예제 #1
        // this class wraps a (Type-D)  many to many junction table
        //     connecting books and borrowers
        //        a book can be borrowed by many users
        //        a user can borrow many books
        //     Type-d :  duplication
        //        a single book can be borrowed multiple times by the same user
        //     Type-d :  extra data
        //        The Due Date, Returned Date, and Rating is different for
        //        each borrowing.  This extra data is not stored with the user
        //        or the book, it is stored in the junction record.

        //  in addition, this is the ViewModel class, so here is the info about that

        // This class is a simple shim around an embedded common library class
        // This class may have PopulateXXXItems and XXXItems classes which are
        // helper functions to make it easy to work with drop down list box controls
        // containing friendly descriptions for Foreign Key IDs
        // This class does contain the following additional helper functions:
        // MakeNew -- acts as a special constructor for the viewModel layer.  The
        //    Lower Layers may return NULL if the do not find an expected record
        //    the MakeNew method will pass this null on instead of createing an instance
        //    of the ViewModel Object.  A typical constructor would create a real VM
        //    object that was wrapping null, it would not return null as the MakeNew
        //    method does.
        // ToList -- helps translate a List<XXX> to a List<VMXXX>.  Most of the
        //    lowerlevel methods return a List<XXX> instead of a List<ViewModelXXX>
        // implicit operator XXX(VMXXX) -- this helps convert VMXXX to XXX whenever and
        //    whereever needed.  The conversion is simple, return the embedded object!
        // Two Constructors -- to allow the embedded items to be inserted as needed
        // This ViewModel class is intended to be used at the MVC layer without requiring
        // a reimplementation of the base XXX.  This class allows the properties to be
        // decorated with data annotations to be recognized at the MVC layer, and also
        // allows additional MVC functionality to be inserted if required.  Inheritance
        // from the common library class does not support an easy way to do data
        // annotation, and this embedding mechanism avoids copying/remapping
        // the data between layers
        // it is possible that a Generic Base Class can be devised to simplify this
        // model
        // -- followup:  After expirimenting with the generic behavior, I was able
        // to make a generic implementation, but I do not feel that it is
        // understandable or explainable to entry level programmers.
        //   The code is in the class VMBase if you want to see it.

        public static VMBorrowing MakeNew(TypeDRatedBorrowing theList)
            if (theList == null)
            var rv = new VMBorrowing(theList);

예제 #2
 public VMBorrowing(Book theBook, Borrower theBorrower)
     TheEmbeddedItem               = new TypeDRatedBorrowing();
     TheEmbeddedItem.BookID        = theBook.BookID;
     TheEmbeddedItem.BookName      = theBook.BookName;
     TheEmbeddedItem.BorrowerDOB   = theBorrower.BorrowerDOB;
     TheEmbeddedItem.BorrowerEMail = theBorrower.BorrowerEMail;
     TheEmbeddedItem.BorrowerID    = theBorrower.BorrowerID;
     TheEmbeddedItem.BorrowerName  = theBorrower.BorrowerName;
     TheEmbeddedItem.GenreID       = theBook.GenreID;
     TheEmbeddedItem.GenreName     = theBook.GenreName;
     TheEmbeddedItem.ISBN          = theBook.ISBN;
     TheEmbeddedItem.Pages         = theBook.Pages;
     TheEmbeddedItem.Price         = theBook.Price;
     TheEmbeddedItem.RoleID        = theBorrower.RoleID;
     TheEmbeddedItem.RoleName      = theBorrower.RoleName;
        public TypeDRatedBorrowing TypeDRatedBorrowingFindByID(int BorrowingID)
            TypeDRatedBorrowing rv = null;

                using (IDbCommand command = _connection.CreateCommand())
                    command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                    command.CommandText = "TypeDRatedBorrowingFindByID";
                    IDbDataParameter p = command.CreateParameter();
                    p.DbType        = DbType.Int32;
                    p.Direction     = ParameterDirection.Input;
                    p.ParameterName = "@BorrowingID";
                    p.Value         = BorrowingID;

                    using (IDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader())
                        int count = 0;
                        TypeDRatedBorrowingMapper m = new TypeDRatedBorrowingMapper(reader);
                        while (reader.Read())
                            rv = m.ToBorrowing(reader);
                        if (count > 1)
                            throw new Exception($"Multiple reccords found with id: {BorrowingID}");
            catch (Exception ex) when(Logger.Log(ex, "DAL"))
 public ActionResult ForceReturn(TypeDRatedBorrowing item)
         // context on outside because both sides of modelstate
         // need context (then needs to update, and else needs to repopulate)
         using (Context ctx = new Context())
             if (ModelState.IsValid)
     catch (Exception ex)
         return(View("Exception", ex));
 public int RatedBorrowingUpdateJust(int BorrowingID, TypeDRatedBorrowing borrowing)
     return(RatedBorrowingUpdateJust(BorrowingID, borrowing.BookID, borrowing.BorrowerID, borrowing.DueDate, borrowing.ReturnedDate, borrowing.Rating));
 public int RatedBorrowingUpdateJust(TypeDRatedBorrowing item)
     return(RatedBorrowingUpdateJust(item.BorrowingID, item.BookID, item.BorrowerID, item.DueDate, item.ReturnedDate, item.Rating));
 public int RatedBorrowingCreate(TypeDRatedBorrowing borrowing)
     return(RatedBorrowingCreate(borrowing.BookID, borrowing.BorrowerID, borrowing.DueDate, borrowing.ReturnedDate, borrowing.Rating));
        public List <TypeDRatedBorrowing> TypeDRatedBorrowingGetBorrowersRelatedToBookID(int bookID, int Skip, int Take)
            List <TypeDRatedBorrowing> actualrv = new List <TypeDRatedBorrowing>();

            //  List<Borrower> rv = new List<Borrower>();
                using (IDbCommand command = _connection.CreateCommand())
                    // configure the command object
                    command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                    command.CommandText = "TypeDRatedBorrowingsGetRelatedToBookID";

                    IDbDataParameter p = command.CreateParameter();
                    p.ParameterName = "@Skip";
                    p.DbType        = DbType.Int32;
                    p.Direction     = ParameterDirection.Input;
                    p.Value         = Skip;
                    // since p has been added to the parameters collection
                    // it is safe to reuse the same variable
                    // for a new parameter
                    p = command.CreateParameter();
                    p.ParameterName = "@Take";
                    p.DbType        = DbType.Int32;
                    p.Direction     = ParameterDirection.Input;
                    p.Value         = Take;
                    // since p has been added to the parameters collection
                    // it is safe to reuse the same variable
                    // for a new parameter
                    p = command.CreateParameter();
                    p.ParameterName = "@BookID";
                    p.DbType        = DbType.Int32;
                    p.Direction     = ParameterDirection.Input;
                    p.Value         = bookID;

                    // load the data from the database
                    using (IDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader())
                        // the mapper is constructed, and this is where the shape
                        // is validated to insure it is correct
                        // if the database structure changes,
                        // an exception will be thrown
                        // the less efficient Get Ordinal methods are only
                        // invoked one time per command
                        // this less efficient (but required) code
                        // is outside the loop
                        TypeDRatedBorrowingMapper mapper = new TypeDRatedBorrowingMapper(reader);

                        while (reader.Read())
                            TypeDRatedBorrowing a = mapper.ToBorrowing(reader);
                            // the mapper uses the much more efficient getXXX
                            // methods internally to avoid boxing and
                            // string manipulation.  this more efficient code is
                            // inside the loop
                            if (a != null)
                            // if the mapper returns null for some reason it will
                            // be ignored
                //BookDAL bookdal = new BookDAL(_connection);
                //Book book = bookdal.BookFindByID(bookID);
                //if (null == book)
                //    throw new Exception($"cant find book with id of {bookID}");
                //foreach (Borrower a in rv)
                //    TypeDRatedBorrowing writing = new TypeDRatedBorrowing();
                //    writing.BookID = book.BookID;
                //    writing.theBook = book;
                //    writing.BorrowerID = a.BorrowerID;
                //    writing.theBorrower = a;
                //    actualrv.Add(writing);
            catch (Exception ex) when(Logger.Log(ex, "DAL"))
        public TypeDRatedBorrowing ToBorrowing(IDataReader reader)
            TypeDRatedBorrowing rv = new TypeDRatedBorrowing();

            // the values of the GetXXX have been validated by the constructor
            rv.BorrowingID = reader.GetInt32(0);
            rv.BookID      = reader.GetInt32(1);
            rv.BorrowerID  = reader.GetInt32(2);
            if (reader.IsDBNull(3))
                rv.DueDate = null;
                rv.DueDate = reader.GetDateTime(3);
            if (reader.IsDBNull(4))
                rv.ReturnedDate = null;
                rv.ReturnedDate = reader.GetDateTime(4);
            if (reader.IsDBNull(5))
                rv.Rating = 0;
                rv.Rating = reader.GetDecimal(5);
            if (reader.IsDBNull(6))
                rv.ISBN = "";
                rv.ISBN = reader.GetString(6);
            if (reader.IsDBNull(7))
                rv.BookName = "";
                rv.BookName = reader.GetString(7);
            if (reader.IsDBNull(8))
                rv.Pages = 0;
                rv.Pages = reader.GetInt32(8);
            if (reader.IsDBNull(9))
                rv.Price = 0M;
                rv.Price = reader.GetDecimal(9);

            rv.GenreID = reader.GetInt32(10);
            if (reader.IsDBNull(11))
                rv.GenreName = "";
                rv.GenreName = reader.GetString(11);
            if (reader.IsDBNull(12))
                rv.BorrowerName = "";
                rv.BorrowerName = reader.GetString(12);
            if (reader.IsDBNull(13))
                rv.BorrowerEMail = "";
                rv.BorrowerEMail = reader.GetString(13);
            if (reader.IsDBNull(14))
                rv.BorrowerDOB = null;
                rv.BorrowerDOB = reader.GetDateTime(14);

            rv.RoleID = reader.GetInt32(15);

            if (reader.IsDBNull(16))
                rv.RoleName = "";
                rv.RoleName = reader.GetString(16);

        public List <TypeDRatedBorrowing> TypeDRatedBorrowingsGetAll(int Skip = 0, int Take = 0)
            List <TypeDRatedBorrowing> rv = new List <TypeDRatedBorrowing>();

                using (IDbCommand command = _connection.CreateCommand())
                    // configure the command object
                    command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                    command.CommandText = "TypeDRatedBorrowingsGetAll";

                    IDbDataParameter p = command.CreateParameter();
                    p.ParameterName = "@Skip";
                    p.DbType        = DbType.Int32;
                    p.Direction     = ParameterDirection.Input;
                    p.Value         = Skip;
                    // since p has been added to the parameters collection
                    // it is safe to reuse the same variable
                    // for a new parameter
                    p = command.CreateParameter();
                    p.ParameterName = "@Take";
                    p.DbType        = DbType.Int32;
                    p.Direction     = ParameterDirection.Input;
                    p.Value         = Take;
                    // load the data from the database
                    using (IDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader())
                        // the mapper is constructed, and this is where the shape
                        // is validated to insure it is correct
                        // if the database structure changes,
                        // an exception will be thrown
                        // the less efficient Get Ordinal methods are only
                        // invoked one time per command
                        // this less efficient (but required) code
                        // is outside the loop
                        TypeDRatedBorrowingMapper mapper = new TypeDRatedBorrowingMapper(reader);

                        while (reader.Read())
                            TypeDRatedBorrowing a = mapper.ToBorrowing(reader);
                            // the mapper uses the much more efficient getXXX
                            // methods internally to avoid boxing and
                            // string manipulation.  this more efficient code is
                            // inside the loop
                            if (a != null)
                            // if the mapper returns null for some reason it will
                            // be ignored
                foreach (TypeDRatedBorrowing writing in rv)
                    // the integer ids for book and author are already loaded from SQL
                    // this procedure now loads the book and author data from
                    // SQL
                    // this part of this method can be optimized
                    // it currently is making several round trips to the server

                    // optimization could be achieved by recreating the
                    // stored procedure to return multiple record sets
                    // and refactor this routine to read all the record sets

                    // I envision that the stored procedure would return all
                    // the junction items in the first set, then all the
                    // matching authors in the second set, then all the
                    // matching books.

                    // processing would involve calling reader.read until
                    // it fails
                    // then call reader.nextresult to get the next result set
                    // (the authors)  then call reader.nextresult to get
                    // the books

                    // the advantage of this is that it could be done in a single round trip to the server

                    // i leave this refactoring as an exercise for a future
                    // developer
            catch (Exception ex) when(Logger.Log(ex, "DAL"))
예제 #11
 public VMBorrowing(TypeDRatedBorrowing b)
     TheEmbeddedItem = b;
예제 #12
 public VMBorrowing()
     TheEmbeddedItem = new TypeDRatedBorrowing();