private void BtnReset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { TxtBxUName.Clear(); TxtBxPwd.Clear(); TxtBxRPwd.Clear(); TxtBxFName.Clear(); TxtBxLName.Clear(); TxtBxEmail.Clear(); TxtBxSecQ.Clear(); TxtBxSecA.Clear(); }
private void BtnReminder_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Reminder r = new Reminder(); if (CmBxList.SelectedIndex == -1) { MessageBox.Show("Please select a mode of reminding you."); CmBxList.Focus(); } else if (CmBxList.SelectedIndex == 0) { if (TxtBxPhNo.Text == null || TxtBxPhNo.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please enter your cellphone number to send a message to"); TxtBxPhNo.Focus(); } else if (TxtBxPhNo.Text.Length != 10) { MessageBox.Show("Invalid Phone number. Please try again"); TxtBxPhNo.Focus(); } else { if (st == 1) { r.MsgOnly(TxtBxPhNo.Text.ToString(), FName, ShpngLst); } else { r.MsgOnly(TxtBxPhNo.Text.ToString(), FName, TLst); } } } else if (CmBxList.SelectedIndex == 1) { if (TxtBxEmail.Text == "" || TxtBxEmail.Text == null) { MessageBox.Show("Please enter your email id."); TxtBxEmail.Focus(); } else if (!TxtBxEmail.Text.Contains("@") && !TxtBxEmail.Text.Contains(".")) { MessageBox.Show("Invalid Email id. Please try again."); TxtBxEmail.Focus(); } else { if (st == 1) { r.EmailOnly(TxtBxEmail.Text.ToString(), FName, ShpngLst); } else { r.EmailOnly(TxtBxEmail.Text.ToString(), FName, TLst); } } } else if (CmBxList.SelectedIndex == 2) { if (st == 1) { r.EmailAndMsg(TxtBxEmail.Text.ToString(), TxtBxPhNo.Text.ToString(), FName, ShpngLst); } else { r.EmailAndMsg(TxtBxEmail.Text.ToString(), TxtBxPhNo.Text.ToString(), FName, TLst); } } }