        /// \fn private bool IsTrue(EventTriggerType trigger, BaseMessage message)
        /// \brief Query if 'trigger' is true.
        /// \par Description.
        ///      -  Check other triggers type (not the Initialize trigger)
        /// \par Algorithm.
        ///      -  Get the MessageType of the message and the round of the message
        ///      -  Calculate the other end of the message according to the trigger
        ///         -   For Send events the other end is the target of the message
        ///         -   For Receive events the other end is the source of the message
        ///      -  Check if all the parameters retrieved from the message are equal to the
        ///         EventTrigger members
        /// \par Usage Notes.
        /// \author Ilanh
        /// \date 09/05/2018
        /// \param trigger  (EventTriggerType) - The trigger.
        /// \param message  (BaseMessage) - The message.
        /// \return True if true, false if not.

        private bool IsTrue(EventTriggerType trigger, BaseMessage message)
            // Get the data of the message that caused the event
            int     messageRound = message.GetHeaderField(bm.pak.Round);
            dynamic messageType  = message.GetHeaderField(bm.pak.MessageType);

            // Get the other end of the message that caused the event:
            // For a sending event this is the destination of the message
            // For a receive event this is the source of the message
            int messageOtherEnd;

            if (trigger == EventTriggerType.AfterSendMessage || trigger == EventTriggerType.BeforeSendMessage)
                messageOtherEnd = message.GetHeaderField(bm.pak.DestProcess);
                messageOtherEnd = message.GetHeaderField(bm.pak.SourceProcess);

            if (this[Comps.Trigger] == trigger &&
                this[Comps.Round] == messageRound &&
                TypesUtility.CompareDynamics(this[Comps.MessageType], messageType) &&
                this[Comps.OtherEnd] == messageOtherEnd)
         * ReceiveHandling
         * This method is responssible to devide the data received to packets and call
         * the ReceiveHandling method of the process
         * Note that there no connection from the way the data is sent to the way it is
         * Received. That meens that a several packets can be received in one Receive and
         * There is no garentee that the last packet in the data will end.
         * The packets (messages) are send with '#' termination flag
         * The received data is collected in state.buffer
         * Then it is copied to state.sb . The role of this variable is to hold all the
         *      data that was not processed
         * Then it converted to string
         * Then it is devided to packets
         * Then each packet except the last packet is handled
         * Then the last packet is checked :
         *      If the data received ends with '#' - do nothing because that meens that the last
         *          packet is empty
         *      else clear the state.data and fill it with the unterminated last packet to be joined
         *          by the next receive data
         * The following is the handling of a complete packet
         * 1. Generate a message object from the message data
         * 2. If the MessageType attribute of the message is "Terminate" set the termnateFlag and return
         * 3. wait untill the ReceiveHandling method of the process is not locked by another
         *      AsynchronousReader object
         * 4. Activate the ReceiveHandling method of the process with the data.

        * Receive handling.
        * \author  Ilan Hindy
        * \date    29/09/2016
        * \param   bytesReceived   The bytes received.

        public void ReceiveHandling(int bytesReceived)
            String content = String.Empty;

            // There  might be more data, so store the data received so far.
                                state.buffer, 0, bytesReceived));

            //Convert the data to string
            content = state.sb.ToString();

            // Get the process
            BaseProcess process = state.process;

            //If any end of packets was received
            if (content.IndexOf("#") > -1)
                //Devide the data to packets
                string[] packets = Regex.Split(content, "#");

                //Packet handling
                for (int idx = 0; idx < packets.Length - 1; idx++)
                    //Create message from the packet
                    //BaseMessage message = new BaseMessage(packets[idx]);
                    string processName = "Process_" + process.ea[ne.eak.Id].ToString();
                    Logger.Log(Logger.LogMode.MainLogAndProcessLog, processName, "Receive", "Received message - packets[idx]", packets[idx], "ProcessReceive");
                    BaseMessage message = BaseMessage.CreateMessage(process.Network, packets[idx]);

                    if (TypesUtility.CompareDynamics(message.GetHeaderField(bm.pak.MessageType), bm.MessageTypes.Terminate))
                        terminateFlag = true;
                    process.MessageQHandling(ref message, MessageQOperation.AddMessage);
                    MessageRouter.ReportMessageReceive(process, new object[] { message });
                    //Logger.Log(Logger.LogMode.MainLogAndProcessLog, process.ToString(), "Receive", "Received message", message);

                //If there is a unfinished packet
                if (content[content.Length - 1] != '#')
                    //This is the last packet received and it is fregmented with the next package
                    state.sb.Append(packets[packets.Length - 1]);
예제 #3
        private void InitialExpand()
            ItemsControl item = controlsAttributeLinks.Values.First(l => TypesUtility.CompareDynamics(l.key, NetworkElement.ElementDictionaries.PrivateAttributes)).item;

            ((TreeViewItem)item).IsExpanded = true;
예제 #4
        /// \fn public static void Button_SelectSelectedAlgorithmDebugFile_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        /// \brief Event handler. Called by Button_SelectSelectedAlgorithmDebugFile for click events.
        /// \par Description.
        /// \par Algorithm.
        /// \par Usage Notes.
        /// \author Ilanh
        /// \date 14/11/2017
        /// \param sender  (object) - Source of the event.
        /// \param e       (RoutedEventArgs) - Routed event information.

        public static void Button_SelectSelectedAlgorithmDebugFile_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Get the config and config window
            ConfigWindow configWindow = (ConfigWindow)GetWindow((Button)sender);
            Config       config       = (Config)configWindow.networkElements[0];

            // Get the data file name and path from the buttons
            Button debugfileNameButton            = (Button)configWindow.controlsAttributeLinks.Values.First(link => TypesUtility.CompareDynamics(link.key, Config.Keys.SelectedDebugFileName)).newValueControl;
            string selectedAlgorithmDebugFileName = (string)debugfileNameButton.Content;
            Button debugfilePathButton            = (Button)configWindow.controlsAttributeLinks.Values.First(link => TypesUtility.CompareDynamics(link.key, Config.Keys.SelectedDebugPath)).newValueControl;
            string selectedAlgorithmDebugPath     = (string)debugfilePathButton.Content;

            // Get the subject and the algorithm names
            ComboBox subjectComboBox   = (ComboBox)configWindow.controlsAttributeLinks.Values.First(link => TypesUtility.CompareDynamics(link.key, Config.Keys.SelectedSubject)).newValueControl;
            string   subjectName       = (string)subjectComboBox.SelectedItem;
            ComboBox algorithmComboBox = (ComboBox)configWindow.controlsAttributeLinks.Values.First(link => TypesUtility.CompareDynamics(link.key, Config.Keys.SelectedAlgorithm)).newValueControl;
            string   algorithmName     = (string)algorithmComboBox.SelectedItem;

            // Select the file
            if (FileUtilities.SelectInputFile("debug", ref selectedAlgorithmDebugFileName, ref selectedAlgorithmDebugPath))
                // Update the buttons
                configWindow.UpdateNewValueChanged(debugfileNameButton, selectedAlgorithmDebugFileName);
                debugfileNameButton.Content = selectedAlgorithmDebugFileName;
                configWindow.UpdateNewValueChanged(debugfilePathButton, selectedAlgorithmDebugPath);
                debugfilePathButton.Content   = selectedAlgorithmDebugPath;
                configWindow.selectionChanged = true;
        /// \fn public static bool CheckIfBelongsToBaseAlgorithmEnum(this IValueHolder valueHolder, NetworkElement networkElement, NetworkElement.ElementDictionaries mainDictionary)
        /// \brief An IValueHolder extension method that determine if belongs to base algorithm enum.
        /// \par Description.
        /// \par Algorithm.
        /// \par Usage Notes.
        /// \author Ilanh
        /// \date 29/10/2017
        /// \param valueHolder    The valueHolder to act on.
        /// \param networkElement  (NetworkElement) - The network element.
        /// \param mainDictionary  (ElementDictionaries) - Dictionary of mains.
        /// \return True if the value holder belongs to the base network element.

        public static bool BelongsToBaseAlgorithmEnum(this IValueHolder valueHolder, NetworkElement networkElement, NetworkElement.ElementDictionaries mainDictionary)
            // If the value holder is not attribute get the attribute of the value holder
            Attribute attribute;

            if (!(valueHolder is Attribute))
                attribute = (Attribute)valueHolder.Parent;
                attribute = (Attribute)valueHolder;

            // The condition is that the attribute which is the ancestor of our attribute
            // which is in the main dictionary belongs to the base class
            // Find the ancestor.
            // The parent sequence is ending in the following way
            // null <- networkElement <- Attribute <- mainDictionary <- Attribute
            // We have to find the last element in the chain described below
            // We do it with a loop that advances 2 parameters: The attribute and the chain end
            // The chain end is 4 times the parent of the attribute
            // Get the first chain end (If we cannot end the chain that means that the valueHolder is
            // one of the value holders at the middle of the chain hence they are not attributes in the
            // base classes main dictionary
            IValueHolder chainEnd = attribute;

            for (int idx = 0; idx < 4; idx++)
                chainEnd = chainEnd.Parent;
                if (chainEnd == null && idx != 3)

            // Find the ancestor
            while (chainEnd != null)
                chainEnd  = chainEnd.Parent.Parent;
                attribute = (Attribute)attribute.Parent.Parent;

            // Decide if the attribute is part of the main dictionary
            if (!((AttributeDictionary)networkElement[mainDictionary]).Values.Any(a => a == attribute))

            // Get the key of the attribute
            dynamic key = attribute.Parent.GetChildKey(attribute);

            if (TypesUtility.CompareDynamics(key, bn.ork.SingleStepStatus))
                int x = 1;

            // Get the base NetworkElement
            Type           baseNetworkElementType = networkElement.GetType().BaseType;
            NetworkElement baseNetworkElement     = (NetworkElement)TypesUtility.CreateObjectFromTypeString(baseNetworkElementType.ToString());


            // Check if the key is found in the base network element's dictionary
            return(((AttributeDictionary)baseNetworkElement[mainDictionary]).Keys.Any(k => TypesUtility.CompareDynamics(k, key)));
        /// \fn private void MergeDictionaries(Attribute existAttribute, Attribute newAttribute)
        /// \brief Merge dictionaries.
        /// \par Description.
        ///      -  Clever merge between the existing and new dictionaries
        ///         -  If the attribute is found in the existing and the new
        ///             -   Copy the value from the existing to the new only if the value of the attribute was changed during network build
        ///         -  If the attribute is found in the existing and not the new
        ///             -   Add the attribute tree to the new
        ///         -  If (Default case - automatically happens) The attribute exists in the new and not the old
        ///             -  keep it in the new
        ///      -  The attributes are identified using the keys
        /// \par Algorithm.
        /// \par Usage Notes.
        /// \author Ilanh
        /// \date 28/12/2017
        /// \param existAttribute  (Attribute) - The exist attribute.
        /// \param newAttribute     (Attribute) - The new attribute.

        private void MergeDictionaries(Attribute existAttribute, Attribute newAttribute)
            foreach (var existEntry in existAttribute.Value)
                Attribute newAttr = ((AttributeDictionary)newAttribute.Value).FirstOrDefault(e => TypesUtility.CompareDynamics(e.Key, existEntry.Key)).Value;
                string    s       = " ** " + TypesUtility.GetKeyToString(existEntry.Key) + " **";
                if (newAttr == null)
                    s += "Attribute null";
                    s += "Attribute value = " + newAttr.Value.ToString();
                MessageRouter.ReportMessage("Attribute Dictionary Merge ", "", s);
                if (newAttr is null)
                    newAttr = new Attribute();
                    ((AttributeDictionary)newAttribute.Value).Add(existEntry.Key, newAttr);
                    if (existEntry.Value.Changed)
                        if (Attribute.GetValueCategory(existEntry.Value) == Attribute.AttributeCategory.PrimitiveAttribute)
                            newAttr.Value = existEntry.Value.Value;
            foreach (var newEntry in newAttribute.Value)
                if (!existAttribute.Value.ContainsKey(newEntry.Key))
                    Attribute attr = new Attribute();
                    existAttribute.Value.Add(newEntry.Key, attr);