예제 #1
        public static void AttachIncrementalCompilerToTextEditorDocument(TypeCobolEditor textEditor, CompilationProject project, string textName, TypeCobolOptions compilerOptions, IObserver <IList <CompilationError> > errorObserver)
            var serviceContainer = textEditor.TextArea.TextView.Services;

            if (serviceContainer.GetService(typeof(TypeCobolCompilerService)) != null)

            TypeCobolCompilerService compilerService = new TypeCobolCompilerService(textEditor, project, textName, compilerOptions, errorObserver);

            serviceContainer.AddService(typeof(TypeCobolCompilerService), compilerService);
예제 #2
        private TypeCobolCompilerService(TypeCobolEditor textEditor, CompilationProject project, string textName, TypeCobolOptions compilerOptions, IObserver <IList <CompilationError> > errorObserver)
            TextDocument = textEditor.TextDocument;

            // DEMO : TaskPoolScheduler can not be used yet because of Length property access on ITextDocument by CobolCharStream
            BackgroundCompilationScheduler = DispatcherScheduler.Current;

            // Create a new file compiler for this document
            FileCompiler compiler = null;

            if (textName != null)
                compiler = new FileCompiler(null, textName, project.SourceFileProvider, project, TextDocument, compilerOptions, false, project);
                compiler = new FileCompiler(TextDocument, project.SourceFileProvider, project, compilerOptions, false, project);
            CompilationUnit = compiler.CompilationResultsForProgram;

            // Compile in the background
            compiler.StartContinuousBackgroundCompilation(400, 400, 900, 2000);

            // Refresh the syntax coloring for rescanned lines
            IObservable <DocumentChangedEvent <ITokensLine> > tokensLinesObservable =
                Observable.FromEvent <EventHandler <DocumentChangedEvent <ITokensLine> >, DocumentChangedEvent <ITokensLine> >(
                    evtHandler => CompilationUnit.TokensLinesChanged += evtHandler,
                    evtHandler => CompilationUnit.TokensLinesChanged -= evtHandler);


            // Listen to all compilation errors found by the incremental compiler => on the dispatcher thread to udpate the UI
            // --> TO DO : there is no way yet to observe compilation errors

            // Trigger initial notification after document load