private void TestJsonSerializationRoundTrip(SerializableWrapper e, TypeNameHandling flag)
            Console.WriteLine("Type Name Handling: " + flag.ToString());
            StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();

            //Create our serializer and set Type Name Handling appropriately
            JsonSerializer serializer = new JsonSerializer();

            serializer.TypeNameHandling = flag;

            //Do the actual serialization and dump to Console for inspection
            serializer.Serialize(new JsonTextWriter(writer), e);

            //Now try to deserialize
            //Json.Net will cause an error here as it will try and instantiate
            //the interface directly because it failed to respect the
            //TypeNameHandling property on serialization
            SerializableWrapper f = serializer.Deserialize <SerializableWrapper>(new JsonTextReader(new StringReader(writer.ToString())));

            //Check Round Trip
            Assert.AreEqual(e, f, "Objects should be equal after round trip json serialization");