public string getStatusAsString() { TypeStatus result = getStatus(); if (result.in_known_list) { return(stringFromStatus(result.list_value)); } else { return(result.string_value); } }
// GET: TypeStatus/Delete/5 public ActionResult Delete(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } TypeStatus typeStatus = db.TypeStatus.Find(id); if (typeStatus == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } return(View(typeStatus)); }
private void fromJSONStatus(JSONValue json_value, bool ignore_extras) { Debug.Assert(json_value != null); JSONStringValue json_string = json_value.string_value(); if (json_string == null) { throw new Exception("The value for field Status of SportsOlympicsGamesJSON is not a string."); } TypeStatus the_open_enum = new TypeStatus(); switch (json_string.getData()[0]) { case 'C': if ((String.Compare(json_string.getData(), 1, "ompleted", 0, 8, false) == 0) && (json_string.getData().Length == 9)) { the_open_enum.in_known_list = true; the_open_enum.list_value = TypeStatusKnownValues.Status_Completed; goto open_enum_is_done; } break; case 'O': if ((String.Compare(json_string.getData(), 1, "ngoing", 0, 6, false) == 0) && (json_string.getData().Length == 7)) { the_open_enum.in_known_list = true; the_open_enum.list_value = TypeStatusKnownValues.Status_Ongoing; goto open_enum_is_done; } break; case 'U': if ((String.Compare(json_string.getData(), 1, "pcoming", 0, 7, false) == 0) && (json_string.getData().Length == 8)) { the_open_enum.in_known_list = true; the_open_enum.list_value = TypeStatusKnownValues.Status_Upcoming; goto open_enum_is_done; } break; default: break; } the_open_enum.in_known_list = false; the_open_enum.string_value = json_string.getData(); open_enum_is_done :; setStatus(the_open_enum); }
public void setStatus(string chars) { TypeStatusKnownValues known = stringToStatus(chars); TypeStatus new_value = new TypeStatus(); if (known == TypeStatusKnownValues.Status__none) { new_value.in_known_list = false; new_value.string_value = chars; } else { new_value.in_known_list = true; new_value.list_value = known; } setStatus(new_value); }
private void CompleteType( ITypeInitializationContext context) { if (_status == TypeStatus.Registered) { _status = TypeStatus.Completing; foreach (INeedsInitialization dependency in _dependencies) { dependency.CompleteType(context); } OnCompleteType(context); _status = TypeStatus.Completed; } }
private void RegisterDependencies( ITypeInitializationContext context) { if (_status == TypeStatus.Created) { _status = TypeStatus.Registering; foreach (INeedsInitialization dependency in _dependencies) { dependency.RegisterDependencies(context); } OnRegisterDependencies(context); _status = TypeStatus.Registered; } }
protected override void handle_result(string result) { TypeStatusKnownValues known = stringToStatus(result); TypeStatus new_value = new TypeStatus(); if (known == TypeStatusKnownValues.Status__none) { new_value.in_known_list = false; new_value.string_value = result; } else { new_value.in_known_list = true; new_value.list_value = known; } handle_result(new_value); }
private void fromJSONStatus(JSONValue json_value, bool ignore_extras) { Debug.Assert(json_value != null); JSONStringValue json_string = json_value.string_value(); if (json_string == null) { throw new Exception("The value for field Status of TypeNativeDataJSON is not a string."); } TypeStatus the_open_enum = new TypeStatus(); switch (json_string.getData()[0]) { case 'f': if ((String.Compare(json_string.getData(), 1, "ailed", 0, 5, false) == 0) && (json_string.getData().Length == 6)) { the_open_enum.in_known_list = true; the_open_enum.list_value = TypeStatusKnownValues.Status_failed; goto open_enum_is_done; } break; case 's': if ((String.Compare(json_string.getData(), 1, "et", 0, 2, false) == 0) && (json_string.getData().Length == 3)) { the_open_enum.in_known_list = true; the_open_enum.list_value = TypeStatusKnownValues.Status_set; goto open_enum_is_done; } break; default: break; } the_open_enum.in_known_list = false; the_open_enum.string_value = json_string.getData(); open_enum_is_done :; setStatus(the_open_enum); }
public void setStatus(TypeStatus new_value) { flagHasStatus = true; storeStatus = new_value; }
private void fromJSONStatus(JSONValue json_value, bool ignore_extras) { Debug.Assert(json_value != null); JSONStringValue json_string = json_value.string_value(); if (json_string == null) { throw new Exception("The value for field Status of TypeNativeDataJSON is not a string."); } TypeStatus the_open_enum = new TypeStatus(); switch (json_string.getData()[0]) { case 'c': if ((String.Compare(json_string.getData(), 1, "ancel_cash_trip_not_allowed", 0, 27, false) == 0) && (json_string.getData().Length == 28)) { the_open_enum.in_known_list = true; the_open_enum.list_value = TypeStatusKnownValues.Status_cancel_cash_trip_not_allowed; goto open_enum_is_done; } break; case 'f': if ((String.Compare(json_string.getData(), 1, "ailure", 0, 6, false) == 0) && (json_string.getData().Length == 7)) { the_open_enum.in_known_list = true; the_open_enum.list_value = TypeStatusKnownValues.Status_failure; goto open_enum_is_done; } break; case 'n': if ((String.Compare(json_string.getData(), 1, "o_current_trip", 0, 14, false) == 0) && (json_string.getData().Length == 15)) { the_open_enum.in_known_list = true; the_open_enum.list_value = TypeStatusKnownValues.Status_no_current_trip; goto open_enum_is_done; } break; case 's': if ((String.Compare(json_string.getData(), 1, "uccess", 0, 6, false) == 0) && (json_string.getData().Length == 7)) { the_open_enum.in_known_list = true; the_open_enum.list_value = TypeStatusKnownValues.Status_success; goto open_enum_is_done; } break; case 'u': if ((String.Compare(json_string.getData(), 1, "nauthorized", 0, 11, false) == 0) && (json_string.getData().Length == 12)) { the_open_enum.in_known_list = true; the_open_enum.list_value = TypeStatusKnownValues.Status_unauthorized; goto open_enum_is_done; } break; default: break; } the_open_enum.in_known_list = false; the_open_enum.string_value = json_string.getData(); open_enum_is_done :; setStatus(the_open_enum); }
public static void GenWraps(Type[] arrEnums, Type[] arrClasses, HashSet <string> bridgeTypes) { GeneratorHelp.ClearTypeInfo(); Dictionary <Type, TypeStatus> dict = new Dictionary <Type, TypeStatus>(); Action <Type> onNewType = null; onNewType = (nt) => { while (true) { if (nt.IsByRef || nt.IsArray) { nt = nt.GetElementType(); continue; } if (nt.IsGenericType && !nt.IsGenericTypeDefinition) { foreach (var ga in nt.GetGenericArguments()) { onNewType(ga); } nt = nt.GetGenericTypeDefinition(); continue; } if (nt.IsGenericParameter) { return; } break; } if (!bridgeTypes.Contains(nt.FullName) && !dict.ContainsKey(nt)) { dict.Add(nt, new TypeStatus()); } }; Func <Type, TypeStatus> getParent = (type) => { if (dict.ContainsKey(type)) { return(dict[type]); } return(null); }; foreach (var type in arrEnums) { onNewType(type); } foreach (var type in arrClasses) { onNewType(type); } while (true) { Type[] keys = new Type[dict.Count]; dict.Keys.CopyTo(keys, 0); foreach (Type type in keys) { TypeStatus ts = dict[type]; if (ts.status != TypeStatus.Status.Wait) { continue; } if (ShouldIgnoreType(type)) { ts.status = TypeStatus.Status.Ignored; continue; } if (type.IsEnum) { GenEnum(type, ts, getParent, onNewType); } else if (typeof(Delegate).IsAssignableFrom(type)) { GenDelegate(type, ts, getParent, onNewType); } else { GenInterfaceOrStructOrClass(type, ts, getParent, onNewType); } } bool bContinue = false; foreach (var kv in dict) { if (kv.Value.status == TypeStatus.Status.Wait) { bContinue = true; break; } } if (!bContinue) { break; } } TextFile tfAll = new TextFile(); tfAll.Add("#pragma warning disable 626, 824"); foreach (var kv in dict) { if (kv.Value.status == TypeStatus.Status.Exported && !kv.Value.IsInnerType) { tfAll.Add(; tfAll.AddLine(); } } tfAll.Add("#pragma warning restore 626, 824"); File.WriteAllText(JSBindingSettings.CswFilePath, tfAll.Format(-1)); }
static void GenEnum(Type type, TypeStatus ts, Func <Type, TypeStatus> getParent, Action <Type> onNewType) { TextFile tfFile = null; if (type.DeclaringType != null) { onNewType(type.DeclaringType); ts.IsInnerType = true; TypeStatus tsParent = getParent(type.DeclaringType); if (tsParent == null || tsParent.status == TypeStatus.Status.Wait) { return; } if (tsParent.status == TypeStatus.Status.Ignored) { ts.status = TypeStatus.Status.Ignored; return; } tfFile ="epos"); } if (tfFile == null) { tfFile = new TextFile(); } = tfFile; ts.status = TypeStatus.Status.Exported; //GeneratorHelp.ATypeInfo ti = GeneratorHelp.CreateTypeInfo(type); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); TextFile tfNs = tfFile; if (type.DeclaringType == null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(type.Namespace)) { tfNs = tfFile.Add("namespace {0}", type.Namespace).BraceIn(); tfNs.BraceOut(); } tfNs.Add("[Bridge.FileName(\"csw\")]"); Type uType = Enum.GetUnderlyingType(type); TextFile tfClass = null; sb.Remove(0, sb.Length); { if (type.IsPublic || type.IsNestedPublic) { sb.Append("public "); } sb.Append("enum "); sb.Append(type.Name); if (uType != typeof(int)) { sb.AppendFormat(" : {0}", uType.CsFullName()); } tfClass = tfNs.Add(sb.ToString()).BraceIn(); tfClass.BraceOut(); } FieldInfo[] fields = type.GetFields(BindingFlags.GetField | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static); for (int i = 0; i < fields.Length; i++) { FieldInfo field = fields[i]; string v = ""; if (uType == typeof(ulong)) { v = System.Convert.ToUInt64(field.GetValue(null)).ToString(); } else { v = System.Convert.ToInt64(field.GetValue(null)).ToString(); } tfClass.Add("{0} = {1},", field.Name, v); } }
private void fromJSONStatus(JSONValue json_value, bool ignore_extras) { Debug.Assert(json_value != null); JSONStringValue json_string = json_value.string_value(); if (json_string == null) { throw new Exception("The value for field Status of UberCompositeRequestJSON is not a string."); } TypeStatus the_open_enum = new TypeStatus(); switch (json_string.getData()[0]) { case 'a': switch (json_string.getData()[1]) { case 'c': if ((String.Compare(json_string.getData(), 2, "cepted", 0, 6, false) == 0) && (json_string.getData().Length == 8)) { the_open_enum.in_known_list = true; the_open_enum.list_value = TypeStatusKnownValues.Status_accepted; goto open_enum_is_done; } break; case 'r': if ((String.Compare(json_string.getData(), 2, "riving", 0, 6, false) == 0) && (json_string.getData().Length == 8)) { the_open_enum.in_known_list = true; the_open_enum.list_value = TypeStatusKnownValues.Status_arriving; goto open_enum_is_done; } break; default: break; } break; case 'c': if ((String.Compare(json_string.getData(), 1, "ompleted", 0, 8, false) == 0) && (json_string.getData().Length == 9)) { the_open_enum.in_known_list = true; the_open_enum.list_value = TypeStatusKnownValues.Status_completed; goto open_enum_is_done; } break; case 'd': if ((String.Compare(json_string.getData(), 1, "river_canceled", 0, 14, false) == 0) && (json_string.getData().Length == 15)) { the_open_enum.in_known_list = true; the_open_enum.list_value = TypeStatusKnownValues.Status_driver_canceled; goto open_enum_is_done; } break; case 'i': if ((String.Compare(json_string.getData(), 1, "n_progress", 0, 10, false) == 0) && (json_string.getData().Length == 11)) { the_open_enum.in_known_list = true; the_open_enum.list_value = TypeStatusKnownValues.Status_in_progress; goto open_enum_is_done; } break; case 'n': if ((String.Compare(json_string.getData(), 1, "o_drivers_available", 0, 19, false) == 0) && (json_string.getData().Length == 20)) { the_open_enum.in_known_list = true; the_open_enum.list_value = TypeStatusKnownValues.Status_no_drivers_available; goto open_enum_is_done; } break; case 'p': if ((String.Compare(json_string.getData(), 1, "rocessing", 0, 9, false) == 0) && (json_string.getData().Length == 10)) { the_open_enum.in_known_list = true; the_open_enum.list_value = TypeStatusKnownValues.Status_processing; goto open_enum_is_done; } break; case 'r': if ((String.Compare(json_string.getData(), 1, "ider_canceled", 0, 13, false) == 0) && (json_string.getData().Length == 14)) { the_open_enum.in_known_list = true; the_open_enum.list_value = TypeStatusKnownValues.Status_rider_canceled; goto open_enum_is_done; } break; default: break; } the_open_enum.in_known_list = false; the_open_enum.string_value = json_string.getData(); open_enum_is_done :; setStatus(the_open_enum); }
protected override void handle_result(TypeStatus result) { //@@@ Debug.Assert(!have_value); have_value = true; value = result; }
static void GenInterfaceOrStructOrClass(Type type, TypeStatus ts, Func <Type, TypeStatus> getParent, Action <Type> onNewType) { TextFile tfFile = null; if (type.DeclaringType != null) { ts.IsInnerType = true; TypeStatus tsParent = getParent(type.DeclaringType); if (tsParent == null || tsParent.status == TypeStatus.Status.Wait) { if (tsParent == null) { onNewType(type.DeclaringType); } return; } if (tsParent.status == TypeStatus.Status.Ignored) { ts.status = TypeStatus.Status.Ignored; return; } tfFile ="epos"); } if (tfFile == null) { tfFile = new TextFile(); } = tfFile; ts.status = TypeStatus.Status.Exported; GeneratorHelp.ATypeInfo ti = GeneratorHelp.CreateTypeInfo(type); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); TextFile tfNs = tfFile; //string dir = Dir; // // ignore Experimental @eugenejiang // if (type.Namespace != null && type.Namespace.IndexOf("UnityEngine.Experimental.") >= 0) { // return; // } if (type.DeclaringType == null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(type.Namespace)) { tfNs = tfFile.Add("namespace {0}", type.Namespace).BraceIn(); tfNs.BraceOut(); } GenAttributeForClassIfNeeded(type, tfNs); // multiple attributes // tfNs.Add("[Bridge.External]"); TextFile tfClass = null; sb.Remove(0, sb.Length); { // force public if (type.IsPublic || type.IsNestedPublic || type.IsNested || type.IsNestedFamily) { sb.Append("public "); } // if (type.IsNestedFamily) { // sb.Append("protected "); // } // if (type.FullName.IndexOf("DropdownItem") >= 0) { // Debug.Assert(false); // } if (type.IsClass) { if (type.IsAbstract && type.IsSealed) { sb.Append("static "); } //else if (type.IsAbstract) // sb.Append("abstract "); //else if (type.IsSealed) // sb.Append("sealed "); //if ( } if (type.IsInterface) { sb.Append("interface "); } else if (type.IsValueType) { sb.Append("struct "); } else { sb.Append("class "); } string className = type.CsFullName(CsNameOption.CompilableWithT); int dot = className.LastIndexOf("."); if (dot >= 0) { className = className.Substring(dot + 1); } sb.Append(className); Type vBaseType = type.ValidBaseType(); Type[] interfaces = type.GetDeclaringInterfaces(); if (vBaseType != null || interfaces.Length > 0) { sb.Append(" : "); args a = new args(); if (vBaseType != null) { a.Add(typefn(vBaseType, type.Namespace, CsNameOption.CompilableWithT)); onNewType(vBaseType); } foreach (var i in interfaces) { a.Add(typefn(i, type.Namespace, CsNameOption.CompilableWithT)); onNewType(i); } sb.Append(a.ToString()); } tfClass = tfNs.Add(sb.ToString()).BraceIn(); tfClass.BraceOut(); } tfClass.AddTag("epos"); if (handleEvents(tfClass, type, onNewType)) { tfClass.AddLine(); } for (int i = 0; i < ti.Fields.Count; i++) { MemberInfoEx infoEx = ti.Fields[i]; FieldInfo field = infoEx.member as FieldInfo; var publicOrProtected = "public"; if (field.IsFamily) { // publicOrProtected = "protected"; } if (field.IsLiteral && !field.IsInitOnly) { { var attributes = field.GetCustomAttributes(); foreach (var attr in attributes) { tfClass.Add("[{0}]", attr.GetType().Name); onNewType(attr.GetType()); } } if ("string" == typefn(field.FieldType, type.Namespace)) { tfClass.Add(publicOrProtected + " const {0} {1} = \"{2}\";", typefn(field.FieldType, type.Namespace), field.Name, field.GetValue(null)); } else if ("float" == typefn(field.FieldType, type.Namespace)) { var fv = (float)field.GetValue(null); string defaultvalue; if (float.IsNaN(fv)) { defaultvalue = "float.NaN"; } else if (float.IsPositiveInfinity(fv)) { defaultvalue = "float.PositiveInfinity"; } else if (float.IsNegativeInfinity(fv)) { defaultvalue = "float.NegativeInfinity"; } else { defaultvalue = fv + "f"; } tfClass.Add(publicOrProtected + " const {0} {1} = {2};", typefn(field.FieldType, type.Namespace), field.Name, defaultvalue); } else { tfClass.Add(publicOrProtected + " const {0} {1} = {2};", typefn(field.FieldType, type.Namespace), field.Name, field.GetValue(null)); } } else { tfClass.Add(publicOrProtected + " {0}{1} {2};", (field.IsStatic ? "static " : ""), typefn(field.FieldType, type.Namespace), field.Name); } onNewType(field.FieldType); } if (ti.Fields.Count > 0) { tfClass.AddLine(); } // Constructors for (int i = 0; i < ti.Cons.Count; i++) { MemberInfoEx infoEx = ti.Cons[i]; ConstructorInfo con = infoEx.member as ConstructorInfo; if (type.IsValueType) { // 结构体不需要无参数构造函数 if (con == null || con.GetParameters().Length == 0) { continue; } } string ctorName = type.Name; if (type.IsGenericTypeDefinition) { int flag = ctorName.LastIndexOf('`'); if (flag >= 0) { ctorName = ctorName.Substring(0, flag); } } var constructorBuilder = new StringBuilder(); var paras = con == null ? "" : Ps2String(type, con.GetParameters()); constructorBuilder.Append($"public {ctorName}({paras})"); var baseType = type.ValidBaseType(); if (baseType != null && !HasDefaultConstructor(baseType)) { constructorBuilder.Append($" : base({BaseConstructorParameters(baseType)})"); } constructorBuilder.Append(" { throw new Exception(\"not impl\"); }"); tfClass.Add(constructorBuilder.ToString()); if (con != null) { foreach (var p in con.GetParameters()) { onNewType(p.ParameterType); } } } if (ti.Cons.Count > 0) { tfClass.AddLine(); } handlePros(tfClass, type, ti, onNewType); if (ti.Pros.Count > 0) { tfClass.AddLine(); } handleMethods(tfClass, type, ti, onNewType); if (!type.IsInterface) { handleInterfaceProblems(tfClass, type, onNewType); } }
public void SetTextStatusColor(TypeStatus status) { switch (status) { case TypeStatus.Normal: TypeText.color =; break; case TypeStatus.Success: TypeText.color =; break; case TypeStatus.Error: TypeText.color =; break; } }
protected abstract void handle_result(TypeStatus result);
static void GenDelegate(Type type, TypeStatus ts, Func <Type, TypeStatus> getParent, Action <Type> onNewType) { TextFile tfFile = null; if (type.DeclaringType != null) { ts.IsInnerType = true; TypeStatus tsParent = getParent(type.DeclaringType); if (tsParent == null || tsParent.status == TypeStatus.Status.Wait) { return; } if (tsParent.status == TypeStatus.Status.Ignored) { ts.status = TypeStatus.Status.Ignored; return; } tfFile ="epos"); } if (tfFile == null) { tfFile = new TextFile(); } = tfFile; ts.status = TypeStatus.Status.Exported; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); TextFile tfNs = tfFile; if (type.DeclaringType == null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(type.Namespace)) { tfNs = tfFile.Add("namespace {0}", type.Namespace).BraceIn(); tfNs.BraceOut(); } if (type.IsPublic || type.IsNestedPublic) { sb.Append("public "); } sb.Append("delegate "); MethodInfo method = type.GetMethod("Invoke"); sb.Append(typefn(method.ReturnType, type.Namespace)); sb.Append(" "); onNewType(method.ReturnType); ParameterInfo[] ps = method.GetParameters(); { sb.AppendFormat("{0}({1});", // type.Name, typefn(type, "no-namespace", CsNameOption.CompilableWithT), Ps2String(type, ps)); foreach (var p in ps) { onNewType(p.ParameterType); } } tfNs.Add(sb.ToString()); }
protected override void handle_result(TypeStatus result) { top.value.Add(result); }
static void GenInterfaceOrStructOrClass(Type type, TypeStatus ts, Func <Type, TypeStatus> getParent, Action <Type> onNewType) { TextFile tfFile = null; if (type.DeclaringType != null) { ts.IsInnerType = true; TypeStatus tsParent = getParent(type.DeclaringType); if (tsParent == null || tsParent.status == TypeStatus.Status.Wait) { return; } if (tsParent.status == TypeStatus.Status.Ignored) { ts.status = TypeStatus.Status.Ignored; return; } tfFile ="epos"); } if (tfFile == null) { tfFile = new TextFile(); } = tfFile; ts.status = TypeStatus.Status.Exported; GeneratorHelp.ATypeInfo ti = GeneratorHelp.CreateTypeInfo(type); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); TextFile tfNs = tfFile; //string dir = Dir; if (type.DeclaringType == null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(type.Namespace)) { tfNs = tfFile.Add("namespace {0}", type.Namespace).BraceIn(); tfNs.BraceOut(); } tfNs.Add("[Bridge.FileName(\"csw\")]"); TextFile tfClass = null; sb.Remove(0, sb.Length); { if (type.IsPublic || type.IsNestedPublic) { sb.Append("public "); } if (type.IsClass) { if (type.IsAbstract && type.IsSealed) { sb.Append("static "); } //else if (type.IsAbstract) // sb.Append("abstract "); //else if (type.IsSealed) // sb.Append("sealed "); //if ( } if (type.IsInterface) { sb.Append("interface "); } else if (type.IsValueType) { sb.Append("struct "); } else { sb.Append("class "); } string className = type.CsFullName(CsNameOption.CompilableWithT); int dot = className.LastIndexOf("."); if (dot >= 0) { className = className.Substring(dot + 1); } sb.Append(className); Type vBaseType = type.ValidBaseType(); Type[] interfaces = type.GetDeclaringInterfaces(); if (vBaseType != null || interfaces.Length > 0) { sb.Append(" : "); args a = new args(); if (vBaseType != null) { a.Add(typefn(vBaseType, type.Namespace)); onNewType(vBaseType); } foreach (var i in interfaces) { a.Add(typefn(i, type.Namespace)); onNewType(i); } sb.Append(a.ToString()); } tfClass = tfNs.Add(sb.ToString()).BraceIn(); tfClass.BraceOut(); } tfClass.AddTag("epos"); for (int i = 0; i < ti.Fields.Count; i++) { MemberInfoEx infoEx = ti.Fields[i]; FieldInfo field = infoEx.member as FieldInfo; tfClass.Add("public {0}{1} {2};", (field.IsStatic ? "static " : ""), typefn(field.FieldType, type.Namespace), field.Name); onNewType(field.FieldType); } if (ti.Fields.Count > 0) { tfClass.AddLine(); } for (int i = 0; i < ti.Cons.Count; i++) { MemberInfoEx infoEx = ti.Cons[i]; ConstructorInfo con = infoEx.member as ConstructorInfo; if (type.IsValueType) { // 结构体不需要无参数构造函数 if (con == null || con.GetParameters().Length == 0) { continue; } } string ctorName = type.Name; if (type.IsGenericTypeDefinition) { int flag = ctorName.LastIndexOf('`'); if (flag >= 0) { ctorName = ctorName.Substring(0, flag); } } tfClass.Add("public extern {0}({1});", ctorName, con == null ? "" : Ps2String(type, con.GetParameters())); if (con != null) { foreach (var p in con.GetParameters()) { onNewType(p.ParameterType); } } } if (ti.Cons.Count > 0) { tfClass.AddLine(); } handlePros(tfClass, type, ti, onNewType); if (ti.Pros.Count > 0) { tfClass.AddLine(); } handleMethods(tfClass, type, ti, onNewType); if (!type.IsInterface) { handleInterfaceProblems(tfClass, type, onNewType); } }