예제 #1
        private void Run()
            // A helper class to take care of platform and endpoint setup and
            // cleanup. This has been abstracted from this sample to focus on
            // Call Control.
            _helper = new UCMASampleHelper();

            // Create a user endpoint, using the network credential object
            // defined above.
            UserEndpoint callerEndpoint = _helper.CreateEstablishedUserEndpoint(
                "Caller" /*endpointFriendlyName*/);

            // Create a second user endpoint, using the network credential object
            // defined above.
            UserEndpoint calleeEndpoint = _helper.CreateEstablishedUserEndpoint(
                "Callee" /*endpointFriendlyName*/);

            // Here, we are accepting an Instant Messaging call only. If the
            // incoming call is not an Instant Messaging call (for example, an
            // AudioVideo call or a custom Call, then it will not get raised to
            // the application. UCMA 3.0 handles this silently by having the call
            // types register for various modalities (as part of the extensibility
            // framework). The appropriate action (here, accepting the call) will
            // be handled in the handler assigned to the method call below.
            calleeEndpoint.RegisterForIncomingCall <InstantMessagingCall>(On_InstantMessagingCall_Received);

            // Setup the call and conversation objects for the initial call (IM)
            // and place the call (synchronously).
            _conversation = new Conversation(callerEndpoint);
            InstantMessagingCall instantMessagingCall = new InstantMessagingCall(_conversation);

            // Add registration for the AudioVideo modality, before placing the
            // second call. This could have been done at any time before placing
            // the audio video call. This handler could choose to accept, deflect
            // or drop this portion of the call entirely.
            calleeEndpoint.RegisterForIncomingCall <AudioVideoCall>(On_AudioVideoCall_Received);

            // Place the call to the remote party, without specifying any custom
            // options.
            instantMessagingCall.BeginEstablish(calleeEndpoint.OwnerUri, new ToastMessage("Sample Toast Message"),
                                                null, CallEstablishCompleted, instantMessagingCall);

            // Force synchronization to ensure that the both AVCall and IMCall
            // are now complete.

            UCMASampleHelper.PauseBeforeContinuing("Press ENTER to shutdown and exit.");

            //And shutdown (synchronously).
            Console.WriteLine("Shutting down the sample...");
        //Launches an instant message. Text of the message depends on the parameter value.
        public void UcmaIM(Int32 choice)
            helper       = new UCMASampleHelper();
            userEndpoint = helper.CreateEstablishedUserEndpoint("SampleUser");
            Console.WriteLine("endpoint owned by " + userEndpoint.OwnerUri + " is established/registered");

            ConversationSettings conversationSettings = new ConversationSettings();

            conversationSettings.Subject = conversationSubject;
            Conversation conversation = new Conversation(userEndpoint, conversationSettings);

            ImCall = new InstantMessagingCall(conversation);
            ImCall.InstantMessagingFlowConfigurationRequested += new EventHandler <InstantMessagingFlowConfigurationRequestedEventArgs>(ImCall_InstantMessagingFlowConfigurationRequested);

            Int32 helloChoice   = 1;
            Int32 goodbyeChoice = 2;

            if (choice == helloChoice)
                messageText = "hello";
            else if (choice == goodbyeChoice)
                messageText = "goodbye";
                messageText = "press 1 or press 2";

            string targetURI = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UserURI1"];

            ImCall.BeginEstablish(targetURI, null, CallEstablishCompleted, null);
예제 #3
        private void Run()
            // A helper class to take care of platform and endpoint setup and
            // cleanup. This has been abstracted from this sample to focus on
            // Call Control.
            _helper = new UCMASampleHelper();

            // Create a user endpoint, using the network credential object
            // defined above.
            _userEndpoint = _helper.CreateEstablishedUserEndpoint("DeclineCall Sample User" /*endpointFriendlyName*/);

            // Here, we are Declining an Instant Messaging call only. If the
            // incoming call is not an Instant Messaging call (for example, an
            // AudioVideo call, or a custom (Foo) Call, then it will not get
            // raised to the application. UCMA 3.0 handles this silently by
            // having the call types register for various modalities (as part of
            // the extensibility framework). The appropriate action (here,
            // declining the call) will be handled in the handler assigned to the
            // method call below.
            _userEndpoint.RegisterForIncomingCall <InstantMessagingCall>(On_InstantMessagingCall_Received);

            // Wait for the call to complete Decline, then shutdown the platform.
            Console.WriteLine("Waiting for incoming call...");

            UCMASampleHelper.PauseBeforeContinuing("Press ENTER to shutdown and exit.");

            // Shut down the sample.
예제 #4
        public void Run()
            // Initialize and register the endpoint, using the credentials of the user the application will be acting as.
            _helper       = new UCMASampleHelper();
            _userEndpoint = _helper.CreateEstablishedUserEndpoint("B2BCall Sample User" /*endpointFriendlyName*/);
            _userEndpoint.RegisterForIncomingCall <AudioVideoCall>(inboundAVCall_CallReceived);

            // Conversation settings for the outbound call (to the agent).
            ConversationSettings outConvSettings = new ConversationSettings();

            outConvSettings.Priority = _conversationPriority;
            outConvSettings.Subject  = _outConversationSubject;

            // Create the Conversation instance between UCMA and the agent.
            _outboundConversation = new Conversation(_userEndpoint, outConvSettings);

            // Create the outbound call between UCMA and the agent.
            _outboundAVCall = new AudioVideoCall(_outboundConversation);

            // Register for notification of the StateChanged event on the outbound call.
            _outboundAVCall.StateChanged += new EventHandler <CallStateChangedEventArgs>(outboundAVCall_StateChanged);

            // Prompt for called party - the agent.
            _calledParty = UCMASampleHelper.PromptUser("Enter the URI of the called party, in sip:User@Host form or tel:+1XXXYYYZZZZ form => ", "RemoteUserURI1");

            _outboundCallLeg = new BackToBackCallSettings(_outboundAVCall, _calledParty);

            // Pause the main thread until both calls, the BackToBackCall, both conversations,
            // and the platform are shut down.

            // Pause the console to allow for easier viewing of logs.
            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to end the sample.");
        public void Run()
            // Create and establish the endpoint, using the credentials of the user the application will be acting as.
            _helper       = new UCMASampleHelper();
            _userEndpoint = _helper.CreateEstablishedUserEndpoint("VoiceXML Sample User" /*endpointFriendlyName*/);
            _userEndpoint.RegisterForIncomingCall <AudioVideoCall>(inboundAVCall_CallReceived);

            // Pause the main thread until a call is received and then accepted.

            Uri startPageURI = new Uri(startPageURL);

            Console.WriteLine("Browser state: " + _voiceXmlBrowser.State.ToString());
            _voiceXmlBrowser.RunAsync(startPageURI, null);

            _collabPlatform = _conversation.Endpoint.Platform;
            // Terminate the call.
            _audioVideoCall.BeginTerminate(CallTerminateCB, _audioVideoCall);


            // Pause the console to allow the user to view logs.
            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to end the sample.");
예제 #6
        public void Run()
            // A helper class to take care of platform and endpoint setup and cleanup.
            _helper = new UCMASampleHelper();

            // Create a user endpoint using the network credential object.
            _userEndpoint = _helper.CreateEstablishedUserEndpoint("Broadcast User");

            // Register a delegate to be called when an incoming audio-video call arrives.
            _userEndpoint.RegisterForIncomingCall <AudioVideoCall>(AudioVideoCall_Received);

            // Wait for the incoming call to be accepted.
            Console.WriteLine("Waiting for incoming call...");

            // Create a speech recognition connector and attach an AudioVideoFlow to it.
            SpeechRecognitionConnector speechRecognitionConnector = new SpeechRecognitionConnector();


            // Start the speech recognition connector.
            SpeechRecognitionStream stream = speechRecognitionConnector.Start();

            // Create a speech recognition engine.
            SpeechRecognitionEngine speechRecognitionEngine = new SpeechRecognitionEngine();

            speechRecognitionEngine.SpeechRecognized += new EventHandler <SpeechRecognizedEventArgs>(SpeechRecognitionEngine_SpeechRecognized);

            //Add a grammar.
            string[] recoString = { "buy", "sell", "Fabrikam", "Contoso", "maximum", "minimum", "one", "ten", "twenty", "send" };
            Choices  choices    = new Choices(recoString);

            speechRecognitionEngine.LoadGrammar(new Grammar(new GrammarBuilder(choices)));

            //Attach to audio stream to the SR engine.
            SpeechAudioFormatInfo speechAudioFormatInfo = new SpeechAudioFormatInfo(8000, AudioBitsPerSample.Sixteen, Microsoft.Speech.AudioFormat.AudioChannel.Mono);

            speechRecognitionEngine.SetInputToAudioStream(stream, speechAudioFormatInfo);
            Console.WriteLine("\r\nGrammar loaded, say send to send IM.");

            //Prepare the SR engine to perform multiple asynchronous recognitions.

            //Pause the main thread until recognition completes.
            Console.WriteLine("connector stopped");

            // Detach the flow from the speech recognition connector, to prevent the flow from being kept in memory.

            // Terminate the call, the conversation, and then unregister the
            // endpoint from receiving an incoming call.
            _audioVideoCall.BeginTerminate(CallTerminateCB, _audioVideoCall);

            // Shut down the platform.
예제 #7
        public void Run()
            //Initialize and register the endpoint, using the credentials of the user the application will be acting as.
            _helper       = new UCMASampleHelper();
            _userEndpoint = _helper.CreateEstablishedUserEndpoint("AVCall Sample User" /*endpointFriendlyName*/);

            //Set up the conversation and place the call.
            ConversationSettings convSettings = new ConversationSettings();

            convSettings.Priority = _conversationPriority;
            convSettings.Subject  = _conversationSubject;

            //Conversation represents a collection of modalities in the context of a dialog with one or multiple callees.
            Conversation conversation = new Conversation(_userEndpoint, convSettings);

            _audioVideoCall = new AudioVideoCall(conversation);

            //Call: StateChanged: Only hooked up for logging.
            _audioVideoCall.StateChanged += new EventHandler <CallStateChangedEventArgs>(audioVideoCall_StateChanged);

            //Subscribe for the flow configuration requested event; the flow will be used to send the media.
            //Ultimately, as a part of the callback, the media will be sent/received.
            _audioVideoCall.AudioVideoFlowConfigurationRequested += this.audioVideoCall_FlowConfigurationRequested;

            // Prompt for called party
            _calledParty = UCMASampleHelper.PromptUser("Enter the URI for the user logged onto Microsoft Lync, in the sip:User@Host format or tel:+1XXXYYYZZZZ format => ", "RemoteUserURI");

            //Place the call to the remote party.
            _audioVideoCall.BeginEstablish(_calledParty, null, EndCallEstablish, _audioVideoCall);

            //Sync; wait for the call to complete.
            Console.WriteLine("Calling the remote user...");

            // Terminate the call, and then the conversation.
            // Terminating these additional objects individually is made redundant by shutting down the platform right after, but in the multiple call case,
            // this is needed for object hygene. Terminating a Conversation terminates all it's associated calls, and terminating an endpoint will terminate
            // all conversations on that endpoint.
            _audioVideoCall.BeginTerminate(EndTerminateCall, _audioVideoCall);
            Console.WriteLine("Waiting for the call to get terminated...");
            _audioVideoCall.Conversation.BeginTerminate(EndTerminateConversation, _audioVideoCall.Conversation);
            Console.WriteLine("Waiting for the conversation to get terminated...");

            //Now, cleanup by shutting down the platform.
            Console.WriteLine("Shutting down the platform...");

            // Pause the console to allow for easier viewing of logs.
            Console.WriteLine("Please hit any key to end the sample.");
예제 #8
        private void Run()
            // A helper class to take care of platform and endpoint setup and
            // cleanup. This has been abstracted from this sample to focus on Call Control.
            _helper = new UCMASampleHelper();

            // Create the user endpoints from the network credential objects
            // defined above.
            _transfereeEndpoint     = _helper.CreateEstablishedUserEndpoint("Transferee" /*endpointFriendlyName*/);
            _transferorUserEndpoint = _helper.CreateEstablishedUserEndpoint(
                "Transferor" /*endpointFriendlyName*/);
            _transferTargetEndpoint = _helper.CreateEstablishedUserEndpoint(
                "Transfer Target" /*endpointFriendlyName*/);
            _transfereeURI     = _transfereeEndpoint.OwnerUri;
            _transferTargetURI = _transferTargetEndpoint.OwnerUri;

            // Register for incoming audio calls on the initial and final endpoints.
            _transferTargetEndpoint.RegisterForIncomingCall <AudioVideoCall>(On_AudioVideoCall_Received);
            _transfereeEndpoint.RegisterForIncomingCall <AudioVideoCall>(On_AudioVideoCall_Received);

            // Setup the call objects for both the call from transferring
            // to initial and transferring to final
            Conversation convInitialandTransferring = new Conversation(_transferorUserEndpoint);

            _avCallTransferringtoInitial = new AudioVideoCall(convInitialandTransferring);

            // Perform the first call, from the transferor user to the initial
            // user, without specifying any custom options.
            _avCallTransferringtoInitial.BeginEstablish(_transfereeURI, null, InitialCallEstablishCompleted,


            UCMASampleHelper.PauseBeforeContinuing("Press ENTER to shutdown and exit.");

            // And shutdown.
예제 #9
        private void Run()
            // A helper class to take care of platform and endpoint setup and
            // cleanup. This has been abstracted from this sample to focus on
            // Call Control.
            _helper = new UCMASampleHelper();

            // Create a user endpoint, using the network credential object
            // defined above.
            _transferorEndpoint = _helper.CreateEstablishedUserEndpoint("Transferor" /*endpointFriendlyName*/);

            // Get the URI of the user to transfer the call to.
            // Prepend URI with "sip:" if not present.
            _transferTargetUri = UCMASampleHelper.PromptUser("Enter a URI of the user to transfer the call to: ", "TransferTargetUri");
            if (!(_transferTargetUri.ToLower().StartsWith("sip:") || _transferTargetUri.ToLower().StartsWith("tel:")))
                _transferTargetUri = "sip:" + _transferTargetUri;

            // Here, we are accepting an AudioVideo call only. If the incoming
            // call is not an AudioVideo call then it will not get raised to the
            // application. UCMA 3.0 handles this silently by having the call
            // types register for various modalities (as part of the extensibility
            // framework). The appropriate action (here, accepting the call)
            // will be handled in the handler assigned to the method call below.
            _transferorEndpoint.RegisterForIncomingCall <AudioVideoCall>(On_AudioVideoCall_Received);

            // Wait for the call to complete accept.
            Console.WriteLine("Transferor waiting for incoming call...");
            Console.WriteLine("Initial call accepted by Transferor.");

            // Then transfer the call to another user, as designated above.
            _audioVideoCall.BeginTransfer(_transferTargetUri, EndTransferCall, _audioVideoCall);
            Console.WriteLine("Waiting for transfer to complete...");

            // Wait for the call to complete the transfer.
            Console.WriteLine("Transfer completed.");

            UCMASampleHelper.PauseBeforeContinuing("Press ENTER to shutdown and exit.");

            // Now that the call has completed, shutdown the platform.
예제 #10
        private void Run()
            // A helper class to take care of platform and endpoint setup and
            // cleanup. This has been abstracted from this sample to focus on
            // Call Control.
            _helper = new UCMASampleHelper();

            // Create a user endpoint using the network credential object
            // defined above. Again, the credentials used must be for a user
            // enabled for Microsoft Lync Server, and capable of logging
            // in from the machine that is running this code.
            _userEndpoint = _helper.CreateEstablishedUserEndpoint(
                "BasicCall Sample User" /* endpointFriendlyName */);

            // Here, we are accepting an Instant Messaging call only.
            // If the incoming call is not an Instant Messaging call (for example,
            // an AudioVideo call, or a custom Call, then it will not get
            // raised to the application. UCMA 3.0 handles this silently by having
            // the call types register for various modalities (as part of the
            // extensibility framework). The appropriate action (here, accepting the
            // call) will be handled in the handler assigned to the method call below.
            _userEndpoint.RegisterForIncomingCall <InstantMessagingCall>(On_InstantMessagingCall_Received);

            // Wait for the call to complete accept, then terminate the conversation.
            Console.WriteLine("Waiting for incoming instant messaging call...");

            UCMASampleHelper.PauseBeforeContinuing("Press ENTER to shutdown and exit.");

            // Terminate the call, the conversation, and then unregister the
            // endpoint from the receiving an incoming call. Terminating these
            // additional objects individually is made redundant by shutting down
            // the platform right after, but in the multiple call case, this is
            // needed for object hygiene. Terminating a Conversation terminates
            // all it's associated calls, and terminating an endpoint will
            // terminate all conversations on that endpoint.
            _instantMessagingCall.BeginTerminate(EndTerminateCall, _instantMessagingCall);
            _userEndpoint.UnregisterForIncomingCall <InstantMessagingCall>(On_InstantMessagingCall_Received);

            //Now, cleanup by shutting down the platform.
예제 #11
        private void Run()
            // A helper class to take care of platform and endpoint setup and
            // cleanup. This has been abstracted from this sample to focus on
            // Call Control.
            _helper = new UCMASampleHelper();

            // Create a user endpoint, using the network credential object
            // defined above.
            _userEndpoint = _helper.CreateEstablishedUserEndpoint("Forwarding User" /*endpointFriendlyName*/);

            // Enter the URI of the user to forward the call to.
            _forwardUserURI = UCMASampleHelper.PromptUser(
                "Enter the URI of the user to forward the incoming call to, in the User@Host format => ",
            if (!(_forwardUserURI.ToLower().StartsWith("sip:") || _forwardUserURI.ToLower().StartsWith("tel:")))
                _forwardUserURI = "sip:" + _forwardUserURI;

            // Here, we are dealing with an Audio Video call only. If the
            // incoming call is not of the media type expected, then it will not
            // get raised to the application. UCMA 3.0 handles this silently by
            // having the call types register for various modalities (as part of
            // the extensibility framework). The appropriate action (here,
            // forwarding the call) will be handled in the handler assigned to the
            // method call below.
            _userEndpoint.RegisterForIncomingCall <AudioVideoCall>(On_AudioVideoCall_Received);

            // Wait for the call to complete forward, then shutdown the platform.
            Console.WriteLine("Waiting for incoming call...");

            UCMASampleHelper.PauseBeforeContinuing("Press ENTER to shutdown and exit.");

            // Shut down the sample.
        private void Run()
            // A helper class to take care of platform and endpoint setup and cleanup.
            _helper = new UCMASampleHelper();

            // Create and establish a user endpoint using the user’s network credentials.
            _userEndpoint = _helper.CreateEstablishedUserEndpoint(
                "FindContact Sample User" /* endpointFriendlyName */);

            // Register a delegate to be called when an incoming InstantMessagingCall arrives.
            _userEndpoint.RegisterForIncomingCall <InstantMessagingCall>(InstantMessagingCall_Received);

            Console.WriteLine("Waiting for an incoming instant messaging call...");
            int ThreadID = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId;

            Console.WriteLine("Main thread: ID " + ThreadID);
            // Pause main thread until an incoming call arrives and is accepted.

            InstantMessagingFlow imFlow = _instantMessagingCall.Flow;

            imFlow.BeginSendInstantMessage("Press 1 for Service Department.\n" +
                                           "Press 2 for Sales Department.", CallSendInstantMessageCB, _instantMessagingCall);
            imFlow.MessageReceived += new EventHandler <InstantMessageReceivedEventArgs>(IMFlow_MessageReceived);

            if (_remoteContactUri != null)
                imFlow.BeginSendInstantMessage("Contact found: " + _remoteContactUri.ToString(), CallSendInstantMessageCB, _instantMessagingCall);
                // Join the conversation to the IM MCU.
                _conferenceSession = _incomingConversation.ConferenceSession;
                ConferenceJoinOptions confJoinOptions = new ConferenceJoinOptions();
                confJoinOptions.JoinMode = JoinMode.Default;
                _conferenceSession.BeginJoin(confJoinOptions, ConferenceJoinCB, _conferenceSession);

                ThreadID = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId;
                Console.WriteLine("Main thread: ID " + ThreadID);
                Console.WriteLine("Could not find an available contact.");
                imFlow.BeginSendInstantMessage("Could not find an available contact.\nPlease call again later.", CallSendInstantMessageCB, _instantMessagingCall);
            // Unregister for notification of the MessageReceived event.
            imFlow.MessageReceived -= new EventHandler <InstantMessageReceivedEventArgs>(IMFlow_MessageReceived);
            // Cancel the subscription to the presence session by unsubscribing.
            _userEndpoint.ContactGroupServices.BeginUnsubscribe(ContactGroupUnsubscribeCB, _userEndpoint.ContactGroupServices);
            _remotePresenceView.BeginTerminate(ViewTerminateCB, _remotePresenceView);
            UCMASampleHelper.PauseBeforeContinuing("Press ENTER to shut down and exit.");

            // Terminate the call, the conversation, and then unregister the
            // endpoint from receiving an incoming call. Terminating these
            // additional objects individually is made redundant by shutting down
            // the platform right after, but in the multiple call case, this is
            // needed for object hygiene. Terminating a Conversation terminates
            // all its associated calls, and terminating an endpoint
            // terminates all conversations on that endpoint.
            _instantMessagingCall.BeginTerminate(CallTerminateCB, _instantMessagingCall);
            _userEndpoint.UnregisterForIncomingCall <InstantMessagingCall>(InstantMessagingCall_Received);

            // Clean up by shutting down the platform.
예제 #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves the application configuration and begins running the
        /// sample.
        /// </summary>
        private void Run()
            // Prepare and instantiate the platform and an endpoint.
            _helper       = new UCMASampleHelper();
            _userEndpoint = _helper.CreateEstablishedUserEndpoint(
                "SubscribePresenceView Sample User" /*endpointFriendlyName*/);

            // Get the Uri of the remote user to subscribe to.
            _remoteUserUri = "sip:" +
                "Please enter the URI, in the format User@Host, of the user to subscribe to => ",

            Console.WriteLine("\nChanging PresenceSubscriptionCategory Filter to only include ContactCard " +
                              "and PresenceState");
            // Set category filter. This is a global filter for all persistent
            // subscriptions and can only be changed before any subscriptions
            // are active.
            // BUGBUG: error CS0618: 'Microsoft.Rtc.Collaboration.LocalEndpoint.RemotePresence' is obsolete: 'This property will be removed from future Versions. Please see RemotePresenceView and PresenceServices instead.'
            // _userEndpoint.RemotePresence.PresenceSubscriptionCategories =
            //    new string[] { PresenceCategoryNames.ContactCard, PresenceCategoryNames.State };

            // RemotePresencView objects can be used to group subscriptions.
            // When a RemotePresenceView is created, it is created with the
            // specified RemotePresenceViewSettings and associated with the
            // specified LocalEndpoint. The views can then be accessed via the
            // LocalEndpoint setting: RemotePresenceViews.

            // RemotePresenceView.ApplicationContext can be used to pass or
            // store information related to the view (seen below).

            // Create a RemotePresenceView with a persistent subscription mode.
            // This type of view can represent a contact list, for example.
            // Note: The Default SubscriptionMode will start a subscription as
            // Persistent and downgrade to Polling if an error occurs.
            var persistentSettings = new RemotePresenceViewSettings();

            persistentSettings.SubscriptionMode = RemotePresenceViewSubscriptionMode.Default;
            _persistentView = new RemotePresenceView(_userEndpoint, persistentSettings);
            _persistentView.ApplicationContext = "Persistent View";

            // Wire up event handlers for the view

            // Create a RemotePresenceView with a polling subscription mode
            // This type of view can represent a list of people
            // on the To: line of an e-mail, for example.
            var pollingSettings = new RemotePresenceViewSettings();

            pollingSettings.SubscriptionMode = RemotePresenceViewSubscriptionMode.Polling;
            // The line below is not necessary; PollingInterval has a default
            // (and minimum) value of 5 minutes.
            pollingSettings.PollingInterval = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5);
            _pollingView = new RemotePresenceView(_userEndpoint, pollingSettings);
            _pollingView.ApplicationContext = "Polling View";

            // Wire up event handlers for the view

            Console.WriteLine("\nChanging Polling View's category filter to only include Note.");
                new string[] { PresenceCategoryNames.Note });

                // This constructor does very basic validation on the uri
                _target = new RemotePresentitySubscriptionTarget(_remoteUserUri);
            catch (ArgumentException argumentException)
                // ArgumentException will be thrown if the parameter used to
                // create the RemotePresentitySubscriptionTarget is an
                // invalid sip Uri.

                // TODO (Left to the reader): Error handling code to either
                // retry creating the target with corrected parameters, log
                // the error for debugging or gracefully exit the program.

            Console.WriteLine("\nInitiating subscriptions for both Views to user: "******"succeed", but the StateChanged notifications will indicate the
            // subscription went to a Terminated state.
            _persistentView.StartSubscribingToPresentities(new RemotePresentitySubscriptionTarget[] { _target });
            _pollingView.StartSubscribingToPresentities(new RemotePresentitySubscriptionTarget[] { _target });

            // There is no callback for the StartSubscribingToPresentities
            // operation because subscriptions to multiple targets can
            // complete at different times. Completion or failure of the
            // subscription can be monitored through the
            // SubscriptionStateChanged event handler,
            // RemotePresenceView_NotificationReceived.

            UCMASampleHelper.PauseBeforeContinuing("Press ENTER to unsubscribe.");

            Console.WriteLine("\nBoth Views are terminating any subscriptions to user: "******"Press ENTER to shutdown and exit.");

            // Shutdown Platform
예제 #14
        private void Run()
            // A helper class to take care of platform and endpoint setup and
            // cleanup. This has been abstracted from this sample to focus on
            // Call Control.
            _helper = new UCMASampleHelper();

            // Create a user endpoint, using the network credential object
            // defined above.
            UserEndpoint callerEndpoint = _helper.CreateEstablishedUserEndpoint("Caller" /*endpointFriendlyName*/);

            // Create a second user endpoint, using the network credential object
            // defined above.
            UserEndpoint calleeEndpoint = _helper.CreateEstablishedUserEndpoint("Callee" /*endpointFriendlyName*/);

            // Here, we are accepting an InstantMessaging call only.
            // If the incoming call is not an InstantMessaging call (for example,
            // an AudioVideo call) then it will not get raised to the application.
            // UCMA 3.0 handles this silently by having the call types register
            // for various modalities (as part of the extensibility framework).
            // The appropriate action (here, accepting the call) will be handled
            // in the handler assigned to the method call below.
            calleeEndpoint.RegisterForIncomingCall <InstantMessagingCall>

            // Setup the call and conversation objects for the initial call (IM)
            // and place the call (synchronously).
            Conversation         callerConversation         = new Conversation(callerEndpoint);
            InstantMessagingCall callerInstantMessagingCall = new InstantMessagingCall(callerConversation);

            callerInstantMessagingCall.BeginEstablish(calleeEndpoint.OwnerUri, null, EndCallerCallEstablish,

            // Force synchronization to ensure that the call is now complete.

            // Now that the call is established, we can begin the escalation.
            // First, we bind the conference state changed event handler, largely
            // for logging reasons.
            callerConversation.ConferenceSession.StateChanged += new
                                                                 EventHandler <StateChangedEventArgs <ConferenceSessionState> >(ConferenceSession_StateChanged);

            Console.WriteLine(" Beginning conference creation and escalation...");

            // Next, the initiator of the escalation creates an ad-hoc conference
            // (using the current modalities present in the conversation) by calling
            // ConferenceSession.BeginJoin on a conversation, without providing
            // a conference URI. This prepares the calls for actual escalation by
            // binding the appropriate conference multipoint Control Unit (MCU)
            // sessions. When EndJoinConference is called, it will kick off the
            // subsequent escalation. As part of the escalation, the remote party
            // will receive an escalation request, via the event on the far end
            // conversation, EscalateToConferenceRequested. Also, the existing
            // calls will be shifted to the MCUs.
                                                           EndCallerJoinConference, callerConversation.ConferenceSession);

            //Wait for both sides to fully escalate to the new conference.

            Console.WriteLine(" Beginning conference command and control...");

            // Promote a participant to leader; Leaders can lock and unlock the
            // conference, as well as possessing the ability to eject and control
            // other participants, and mute participants (in an Audio conference).
            // For purposes of the demonstration, choose an arbitrary conference
            // participant here, the first.

            ConversationParticipant target = null;

            if (callerConversation.RemoteParticipants.Count >= 1)
                target = callerConversation.RemoteParticipants[0];
                // TODO (Left to the reader): Add error handling code.

            Console.WriteLine("User " + target.UserAtHost + " is currently an " + target.Role + ".");

            // Note: This is the naive synch implementation, and is not generally
            // suitable for production code. It is only used here for brevity.
            callerConversation.ConferenceSession.BeginModifyRole(target, ConferencingRole.Leader,
                                                                 EndModifyRole, callerConversation.ConferenceSession);
            Console.WriteLine("User " + target.UserAtHost + " is now a " + target.Role + ".");

            Console.WriteLine("The conference access level is currently " +
                              callerConversation.ConferenceSession.AccessLevel + ".");
            // Locking the conference prevents new users from joining the
            // conference, unless explicitly called into the conference through
            // the dialout API.
            Console.WriteLine("The conference accesslevel is now " +
                              callerConversation.ConferenceSession.AccessLevel + ".");

            // Now, eject the participant, and then shut down the platform.

            Console.WriteLine("The conference currently has " +
                              callerConversation.ConferenceSession.GetRemoteParticipantEndpoints().Count + " attendees.");
            // Ejection can only be performed by leaders of the conference.
            callerConversation.ConferenceSession.BeginEject(target, EndEject, callerConversation.ConferenceSession);
            Console.WriteLine("The conference now has " +
                              callerConversation.ConferenceSession.GetRemoteParticipantEndpoints().Count + " attendees.");


예제 #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves the application configuration and runs the sample.
        /// </summary>
        private void Run()
            // Prepare and instantiate the platform.
            _helper       = new UCMASampleHelper();
            _userEndpoint = _helper.CreateEstablishedUserEndpoint(
                "SubscribePresence Sample User" /*endpointFriendlyName*/);

            // Get the URI of the remote user whose presence to subscribe to.
            _remoteUserUri = "sip:" + UCMASampleHelper.PromptUser(
                "Please enter the URI, in the format user@host, of the user whose Presence to subscribe to "
                + "=> ", "RemoteUserURI");

            // RemotePresenceView is the class to be used to subscribe to
            // another entity's presence.
            _remotePresenceView = new RemotePresenceView(_userEndpoint);

            // Wire up event handlers to receive the incoming notifications of
            // the remote user being subscribed to.
            _remotePresenceView.SubscriptionStateChanged += new EventHandler <
            _remotePresenceView.PresenceNotificationReceived += new EventHandler <

                // Subscribe to target user.
                _target = new RemotePresentitySubscriptionTarget(_remoteUserUri);
                    new RemotePresentitySubscriptionTarget[] { _target });

                // Subscribe to ContactGroupServices.
                // This is done so that the user can add/delete groups and
                // add/delete contacts, among other operations.
                _userEndpoint.ContactGroupServices.NotificationReceived += new EventHandler
                _userEndpoint.ContactGroupServices.SubscriptionStateChange += new EventHandler

                // Wait for subscription to ContactsGroups to be completed.
                Console.WriteLine("Subscription to ContactsGroups completed.");

                // Create a new group.
                                                                 null /* group data */,

                // Wait for group to be created.

                // Add the remote user to the newly created group.
                ContactsGroups.ContactAddOptions addOptions
                    = new Microsoft.Rtc.Collaboration.ContactsGroups.ContactAddOptions();

                UCMASampleHelper.PauseBeforeContinuing("You are now subscribed to the presence of the remote "
                                                       + "user. \nPlease toggle the user state of the remote user to get the appropriate "
                                                       + "notifications. \nPress ENTER to delete the contact, delete the group, and unsubscribe"
                                                       + "to the presence of the remote user.");

                // Remove contact from group, and delete group.
            catch (ArgumentException ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Could not subscribe to the presence of the remote user: "******"\n\n********************");
            Console.WriteLine("Press ENTER to shutdown and exit.");

            // Shutdown Platform
예제 #16
        private void Run()
            // Initialize and startup the platform.
            Exception ex = null;

                // Create the UserEndpoint

                _helper       = new UCMASampleHelper();
                _userEndpoint = _helper.CreateEstablishedUserEndpoint(
                    "IMCall Sample User" /*endpointFriendlyName*/);

                Console.Write("The User Endpoint owned by URI: ");
                Console.WriteLine(" is now established and registered.");

                // Setup the conversation and place the call.
                ConversationSettings convSettings = new ConversationSettings();
                convSettings.Priority = _conversationPriority;
                convSettings.Subject  = _conversationSubject;

                // Conversation represents a collection of modes of communication
                // (media types)in the context of a dialog with one or multiple
                // callees.
                Conversation conversation = new Conversation(_userEndpoint, convSettings);
                _instantMessagingCall = new InstantMessagingCall(conversation);

                // Call: StateChanged: Only hooked up for logging. Generally,
                // this can be used to surface changes in Call state to the UI
                _instantMessagingCall.StateChanged += this.InstantMessagingCall_StateChanged;

                // Subscribe for the flow created event; the flow will be used to
                // send the media (here, IM).
                // Ultimately, as a part of the callback, the messages will be
                // sent/received.
                _instantMessagingCall.InstantMessagingFlowConfigurationRequested +=

                // Get the sip address of the far end user to communicate with.
                String _calledParty = "sip:" +
                    "Enter the URI of the user logged onto Microsoft Lync, in the User@Host format => ",

                // Place the call to the remote party, without specifying any
                // custom options. Please note that the conversation subject
                // overrides the toast message, so if you want to see the toast
                // message, please set the conversation subject to null.
                _instantMessagingCall.BeginEstablish(_calledParty, new ToastMessage("Hello Toast"), null,
                                                     CallEstablishCompleted, _instantMessagingCall);
            catch (InvalidOperationException iOpEx)
                // Invalid Operation Exception may be thrown if the data provided
                // to the BeginXXX methods was invalid/malformed.
                // TODO (Left to the reader): Write actual handling code here.
                ex = iOpEx;
                if (ex != null)
                    // If the action threw an exception, terminate the sample,
                    // and print the exception to the console.
                    // TODO (Left to the reader): Write actual handling code here.
                    Console.WriteLine("Shutting down platform due to error");

            // Wait for sample to complete
예제 #17
        private void Run()
            // A helper class to take care of platform and endpoint setup and
            // cleanup. This has been abstracted from this sample to focus on
            // Call Control.
            _helper = new UCMASampleHelper();

            // Create a user endpoint, using the network credential object
            // defined above.
            _callerEndpoint = _helper.CreateEstablishedUserEndpoint(
                "Conference Leader" /* friendly name for conference leader endpoint */);

            // Create a second user endpoint, using the network credential object
            // defined above.
            _calleeEndpoint = _helper.CreateEstablishedUserEndpoint(
                "Conference Attendee" /* friendly name for conference attendee endpoint */);

            // Get the URI for the user logged onto Microsoft Lync
            String _ocUserURI = "sip:" + UCMASampleHelper.PromptUser(
                "Enter the URI for the user logged onto Microsoft Lync, in the User@Host format => ",
                "RemoteUserURI" /* key to specify remote user's URI in app.config */);

            // One of the endpoints schedules the conference in advance. At
            // schedule time, all the conference settings are set.

            // The base conference settings object, used to set the policies for the conference.
            ConferenceScheduleInformation conferenceScheduleInformation = new ConferenceScheduleInformation();

            // An open meeting (participants can join who are not on the list),
            // but requiring authentication (no anonymous users allowed.)
            conferenceScheduleInformation.AccessLevel = ConferenceAccessLevel.SameEnterprise;
            // The below flag determines whether or not the passcode is optional
            // for users joining the conference.
            conferenceScheduleInformation.IsPasscodeOptional = true;
            conferenceScheduleInformation.Passcode           = "1357924680";
            // The verbose description of the conference
            conferenceScheduleInformation.Description = "Interesting Description";
            // The below field indicates the date and time after which the conference can be deleted.
            conferenceScheduleInformation.ExpiryTime = System.DateTime.Now.AddHours(5);

            // These two lines assign a set of modalities (here, only
            // InstantMessage) from the available MCUs to the conference. Custom
            // modalities (and their corresponding MCUs) may be added at this
            // time as part of the extensibility model.
            ConferenceMcuInformation instantMessageMCU = new ConferenceMcuInformation(McuType.InstantMessaging);


            // Now that the setup object is complete, schedule the conference
            // using the conference services off of Endpoint. Note: the conference
            // organizer is considered a leader of the conference by default.
                                                                       EndScheduleConference, _callerEndpoint.ConferenceServices);

            // Wait for the scheduling to complete.

            // Now that the conference is scheduled, it's time to join it. As we
            // already have a reference to the conference object populated from
            // the EndScheduleConference call, we do not need to get the
            // conference first. Initialize a conversation off of the endpoint,
            // and join the conference from the uri provided above.
            Conversation callerConversation = new Conversation(_callerEndpoint);

            callerConversation.ConferenceSession.StateChanged += new
                                                                 EventHandler <StateChangedEventArgs <ConferenceSessionState> >(ConferenceSession_StateChanged);

            // Join and wait, again forcing synchronization.
            callerConversation.ConferenceSession.BeginJoin(_conference.ConferenceUri, null /*joinOptions*/,
                                                           EndJoinConference, callerConversation.ConferenceSession);

            // Placing the calls on the conference-connected conversation
            // connects to the respective MCUs. These calls may then be used to
            // communicate with the conference/MCUs.
            InstantMessagingCall instantMessagingCall = new InstantMessagingCall(callerConversation);

            // Hooking up event handlers and then placing the call.
            instantMessagingCall.InstantMessagingFlowConfigurationRequested +=
            instantMessagingCall.StateChanged += this._call_StateChanged;
            instantMessagingCall.BeginEstablish(EndCallEstablish, instantMessagingCall);

            //Synchronize to ensure that call has completed.

            //send conf invite
            ConferenceInvitationDeliverOptions deliverOptions = new ConferenceInvitationDeliverOptions();

            deliverOptions.ToastMessage = new ToastMessage("Welcome to my conference");

            ConferenceInvitation invitation = new ConferenceInvitation(callerConversation);

            invitation.BeginDeliver(_ocUserURI, deliverOptions, EndDeliverInvitation, invitation);

            // Synchronize to ensure that invitation is complete

            //And from the other endpoint's perspective:
            //Initialize a conversation off of the endpoint, and join the
            //conference from the uri provided above.
            Conversation calleeConversation = new Conversation(_calleeEndpoint);

            calleeConversation.ConferenceSession.StateChanged += new
                                                                 EventHandler <StateChangedEventArgs <ConferenceSessionState> >(ConferenceSession_StateChanged);

            // Join and wait, again forcing synchronization.
            calleeConversation.ConferenceSession.BeginJoin(_conference.ConferenceUri, null /*joinOptions*/,
                                                           EndJoinConference, calleeConversation.ConferenceSession);

            // Placing the calls on the conference-connected conversation
            // connects to the respective MCUs. These calls may then be used to
            //communicate with the conference/MCUs.
            InstantMessagingCall instantMessagingCall2 = new InstantMessagingCall(calleeConversation);

            //Hooking up event handlers and then placing the call.
            instantMessagingCall2.InstantMessagingFlowConfigurationRequested +=
            instantMessagingCall2.StateChanged += this._call_StateChanged;
            instantMessagingCall2.BeginEstablish(EndCallEstablish, instantMessagingCall2);

            //Synchronize to ensure that call has completed.

            //Synchronize to ensure that all messages are sent and received

            //Wait for shutdown initiated by user

            UCMASampleHelper.PauseBeforeContinuing("Press ENTER to shutdown and exit.");