/// <summary> /// Retrieve a statement for a single bank account. Includes transaction details. /// </summary> /// <param name="account">The bank account to retrieve statement data for</param> /// <param name="startDate">Start of date range for transactions</param> /// <param name="endDate">End of date range for transactions</param> /// <returns>List of statements containing the requested data.</returns> public async Task <Tuple <IEnumerable <Statement>, string> > GetStatement(Types.BankAccount account, DateTimeOffset startDate, DateTimeOffset endDate) { // Ensure service catalog is populated await PopulateServiceProfiles(); // Retrieve request profile for this message set var requestProfile = GetMessageSetRequestProfile(typeof(BankMessageSetV1)); // Form specification of the account to retrieve information for var bankAccount = getOFXBankAccount(account); // Form transaction inclusion specification for date range. Always include transaction details var transactionInclusion = new IncTransaction { DTSTART = OFXUtils.DateToOFX(startDate), DTEND = OFXUtils.DateToOFX(endDate), INCLUDE = BooleanType.Y }; // Wrap in statement request var statementRequest = new StatementRequest { BANKACCTFROM = bankAccount, INCTRAN = transactionInclusion }; // Wrap in transaction var transactionRequest = new StatementTransactionRequest { TRNUID = GetNextTransactionId(), STMTRQ = statementRequest }; // Wrap in messageset var messageSet = new BankRequestMessageSetV1 { Items = new AbstractRequest[1] { transactionRequest } }; // Gather all message sets in the request var requestMessageSets = new List <AbstractTopLevelMessageSet> { CreateSignonRequest(userCredentials, requestProfile), messageSet }; // Send to service and await response Protocol.OFX response = await new Transport(requestProfile.ServiceEndpoint).sendRequestAsync(requestMessageSets.ToArray()); // TODO: Check response for errors string errorMessage; // Extract statement data and return return(Tuple.Create(Statement.CreateFromOFXResponse(response, out errorMessage), errorMessage)); }
/// <summary> /// Helper method which creates and fills in a BankAccount with information from the passed account info /// </summary> /// <param name="account">Populated Types.BankAccount with bank info</param> /// <returns>Populated OFX BankAccount</returns> protected BankAccount getOFXBankAccount(Types.BankAccount account) { var bankAccount = new BankAccount { BANKID = account.RoutingId, ACCTID = account.AccountId }; if (account is CheckingAccount) { bankAccount.ACCTTYPE = AccountEnum.CHECKING; } else { bankAccount.ACCTTYPE = AccountEnum.SAVINGS; } return(bankAccount); }