { UIAnchor uia = this.GetComponent <UIAnchor>(); if (uia != null) { uia.relativeOffset = new Vector2(uia.relativeOffset.x, offY); } }
public void SetAnchorX(float offX) { UIAnchor uia = this.GetComponent <UIAnchor>(); if (uia != null) { uia.relativeOffset = new Vector2(offX, uia.relativeOffset.y); } }
public void MoveControlOffset(float offX, float offY) { //Moves a control by the specified distance on the gui UIAnchor uia = this.GetComponent <UIAnchor>(); if (uia != null) { uia.relativeOffset = uia.relativeOffset + new Vector2(offX, offY); } }
protected override void DoAwake() { Transform rootAnchorTransform = transform.FindChild("Anchor"); if (rootAnchorTransform) { rootAnchor = rootAnchorTransform.GetComponent <UIAnchor>(); } }
/// <summary> /// 加载某个界面 by吴江 /// </summary> /// <param name="_name"></param> /// <param name="_needOpen">加载以后是否需要打开</param> /// <returns></returns> public GUIBase GenGUI(string _name, bool _needOpen, SubGUIType _subType = SubGUIType.NONE, GUIType _baseOn = GUIType.NONE, System.Action <GUIBase> _callback = null) { if (uiDictionary.ContainsKey(_name) && uiDictionary[_name] != null) { if (_callback != null) { _callback(uiDictionary[_name]); } return(_needOpen ? uiDictionary[_name].OpenUI() : uiDictionary[_name].CloseUI()); } Object obj = exResources.GetResource(ResourceType.GUI, _name); if (obj == null) { Debug.LogError("找不到名为:" + _name + "的UI预制"); return(null); } GameObject gui = Instantiate(obj) as GameObject; gui.transform.parent = uIRoot.transform; gui.transform.localScale = Vector3.one; gui.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero; gui.name = obj.name; obj = null; UIAnchor anchor = gui.GetComponent <UIAnchor>(); gui.SetActive(false); if (anchor != null) { anchor.uiCamera = GameCenter.cameraMng.uiCamera; } GUIBase guibase = gui.GetComponent <GUIBase>(); if (guibase != null) { uiDictionary[_name] = guibase; if (_subType != SubGUIType.NONE) { guibase.InitSubGUIType = _subType; } if (_needOpen) { guibase.OpenUI(_baseOn); } if (_callback != null) { _callback(guibase); } return(guibase); } else { Debug.LogError("在" + _name + " UI预制上找不到 GUIBase 组件!"); } return(null); }
public static UIGenericValueWatcher Get(UIAnchor anchor, float timer, Func <string> del) { var valueWatcher = ItemPool.SpawnUIPrefab <UIGenericValueWatcher>(UnityDirs.UI + "UIGenericValueWatcher", anchor.Get().transform); valueWatcher._timer.StartNewTime(timer); valueWatcher._checkTimer = timer > 0; valueWatcher._updateDel = del; anchor.SetAnchorPosition(valueWatcher._rectTr); return(valueWatcher); }
void Start() { float fRadio = (standard_width / standard_height) / ((float)Screen.width / (float)Screen.height); UIAnchor anchor = gameObject.GetComponent <UIAnchor>(); if (anchor != null) { anchor.relativeOffset.y = anchor.relativeOffset.y / fRadio; } }
public virtual GameObject AddContent(UIAnchor anchor, GameObject prefab) { var content = NGUITools.AddChild(anchor.gameObject, prefab); if (anchor == GetAnchor(anchor.side)) { CorrectOffsets(anchor); } return(content); }
public void AddContentText( GameObject prefab, UIPivot pivot, UIAnchor anchor, Vector2 offset, string text) { this.AddContentText(prefab, pivot, anchor, offset); this.SetContentText(text, this._contentText.Count - 1); }
public virtual void Start() { anchor = this.GetComponent <UIAnchor>(); stretch = this.GetComponent <UIStretch>(); CursorPosition = new Rect( 0.0f, 0.0f, cursorSizeX, cursorSizeY); }
public override void Init() { base.Init(); this.PanelTransform = this.transform.Find("AnchorLeft/BuffPanel"); this.BuffNode = this.transform.Find("AnchorLeft/BuffPanel/Buff"); this.PassiveNode = this.transform.Find("AnchorRight/BuffPanel/Passive"); this.tAlpha = this.transform.GetComponent <TweenAlpha>(); this.Anchor = this.transform.FindChild("AnchorLeft").GetComponent <UIAnchor>(); this.m_BuffItem = ResourceManager.LoadPath <GameObject>("Prefab/UI/Skill/BuffItem", null, 0); }
// 時間の表示 void TimeUI() { Text = timeLabel.GetComponent("UILabel") as UILabel; Text.pivot = UIWidget.Pivot.Left; Offset = timeLabel.GetComponent("UIAnchor") as UIAnchor; Offset.side = UIAnchor.Side.Top; Offset.pixelOffset = new Vector2(-50, -40); Text.text = "Time : " + (int)Rule.GameTime; }
public void Init(UIAnchor pos, Note.NoteColor newColor, float width, GameObject gameObj) { Start(); color = newColor; anchor.relativeOffset.x = pos.relativeOffset.x; anchor.relativeOffset.y = pos.relativeOffset.y; SetColor(); SetWidth(width); }
UIAnchor CreatSpriteAndParentToNGUIPanel(string carName) { GameObject g = (GameObject.Instantiate(nameLabelPrefab) as GameObject); g.transform.parent = GameObject.Find(uiRootName).transform; g.transform.localScale = Vector3.one; g.GetComponentInChildren <UILabel>().text = carName; UIAnchor anchor = g.GetComponentInChildren <UIAnchor>(); return(anchor); }
// スコアの表示 void ScoreUI() { Text = scoreLabel.GetComponent("UILabel") as UILabel; Text.pivot = UIWidget.Pivot.Left; Offset = scoreLabel.GetComponent("UIAnchor") as UIAnchor; Offset.side = UIAnchor.Side.TopLeft; Offset.pixelOffset = new Vector2(10, -40); int score = Rule.GetScore(); Text.text = string.Format("Score : {0:D4}", score); }
void ClearUI() { var clearLabel = NGUITools.AddChild(Parent, labelPrefab); clearLabel.transform.localScale = new Vector2(60f, 60f); Text = clearLabel.GetComponent("UILabel") as UILabel; Text.pivot = UIWidget.Pivot.Center; Offset = timeLabel.GetComponent("UIAnchor") as UIAnchor; Offset.side = UIAnchor.Side.Top; Text.text = "Clear!!"; }
internal static void AnchorToScreen(UIAnchor anchor, int x, int y, out int out_x, out int out_y) { int sw = Screen.width; int sh = Screen.height - 35; switch (anchor) { // Upper case UIAnchor.UpperLeft: y = sh - y; goto default; case UIAnchor.UpperCenter: x = (sw / 2) + x; y = sh - y; goto default; case UIAnchor.UpperRight: x = sw - x; y = sh - y; goto default; // Middle case UIAnchor.MiddleLeft: y = (sh / 2) - y; goto default; case UIAnchor.MiddleCenter: x = (sw / 2) + x; y = (sh / 2) - y; goto default; case UIAnchor.MiddleRight: x = sw - x; y = (sh / 2) - y; goto default; // Lower case UIAnchor.LowerCenter: x = (sw / 2) + x; goto default; case UIAnchor.LowerRight: x = sw - x; goto default; // End case UIAnchor.LowerLeft: default: out_x = x; out_y = y; break; } }
private UIWin getUI(WinID ID) { UIWin UI = null; try { if (ID == WinID.Max) { return(null); } UI = UIInstances[(int)ID]; if (UI == null) { //there is none can use, then add a new one UnityEngine.Object prefab = Resources.Load(string.Format("UI/{0}", ID)); if (prefab == null) { Debug.LogWarning(string.Format("UI/{0} is not exist!", ID)); return(null); } else { GameObject go = (GameObject)Instantiate(prefab); go.name = prefab.name; UI = go.GetComponent <UIWin>(); if (!UI) { Debug.LogError(string.Format("UI:{0} has not UIWin component!", ID)); return(null); } Transform trans = go.transform; trans.parent = transform; trans.localScale = Vector3.one; trans.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, (float)UI.eLayer); UIInstances[(int)ID] = UI; UI.ID = ID; //init anchor UIAnchor anchor = UI.GetComponent <UIAnchor>(); if (anchor) { anchor.runOnlyOnce = true; anchor.uiCamera = UICamera.currentCamera; } go.SetActive(false); } } return(UI); } catch (System.Exception ex) { Debug.LogException(ex); return(null); } }
static private bool SetAnchorCameraCallback(Transform tr, object args) { Camera cam = args as Camera; UIAnchor anchor = tr.GetComponent <UIAnchor> (); if (anchor != null) { anchor.uiCamera = cam; } return(false); }
static public int get_container(IntPtr l) { try { UIAnchor self = (UIAnchor)checkSelf(l); pushValue(l, true); pushValue(l, self.container); return(2); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } }
static public int get_pixelOffset(IntPtr l) { try { UIAnchor self = (UIAnchor)checkSelf(l); pushValue(l, true); pushValue(l, self.pixelOffset); return(2); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } }
protected void Init(GameObject root, UIAnchor.Side side) { this.root = root; if (root.GetComponent <UIAnchor>() != null) { throw new Exception("UXAnchor must not have a UIAnchor added already"); } UIAnchor uIAnchor = root.AddComponent <UIAnchor>(); uIAnchor.side = side; this.uxCamera.AddNewAnchor(root); }
protected override void Start() { if (map == null) { return; } mAnchor = GetComponent <UIAnchor>(); base.Start(); UpdateAlignment(); }
public override UILabel AddLabel(UIAnchor anchor, GameObject prefab) { if (anchor == head) { var label = anchor.GetComponentInChildren <UILabel>(); if (label != null) { return(label); } } return(base.AddLabel(anchor, prefab)); }
public void Fill(Component com, MyJson.IJsonNode json) { UIAnchor t = com as UIAnchor; var jsono = json as MyJson.JsonNode_Object; t.uiCamera = GameObjParser.IDToComponent <Camera>(jsono["uiCamera"] as MyJson.JsonNode_ValueNumber); t.container = GameObjParser.IDToObj(jsono["container"] as MyJson.JsonNode_ValueNumber); t.side = (UIAnchor.Side)Enum.Parse(typeof(UIAnchor.Side), jsono["side"] as MyJson.JsonNode_ValueString); t.runOnlyOnce = jsono["runOnlyOnce"] as MyJson.JsonNode_ValueNumber; t.relativeOffset = ComponentTypeConvert.StringToVector2(jsono["relativeOffset"] as MyJson.JsonNode_ValueString); t.pixelOffset = ComponentTypeConvert.StringToVector2(jsono["pixelOffset"] as MyJson.JsonNode_ValueString); }
static public int get_side(IntPtr l) { try { UIAnchor self = (UIAnchor)checkSelf(l); pushValue(l, true); pushEnum(l, (int)self.side); return(2); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { MainGame.topLayerCamera = this; if (root == null) { UIAnchor myAnchor = GetComponentInChildren <UIAnchor>(); if (myAnchor != null) { root = myAnchor.transform; } } }
void Awake() { if (NGUI2DRootPanel.IsHHDScreen) { UIAnchor anchor = GetComponent <UIAnchor>(); if (null != anchor) { anchor.pixelOffset = new Vector2(-200f, -300f); anchor.enabled = true; } } }
static public int get_runOnlyOnce(IntPtr l) { try { UIAnchor self = (UIAnchor)checkSelf(l); pushValue(l, true); pushValue(l, self.runOnlyOnce); return(2); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } }
public static void TT() { if (((Mod_OnGUI_Player)GameState.s_playerCharacter).showGameObjectBrowser == false) { if (((Mod_OnGUI_Player)GameState.s_playerCharacter).inspecting == null) { ((Mod_OnGUI_Player)GameState.s_playerCharacter).inspecting = UICustomizer.UiCamera.transform; } if (GameBrowserBackground == null) { UIMultiSpriteImageButton portraitLast = null; foreach (UIMultiSpriteImageButton btn in UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType <UIMultiSpriteImageButton>()) { if (btn.ToString() == "PartyPortrait(Clone) (UIMultiSpriteImageButton)" && portraitLast == null) { portraitLast = btn; } } GameBrowserBackground = NGUITools.AddWidget <UITexture>(portraitLast.transform.parent.parent.gameObject); GameBrowserBackground.mainTexture = new Texture2D(500, 500); GameBrowserBackground.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1100f, 600f, 1f); // those values are for 1920*1080... //GameBrowserBackground.transform.localScale = new Vector3 (1600f, 800f, 1f); // those values are for 1280*1024 // rescaler if (Screen.width != 1920) { float addwidth = (1920 - Screen.width) * 0.78f; float addheight = (1080 - Screen.height) * 0.55f; GameBrowserBackground.transform.localScale += new Vector3(addwidth, addheight, 0f); } BoxCollider boxColl = NGUITools.AddWidgetCollider(GameBrowserBackground.gameObject); // adding a box collider, it's required for the UINoClick component boxColl.gameObject.AddComponent <UINoClick>(); // this prevents clicks from going through the U-frame UIAnchor ank = GameBrowserBackground.gameObject.AddComponent <UIAnchor>(); ank.side = UIAnchor.Side.Center; } else { GameBrowserBackground.gameObject.SetActive(true); } ((Mod_OnGUI_Player)GameState.s_playerCharacter).showGameObjectBrowser = true; // temporarily turned off } else { GameBrowserBackground.gameObject.SetActive(false); ((Mod_OnGUI_Player)GameState.s_playerCharacter).showGameObjectBrowser = false; } }
/// <summary> /// 设置 UI 组件锚点 /// </summary> /// <param name="rectTransform">UI 组件</param> /// <param name="x">X 轴锚点</param> /// <param name="y">Y 轴锚点</param> public static void SetUIAnchor(RectTransform rectTransform, UIAnchor x, UIAnchor y) { float x1 = 0.5f, x2 = 0.5f, y1 = 0.5f, y2 = 0.5f; switch (x) { case UIAnchor.Left: x1 = 0; x2 = 0; break; case UIAnchor.Center: x1 = 0.5f; x2 = 0.5f; break; case UIAnchor.Right: x1 = 1; x2 = 1; break; case UIAnchor.Stretch: x1 = 0; x2 = 1; break; } switch (y) { case UIAnchor.Top: y1 = 1; y2 = 1; break; case UIAnchor.Center: y1 = 0.5f; y2 = 0.5f; break; case UIAnchor.Bottom: y1 = 0; y2 = 0; break; case UIAnchor.Stretch: y1 = 0; y2 = 1; break; } rectTransform.anchorMin = new Vector2(x1, y1); rectTransform.anchorMax = new Vector2(x2, y2); }
void Start () { if(maxOffset <=0) maxOffset = 80; joyAnchor = joyStick.GetComponent<UIAnchor>(); screenSize =new Vector2(Screen.width, Screen.height); originalOffset = joyAnchor.relativeOffset; if(hasDynamic) joyStick.SetActiveRecursively(false); else { joyStick.SetActiveRecursively(true); joyCenter = new Vector2(joyAnchor.relativeOffset.x * Screen.width, joyAnchor.relativeOffset.y * Screen.height); } }
private GameObject CreateButton(GameObject prefab, string name, UIAnchor anchor, UIPivot pivot, Vector2 offset, out ButtonInfo buttonInfo) { buttonInfo = null; if(prefab == null) return null; GameObject instance = UITools.InstantiateGUIObject<ButtonInfo>( prefab, content.transform, name, pivot, anchor.min, anchor.max, offset ); if(instance == null) return null; buttonInfo = instance.GetComponent<ButtonInfo>(); Button button = instance.GetComponent<Button>(); if(button == null) { Debug.Log("Button prefab is missing Button component!"); return null; } if(buttonInfo == null) { Debug.Log("Button prefab is missing ButtonInfo component!"); return null; } return instance; }
private Target(string name, bool automatic, int manualSize, UIAnchor.Side side) { this.automatic = automatic; this.manualSize = manualSize; this.name = name; this.side = side; this._root = null; this._anchor = null; }
public override void UpdateAlignment() { base.UpdateAlignment(); if (this.mAnchor == null) { this.mAnchor = base.GetComponent<UIAnchor>(); } if (this.mAnchor != null) { this.mAnchor.side = (UIAnchor.Side)this.pivot; } if (base.iconRoot != null) { base.iconRoot.localPosition = new Vector3(this.rendererTransform.localPosition.x, this.rendererTransform.localPosition.y, 1f); } if (this.overlay != null && NJGMap.instance.atlas != null) { UISpriteData sprite = NJGMap.instance.atlas.GetSprite(this.overlay.spriteName); if (sprite != null) { Vector4 border = this.overlay.border; this.overlay.width = (int)this.mapScale.x + (int)(border.x + border.z + (float)this.overlayBorderOffset); this.overlay.height = (int)this.mapScale.y + (int)(border.y + border.w + (float)this.overlayBorderOffset); } } }
public static Vector3 WorldOrigin(Camera camera, UIAnchor.Side side, RectOffset offset, bool halfPixel) { Vector3 vector3 = new Vector3(); UIAnchor.Flags flag; vector3.z = 0f; Rect rect = offset.Add(camera.pixelRect); float single = rect.xMin; float single1 = rect.xMax; float single2 = rect.yMin; float single3 = rect.yMax; UIAnchor.Side side1 = side; float single4 = single; float single5 = single1; float single6 = single2; float single7 = single3; if (camera.isOrthoGraphic) { flag = (!halfPixel ? UIAnchor.Flags.CameraIsOrthographic : UIAnchor.Flags.CameraIsOrthographic | UIAnchor.Flags.HalfPixelOffset); } else if (!halfPixel) { flag = (UIAnchor.Flags)0; } else { flag = UIAnchor.Flags.HalfPixelOffset; } UIAnchor.ScreenOrigin(side1, single4, single5, single6, single7, flag, out vector3.x, out vector3.y); return camera.ScreenToWorldPoint(vector3); }
public static void ScreenOrigin(UIAnchor.Side side, float xMin, float xMax, float yMin, float yMax, float relativeOffsetX, float relativeOffsetY, out float x, out float y) { float single; float single1; UIAnchor.ScreenOrigin(side, xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, out single, out single1); x = single + relativeOffsetX * (xMax - xMin); y = single1 + relativeOffsetY * (yMax - yMin); }
/// <summary> /// Adds an anchor to an object and set it's initial local position /// </summary> public static UIAnchor AddAnchor(GameObject gameObj, UIAnchor.Side side) { UIAnchor anchor = gameObj.AddComponent<UIAnchor>(); anchor.side = side; return anchor; }
public void AddContentText(GameObject prefab, UIPivot pivot, UIAnchor anchor, Vector2 offset, string text) { AddContentText(prefab, pivot, anchor, offset); SetContentText(text, _contentText.Count - 1); }
public void AddContentText(GameObject prefab, UIPivot pivot, UIAnchor anchor, Vector2 offset) { Text text = null; CreateText(prefab, ref text, "Content Text", pivot, anchor, offset); _contentText.Add(text); }
protected override void AwakeImpl() { base.AwakeImpl(); m_ViewSpriteTr = transform.FindChild("ListBaseSprite"); m_ViewScale = m_ViewSpriteTr.localScale; m_TopLeft = transform.FindChild("ListBaseSprite/TopLeft"); m_BottomRight = transform.FindChild("ListBaseSprite/BottomRight"); //m_DragCamera = transform.FindChild("ListBaseSprite").GetComponent<UIDragCamera>(); NvGameUIManager mgr = Singlton.getInstance("NvGameUIManager") as NvGameUIManager; m_UICamera = mgr.GameUICamera; m_ListPrefab = Resources.Load("UI Prefabs/Prefabs/Controls/UIListView") as GameObject; m_ListView = GameObject.Instantiate( m_ListPrefab ) as GameObject; //rename list view m_ListView.name = listName; Transform listviewCamera = m_ListView.transform.FindChild("UIListViewCamera"); //Transform listviewCamera = m_ListView.transform.FindChild("UIListViewCamera" ); //m_ListViewCamera = listviewCamera.GetComponent<UIDraggableCamera>(); //rename list view draggable camera //m_ListViewCamera.name = listName + "Camera"; //set draggable camera to drag camera //m_DragCamera.draggableCamera = m_ListViewCamera; m_ListViewViewport = listviewCamera.GetComponent<UIViewport>(); //set viewport camera m_ListViewViewport.sourceCamera = m_UICamera; m_ListViewLink = m_ListView.transform.FindChild("Link"); m_ListViewLink.localScale = Utility.GetScreenRatio(); Transform listOffset = m_ListView.transform.FindChild("Link/Anchor/ListOffset"); listOffset.transform.localPosition = new Vector3 ( dragCameraDistance, dragCameraDistance, listOffset.transform.localPosition.z ); m_ListViewTable = listOffset.GetComponent<UITable>(); m_listViewAnchor = m_ListView.transform.FindChild("Link/Anchor").GetComponent<UIAnchor>(); //m_DragPanel = m_ListView.transform.FindChild("Link/Anchor/ListOffset").GetComponent<UIDraggablePanel>(); //set ui layer camera to list view anchor m_listViewAnchor.uiCamera = m_UICamera; //set slider bar if ( horizontalScrollBar != null ) { m_horizontalScrollBar = horizontalScrollBar.GetComponent<UIScrollBar>(); //m_DragPanel.scale = new Vector3( 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ); //m_DragPanel.horizontalScrollBar = m_horizontalScrollBar; } if ( verticalScrollBar != null ) { m_verticalScrollBar = verticalScrollBar.GetComponent<UIScrollBar>(); //m_DragPanel.scale = new Vector3( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f ); //m_DragPanel.verticalScrollBar = m_verticalScrollBar; } }
/// <summary> /// Find all needed components. /// </summary> void Awake() { mAnchor = GetComponent<UIAnchor>(); }
public Target(string name, UIAnchor.Side side) : this(name, true, 1000, side) { }
private void CreateNotes() { if (noteIndex < notes.Count) { if (notes[noteIndex].startTotal < timeLapsed + timeOffset) { pos = spawnPositions[notes[noteIndex].pitchPosition]; color = notes[noteIndex].color; noteWidth = notes[noteIndex].noteDuration * lengthRatio; switch(notes[noteIndex].color) { case Note.NoteColor.Blue: case Note.NoteColor.Yellow: case Note.NoteColor.Green: case Note.NoteColor.Red: { GameObject newNote = (GameObject)Instantiate(singlePrefab); newNote.transform.parent = noteParent.transform; newNote.transform.localScale = Vector3.one; newNote.name = notesSpawned.ToString() + ": Note (" + notes[noteIndex].color.ToString() + ")"; rNote = newNote.GetComponent<RhythmNote>(); rNote.Init(pos, color, noteWidth, gameObject); notesSpawned++; break; } default: { GameObject newNote = (GameObject)Instantiate(doublePrefab); newNote.transform.parent = noteParent.transform; newNote.transform.localScale = Vector3.one; newNote.name = notesSpawned.ToString() + ": Note (" + notes[noteIndex].color.ToString() + ")"; rNote = newNote.GetComponent<RhythmNote>(); rNote.Init(pos, color, noteWidth, gameObject); notesSpawned++; break; } } noteIndex++; } } }
public void AddContentImage(GameObject prefab, UIPivot pivot, UIAnchor anchor, Vector2 offset) { CreateImage(prefab, "Image", pivot, anchor, offset); }
void Start() { if (!anchor) { anchor = gameObject.GetComponent<UIAnchor>(); } if (bar1 && !barStretch1) { barStretch1 = bar1.gameObject.GetComponent<UIStretch>(); } if (bar2 && !barStretch2) { barStretch2 = bar2.gameObject.GetComponent<UIStretch>(); } }
public void AddContentImage(GameObject prefab, UIPivot pivot, UIAnchor anchor, Vector2 offset, string text) { AddContentImage(prefab, pivot, anchor, offset); }
void Start() { cursorPos = cursor.GetComponent<UIAnchor> (); keys = System.Enum.GetNames(typeof(KeyCode)).Length; }
public void CreateButton(GameObject prefab, UIPivot pivot, UIAnchor anchor, Vector2 offset, string buttonText, UnityAction confirmCallback, UnityAction cancelCallback, bool setDefault) { if(prefab == null) return; ButtonInfo buttonInfo; GameObject instance = CreateButton(prefab, "Button", anchor, pivot, offset, out buttonInfo); if(instance == null) return; Button button = instance.GetComponent<Button>(); if(confirmCallback != null) button.onClick.AddListener(confirmCallback); // Create a UI cancel event for this button CustomButton customButton = button as CustomButton; if(cancelCallback != null && customButton != null) customButton.CancelEvent += cancelCallback; if(buttonInfo.text != null) buttonInfo.text.text = buttonText; if(setDefault) _defaultUIElement = instance; }
public static void ScreenOrigin(UIAnchor.Side side, float xMin, float xMax, float yMin, float yMax, UIAnchor.Flags flags, out float x, out float y) { float single; float single1; float single2; float single3; switch ((byte)(flags & (!UIAnchor.Info.isWindows ? UIAnchor.Flags.CameraIsOrthographic : UIAnchor.Flags.CameraIsOrthographic | UIAnchor.Flags.HalfPixelOffset))) { case 1: { UIAnchor.ScreenOrigin(side, xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, out single, out single1); x = Mathf.Round(single); y = Mathf.Round(single1); break; } case 2: { UIAnchor.ScreenOrigin(side, xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, out x, out y); break; } case 3: { UIAnchor.ScreenOrigin(side, xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, out single2, out single3); x = Mathf.Round(single2) - 0.5f; y = Mathf.Round(single3) + 0.5f; break; } default: { goto case 2; } } }
// Private Methods private void CreateText(GameObject prefab, ref Text textComponent, string name, UIPivot pivot, UIAnchor anchor, Vector2 offset) { if(prefab == null || content == null) return; if(textComponent != null) { Debug.LogError("Window already has " + name + "!"); return; } GameObject instance = UITools.InstantiateGUIObject<Text>( prefab, content.transform, name, pivot, anchor.min, anchor.max, offset ); if(instance == null) return; textComponent = instance.GetComponent<Text>(); }
public static void ScreenOrigin(UIAnchor.Side side, float xMin, float xMax, float yMin, float yMax, out float x, out float y) { switch (side) { case UIAnchor.Side.BottomLeft: { x = xMin; y = yMin; break; } case UIAnchor.Side.Left: { x = xMin; y = (yMin + yMax) / 2f; break; } case UIAnchor.Side.TopLeft: { x = xMin; y = yMax; break; } case UIAnchor.Side.Top: { x = (xMin + xMax) / 2f; y = yMax; break; } case UIAnchor.Side.TopRight: { x = xMax; y = yMax; break; } case UIAnchor.Side.Right: { x = xMax; y = (yMin + yMax) / 2f; break; } case UIAnchor.Side.BottomRight: { x = xMax; y = yMin; break; } case UIAnchor.Side.Bottom: { x = (xMin + xMax) / 2f; y = yMin; break; } case UIAnchor.Side.Center: { x = (xMin + xMax) / 2f; y = (yMin + yMax) / 2f; break; } default: { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } } }
private void CreateImage(GameObject prefab, string name, UIPivot pivot, UIAnchor anchor, Vector2 offset) { if(prefab == null || content == null) return; UITools.InstantiateGUIObject<Image>( prefab, content.transform, name, pivot, anchor.min, anchor.max, offset ); }
protected override void Start() { if (this.map == null) { return; } this.mAnchor = base.GetComponent<UIAnchor>(); base.Start(); this.UpdateAlignment(); }
public Target(string name, int manualSize, UIAnchor.Side side) : this(name, false, manualSize, side) { }