예제 #1
        private async Task StopContainerAsync(Tye.Hosting.Model.Service service)
            if (service.Items.TryGetValue(typeof(DockerInformation), out var value) && value is DockerInformation di)

                await Task.WhenAll(di.Tasks);
예제 #2
            static async Task KillProcessAsync(Tye.Hosting.Model.Service service)
                if (service.Items.TryGetValue(typeof(ProcessInfo), out var stateObj) && stateObj is ProcessInfo state)
                    // Cancel the token before stopping the process

                    await Task.WhenAll(state.Tasks);
예제 #3
        private static void PrintStdOutAndErr(Tye.Hosting.Model.Service service, string replica, ProcessResult result)
            if (result.ExitCode != 0)
                if (result.StandardOutput != null)
                    service.Logs.OnNext($"[{replica}]: {result.StandardOutput}");

                if (result.StandardError != null)
                    service.Logs.OnNext($"[{replica}]: {result.StandardError}");
예제 #4
        private async Task LaunchService(Tye.Hosting.Model.Application application, Tye.Hosting.Model.Service service)
            var serviceDescription = service.Description;
            var serviceName        = serviceDescription.Name;

            var path             = "";
            var workingDirectory = "";
            var args             = "";

            if (serviceDescription.RunInfo is ProjectRunInfo project)
                var expandedProject = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(project.Project);
                var fullProjectPath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(application.ContextDirectory, expandedProject));
                path             = GetExePath(fullProjectPath);
                workingDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(fullProjectPath) !;
                args             = project.Args ?? "";
                service.Status.ProjectFilePath = fullProjectPath;
            else if (serviceDescription.RunInfo is ExecutableRunInfo executable)
                var expandedExecutable = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(executable.Executable);
                path = Path.GetExtension(expandedExecutable) == ".dll" ?
                       Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(application.ContextDirectory, expandedExecutable)) :
                workingDirectory = executable.WorkingDirectory != null?
                                   Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(application.ContextDirectory, Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(executable.WorkingDirectory))) :
                                       Path.GetDirectoryName(path) !;

                args = executable.Args ?? "";
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Unsupported ServiceType.");

            // If this is a dll then use dotnet to run it
            if (Path.GetExtension(path) == ".dll")
                args = $"\"{path}\" {args}".Trim();
                path = "dotnet";

            service.Status.ExecutablePath   = path;
            service.Status.WorkingDirectory = workingDirectory;
            service.Status.Args             = args;

            var processInfo = new ProcessInfo(new Task[service.Description.Replicas]);

            if (service.Status.ProjectFilePath != null &&
                service.Description.RunInfo is ProjectRunInfo project2 &&
                project2.Build &&
                // Sometimes building can fail because of file locking (like files being open in VS)
                _logger.LogInformation("Building project {ProjectFile}", service.Status.ProjectFilePath);

                service.Logs.OnNext($"dotnet build \"{service.Status.ProjectFilePath}\" /nologo");

                var buildResult = await ProcessUtil.RunAsync("dotnet", $"build \"{service.Status.ProjectFilePath}\" /nologo", throwOnError : false);


                if (buildResult.ExitCode != 0)
                    _logger.LogInformation("Building {ProjectFile} failed with exit code {ExitCode}: \r\n" + buildResult.StandardOutput, service.Status.ProjectFilePath, buildResult.ExitCode);

            async Task RunApplicationAsync(IEnumerable <(int Port, int BindingPort, string?Protocol)> ports)
                // Make sure we yield before trying to start the process, this is important so we don't hang startup
                await Task.Yield();

                var hasPorts = ports.Any();

                var environment = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    // Default to development environment
                    ["DOTNET_ENVIRONMENT"] = "Development"

                // Set up environment variables to use the version of dotnet we're using to run
                // this is important for tests where we're not using a globally-installed dotnet.
                var dotnetRoot = GetDotnetRoot();

                if (dotnetRoot is object)
                    environment["DOTNET_ROOT"] = dotnetRoot;
                    environment["DOTNET_MULTILEVEL_LOOKUP"] = "0";
                    environment["PATH"] = $"{dotnetRoot};{Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH")}";

                application.PopulateEnvironment(service, (k, v) => environment[k] = v);

                if (_options.DebugMode && (_options.DebugAllServices || _options.ServicesToDebug.Contains(serviceName, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
                    environment["DOTNET_STARTUP_HOOKS"] = typeof(Hosting.Runtime.HostingRuntimeHelpers).Assembly.Location;

                if (hasPorts)
                    // These are the ports that the application should use for binding

                    // 1. Configure ASP.NET Core to bind to those same ports
                    environment["ASPNETCORE_URLS"] = string.Join(";", ports.Select(p => $"{p.Protocol ?? "http"}://localhost:{p.Port}"));

                    // Set the HTTPS port for the redirect middleware
                    foreach (var p in ports)
                        if (string.Equals(p.Protocol, "https", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                            // We need to set the redirect URL to the exposed port so the redirect works cleanly
                            environment["HTTPS_PORT"] = p.BindingPort.ToString();

                    // 3. For non-ASP.NET Core apps, pass the same information in the PORT env variable as a semicolon separated list.
                    environment["PORT"] = string.Join(";", ports.Select(p => $"{p.Port}"));

                while (!processInfo.StoppedTokenSource.IsCancellationRequested)
                    var replica = serviceName + "_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Substring(0, 10).ToLower();
                    var status  = new ProcessStatus(service, replica);
                    service.Replicas[replica] = status;

                    service.ReplicaEvents.OnNext(new ReplicaEvent(ReplicaState.Added, status));

                    // This isn't your host name
                    environment["APP_INSTANCE"] = replica;

                    status.ExitCode    = null;
                    status.Pid         = null;
                    status.Environment = environment;

                    if (hasPorts)
                        status.Ports = ports.Select(p => p.Port);

                    _logger.LogInformation("Launching service {ServiceName}: {ExePath} {args}", replica, path, args);

                        service.Logs.OnNext($"[{replica}]:{path} {args}");

                        var result = await ProcessUtil.RunAsync(path, args,
                                                                environmentVariables : environment,
                                                                workingDirectory : workingDirectory,
                                                                outputDataReceived : data => service.Logs.OnNext($"[{replica}]: {data}"),
                                                                onStart : pid =>
                            if (hasPorts)
                                _logger.LogInformation("{ServiceName} running on process id {PID} bound to {Address}", replica, pid, string.Join(", ", ports.Select(p => $"{p.Protocol ?? "http"}://localhost:{p.Port}")));
                                _logger.LogInformation("{ServiceName} running on process id {PID}", replica, pid);

                            status.Pid = pid;

                            service.ReplicaEvents.OnNext(new ReplicaEvent(ReplicaState.Started, status));
                                                                throwOnError : false,
                                                                cancellationToken : processInfo.StoppedTokenSource.Token);

                        status.ExitCode = result.ExitCode;

                        if (status.Pid != null)
                            service.ReplicaEvents.OnNext(new ReplicaEvent(ReplicaState.Stopped, status));
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        _logger.LogError(0, ex, "Failed to launch process for service {ServiceName}", replica);

                            await Task.Delay(5000, processInfo.StoppedTokenSource.Token);
                        catch (OperationCanceledException)
                            // Swallow cancellation exceptions and continue


                    if (status.ExitCode != null)
                        _logger.LogInformation("{ServiceName} process exited with exit code {ExitCode}", replica, status.ExitCode);

                    // Remove the replica from the set
                    service.Replicas.TryRemove(replica, out _);
                    service.ReplicaEvents.OnNext(new ReplicaEvent(ReplicaState.Removed, status));

            if (serviceDescription.Bindings.Count > 0)
                // Each replica is assigned a list of internal ports, one mapped to each external
                // port
                for (int i = 0; i < serviceDescription.Replicas; i++)
                    var ports = new List <(int, int, string?)>();
                    foreach (var binding in serviceDescription.Bindings)
                        if (binding.Port == null)

                        ports.Add((service.PortMap[binding.Port.Value][i], binding.Port.Value, binding.Protocol));

                    processInfo.Tasks[i] = RunApplicationAsync(ports);
                for (int i = 0; i < service.Description.Replicas; i++)
                    processInfo.Tasks[i] = RunApplicationAsync(Enumerable.Empty <(int, int, string?)>());

            service.Items[typeof(ProcessInfo)] = processInfo;
예제 #5
        private async Task StartContainerAsync(Tye.Hosting.Model.Application application, Tye.Hosting.Model.Service service, DockerRunInfo docker)
            if (!await DockerDetector.Instance.IsDockerInstalled.Value)
                _logger.LogError("Unable to start docker container for service {ServiceName}, Docker is not installed.", service.Description.Name);

                service.Logs.OnNext($"Unable to start docker container for service {service.Description.Name}, Docker is not installed.");

            if (!await DockerDetector.Instance.IsDockerConnectedToDaemon.Value)
                _logger.LogError("Unable to start docker container for service {ServiceName}, Docker is not running.", service.Description.Name);

                service.Logs.OnNext($"Unable to start docker container for service {service.Description.Name}, Docker is not running.");

            var serviceDescription   = service.Description;
            var environmentArguments = "";
            var volumes          = "";
            var workingDirectory = docker.WorkingDirectory != null ? $"-w {docker.WorkingDirectory}" : "";

            // This is .NET specific
            var userSecretStore = GetUserSecretsPathFromSecrets();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userSecretStore))
                // Map the user secrets on this drive to user secrets
                docker.VolumeMappings[userSecretStore] = "/root/.microsoft/usersecrets:ro";

            var dockerInfo = new DockerInformation(new Task[service.Description.Replicas]);

            async Task RunDockerContainer(IEnumerable <(int Port, int?InternalPort, int BindingPort, string?Protocol)> ports)
                var hasPorts = ports.Any();

                var replica = service.Description.Name.ToLower() + "_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Substring(0, 10).ToLower();
                var status  = new DockerStatus(service, replica);

                service.Replicas[replica] = status;

                service.ReplicaEvents.OnNext(new ReplicaEvent(ReplicaState.Added, status));

                var environment = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    // Default to development environment
                    ["DOTNET_ENVIRONMENT"] = "Development",
                    // Remove the color codes from the console output
                    ["DOTNET_LOGGING__CONSOLE__DISABLECOLORS"] = "true"

                var portString = "";

                if (hasPorts)
                    status.Ports = ports.Select(p => p.Port);

                    // These are the ports that the application should use for binding

                    // 1. Tell the docker container what port to bind to
                    portString = string.Join(" ", ports.Select(p => $"-p {p.Port}:{p.InternalPort ?? p.Port}"));

                    // 2. Configure ASP.NET Core to bind to those same ports
                    environment["ASPNETCORE_URLS"] = string.Join(";", ports.Select(p => $"{p.Protocol ?? "http"}://*:{p.InternalPort ?? p.Port}"));

                    // Set the HTTPS port for the redirect middleware
                    foreach (var p in ports)
                        if (string.Equals(p.Protocol, "https", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                            // We need to set the redirect URL to the exposed port so the redirect works cleanly
                            environment["HTTPS_PORT"] = p.BindingPort.ToString();

                    // 3. For non-ASP.NET Core apps, pass the same information in the PORT env variable as a semicolon separated list.
                    environment["PORT"] = string.Join(";", ports.Select(p => $"{p.InternalPort ?? p.Port}"));

                // See: https://github.com/docker/for-linux/issues/264
                // The way we do proxying here doesn't really work for multi-container scenarios on linux
                // without some more setup.
                application.PopulateEnvironment(service, (key, value) => environment[key] = value, "host.docker.internal");

                environment["APP_INSTANCE"] = replica;

                foreach (var pair in environment)
                    environmentArguments += $"-e {pair.Key}={pair.Value} ";

                foreach (var pair in docker.VolumeMappings)
                    var sourcePath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(application.ContextDirectory, pair.Key.Replace(Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar, Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)));
                    volumes += $"-v {sourcePath}:{pair.Value} ";

                var command = $"run -d {workingDirectory} {volumes} {environmentArguments} {portString} --name {replica} --restart=unless-stopped {docker.Image} {docker.Args ?? ""}";

                _logger.LogInformation("Running docker command {Command}", command);

                service.Logs.OnNext($"[{replica}]: {command}");

                status.DockerCommand = command;

                var result = await ProcessUtil.RunAsync(
                    throwOnError : false,
                    cancellationToken : dockerInfo.StoppingTokenSource.Token,
                    outputDataReceived : data => service.Logs.OnNext($"[{replica}]: {data}"));

                if (result.ExitCode != 0)
                    _logger.LogError("docker run failed for {ServiceName} with exit code {ExitCode}:" + result.StandardError, service.Description.Name, result.ExitCode);
                    service.Replicas.TryRemove(replica, out _);
                    service.ReplicaEvents.OnNext(new ReplicaEvent(ReplicaState.Removed, status));

                    PrintStdOutAndErr(service, replica, result);

                var containerId = (string?)result.StandardOutput.Trim();

                // There's a race condition that sometimes makes us miss the output
                // so keep trying to get the container id
                while (string.IsNullOrEmpty(containerId))
                    // Try to get the ID of the container
                    result = await ProcessUtil.RunAsync("docker", $"ps --no-trunc -f name={replica} --format " + "{{.ID}}");

                    containerId = result.ExitCode == 0 ? result.StandardOutput.Trim() : null;

                var shortContainerId = containerId.Substring(0, Math.Min(12, containerId.Length));

                status.ContainerId = shortContainerId;

                _logger.LogInformation("Running container {ContainerName} with ID {ContainerId}", replica, shortContainerId);

                service.ReplicaEvents.OnNext(new ReplicaEvent(ReplicaState.Started, status));

                _logger.LogInformation("Collecting docker logs for {ContainerName}.", replica);

                await ProcessUtil.RunAsync("docker", $"logs -f {containerId}",
                                           outputDataReceived : data => service.Logs.OnNext($"[{replica}]: {data}"),
                                           onStart : pid =>
                    status.DockerLogsPid = pid;
                                           throwOnError : false,
                                           cancellationToken : dockerInfo.StoppingTokenSource.Token);

                _logger.LogInformation("docker logs collection for {ContainerName} complete with exit code {ExitCode}", replica, result.ExitCode);

                // Docker has a tendency to get stuck so we're going to timeout this shutdown process
                var timeoutCts = new CancellationTokenSource(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));

                _logger.LogInformation("Stopping container {ContainerName} with ID {ContainerId}", replica, shortContainerId);

                result = await ProcessUtil.RunAsync("docker", $"stop {containerId}", throwOnError : false, cancellationToken : timeoutCts.Token);

                PrintStdOutAndErr(service, replica, result);

                service.ReplicaEvents.OnNext(new ReplicaEvent(ReplicaState.Stopped, status));

                _logger.LogInformation("Stopped container {ContainerName} with ID {ContainerId} exited with {ExitCode}", replica, shortContainerId, result.ExitCode);

                result = await ProcessUtil.RunAsync("docker", $"rm {containerId}", throwOnError : false, cancellationToken : timeoutCts.Token);

                PrintStdOutAndErr(service, replica, result);

                _logger.LogInformation("Removed container {ContainerName} with ID {ContainerId} exited with {ExitCode}", replica, shortContainerId, result.ExitCode);

                service.Replicas.TryRemove(replica, out _);

                service.ReplicaEvents.OnNext(new ReplicaEvent(ReplicaState.Removed, status));

            if (serviceDescription.Bindings.Count > 0)
                // Each replica is assigned a list of internal ports, one mapped to each external
                // port
                for (var i = 0; i < serviceDescription.Replicas; i++)
                    var ports = new List <(int, int?, int, string?)>();
                    foreach (var binding in serviceDescription.Bindings)
                        if (binding.Port == null)

                        ports.Add((service.PortMap[binding.Port.Value][i], binding.InternalPort, binding.Port.Value, binding.Protocol));

                    dockerInfo.Tasks[i] = RunDockerContainer(ports);
                for (var i = 0; i < service.Description.Replicas; i++)
                    dockerInfo.Tasks[i] = RunDockerContainer(Enumerable.Empty <(int, int?, int, string?)>());

            service.Items[typeof(DockerInformation)] = dockerInfo;
예제 #6
        private async Task StartContainerAsync(Tye.Hosting.Model.Application application, Tye.Hosting.Model.Service service, DockerRunInfo docker)
            if (!await DockerDetector.Instance.IsDockerInstalled.Value)
                _logger.LogError("Unable to start docker container for service {ServiceName}, Docker is not installed.", service.Description.Name);

                service.Logs.OnNext($"Unable to start docker container for service {service.Description.Name}, Docker is not installed.");

            if (!await DockerDetector.Instance.IsDockerConnectedToDaemon.Value)
                _logger.LogError("Unable to start docker container for service {ServiceName}, Docker is not running.", service.Description.Name);

                service.Logs.OnNext($"Unable to start docker container for service {service.Description.Name}, Docker is not running.");

            var serviceDescription   = service.Description;
            var environmentArguments = "";

            var dockerInfo = new DockerInformation(new Task[service.Description.Replicas]);

            async Task RunDockerContainer(IEnumerable <(int Port, int?InternalPort, int BindingPort, string?Protocol)> ports)
                var hasPorts = ports.Any();

                var replica = service.Description.Name.ToLower() + "_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Substring(0, 10).ToLower();
                var status  = new DockerStatus(service, replica);

                service.Replicas[replica] = status;

                service.ReplicaEvents.OnNext(new ReplicaEvent(ReplicaState.Added, status));

                var environment = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    // Default to development environment
                    ["DOTNET_ENVIRONMENT"] = "Development",
                    // Remove the color codes from the console output
                    ["DOTNET_LOGGING__CONSOLE__DISABLECOLORS"] = "true"

                var portString = "";

                if (hasPorts)
                    status.Ports = ports.Select(p => p.Port);

                    portString = string.Join(" ", ports.Select(p => $"-p {p.Port}:{p.InternalPort ?? p.Port}"));

                    foreach (var p in ports)
                        environment[$"{p.Protocol?.ToUpper() ?? "HTTP"}_PORT"] = p.BindingPort.ToString();

                application.PopulateEnvironment(service, (key, value) => environment[key] = value, "host.docker.internal");

                environment["APP_INSTANCE"] = replica;

                foreach (var pair in environment)
                    environmentArguments += $"-e {pair.Key}={pair.Value} ";

                var command = $"run -d {environmentArguments} {portString} --name {replica} --restart=unless-stopped {docker.Image} {docker.Args ?? ""}";

                _logger.LogInformation("Running docker command {Command}", command);

                service.Logs.OnNext($"[{replica}]: {command}");

                status.DockerCommand = command;

                var result = await ProcessUtil.RunAsync(
                    throwOnError : false,
                    cancellationToken : dockerInfo.StoppingTokenSource.Token,
                    outputDataReceived : data => service.Logs.OnNext($"[{replica}]: {data}"));

                if (result.ExitCode != 0)
                    _logger.LogError("docker run failed for {ServiceName} with exit code {ExitCode}:" + result.StandardError, service.Description.Name, result.ExitCode);
                    service.Replicas.TryRemove(replica, out _);
                    service.ReplicaEvents.OnNext(new ReplicaEvent(ReplicaState.Removed, status));

                    PrintStdOutAndErr(service, replica, result);

                var containerId = (string?)result.StandardOutput.Trim();

                // There's a race condition that sometimes makes us miss the output
                // so keep trying to get the container id
                while (string.IsNullOrEmpty(containerId))
                    // Try to get the ID of the container
                    result = await ProcessUtil.RunAsync("docker", $"ps --no-trunc -f name={replica} --format " + "{{.ID}}");

                    containerId = result.ExitCode == 0 ? result.StandardOutput.Trim() : null;

                var shortContainerId = containerId.Substring(0, Math.Min(12, containerId.Length));

                status.ContainerId = shortContainerId;

                _logger.LogInformation("Running container {ContainerName} with ID {ContainerId}", replica, shortContainerId);

                service.ReplicaEvents.OnNext(new ReplicaEvent(ReplicaState.Started, status));

                _logger.LogInformation("Collecting docker logs for {ContainerName}.", replica);

                await ProcessUtil.RunAsync("docker", $"logs -f {containerId}",
                                           outputDataReceived : data => service.Logs.OnNext($"[{replica}]: {data}"),
                                           onStart : pid =>
                    status.DockerLogsPid = pid;
                                           throwOnError : false,
                                           cancellationToken : dockerInfo.StoppingTokenSource.Token);

                _logger.LogInformation("docker logs collection for {ContainerName} complete with exit code {ExitCode}", replica, result.ExitCode);

                // Docker has a tendency to get stuck so we're going to timeout this shutdown process
                var timeoutCts = new CancellationTokenSource(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));

                _logger.LogInformation("Stopping container {ContainerName} with ID {ContainerId}", replica, shortContainerId);

                result = await ProcessUtil.RunAsync("docker", $"stop {containerId}", throwOnError : false, cancellationToken : timeoutCts.Token);

                PrintStdOutAndErr(service, replica, result);

                service.ReplicaEvents.OnNext(new ReplicaEvent(ReplicaState.Stopped, status));

                _logger.LogInformation("Stopped container {ContainerName} with ID {ContainerId} exited with {ExitCode}", replica, shortContainerId, result.ExitCode);

                result = await ProcessUtil.RunAsync("docker", $"rm {containerId}", throwOnError : false, cancellationToken : timeoutCts.Token);

                PrintStdOutAndErr(service, replica, result);

                _logger.LogInformation("Removed container {ContainerName} with ID {ContainerId} exited with {ExitCode}", replica, shortContainerId, result.ExitCode);

                service.Replicas.TryRemove(replica, out _);

                service.ReplicaEvents.OnNext(new ReplicaEvent(ReplicaState.Removed, status));

            if (serviceDescription.Bindings.Count > 0)
                // Each replica is assigned a list of internal ports, one mapped to each external
                // port
                for (var i = 0; i < serviceDescription.Replicas; i++)
                    var ports = new List <(int, int?, int, string?)>();
                    foreach (var binding in serviceDescription.Bindings)
                        if (binding.Port == null)

                        ports.Add((service.PortMap[binding.Port.Value][i], binding.InternalPort, binding.Port.Value, binding.Protocol));

                    dockerInfo.Tasks[i] = RunDockerContainer(ports);
                for (var i = 0; i < service.Description.Replicas; i++)
                    dockerInfo.Tasks[i] = RunDockerContainer(Enumerable.Empty <(int, int?, int, string?)>());

            service.Items[typeof(DockerInformation)] = dockerInfo;