public static Tweet TweetMapper(TwitterStatus originalTweet) { if(originalTweet == null) return new Tweet(); var tweet = new Tweet(); TwitterStatus twitterStatus; if (originalTweet.RetweetedStatus != null) { tweet.OriginalId = originalTweet.Id; tweet.IsRetweeted = true; tweet.RetweetedBy = originalTweet.User.Name; twitterStatus = originalTweet.RetweetedStatus; } else { twitterStatus = originalTweet; tweet.OriginalId = twitterStatus.Id; } tweet.Id = twitterStatus.Id; tweet.ImageUrl = twitterStatus.User.ProfileImageUrl; tweet.Text = FormatHelper.HtmlToBbCodeText(twitterStatus.TextAsHtml); tweet.UserFullName = twitterStatus.User.Name; tweet.Created = FormatHelper.UniDate(twitterStatus.CreatedDate); tweet.IsNew = true; tweet.IsFavorited = twitterStatus.IsFavorited; tweet.IsExpanded = true; return tweet; }
public Description(MainWindow wi, TwitterStatus st) { isrepd = false; w = wi; os = st; InitializeComponent(); }
//-------------------------------------- // INITIALIZE //-------------------------------------- public TwitterUserInfo(string data) { _rawJSON = data; IDictionary JSON = ANMiniJSON.Json.Deserialize(_rawJSON) as IDictionary; _id = System.Convert.ToString(JSON["id"]); _name = System.Convert.ToString(JSON["name"]); _description = System.Convert.ToString(JSON["description"]); _screen_name = System.Convert.ToString(JSON["screen_name"]); _lang = System.Convert.ToString(JSON["lang"]); _location = System.Convert.ToString(JSON["location"]); _profile_image_url = System.Convert.ToString(JSON["profile_image_url"]); _profile_image_url_https = System.Convert.ToString(JSON["profile_image_url_https"]); _profile_background_image_url = System.Convert.ToString(JSON["profile_background_image_url"]); _profile_background_image_url_https = System.Convert.ToString(JSON["profile_background_image_url_https"]); _friends_count = System.Convert.ToInt32(JSON["friends_count"]); _statuses_count = System.Convert.ToInt32(JSON["statuses_count"]); _profile_text_color = HexToColor(System.Convert.ToString(JSON["profile_text_color"])); _profile_background_color = HexToColor(System.Convert.ToString(JSON["profile_background_color"])); _status = new TwitterStatus(JSON["status"] as IDictionary); }
public UIElement CreateFavoritePanel(TwitterStatus st, TwitterUser us) { StackPanel sp = new StackPanel(); StackPanel abp = new StackPanel(); abp.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal; var ab = new TextBlock(); ab.Text = String.Format(MessageMentionFavoritedFormat, us.Name); ab.FontSize = 18; var abim = new Image(); abim.Width = 36; abim.Height = 36; abim.MouseDown += im_MouseDown2; abim.Tag = sp;//TODO : ここ abim.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(us.ProfileImageUrlHttps));//TODO : ここ abp.Children.Add(abim); abp.Children.Add(ab); var te = new TextBlock(); te.FontSize = 13; te.Foreground = Brushes.LightGray; te.Text = st.TextDecoded; sp.Children.Add(abp); sp.Children.Add(te); sp.Tag = us; return sp; }
public Description(MainWindow wi, long id) { isrepd = true; w = wi; os = w.Service.GetTweet(new GetTweetOptions { Id = id, IncludeEntities = true }); InitializeComponent(); }
public bool Parse(TwitterStatus tweet) { var text = tweet.Text; var date = tweet.CreatedDate; var option = RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline; Regex r = new Regex(@"PeerCastで配信中!(.*?)\s?\[([^\]]*)\s-\s([^\]]*)\]「(.*)」?\shttps?://", option); MatchCollection mc = r.Matches(text); if (mc.Count == 0) { return false; } foreach (Match m in mc) { name = m.Groups[1].ToString(); genre = m.Groups[2].ToString(); desc = m.Groups[3].ToString(); comment = m.Groups[4].ToString(); encodech = Uri.EscapeDataString(name); //Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2} {3}", ch, genre, desc, comment); break; } TimeSpan ts = DateTime.Now - date; time = ts.ToString(@"hh\:mm"); expandedurl = GetExpandUrl(tweet); return true; }
public TwitterFactory SendMessage(string message) { var options = new SendTweetOptions(); options.Status = ScoresMessage + message; Status = Service.SendTweet(options); return this; }
public TwitterWallMessage(TwitterStatus tweet) { TweetID = tweet.Id; Name = tweet.User.Name; Username = tweet.User.ScreenName; ProfileImage = tweet.User.ProfileImageUrl; Text = tweet.Text; Created_at = tweet.CreatedDate; }
private DisplayItem ConvertToDataItem(TwitterStatus status) { return new DisplayItem { MediaPlatform = SocialMediaName, Data = status.TextAsHtml, Username = status.User.ScreenName, Url = status.User.Url }; }
public NGTweeterStatus Convert(TwitterStatus twitterStatus) { return new NGTweeterStatus { Id = twitterStatus.Id, User = new TweeterUserAdapter().Convert(twitterStatus.User), Tweet = twitterStatus.Text, CreatedDate = twitterStatus.CreatedDate.AddHours(8), RetweetedStatus = twitterStatus.RetweetedStatus != null ? Convert(twitterStatus.RetweetedStatus) : null }; }
public static Tweet CreateTweetFromTwitterStatus(TwitterStatus status) { return new Tweet { Id = status.Id.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), Status = status.Text, User = CreateUserFromTwitterUser(status.User), CreatedDate = status.CreatedDate, Links = status.TextLinks.ToList() }; }
public TegakiDrawWindow(MainWindow mw, DateTime d, TwitterStatus st) : this(mw, d) { IsReply.IsChecked = true; TweetDesc.Text += "@" + st.User.ScreenName + " "; ReplyID.Text = st.Id.ToString(); foreach (var m in st.Entities.Mentions) { TweetDesc.Text += "@" + m.ScreenName + " "; } }
public static Tweet NewTweet(TwitterStatus Status) { return new TweetClass { Id = Status.Id, Content = Status.Text, Author = NewUser(Status.User), Picture = Status.User.ProfileImageUrl, Date = Status.CreatedDate.ToString(), Source = Status.Source, ReplyTo = Status.InReplyToStatusId }; }
private void ReceiveResponse(TwitterStatus status, TwitterResponse response) { if (status != null && response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK) { if (Completed != null) Completed(this, new EventArgs()); } else { if (Error != null) Error(this, response); } }
public static TwitterStatus SearchToStatus(TwitterSearchStatus search) { TwitterStatus status = new TwitterStatus { User = search.Author as TwitterUser, Text = search.Text, TextAsHtml = search.TextAsHtml, Source = search.Source, Id = search.Id, CreatedDate = search.CreatedDate, Entities = search.Entities }; return status; }
/// <summary> /// Utility method that gets the image urls for a tweet. /// </summary> /// <param name="tweet"></param> /// <returns> A list of strings containing media urlss</returns> public List<String> getImageUrlsForTweet(TwitterStatus tweet) { List<String> urls = new List<String>(); var media = tweet.Entities.Media; foreach (var m in media) { if (m.MediaType == TwitterMediaType.Photo) { urls.Add(m.MediaUrl); } } return urls; }
static void Main(string[] args) { string _consumerKey = "JXTOavtgUIN3ucDNRX3qsG5HM", _consumerSecret = "zf7szYPlnz4RG4utTsHnQRrreye4aNDoj8SNw6yiuklG9roDaj", _accessToken = "65598981-Hbx6HVVi1prAkW1MkzhBEw8oX2vNTti1UMK4BAAiS", _accessTokenSecret = "yuQWecLhU5GqBUgdhysiJm7hbBGLCnmTNEInZvu5xOiiF"; var service1 = new TwitterService(_consumerKey, _consumerSecret); service1.AuthenticateWith(_accessToken, _accessTokenSecret); var block = new AutoResetEvent(false); TwitterStatus[] searchResult = new TwitterStatus[0]; service1.Search(new SearchOptions() { Q = ":)", Count = 20, IncludeEntities = true, Lang = "en" }, (result, respone) => { Console.WriteLine("On going..."); HttpStatusCode code = respone.StatusCode; if (code == HttpStatusCode.OK) { searchResult = new TwitterStatus[result.Statuses.Count()]; result.Statuses.ToList().CopyTo(searchResult); block.Set(); } }); //TwitterRateLimitStatus rate = service1.Response.RateLimitStatus; //Console.WriteLine("You have used " + rate.RemainingHits + " out of your " + rate.HourlyLimit); Console.WriteLine("Out going..."); block.WaitOne(); service1.CancelStreaming(); if (searchResult.Count() > 0) { WebClient webClient = new WebClient(); StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter("out.txt"); for (int i = 0; i < searchResult.Count(); i++){ var photo = searchResult[i].Entities.Media.FirstOrDefault(m => m.MediaType == TwitterMediaType.Photo); string attachedPhoto = "-"; if (photo != null) { attachedPhoto = "O"; webClient.DownloadFile(photo.MediaUrl, searchResult[i].Id + ".jpg"); } string s = searchResult[i].Id + "\t" + attachedPhoto + "\t" + searchResult[i].User.ScreenName + "\t" + searchResult[i].Text; writer.WriteLine(s); } writer.Close(); } Console.WriteLine("Finish"); }
public static Tweet CreateTweetFromTwitterStatus(TwitterStatus status) { return new Tweet { Id = status.Id.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), Status = status.Text, User = CreateUserFromTwitterUser(status.User), CreatedDate = status.CreatedDate, Links = status.Entities.Urls.Select(x => new Uri(x.Value)).ToList(), Mentions = status.Entities.Mentions.Select(x => x.ScreenName).ToList(), InReplyToStatusId = GetInReplyToStatusId(status), IsArchived = false, IsRead = false }; }
public void TweetMapper_ReTweet_Valid() { var date = DateTime.Now; var twitterStatus = new TwitterStatus { Id = 23, User = new TwitterUser { ProfileImageUrl = "", Name = "My Name" }, RetweetedStatus = new TwitterStatus { Id = 45, User = new TwitterUser { ProfileImageUrl = "", Name = "My Fancy Name" }, TextAsHtml = "Awesome! RT <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">@jhalbrecht</a> Ah-Ha moments coming Fast and Furious <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">@ShawnWildermuth</a>'s \"Building a Site with Bootstrap, AngularJS, ASP[.]NET...\"", CreatedDate = date.AddDays(-2), IsFavorited = false }, TextAsHtml = "Watching some fish jump @ Issaquah Salmon Days <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>", CreatedDate = date, IsFavorited = true }; var expected = new Tweet { Id = twitterStatus.RetweetedStatus.Id, Created = FormatHelper.UniDate(twitterStatus.RetweetedStatus.CreatedDate), ImageUrl = twitterStatus.RetweetedStatus.User.ProfileImageUrl, IsExpanded = true, IsFavorited = twitterStatus.RetweetedStatus.IsFavorited, IsNew = true, IsRetweeted = true, OriginalId = twitterStatus.Id, RetweetedBy = twitterStatus.User.Name, Text = FormatHelper.HtmlToBbCodeText(twitterStatus.RetweetedStatus.TextAsHtml), UserFullName = twitterStatus.RetweetedStatus.User.Name }; var tweetMapper = TweetTransformer.TweetMapper(twitterStatus); tweetMapper.ShouldBeEquivalentTo(expected); }
/// <summary> /// 情報を表示 /// </summary> /// <param name="s">ステタス</param> void SetInfo(TwitterStatus s) { os = s; if (s.RetweetedStatus == null) { SetWith(s, JObject.Parse(s.RawSource)); } else { SetWith(s.RetweetedStatus, JObject.Parse(s.RawSource)["retweeted_status"]); } if (s.InReplyToStatusId != null) { ButtonShowReply.Dispatch(() => ButtonShowReply.IsEnabled = true); } }
private static string getTweetKey(TwitterStatus tweet) { string tempstr = tweet.RawSource.Substring(tweet.RawSource.LastIndexOf("screen_name")); int tempindex = tweet.RawSource.LastIndexOf("screen_name") + 15; int tempindex2 = tempstr.IndexOf(",") - 16; return /*"tweet.User: "******"<br>" + "tweet.RetweetedStatus: " + tweet.RetweetedStatus + "<br>" + "tweet.Location: " + tweet.Location + "<br>" + "tweet.Id: " + tweet.Id + "<br>" + "tweet.Entities: " + tweet.Entities + "<br>" + "tweet.Author: " + tweet.Author + "<br>" + "tweet.RawSource: " + tweet.RawSource + "<br>" +*/ //tweet.RawSource.Contains("screen_name") + "<br>" + //tweet.RawSource.Substring(tweet.RawSource.LastIndexOf("screen_name:")) + "<br>" + tweet.RawSource.Substring(tempindex, tempindex2) + ": " + "[" + tweet.CreatedDate + "] : " + tweet.Text; //return tweet.User + " " + "[" + tweet.CreatedDate + "] : " + tweet.Text; }
public TweetPage(KbtterContext ct, TwitterStatus st) { InitializeComponent(); ctx = ct; stat = st; dynraw = JObject.Parse(st.RawSource); if (stat.RetweetedStatus != null) { rtuser = stat.User; stat = stat.RetweetedStatus; dynraw = dynraw.retweeted_status; this.Background = new SolidColorBrush(new Color { R = 200, G = 255, B = 200, A = 127 }); } else { this.Background = new SolidColorBrush(new Color { R = 200, G = 255, B = 255, A = 127 }); } SetStatus(); }
public static ListViewItem GetRecordByStatus(TwitterStatus status, ref TwitterModelClass tmc) { ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(); item.Text = status.Id.ToString(); item.Name = item.Text; item.SubItems.Add(status.User.ScreenName); item.SubItems.Add(WebUtility.HtmlDecode(GetTextWithReplacingURL(status))); item.Tag = status; if (isMentionToMe(status, ref tmc)) item.ImageIndex = 0; else if (status.User.Id == tmc.MyID) item.ImageIndex = 1; else if (status.RetweetedStatus != null) item.ImageIndex = 2; if (!tmc.FollowerID.Contains(status.User.Id)) item.ForeColor = Color.Blue; return item; }
public QuestionViewModel(TwitterStatus twitterStatus) { Channel = MessageChannel.Twitter; To = ""; From = twitterStatus.User != null ? twitterStatus.User.Name : "LS#er"; Content = twitterStatus.Text; Msg_Id = twitterStatus.Id; DateAsked = twitterStatus.CreatedDate.ToShortDateString(); Keyword = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Content)) { var aimlPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/aiml/"); var chatbot = new DoctorSharp(aimlPath); var answer = chatbot.Ask(From, Content); Answer = answer; } else { Answer = "There was no question."; } }
public TweetReply(TwitterStatus status) { Point screenPoint = Cursor.Position; Rectangle sb = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds; if (screenPoint.X + Width > sb.Right) { screenPoint.X = sb.Right - Width; } if (screenPoint.Y + Height > sb.Bottom) { screenPoint.Y = sb.Bottom - Height; } InitializeComponent(); Location = screenPoint; tweetdisplay1.setdata(status); writeTweet1.setText("@"+status.User.ScreenName+" "); }
public void Execute(Bot bot) { var now = DateTime.Now; Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Fetching from tha twatters! - {} < {}", lastRun, now)); lastRun = now; var twitterService = new TwitterService(ConsumerKey, ConsumerSecret); twitterService.AuthenticateWith(Token, TokenSecret); List<TwitterStatus> latestTweets; if (latestTweet == null) { latestTweets = twitterService.ListTweetsOnSpecifiedUserTimeline(TwitterUserName, tweetLimit).ToList(); } else { latestTweets = twitterService.ListTweetsOnSpecifiedUserTimelineSince(TwitterUserName, latestTweet.Id, tweetLimit).ToList(); } if (!latestTweets.Any()) { return; } latestTweet = latestTweets.First(); foreach (var room in bot.Rooms) { bot.Say(string.Format("Latests tweets from @{0}", TwitterUserName), room); foreach (var tweet in latestTweets) { bot.Say(tweet.TextDecoded, room); } } }
public void Favorited(TwitterUser source, TwitterStatus target) { }
public void MessageReceived(TwitterStatus status) { }
public void OnStatus(TwitterStatus status) { _statusHandler(status); }
public void TestTokenValidation() { OAuthTokens fakeTokens = new OAuthTokens(); TwitterStatus.Update(fakeTokens, "This shouldn't work"); }
void NewTweet(TwitterStatus twitterizerStatus) { Tweet tweet = this._translationService.ConvertToViewModel(twitterizerStatus); this._repository.Add(tweet); }
public void RetweetRetweeted(TwitterUser source, TwitterUser target, TwitterStatus status) { }
public static IEnumerable <Inline> FlowContentInlines(TwitterStatus twitterStatus, ISettings settings) { twitterStatus.FlowContent ??= FlowContentNodes(twitterStatus).ToArray(); var nodes = ((FlowContentNodeType, string)[])twitterStatus.FlowContent;
public NotificationData(SlimNotificationKind kind, TwitterUser source, TwitterStatus targetStatus) { this.Kind = kind; this.SourceUser = source; this.TargetStatus = targetStatus; }
protected abstract bool CheckAcceptStatusCore(TwitterStatus status);
protected override bool CheckAcceptStatusCore(TwitterStatus status) { // only from web-fetching return(true); }
public void Retweeted(TwitterUser source, TwitterStatus original, TwitterStatus retweet) { }
public void Tweet(TwitterService twitterService, string msg, long tweetID) { TwitterStatus result = twitterService.SendTweet(new SendTweetOptions { Status = msg, InReplyToStatusId = tweetID }); }
public void OnStatus(TwitterStatus status) { StatusInbox.Enqueue(status); }
public void Retweeted(TwitterUser source, TwitterStatus target) { }
public void Quoted(TwitterUser source, TwitterStatus original, TwitterStatus quote) { }
void AddStatusToTimeline(TwitterStatus st) { var te = GetTemplate("SelectBorderListBoxItem"); var el = new ListBoxItem { Content = new Frame { Content = new TweetPage(context, st) }, Template = te }; if (context.TimelineReverse) { ListBoxTimeline.Items.Add(el); if (ListBoxTimeline.Items.Count > context.TimelineMaxStatusCount) { ListBoxTimeline.Items.RemoveAt(0); } } else { ListBoxTimeline.Items.Insert(0, el); if (ListBoxTimeline.Items.Count > context.TimelineMaxStatusCount) { ListBoxTimeline.Items.RemoveAt(context.TimelineMaxStatusCount); } } }
protected override bool CheckAcceptStatusCore(TwitterStatus status) { return(_filterFunc(status)); }
private void SendTweetInfo(IrcClient client, IList<IIrcMessageTarget> targets, TwitterStatus tweet) { client.LocalUser.SendMessage(targets, "@{0}: {1}", tweet.User.ScreenName, tweet.Text); }
public UnfavoritedEvent(TwitterUser user, TwitterStatus target) : base(user, target) { }
public void StatusReceived(TwitterStatus status) { }
public TweetDisplay(TwitterStatus _twitterStatus, string _eventContent, string _year) { twitterStatus = _twitterStatus; eventContent = _eventContent; year = _year; }
public void MentionReceived(TwitterStatus status) { }
private bool CheckAcceptStatus(TwitterStatus status) { return(!MuteBlockManager.IsUnwanted(status) && CheckAcceptStatusCore(status)); }
private static void NotifyNewArrival(TwitterStatus status, NotificationType type, string explicitSoundSource) { Head.NotifyNewArrival(status, type, explicitSoundSource); }
public NotificationData(SlimNotificationKind kind, TwitterStatus targetStatus) { this.Kind = kind; this.TargetStatus = targetStatus; }
private NewTwitterStatus(TwitterStatus twitterStatus) { this.twitterStatus = twitterStatus; }
void backgroundWorkerBuildConversation_DoWork(object sender, System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs e) { AccountTwitter account = AppController.Current.getAccountForId(startItem.accountId); if (!startItem.isDirectMessage) { #region Mention conversation decimal currentStatusId = startItem.InReplyToStatusId; while (currentStatusId != 0) { if (account.Mentions.Where(i => i.Id == currentStatusId).Count() > 0) { TwitterItem knownMention = account.Mentions.Where(i => i.Id == currentStatusId).First() as TwitterItem; if (knownMention != null) { currentStatusId = 0; currentStatusId = knownMention.InReplyToStatusId; backgroundWorkerBuildConversation.ReportProgress(100, knownMention); } } else if (account.Timeline.Where(i => i.Id == currentStatusId).Count() > 0) { TwitterItem knownTimeline = account.Timeline.Where(i => i.Id == currentStatusId).First() as TwitterItem; if (knownTimeline != null) { currentStatusId = 0; currentStatusId = knownTimeline.InReplyToStatusId; backgroundWorkerBuildConversation.ReportProgress(100, knownTimeline); } } else { GetTweetOptions options = new GetTweetOptions(); options.Id = Convert.ToInt64(currentStatusId); TwitterStatus status = startItem.RetrievingAccount.twitterService.GetTweet(options); currentStatusId = 0; if (status != null) { TwitterItem newItem = API.TweetSharpConverter.getItemFromStatus(status, startItem.RetrievingAccount); if (newItem != null) { backgroundWorkerBuildConversation.ReportProgress(100, newItem); currentStatusId = newItem.InReplyToStatusId; } } } } // future entries currentStatusId = startItem.Id; List <TwitterItem> allItems = new List <TwitterItem>(); foreach (IItem item in account.Mentions) { allItems.Add(item as TwitterItem); } foreach (IItem item in account.Timeline) { allItems.Add(item as TwitterItem); } List <decimal> multipleQueue = new List <decimal>(); while (currentStatusId != 0) { if (allItems.Where(i => i.InReplyToStatusId == currentStatusId).Count() > 0) { IEnumerable <TwitterItem> knownItems = allItems.Where(i => i.InReplyToStatusId == currentStatusId); currentStatusId = 0; foreach (TwitterItem item in knownItems) { if (item != null) { backgroundWorkerBuildConversation.ReportProgress(100, item); if (currentStatusId == 0) { currentStatusId = item.Id; } else { multipleQueue.Add(item.InReplyToStatusId); } } } } else { currentStatusId = 0; } if (currentStatusId == 0 && multipleQueue.Count() > 0) { currentStatusId = multipleQueue.First(); multipleQueue.RemoveAt(0); } } #endregion } else { #region DM conversation List <TwitterItem> allDms = new List <TwitterItem>(); foreach (IItem iitem in account.DirectMessages) { allDms.Add(iitem as TwitterItem); } Person chatPartner; if (startItem.Author.Username == account.Login.Username) { chatPartner = startItem.DMReceipient; } else { chatPartner = startItem.Author; } IEnumerable <IItem> allOwnDMsInConversation = allDms.Where(i => i.DMReceipient.Username == chatPartner.Username); foreach (TwitterItem item in allOwnDMsInConversation) { if (item != startItem) { backgroundWorkerBuildConversation.ReportProgress(100, item); } } IEnumerable <IItem> allRecDMsInConversation = allDms.Where(i => i.Author.Username == chatPartner.Username); foreach (TwitterItem item in allRecDMsInConversation) { if (item != startItem) { backgroundWorkerBuildConversation.ReportProgress(100, item); } } #endregion } }
public ActionResult View(int id) { TwitterStatus twitterStatus = Repository.GetStatusById(id); return(View(twitterStatus)); }
private void ProcessTweet(TwitterStatus Tweet) { String tweetText = Tweet.Text.Trim().ToLower(); if (!tweetText.Contains(userdata.PCname)) { return; } if (tweetText.Contains("shutdown")) { ProcessTweetShutdown("-s -f -t 30"); // Shutdown } else if (tweetText.Contains("restart")) { ProcessTweetShutdown("-r -f -t 30"); // Restart } else if (tweetText.Contains("logoff")) { ProcessTweetShutdown("-l -f -t 30"); // Logoff } else if (tweetText.Contains("hibernate")) { ProcessTweetSuspend(PowerState.Hibernate); } else if (tweetText.Contains("standby") || tweetText.Contains("sleep")) { ProcessTweetSuspend(PowerState.Suspend); } }
private void ApplyPatternCard(Contact contact, TwitterStatus tweet, PatternCard patternCard) { using (var client = XConnect.Client.Configuration.SitecoreXConnectClientConfiguration.GetClient()) { try { // Get updated contact with ContactBehaviorProfile facet var updatedContact = client.Get(new IdentifiedContactReference("twitter", tweet.User.ScreenName), new ContactExpandOptions(ContactBehaviorProfile.DefaultFacetKey)); if (updatedContact == null) { return; } // Retrieve facet or create new var isNewFacet = false; var facet = updatedContact.GetFacet <ContactBehaviorProfile>(ContactBehaviorProfile.DefaultFacetKey); if (facet == null) { isNewFacet = true; facet = new ContactBehaviorProfile(); } // Change facet properties var score = new ProfileScore { ProfileDefinitionId = patternCard.GetProfile().ID.ToGuid() }; if (score.Values == null) { score.Values = new Dictionary <Guid, double>(); } var patterns = patternCard.GetPatterns(); foreach (var pair in patterns) { score.Values.Add(pair.Key, pair.Value); } if (facet.Scores.ContainsKey(patternCard.GetProfile().ID.Guid)) { facet.Scores[patternCard.GetProfile().ID.Guid] = score; } else { facet.Scores.Add(patternCard.GetProfile().ID.Guid, score); } // Save the facet if (isNewFacet) { client.SetFacet <ContactBehaviorProfile>(updatedContact, ContactBehaviorProfile.DefaultFacetKey, facet); } else { client.SetFacet(updatedContact, ContactBehaviorProfile.DefaultFacetKey, facet); } client.Submit(); } catch (XdbExecutionException ex) { Diagnostics.Log.Error( $"[HashTagMonitor] Error applying Patter Card to Contact '{contact.Personal().Nickname}'", ex, GetType()); } } }
/// <summary> /// Create StreamingEvent /// </summary> public StreamingEvent(TwitterStatus tstatus) { this.Kind = ElementKind.Status; this.Status = tstatus; this.SourceUser = tstatus.User; }
public ActionResult <TwitterStatus> AddTwitterStatusToMongoDb(TwitterStatus twitterStatus) { _mongoDbServicer.Create(twitterStatus); return(CreatedAtRoute("GetTwitterStatus", new { id = twitterStatus.Id }, twitterStatus)); }
private void SendTweetInfo(IrcClient client, IList <IIrcMessageTarget> targets, TwitterStatus tweet) { client.LocalUser.SendMessage(targets, "@{0}: {1}", tweet.User.ScreenName, SanitizeTextForIrc(tweet.Text)); }
private StatusModel(TwitterStatus status, StatusModel retweetedOriginal) : this(status) { RetweetedStatus = retweetedOriginal; }