예제 #1
        private static string BeginReadGenericData(string type, TypeLookupModeEnum typeLookupMode, bool findNewestTypeVersion, bool ignoreCase, ref int index)
            string typeName = string.Empty;
            string typeChar = string.Empty;

            while (index < type.Length)
                typeChar = type.Substring(index, 1);
                if ("[".Equals(typeChar))
                    typeName = string.Format("{0}[{1}]", typeName, BeginReadInnerType(type, typeLookupMode, findNewestTypeVersion, ignoreCase, ref index).AssemblyQualifiedName);
                else if ("]".Equals(typeChar))
                    // egy generikus paraméter beolvasása megtörtént
                    typeName = typeName + typeChar;

예제 #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="TypeKey" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="asmName">Name of the asm.</param>
 /// <param name="typeName">Name of the type.</param>
 /// <param name="typeLookupMode">The type lookup mode.</param>
 /// <param name="findNewestTypeVersion">if set to <c>true</c> [find newest type version].</param>
 internal TypeKey(AssemblyName asmName, string typeName, TypeLookupModeEnum typeLookupMode, bool findNewestTypeVersion)
     this.AsmName               = asmName;
     this.TypeName              = typeName;
     this.TypeLookupMode        = typeLookupMode;
     this.FindNewestTypeVersion = findNewestTypeVersion;
예제 #3
        private static Type GetTypeFromString(string assemblyFullQualifiedName, TypeLookupModeEnum typeLookupMode, bool findNewestTypeVersion, bool throwOnError, bool ignoreCase, ref int index)
            Type result = null;

            int i = assemblyFullQualifiedName.IndexOf(", ");

                if (assemblyFullQualifiedName.Contains("`"))
                    // generikus típus
                    result = BeginReadInnerType(assemblyFullQualifiedName, typeLookupMode, findNewestTypeVersion, ignoreCase, ref index);
                else if (i > 0)
                    // normál assembly-vel
                    string       assembly    = assemblyFullQualifiedName.Substring(i + 1).Trim();
                    AssemblyName asmName     = new AssemblyName(assembly);
                    string       typeStrName = assemblyFullQualifiedName.Substring(0, i);
                    result = GetTypeFromString(asmName, typeStrName, typeLookupMode, findNewestTypeVersion, ignoreCase);
                    // normál assembly nélkül
                    result = GetTypeFromString(null, assemblyFullQualifiedName, typeLookupMode, findNewestTypeVersion, ignoreCase);
            catch (TypeLoadException ex)
                if (LOGGER.IsDebugEnabled)
                    LOGGER.Debug(string.Format("TypeLoader, unable to load assembly: {0}", assemblyFullQualifiedName), ex);
                if (throwOnError)
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (LOGGER.IsDebugEnabled)
                    LOGGER.Debug(string.Format("TypeLoader, unable to load assembly: {0}", assemblyFullQualifiedName), ex);
                if (throwOnError)
                    throw new TypeLoadException(string.Format("Type '{0}' not found.", assemblyFullQualifiedName), ex);

            if (result == null && throwOnError)
                throw new TypeLoadException(string.Format("Type '{0}' not found.", assemblyFullQualifiedName));

예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the type from string.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="assemblyFullQualifiedName">Name of the assembly full qualified.</param>
        /// <param name="typeLookupMode">The type lookup mode.</param>
        /// <param name="findNewestTypeVersion">Find the newest version from a type is mandatory or not.</param>
        /// <param name="throwOnError">if set to <c>true</c> [throw on error].</param>
        /// <param name="ignoreCase">if set to <c>true</c> [ignore case].</param>
        /// <returns>The type if it was resolved, otherwise False.</returns>
        /// <example>
        /// <code>
        /// Type type = null;
        /// type = TypeHelper.GetTypeFromString("System.Int32", true);
        /// Assert.IsFalse(type == null);
        /// type = TypeHelper.GetTypeFromString("System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[[System.Int32],[System.Int64]]", true);
        /// Assert.IsFalse(type == null);
        /// type = TypeHelper.GetTypeFromString("System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[[System.Int32],[System.Int64]][,]", true);
        /// Assert.IsFalse(type == null);
        /// type = TypeHelper.GetTypeFromString(typeof(Dictionary&lt;int, Dictionary&lt;int, string&gt;&gt;).AssemblyQualifiedName);
        /// Assert.IsFalse(type == null);
        /// type = TypeHelper.GetTypeFromString(typeof(Dictionary&lt;int, Dictionary&lt;int, string&gt;&gt;[]).AssemblyQualifiedName);
        /// Assert.IsFalse(type == null);
        /// type = TypeHelper.GetTypeFromString(typeof(HashSet&lt;int?&gt;[][,]).AssemblyQualifiedName, true);
        /// Assert.IsFalse(type == null);
        /// type = TypeHelper.GetTypeFromString(typeof(HashSet&lt;int?&gt;[][,]).AssemblyQualifiedName, TypeLookupModeEnum.AllowAll, true, false, false);
        /// Assert.IsFalse(type == null);
        /// </code>
        /// </example>
        public static Type GetTypeFromString(string assemblyFullQualifiedName, TypeLookupModeEnum typeLookupMode, bool findNewestTypeVersion, bool throwOnError, bool ignoreCase)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(assemblyFullQualifiedName))

            int startIndex = 0;

            return(GetTypeFromString(assemblyFullQualifiedName, typeLookupMode, findNewestTypeVersion, throwOnError, ignoreCase, ref startIndex));
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the type from string.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="assemblyFullQualifiedName">Name of the assembly full qualified.</param>
        /// <param name="typeLookupMode">The type lookup mode.</param>
        /// <returns>The type if it was resolved, otherwise False.</returns>
        /// <example>
        /// <code>
        /// Type type = null;
        /// type = TypeHelper.GetTypeFromString("System.Int32", true);
        /// Assert.IsFalse(type == null);
        /// type = TypeHelper.GetTypeFromString("System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[[System.Int32],[System.Int64]]", true);
        /// Assert.IsFalse(type == null);
        /// type = TypeHelper.GetTypeFromString("System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[[System.Int32],[System.Int64]][,]", true);
        /// Assert.IsFalse(type == null);
        /// type = TypeHelper.GetTypeFromString(typeof(Dictionary&lt;int, Dictionary&lt;int, string&gt;&gt;).AssemblyQualifiedName);
        /// Assert.IsFalse(type == null);
        /// type = TypeHelper.GetTypeFromString(typeof(Dictionary&lt;int, Dictionary&lt;int, string&gt;&gt;[]).AssemblyQualifiedName);
        /// Assert.IsFalse(type == null);
        /// type = TypeHelper.GetTypeFromString(typeof(HashSet&lt;int?&gt;[][,]).AssemblyQualifiedName, true);
        /// Assert.IsFalse(type == null);
        /// type = TypeHelper.GetTypeFromString(typeof(HashSet&lt;int?&gt;[][,]).AssemblyQualifiedName, TypeLookupModeEnum.AllowAll, true, false, false);
        /// Assert.IsFalse(type == null);
        /// </code>
        /// </example>
        public static Type GetTypeFromString(string assemblyFullQualifiedName, TypeLookupModeEnum typeLookupMode)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(assemblyFullQualifiedName))

            int startIndex = 0;

            return(GetTypeFromString(assemblyFullQualifiedName, typeLookupMode, false, true, false, ref startIndex));
예제 #6
        private static Type BeginReadInnerType(string type, TypeLookupModeEnum typeLookupMode, bool findNewestTypeVersion, bool ignoreCase, ref int index)
            string typeName         = string.Empty;
            string typeChar         = string.Empty;
            string assembly         = string.Empty;
            bool   saveAssemblyInfo = false;

            while (index < type.Length)
                typeChar = type.Substring(index, 1);
                if ("[".Equals(typeChar))
                    typeName         = string.Format("{0}[{1}]", typeName, BeginReadGenericData(type, typeLookupMode, findNewestTypeVersion, ignoreCase, ref index));
                    saveAssemblyInfo = true;
                    assembly         = string.Empty;
                else if ("]".Equals(typeChar))
                    // egy generikus paraméter beolvasása megtörtént
                    typeName = typeName + typeChar;
                    if (saveAssemblyInfo)
                        assembly = assembly + typeChar;

            Type result = null;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(assembly))
                result = GetTypeFromString(null, typeName, typeLookupMode, findNewestTypeVersion, ignoreCase);
                // generikus
                AssemblyName asmName     = new AssemblyName(assembly.Substring(2, assembly.Length - 2));
                string       typeNameStr = typeName.Substring(0, typeName.Length - assembly.Length);
                result = GetTypeFromString(asmName, typeNameStr, typeLookupMode, findNewestTypeVersion, ignoreCase);

예제 #7
        private static Type GetTypeFromString(AssemblyName asmName, string typeName, TypeLookupModeEnum typeLookupMode, bool findNewestTypeVersion, bool ignoreCase)
            Type result = null;

            TypeKey typeKey = new TypeKey(asmName, typeName, typeLookupMode, findNewestTypeVersion);

            lock (mLockObject)
                if (mTypeKeyVsType.ContainsKey(typeKey))
                    result = mTypeKeyVsType[typeKey];
                    if (asmName != null)
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            // ilyen akkor van, ha a DLL nem betölthető (hibás, nem található, security)
                            if (LOGGER.IsDebugEnabled)
                                LOGGER.Debug(ex.Message, ex);

                    if (typeName.Contains("["))
                        // ez egy array
                        string typeNameWithoutArrayMarks = typeName.Substring(0, typeName.IndexOf("["));
                        Type   elementType = GetTypeFromString(asmName, typeNameWithoutArrayMarks, typeLookupMode, findNewestTypeVersion, ignoreCase);
                        result = Type.GetType(string.Format("{0}{1}, {2}", elementType.FullName, typeName.Substring(typeName.IndexOf("[")), elementType.Assembly.GetName().FullName));
                        // pontos betöltés
                        result = Type.GetType(typeName, false, ignoreCase);

                        if (result == null && asmName != null)
                            // betöltés assembly-vel
                                result = Type.GetType(string.Format("{0}, {1}", typeName, asmName.FullName), false, ignoreCase);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                // ilyen akkor van, ha a DLL verziója más, mint ami az AppDomain-be be van töltve
                                if (LOGGER.IsDebugEnabled)
                                    LOGGER.Debug(ex.Message, ex);

                        // ha van assembly és nem engedélyezett az azonos verzió, akkor töröljük az eredményt
                        if ((typeLookupMode & TypeLookupModeEnum.AllowExactVersions) == 0 &&
                            asmName != null && asmName.Version != null && result != null &&
                            // azonos verzió nem engedélyezett
                            result = null;

                        if (result == null || findNewestTypeVersion)
                            if (result != null && findNewestTypeVersion && result.IsArray)
                                // tömböt máshogy kezeljük
                                Type elementType = result.GetElementType();
                                while (elementType.IsArray)
                                    elementType = elementType.GetElementType();
                                Type newestType = GetTypeFromString(elementType.AssemblyQualifiedName, typeLookupMode, true, false, ignoreCase);
                                if (!result.Assembly.GetName().FullName.Equals(newestType.Assembly.GetName().FullName))
                                    // újabb típus
                                    string newTypeStr = string.Format("{0}, {1}", result.FullName, newestType.Assembly.GetName().FullName);
                                    result = GetTypeFromString(newTypeStr, TypeLookupModeEnum.AllowExactVersions, false, false, false);
                                // manuális keresés az AppDomain assembly-k között
                                // 1, ide akkor jutunk, ha a DLL nem létezik vagy a partial name nincs megadva a qualifyAssembly szekcióban
                                // 2, engedélyeztük újabb verziók használatát
                                foreach (Assembly a in new List <Assembly>(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()))
                                    if (asmName == null || a.GetName().Name.Equals(asmName.Name))
                                        Type[] types = null;
                                            // találkoztam olyan dinamikus DLL-ekkel, amelyeknek a type-jait nem lehetett kiolvasni
                                            types = a.GetTypes();
                                        catch (Exception) { }

                                        if (types != null)
                                            foreach (Type t in a.GetTypes())
                                                if (t.FullName.Equals(typeName))
                                                    if (result == null)
                                                        // még nincs kiválasztott típus
                                                        if (asmName != null && asmName.Version != null)
                                                            // van kiinduló verzió
                                                            if ((typeLookupMode & TypeLookupModeEnum.AllowExactVersions) > 0 && asmName.Version.Equals(a.GetName().Version))
                                                                // azonos verzió engedélyezett
                                                                result = t;
                                                            else if ((typeLookupMode & TypeLookupModeEnum.AllowNewerVersions) > 0 && asmName.Version < a.GetName().Version)
                                                                // újabb verzió engedélyezett
                                                                result = t;
                                                            else if ((typeLookupMode & TypeLookupModeEnum.AllowOlderVersions) > 0 && asmName.Version > a.GetName().Version)
                                                                // régebbi verzió engedélyezett
                                                                result = t;
                                                            // nincs kiinduló assembly verzió, nincs mihez viszonyítani a verzió, ezért az első alkalmas típus megfelelő
                                                            result = t;
                                                        // már van egy kiválasztott típusunk, attól keresünk megfelelőbbet (vagyis újabb verziót)
                                                        if (asmName != null && asmName.Version != null)
                                                            // van kiinduló verzió
                                                            if ((typeLookupMode & TypeLookupModeEnum.AllowExactVersions) > 0 && asmName.Version.Equals(a.GetName().Version))
                                                                // azonos verzió engedélyezett
                                                                result = t;
                                                            else if ((typeLookupMode & TypeLookupModeEnum.AllowNewerVersions) > 0 && asmName.Version < a.GetName().Version)
                                                                // újabb verzió engedélyezett
                                                                result = t;
                                                            else if ((typeLookupMode & TypeLookupModeEnum.AllowOlderVersions) > 0 && asmName.Version > a.GetName().Version)
                                                                // régebbi verzió engedélyezett
                                                                if (result.Assembly.GetName().Version < a.GetName().Version)
                                                                    // ha már van exact vagy újabb verziónk, akkor attól régebbire már ne térjünk vissza
                                                                    result = t;
                                                            // nincs referencia verzió assembly, a legfrissebb type keresése
                                                            if (result.Assembly.GetName().Version < a.GetName().Version)
                                                                // újabb verzió
                                                                result = t;

                    if (result == null)
                        throw new TypeLoadException(string.Format("Type '{0}' not found.", typeName));

                    string name = result.Assembly.GetName().Name;

                    lock (mAssemblyNameVsTypeKey)
                        ListSpecialized <TypeKey> typeKeys = null;
                        mTypeKeyVsType[typeKey] = result;
                        if (mAssemblyNameVsTypeKey.ContainsKey(name))
                            typeKeys = mAssemblyNameVsTypeKey[name];
                            typeKeys = new ListSpecialized <TypeKey>();
                            mAssemblyNameVsTypeKey[name] = typeKeys;

예제 #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="BinarySerializerFormatter{T}"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="behavior">The behavior.</param>
 /// <param name="typeLookupMode">The type lookup mode.</param>
 /// <param name="findNewestTypeVersion">if set to <c>true</c> [find newest type version].</param>
 public BinarySerializerFormatter(BinarySerializerBehaviorEnum behavior, TypeLookupModeEnum typeLookupMode, bool findNewestTypeVersion)
     this.mFormatter.SerializerBehavior    = behavior;
     this.mFormatter.TypeLookupMode        = typeLookupMode;
     this.mFormatter.FindNewestTypeVersion = findNewestTypeVersion;
예제 #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="DeserializationContext" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="selector">The selector.</param>
 /// <param name="context">The context.</param>
 /// <param name="serializerBehavior">The serializer behavior.</param>
 /// <param name="typeLookupMode">The type lookup mode.</param>
 /// <param name="findNewestTypeVersion">if set to <c>true</c> [find newest type version].</param>
 internal DeserializationContext(ISurrogateSelector selector, StreamingContext context, BinarySerializerBehaviorEnum serializerBehavior, TypeLookupModeEnum typeLookupMode, bool findNewestTypeVersion)
     this.Selector = selector;
     this.Context = context;
     this.mSerializerBehavior = serializerBehavior;
     this.mTypeLookupMode = typeLookupMode;
     this.mFindNewestTypeVersion = findNewestTypeVersion;